Arthur The Brave One -> RE: Think, Question, Repeat (If Desired) | Comments (1/6/2009 17:19:45)
Why do you make so many poems so quickly :O Now I'll have quite a bit of work on my hands, presumably. Let's get on with it, then! :D Blank: S(tanza) 2, L(ine): I think it flows better if it'd be "I see how you are corrupt". May just be my silly ol' head though :P Other than that, I didn't really find anything. Overal, a really enjoyable poem. I believe it's meaning is like that of a wrecked relationship, but again, that may just be me seeing things :P Triangle Trade: Somehow, that just made me feel really sad. Sorry black people that we sold you as slaves! :( Another good poem. I couldn't really find any philosophic thoughts behind it, except for 'slavery is bad' and stuff. No notes to make here! :O *LeGasp* Christmas Poem: Nice, good and funny. Happy new year, Cow Face :D Pirates of Ebay: Sorry, I don't know "the ballad of gillagan's island", so I had to make do with my own mind. :P Made me chuckle a bit. Well written, and an easy read as well. Overall, you hit the nail right on the head once again :D Evermore: I feel like a phail here. Not a single usefull comment I can make here! I /can/ actually tell you that the flow in the 4th stanza is a little choppy, but I'm a nitpicker on flow anyway. Movin' on... Inarticulacy: My spelcheck says the title isn't really a word. Was it meant that way? Anyway, no problems here as well. Good choice of words, nice flow, etc, etc. The Difference: Again, good choice of words and flow. I really liked this one, it conveys a powerful meaning. Also, it's almost leaning a little towards epic, which I thought was pretty sweet. Well, once again, job well done! :) One Hundred: This is madness! Sorry, I just felt like I had to :P Anyway, you did another great job here. Flow was a little less than in the last 2, but still not any kind of problem. So yeah, I'm afraid that's all I really have to say. Sorry that I don't write as long reviews as you do, but I'm better when I've got something to work with. You're just so good already, all I can really say is that your poems are all (very) good. Skillfully written, all with thought put into choice of word, flow, stylistic tools, and all other thingamawuts. Actually, I've decided to nominate you for PotM, if I ever get the time to do so! :D Rhyme on! /Arthur