RE: Fancy Tales (Full Version)

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Arthur The Brave One -> RE: Fancy Tales (10/21/2008 13:37:46)

Darkness Unleashed

[Small intro]

Breaking your heart
Waking your soul
Tearing you up
Making you whole
Killing your faith
Being your priest
Ending your life
Like darkness unleashed!

From the depths
I arose.
I conquered all,
So I suppose
Wherever I go
Lives will be taken.
You know it’s true
I can’t be forsaken!

I am the all;
You all are mine;
I am the one
Who will break your shine.
Wherever I go
People shall die;
Once you pass on
You might wonder why.

[small interlude:]
Being me is a curse
Being me is like hell
Being you 's just the same
Being you means farewell

[Chorus Twice]

Can you feel my presence?
Can you feel the fear?
Can you feed my hatred,
Might darkness appear?
I might bring you power
I might bring you cash
But one thing is sure:
I'll turn you to ash.

I’m roaming once more:
Another life gone.
What would it take
For me to reach dawn?
A crack in my soul?
A blade through my heart?
If only I had those;
Did not from the start.

[Small interlude:]
What am I, I ask.
Just a killing machine?
When I take your life
My hands won’t stay clean.

[Chorus Twice]

Please wake me,
Please save me;
End this nightmare
I call life.
Please help me,
Please guide me;
For I’m alone
In all my strife.(stretch 'strife' the 2nd time)

[Instrumental Solo]

Breaking my heart,
Waking my soul,
Tearing me up,
Making me whole.
Killing my faith -
It’s been long past.
Ending my life -
Freedom at last!


Arthur The Brave One -> RE: Fancy Tales (10/27/2008 15:53:33)

The Sound of Music
-Pun intended-

Tunes falling on my ears;
Sounds stuck in my brain.
However -
Deaf ears;
Numb brains;
The music left unheard -

Sounds, reanimating me,
Trying to bring me to live again.
Music trying to reach my soul -
Just like the way it all began.

The sounds are confirming -
Telling me I'm alive once more.
Turn up the the volume;
Turn on the lights;
Come on, come with me
To the world:
Our dance floor.

Arthur The Brave One -> RE: Fancy Tales (11/3/2008 13:57:56)


I think I can hear
Her name.
She is my flame.

She knows I'm here,
Waiting for her,
Always waiting,
Until the day I die -
Forever hating.

She tries to out-wait me,
But she can not -
No she will not -
Because my feelings
Will never rot.

In the shadows
In the sunshine
Forever pending
Never resting
Never ending.

Arthur The Brave One -> RE: Fancy Tales (11/21/2008 14:16:11)

Battles Lost

I think to know,
But in the end
We all dabble
In ignorance.

I pull the trigger,
My hand is shaking,
I didn't dare to
Watch you, breaking.

A blade flashes.
White steel,
Red blood,
Black death;
All so unreal.

I strike you in the back.
You look at me, in terror.
Then I lose all my resolve,
All dignity and honor.

Then I feel it:
The ache in my heart.
Not from love,
But from death's art.

I lay dead, on the ground,
All emotion gone.
In the end, we all have fallen,
The enemy has won.

Arthur The Brave One -> RE: Fancy Tales (12/28/2008 18:01:18)


Turn, spin,
Round and round.
To lose is to win,
Lost equals found.

Death for the living -
Life for the dead.
Punishment for the the giving,
By judges poorly clad.

The wisest go insane,
The strongest become weak.
The poorest of mind will then go reign,
The evil and the meek.

Turn spin, round and round!
Be glad you live in this world.
Because when lost will equal found,
Your mind itself gets swirled!

Arthur The Brave One -> RE: Fancy Tales (1/4/2009 16:17:20)

A Little Morning Stroll

I saw a squirrel
Dancing in 'em leaves.
I saw a duck,
Sitting silently in 'em pond.
I saw my own shoes,
Most of all,
That carry me
On this little morning stroll.

Just a simple stroll
Nothing special
Or extraordinary.
And when I think no one is looking,
I sit down on a bench and smile,
Looking at the peaceful clouds above.

A little bird lands next to me
And we watch the sun rise
Together, not alone,
And watch its colors
Fill the sky
And feel it's warmth
Heat our skins
Until we're satisfied
And go our separate ways again.

Just an ordinary stroll
Nothing special
Or extraordinary.
And when I think no one is looking.
I jump up
And fly away with the wind.

Arthur The Brave One -> RE: Fancy Tales (1/10/2009 8:54:53)

Collab: Winter > Everything Else
~My lines are red, ana's are blue :3~

Snow is falling,
Hip hooray!
Now we can do a
Snowballfight, today!

