RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Sky Arena (Full Version)

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Sate -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Sky Arena (7/24/2008 0:08:52)

Justin saw the black bomb explode on the snow creature. It made a low and dull boom and Justin took a few steps back still pointing his staff forward.
When the darkness dissipated the snow creature seemed to be unharmed and only slightly hindered.
Thanks for the help, Justin thought, For all the good it did for me.
Then something caught Justin's eye: another black bomb coming from the other end of the arena but not flying in his direction.
Couldn't hurt.
Justin held his staff in his right hand and held it defensively toward Cryoface. Then, with his other hand he sent a stream of lighting at the black bomb to charge it with Energy, remembering the good old spell, Dark Lightning that some mages used.
With his staff held firmly in front of him Justin crossed his arm in front of him attempting to meet Cryoface's katana high above his head and brought his free hand back to its place on his staff to handle it.
"Some enemy of the Darkman is going to get a shock," Justin said to himself.

Beebote -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Sky Arena (7/24/2008 2:51:05)

Djaak grinned, almost sadistically, as he watched his opponent's response. Clever of him to try and respond to his attack in kind. Who was he to refuse additional ammunition. Djaak stood still and waited. The blades had crossed half the distance already and were closing fast. Still, Djaak didn't move. They were now dangerously close, approaching the point where he would have to act, or take a debilitating hit. Then, in a calm, smooth motion, he brought his fingertips together, as if pressing something between them. The blades wavered on their course, then turned sharply inward towards each other and collided. They spun off wildly, one landing at his feet, the other landing a few feet off to his right.

Djaak loved this. He had done this sort of thing before. The more calm he was, the more unnerved his opponents became. He had to radiate confidence, almost to the point of overconfidence. He had always fought a two-front battle. One of the body, and one of the mind. His actions always reflected this. He wanted to maintain the illusion of invincibility.

His opponent had begun to close the distance. Djaak's smirk didn't waver. He openned his arms, as if waiting to embrace his opponent, but the malicious gleam in his eye told another story. Clap! He brought his hands together quickly. The seven daggers that his opponent must have thought innert, lept from the ground and sped towards Kyle from all directions, all aiming either for the head or the torso. This was no test, but he was none the less interested in how his opponent planned to escape this one.

Mittoo -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Sky Arena (7/24/2008 3:54:17)


Tryx had instinctively threw his hands in front of his face when the dwarf lobbed a ball of light, causing him to drop a few feet in height, but it seemed as if he was okay for the time being, and the slight drop in height told him why - avoiding the attack, his adversary had dropped below the arena. Several options went through his head, and he dismissed them one by one. The other Wind contender was no ally of his. The Ice-man and the man with the shocking-ly bad puns were locked in combat such that he would only get hit by the collateral damage, and the dwarf seemed amiable enough. Until he sees me, at least.

As the booterang rested back on his waist, and the checkerboard-man arrived on the other side of the Arena, he noticed the dwarf's eyes locked on him. He swore, raising his weapons in an offensive stance. As the dwarf approached, orb in tow, he decided to match the charge with one of his own. He leapt from rock to rock, muttering a ritual that would allow him to get a blow in before, with any luck, the orb could explode and ruin the element of surprise for him. Chips of rock seperated off the stones that he leapt on as his magically-assisted boots crashed into them.

He drew closer now, the ritual completed and his breath held. When he was in spitting distance of the dwarf (which, once he thought about it, would still be fairly far away) he let in a super-naturally deep breath, activating the ritual. It was an ancient and parasitic spell, having the effect of breathing in the nearby opponent's air. Already assuming that his spell worked, and the dwarf was choking in panic, he let out the breath slowly, without emotion, and stopped, letting out a swinging kick before punching out with his bladed fist, aiming for what would have been the stomach of a human, but was closer to the chest of the dwarf.

Hardly a fair fight, but that orb started what I shall finish.

Cheeseliker -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Sky Arena (7/24/2008 17:03:14)

As Sabadhai hurtled forward, the Bootman charged right at the dwarf. Just as the ball closed in, Sabadhai suddenly could not breath. Slowing down his run, he clutched at his throat. Somehow, there was no air, or he could not take any in. He stopped moving, and calmed himself. He couldn't panic now. He closed his mouth, and held what little breath he still had as the Bootman closed in. Despite being a dwarf, Sabadhai had become quite good at martial arts while training as a monk, and easily blocked the kick upwards with his forearm and slammed the Bootman's wrist aside and up. Bootman's fist hit only the air beside Sabadhai's head.

