RE: =Igneus= General War Discussion (Full Version)

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Fire King -> RE: =Igneus= General War Discussion (6/27/2008 20:01:49)

Go 1000 HP! I am DQ's secondhand land lord.


sacchi -> RE: =Igneus= General War Discussion (6/27/2008 20:04:56)


Meh, it would help a lot if I had a dragonblade, but I just don't have the Z-Tokens for it... Well, I could sell my house, then I would have enough for it!

~DQ has page pwnership.

They even got out the quote button now...

Anyway, it's not worth it. The mega dragon blade seeks the enemy's weakness, so it's just better to have 8 different elemental weapons.

Fire King -> RE: =Igneus= General War Discussion (6/27/2008 20:07:42)

I just fought a Zzzzzzzot, and Lord Cyrus was my partner. T.T Woe is me! :(


Dragon Queen -> RE: =Igneus= General War Discussion (6/27/2008 20:38:10)

Just fought a Drakel Ice Mage at our base. An ICE mage? What the hell is this doing here?


sacchi -> RE: =Igneus= General War Discussion (6/27/2008 20:47:21)

Trying to suicide.

Looks like you beat it before he could.

Fire King -> RE: =Igneus= General War Discussion (6/27/2008 21:51:25)

He was probably taking advantage of the types, even though he is also at a disadvantage.


Ryu Viranesh -> RE: =Igneus= General War Discussion (6/27/2008 21:57:56)

I have returned and am ready to join the fight once more.

Draconian -> RE: =Igneus= General War Discussion (6/27/2008 22:31:56)

This sucks. I can't help. At All. Darn me for being careless about forgetting me password...D= Well...I'm helping...through a newly lvl 9 T.T

sacchi -> RE: =Igneus= General War Discussion (6/27/2008 22:39:11)

Why don't you try to recover your password as a normal person would do?

Shadow Raven X -> RE: =Igneus= General War Discussion (6/27/2008 22:40:07)

I wanna get involved!!

DarkEternal -> RE: =Igneus= General War Discussion (6/27/2008 22:50:19)

Well I'm trying to help (No really! I am!) but I've gotten Pzycho Fiends and other incredibly hard Fire enemies. So I'm of no use. I'll log out after Ballyhoo so a Adventurer who would be of more use can log on. Yeah, I'm really nice.

@Draconian: Did you try



Shadow Raven X -> RE: =Igneus= General War Discussion (6/27/2008 23:05:25)

Well i have no clue what im doing, and after i finish my weapons, ill be glad to help just tell me whats goign on!

sacchi -> RE: =Igneus= General War Discussion (6/27/2008 23:13:55)

A war is going on, that's what happening.

Shadow Raven X -> RE: =Igneus= General War Discussion (6/27/2008 23:16:04)

lol how do i do it and stuff

ive been away for 6 months i have no clue whats going on :(

sacchi -> RE: =Igneus= General War Discussion (6/27/2008 23:18:12)

A lvl 130 asks me for help, this is awesome! *feels good*

Well, just go to Paxia and click the war button. Then look at the prologue quest. Then participate in the war.

You can also go to Deren and play all the'Galin chapters you missed. YES, IT'S TRUE. THE'GALIN SAGA ENDED!

Dragon Queen -> RE: =Igneus= General War Discussion (6/27/2008 23:22:47)

Wow... 6 months... I can even bear to be away for 1 month!


ABSTRT -> RE: =Igneus= General War Discussion (6/27/2008 23:24:34)

Yea its hard catching up even after a few weeks.

Shadow Raven X -> RE: =Igneus= General War Discussion (6/27/2008 23:26:28)

hahaha this game got SO stupid with all the updates and stuff, in my opinion there were just toooo much for me, but yeah
im like half back

ive been playing for a little on most days im trying to get back into it, but yeah once i hit 130 it got boring and i didnt feel like playing anymore

soo hopefuly i wanna make some friends on the forums who i can talk to on aim and ill get back into it!

but yeah i just have to finish my weapons, and maybe try and get shadow cloak once, and ill try participating in the war.

sacchi -> RE: =Igneus= General War Discussion (6/27/2008 23:27:23)

Well, I once simply got so much into anime that I didn't feel like posting here for a week. When I came back, this place was dead lol.

I'll never guys need me so much.

Shadow Raven: Here is a note. If you want to post in the Igneus Board, you might get infected with insanity. We're all insane, we have overpowered pets, who have pets, which have pets, and members attempting to assassinate Eddie. Not to mention the occasional RPing and spamming.

Oh my, I just gave a million reasons to mods to kill us all.

ABSTRT -> RE: =Igneus= General War Discussion (6/27/2008 23:28:43)

I got aim! I'll give it to you if you want, I'm trying to get back into it too.

Shadow Raven X -> RE: =Igneus= General War Discussion (6/27/2008 23:29:27)

haha don't get cocky there sacchi ;)

also do you have that link where it's got all the stats and stuff for the war?

sacchi -> RE: =Igneus= General War Discussion (6/27/2008 23:32:28)

Since tokens and clan health are not affected, there's no point in looking at the aqstats statistics.

Here are some info on getting to know the Igneis:


Past Elections:
Eddie's Best Form: A tie between form 5 and 6. Sorry, not enough votes on that one.
Eddie Jr's New Name: A great moment in Igneus history. Say hello to Vulcan, my fellow Ignei!
Clan Clown: Sacchi!
Most Insane: Sacchi again!
Most Sane: Wintes! Let all those emotions run through you now..
Most Annoying MIXWELL_MAN2! Uh... Congrats, I guess...
Most Likely to go Off-Topic That would be me. Uh... *pats self on back?*

Shadow Raven X -> RE: =Igneus= General War Discussion (6/27/2008 23:35:13)

haha im confused

do you have MSN or Aim? i'd wanna talk there if you could lol

sacchi -> RE: =Igneus= General War Discussion (6/27/2008 23:37:05)

Sure. I'll pm it to you.

ShadowScypher -> And Page 5 (6/27/2008 23:47:22)

Geese why does everybody get hard enemies? Whenever I fight I get wimpy Drakel Air-raiders etc.

Hah! Another page I own!

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