Ice and snow
'tis a bit of cold
Frozen ponds, perfect for skating
Lots of snow, enough for snowpeople

I'm walking in the street
See heaps of snow, everywhere
Kids, all with warm gloves,
And a snowman here and there

Adults in faux fur coats
Helping their kids build snowpeople
Balling up snow, little by little
Add a scarf, and mittens on sticks
Finish it off with carrot for nose

One kid throws
A snowball at me
A grin forms on my face
As I return the favor

A fort is built
To try and protect
But snowballs still permeate
Especially when several
Are thrown at a time

Oh yes, winter,
We're all so fond of it
Everyone's laughing
All are having fun
In this season of cold and snow

also season for colds
and the flu
being sick, and out of school
Snow days, though rare
for some, are often very fun

But the snow won't last
It's all just temporary
Even so, let's have fun
As long as we can

Ice and snow'll melt
Holidays fade away
Seems the best
Of winter is free
Fun with friends
In the snow

So let us come together
Join around a Christmas tree
With a cup of hot chocolate
Now, wouldn't you agree?

Toss in some marshmallows
And an ice cube
Toast in the New Year
Before we wander off back to school

But let’s not get ahead of ourselves
Let’s enjoy this while it lasts
Let’s look for Santa, and his little elves

And his eight tiny reindeer plus Rudolf
With his shiny red nose as he guides the way
For Santa, and his big red sleigh

Let’s not forget these wonderful times
When we return to our daily lives.

As we wander along
In among the snowpeople
We remember the joys we had
And the memories shared

Arthur The Brave One -> RE: Fancy Tales (2/9/2009 16:07:01)

Bittersweet Loving

I reach for you,
Seemingly failing
To catch up.

I bleed from a place
One cannot see;
Deep inside my chest;
The beat is fading.

Kneeling before God;
Awaiting a salvation
I can only observe.

Holding out my arms for you:
Hoping you'll come back to me.
But you won't.
I know.
For I am the one bleeding.

Arthur The Brave One -> RE: Fancy Tales (2/9/2009 16:18:42)

Battles Won

I hear the shouts
Of my fellows and friends.
I know we have survived.
But whether the glory was truly ours
Is the question that arrived.

I receive a medal on stage:
People smiling, people crying, people clapping.
I don't.
I refuse to show emotions.
I won't.

Out of respect to those that suffered;
To those that died;
Even to those who fled in shame.
For after all, those had all been braver
Than the one who was to blame.

The senseless battle,
The meaningless torture,
The ones who died in vain.
The ones who truly planned it all,
Are the ones drinking champagne.

Arthur The Brave One -> RE: Fancy Tales (3/16/2009 17:00:11)


Sometimes I feel
That the world is far too cruel,
That there is far too much to steal,
That there is far too much to rule.

Sometimes I think
That this whole masquerade
Is going out of sync
And soon the mask will fade.

Sometimes I desire
To believe the words I speak,
To just stop being a liar,
That is when the mask is weak.

Sometimes I do
Things that should never see the light.
It's when I know my world is through,
It's when I know it's time to write.

Arthur The Brave One -> RE: Fancy Tales (5/8/2009 13:31:44)

Framed Distort

Trying to reach out my hand,
Grasping at reality.
My thoughts seep away,
One by one,
Like little grains of sand.

The final light
At the end of the tunnel
Will soon turn dark,
And then, at last,
All will be right.

Staring in the blinding eyes
Of the madman now before me.
Hiding, seeking shelter,
Trying to escape
From this constructed world of lies.

Arthur The Brave One -> RE: Fancy Tales (5/12/2009 16:28:45)

My Goddess

In her eyes
I see the stars,
Which I shall reap like apples
And give to her:
My goddess.

In her smile
I see a brisk spring morning;
Beauty undisturbed,
That is she:
My goddess.

In her embrace
I feel invincible;
Not even God can touch me
When I'm with her:
My goddess.

And whenever I just sit next to her
Hand in hand, our hearts as one,
I am truly happy,
With her:
My goddess.

Arthur The Brave One -> RE: Fancy Tales (5/17/2009 3:36:51)


Can't you see?
We are not
Who we think we are.
We are the ones
Who will shine brightest
When all other lights fade.
But we don't know it

And our world shall end in flames
Like all the ones before it.
And our hearts shall end in darkness
Like the way they all began.
And our souls will end corrupted
But unlike all the others
We still won't be
Who we think we are.
But you can't see.
Nobody can see.
We've all been

Arthur The Brave One -> RE: Fancy Tales (5/21/2009 5:20:23)


I've got to find the open door -
I don't know what I'm looking for.
My heart lies shattered on the floor -
Please go, please go, please go....