The ball of Light hung in the air, left there by Sabadhai who could see no use for it at the moment. His brass knuckles made of Light still encased his hands, and he planned on throwing some punches. That's when he heard something flying through the air his way. Glancing back, he saw the energized bomb of Darkness closing in fast. Sabadhai took a step sideways and hurled himself to the adjacent stone, as he sent the ball of Light on an intercepting path with the bomb. They hit just where Sabadhai had been standing a moment ago. The ball of Light managed to neutralize the Dark energy of the bomb, but did nothing to stop the other effects. Shards of metal, electrically charged were sent flying in all directions. Sabadhai rolled, and twisted, managing to avoid nearly all that came his way. He felt one pierce his back and another lodge itself in his right arm. Pain exploded throughout his body as the electric charge coursed through his body.

Sabadhai gritted his teeth. BLOODY COWARD! He thought, inwardly groaning as the electric shock slowly went away. He was not in a good position. He was injured lying face up on a stone diagonally adjacent to the Bootman, and who knew where the Dark-user or his partner were, or what they were doing. He needed time to heal, and he doubted anyone was going to just give it to him. Oh well, he had planned for this.

Sabadhai placed his hands palm down upon the stone, closed his eyes and concentrated. It didn't take long. A beam of Light exploded from his body up into the air. It lengthened to take up the entirety of the stone. One big beam of Light, impossible to see into, when even looking at it caused most to wince or shut their eyes, and Sabadhai in the center. Fortunately, he could look around without problem, except that he could only see the inside of the beam, thus he could only see the stone he laid upon. It was good enough though, and should keep the enemies at bay long enough. He pulled the metal shards out of his skin, ignoring the pain. He closed his eyes and concentrated, the wounds slowly healing themselves up.

Sabadhai's face was no longer calm, or peaceful. His eyebrows were turned down, his eyes narrowed. In short, he was pissed. Once he was ready, he would extinguish the beam, and go after one, and only one combatant. The checkered Dark-user.

kenzoku -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Sky Arena (7/24/2008 18:56:38)

Havoc watched with a grin as the events unfolded before him. Soon after the bomb had left his hand, a bolt of lightning charged it from across the field. Just as he was giddily anticipating the effect of his newly energized toy, the bomb received a third charge from the light user, effectively canceling out his own energy to change his explosive into the staff-wielder's explosive. It was quite the inspired occurrence, otherwise his device would release nothing more than metal shards. Still, he was rather disappointed that he had been deprived of watching the explosion of black lightning.

Just as he was ready to write off the dwarf as a possible threat, a beacon of light erupted into the sky. A light that brought a pair of thoughts to the surface of Havoc's mind. Wow... I ought to be somewhere else right about now. It reminded him of caterpillars, which naturally changed into butterflies. Still, this was more like a fly changing into a hornet... And it was probably going to sting something awful. Havoc frowned. Oh dear. I'm awful. The acrobat raised his fists to chest level, preferring to have his daggers near enough to comfort him. In this confrontation, perhaps the dwarf and himself would prove evenly matched. Havoc was already imagining it: The dwarf performing intricate martial arts and himself exercising his profound agility, flexibility, and dagger manipulation. It was going to be close!

qbsuperstar03 -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Sky Arena (7/24/2008 19:23:59)

With tremendous force, Cryoface's katana met with the staff, causing a resounding CLANG. But even if I sunder it, the Snow Warrior thought to himself, he'll just reform it again like he did with that shield. But now he was in melee range. Time for something a little trickier than before, he reasoned.

Cryoface swept his lower half around in a clockwise circle, while staying focused on Justin with his upper body. This way, he could coat the area he was standing on with ice. Being a construct and not a humanoid, Cryoface had no issues regarding hyperextension, as he had no ligaments or tendons to speak of that would limit the flexibility of his "joints."

The key was to keep his foe on the defense. If Justin got off another opportunity to launch one of those lightning bolts, combined with his seeming alliance with the Darkness user, Cryoface would be a puddle in mere seconds from their combined strength. But it seemed as if some kind of short, stocky humanoid wielding balls of light had engaged the one in the checkered robe. That was good. It let Cryoface focus solely on this wielder of Energy. Still, Cryoface knew that the very fact that he had to keep tabs on more than one potential foe could be his undoing in this battle.

OcarinaofTime -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Sky Arena (7/24/2008 22:46:55)

Kyle's opponent seemed insistent on Keeping as much distance between them as possible, continually hurling dagger after dagger. It seemed that if he were to get an attack in, and actually win, he would need to get closer. As the daggers raised from the floor and headed towards him, without thinking, he jumped straight up in the air. He had jumped higher than anticipated, but not high enough. Firing a blast of flames from his hands, Kyle was propelled well over the daggers as he flipped acrobatically, over the daggers. Landing hard, boots bracing the fall, he quickly stood up and ran straight at Djaak, longsword trailing behind. "Never, underestimate a flame," Kyle proclaimed as he raised his upright, against his chest, before taking a heavy downward swing aimed at his opponents neck, the inextinguishable flame having grown in intensity as he did. It seemed however, thatin his wild swing, his aim was slightly off as the illuminating blade glided through the air towards Djaak's left shoulder.

It was very obvious that the testing and toying was long over and that this was where quick thinking, and good reflexes would count. The sword being extremely light to hold, lacking the heavy metal, made up for it's lack of momentum with a quicker swing speed, and a fiery blade that had charred an uncountable number in the past. As he swung, time seemed to slow down in his mind as he considered the possible favored element of his opponent. He could be anything at this point, possibly wind the way he controlled the daggers. Perhaps he was manipulating the air around it to make them follow his commands. If so, it was a clever trick that even Kyle could appreciate. If not, he'd have to figure out Djaak's element soon, or else risk putting himself at a disadvantage. Then again, Kyle still had plenty of tricks up his sleeve.

Beebote -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Sky Arena (7/26/2008 6:25:16)

As Kyle raised the blade to strike, Djaak's right foot traced an arc on the ground as he brought it back and dropped into a more defensive stance; his right hand drifting to the small of his back, his left arm hanging slightly bent at his side. He focused, not on the blade in his opponents hand, but square into the man's eyes. If his opponent looked back into his, all he'd see would be a coiled serpent, patiently waiting for its chance to strike. To Djaak, a fight was like a very complicated chess game, and he was looking for a hole in the defense so he could slip a piece in behind the lines. Nothing else mattered; not the other Wind user and his unusual footgear, not the snow warrior, not the exploding darkness bomb, not even the energy wizards aweful puns. He blacked it all out. He watched. He waited. He saw it. He struck.

In a flash of silver, his left arm came up and struck the incoming firebrand. There was a dull thunk. Not like metal on metal, but definitely the collision of two solid objects. The blade had struck the pollished silver bracer on that arm, stopping its deadly journey short. Almost instantly, his right hand snaked out from behind his back accompanied by a glint of silver. Djaak stepped forward aggressively with his right leg and brought his right arm up under his opponents arms. There was another flash of silver, not of armor, but of a blade as Djaak thrust one of his blades in towards the man's exposed ribcage with all his might. "No escape. It's over, and I havn't even completely warmed up yet." He thought to himself. The Wind Lord surely favored him today.

Sate -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Sky Arena (7/26/2008 11:32:44)

Justin blocked his foe's attack but then the snow warrior did something that was quite unexpected. He half-spun around. He didn't spin around halfway, he spun half of him all the way.
Justin instinctively jumped back, away from the monster and began to charge his hand while stepping deliberately back. Then the electric fields caused the metal in the staff to morph yet again. Although he was Justin Krehdibl, he needed some space and his new pogo stick would help him get it.
"Nothing personal, Frosty," Justin said as he hopped on his misshapen staff, "I just find you revolting, hee hee! Ohmygosh that was brilliant!"
At that, Justin lazily tossed a lighting ball in Cryoface's general direction and his staff popped him into the air.
Justin flew through the air away from the now furious snow warrior and looked to two fighters, one with a burning desire to win the other had a mysterious air about him.
"Time for a dramatic change of pace," Justin said to himself, then shouted to a warrior as he fell back to the ground.
"A white tunic? You should have told me watt you were going to wear! Now you have to go home and CHANGE!
Justin let loose with a stream of energy from his hand toward the rogue monk in the white tunic and cape as he landed on the ground and morphed his pogo back to staff.

qbsuperstar03 -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Sky Arena (7/26/2008 15:13:23)

Due to the lazy toss, Cryoface was easily able to dodge this latest energy attack. It was almost like Justin was toying with him now, as if he knew he had a significant advantage but was breaking off for some reason. An opportunity too good to waste had just presented itself.