I need to put my soul at rest -
I can't say that I have been blessed.
Now what will become of my quest?
Don't know, don't know, don't know....

Got all these voices in my head -
Sometimes I wish that I was dead.
But I killed the others instead -
God no, God no, God no....

They all say that I've been cursed -
Always afraid that I might burst;
Always afraid they will die first,
Too slow, too slow, too slow....

Now there is a gun in my face -
The irony is quite misplaced;
This is the end of my race -
Red snow, red snow, red snow....

Arthur The Brave One -> RE: Fancy Tales (6/16/2009 3:32:39)

A piece of mind

I am a product
Of an empty culture,
Of an empty life,
Of an empty day.

I am lost
In the maze that is society
In the maze that is my head

I am gone
For those simple disbelievers.
For those foolish excavators.
For all those stupid fools.

I am not
That which they think I am

I am fading
Into the blue
Into the mess
Into the fray.

I am god.

Arthur The Brave One -> RE: Fancy Tales (6/23/2009 12:37:43)


Rise today
Fall tomorrow
In the light
Of the darkness
We go forth
So we won't have to proceed

I don't care
About my needs
I don't feel
Emotionally sane
I don't see
Your darker side

Shining bright
With the light
Of vanity
And honor
I'm born of

Chaos flares
Silence burns
Like an ocean
Of madness

Is my only sanity
Yet it fuels
The darkness
Of you

It is all
It is naught
I am the loophole
Of creation
Of satisfaction
Of pain

This nightmare
Burning the skin
From my bones
Can't wake up
From this

Open your eyes to the darkness

Arthur The Brave One -> RE: Fancy Tales (7/2/2009 14:21:35)

Fade Away

Fading away
Sinking into darkness
Abandoning the light
All the chaos and the madness

A black puddle
Distorted moonlight
Enters my room
My realm of darkness

The borders fading
Everything contaminated
Fading away
Into the others
And itself

I'm fading away
Into you and all the others
I beg to differ
I'll walk alone

I won't fade away
I'll remain pure
As the puddle of darkness
I'm sinking into

Closing my eyes
To the darkness
As I fade away.

Arthur The Brave One -> RE: Fancy Tales (7/6/2009 14:40:27)


Bleeding, empty all alone -
Screaming into this microphone.
We will set the undertone
And leave you shaking
All alone.

Staring off into endless skies;
Hear the feeble, weakening cries.
I can no longer bear these lies;
Looking upwards
Into blood red skies.

The illusion is fading;
It's all cascading -
Into darkness,
Into hell.

We've all been running;
It's simply stunning
Just how foolish
We have been.

Once this hatred will return;
And we'll be here to watch them burn.
Because they will never learn.
They will be punished
They won't return.

They will bleed
For their greed.
We'll regain
What's is our name.

I'm a defender
I'll never surrender
I won't fall down
And I won't die.

Arthur The Brave One -> RE: A World of Words (7/16/2009 12:25:34)

Time To Hunt

Grab my gun,
Grab my gear,
Time to hunt
No place for fear

Sniff the air -
Don't make a sound.
Now look over here
What I have found.

Our first victim
Stands over there.
Can you smell
The pure despair?

Running is pointless
Still it tries.
I rip the heart out
Before your eyes.

You look at me in horror;
As if I did something wrong.
Well, my friend, I fear you're next,
In this land of the strong.

Arthur The Brave One -> RE: A World of Words (9/5/2009 12:30:15)


Lately there has been
This strange feeling
Sinking in my bones
Sinking in my heart

Terrible nightmares
Have come to haunt me
Waking every day
Covered in sweat

Dreams of death
Dreams of fire
Dreams of darkness
And despair
Dreams of horror
Dreams of chaos
Dreams of when it's
Finally here

I feel it coming
Constantly closing in

I've tried to run
But it was always futile
The more I ran
The faster it followed
Forever moving in
In the same slow pace
Never stopping
Never slowing

Arthur The Brave One -> RE: A World of Words (1/19/2010 17:02:47)

Won't Die Tonight

End starvation
End this war
Because my life just did not have enough point
Not up 'till now has there been a worthwhile moment
I'll bear the scar
Change the situation

End the dark
End the light
Stop the never ending cycle of hatred
Make the world start turning again
Revolution in the night
I'll be the spark

I will not die
Not tonight.
Because there is something I still need to do
I still need to change the world.
Still need to fight
Still need to say goodbye

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