"Snowball!" He yelled it out once again in that voice that sounded like an iceberg breaking off of a glacier, this time aiming for Justin's backside. If all went well, Justin would land and then get an unwelcome surprise as his small clothes would suddenly get soaked and freezing, and the high altitude of this place wouldn't help matters much. Plus, he might save someone the displeasure of getting zapped by a guy who, for whatever reason, couldn't refrain from taunting his opponents, and thus gain an ally like Justin seemed to have.

OcarinaofTime -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Sky Arena (7/26/2008 17:07:30)

As Kyle watched Djaak move into a defensive position, he foresaw the inevitable clash of his blade on the bracer. With the resounding thud, Kyle dropped the blade taking a step back. Kyle stared his opponent in the eyes as the flames from the blade turned into a small bird, flying upwards as a second flame shot from his body. As he tried to determine his opponents strategy, Kyle decided to throw in another powerful attack to throw his opponent off balance. As the two flames turned into fists Kyle let out a snicker, only to notice a a bit of reflection flash off from the direction of his opponent. Kyle stopped a moment instead of attacking. His hands were clenched into fists, much like the floating ones, and as he opened them, so did the ones before him. As the bladed headed towards him, Kyle clapped his hands hard, and the floating palms did the same, closing on the sword that shot towards his exposed body. Kyle decided his opponent was far more clever than he had anticipated, and so, without releasing his flame's nearly unbreakable grip on the sword, several fiery ants crawling from his heart into his trench coat began to surround the knives hidden within. Shooting straight through, leaving 5 holes in his trench coat, one per knife, as the 5 knives hurtled towards his Djaak, their paths random, but homing in on his body heat, a trick Kyle had learned several years ago.

Beebote -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Sky Arena (7/26/2008 18:23:10)

As his thrust closed in on the fire user, Djaak was already planning ahead. Once dispatched, he would leave his opponent to his fate and turn to find the next compatible target. Perhaps the bomb thrower or the boot thrower would make good follow-up targets. Suddenly, he felt his blade meet resistance prematurely. Damn! This one was fast…and clever with his flames. Djaak’s nostrils flared slightly in annoyance, the only outward indication that he was surprised by his opponent’s action. His eyes remained inscrutable; his wicked grin didn’t waver. He held fast to the sword, his mind working over his possible moves.

He heard another pair of puns, and fought the urge to wince and roll his eyes. The energy mage was getting harder and harder to ignore. It had been a novelty at first, but it was beginning to get on his nerves now. He decided that he would deal with him as soon as he had outwitted this one. He chose his move and tensed for action.

Zap! The lightning bolt the mage had cast struck him on the side and knocked him flying. His eyes squeezed shut in pain as the energy charred his side. With his eyes shut, he never realized how close he came to death as five daggers sped out from his Kyle’s coat, one narrowly missing Djaak’s exposed neck. Djaak slammed into the ground roughly and seized his side instinctively. He felt the hole burned in his tunic and the skin that had been charred beneath by the attack. His eyes flashed open. Instead of the patient snake, waiting for the chance to strike; his eyes reflected anger of the wounded wolf, preparing to take down the hunters.

He rolled over onto his stomach and stared right at the cowardly mage. “Dat der’ was not wise, mahgus. You shoo’d not ‘af done dat.” He growled quietly to himself as he stood up. The mage would pay for that, but not now; not yet. Right now, Djaak had to focus on getting back into the fight.

Now on his feet, Djaak snapped his fingers. There was the sound of rushing wind and all his blades vanished, leaving his fiery opponent empty handed. The blades reappeared in their appropriate sheaths, ready to be used once more.

Djaak looked to his left, where the impertinent mage stood, then to his right where his first opponent stood. His eyes returned to the front and remained there. His eyes went slightly out of focus as he allowed his peripheral vision to track his opponents. He was fighting two now, and he had to be ready…for anything.

Sate -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Sky Arena (7/26/2008 21:06:07)

A direct hit!
Justin was pleased that he had knocked down such a formidable contender with his attack. Even though it was more-or-less a 'sucker punch' Justin felt that he needed to play it big and try to sell himself as a real threat. Yes, he was a threat, he was a contender, he was Justin Krehdibl!
"Come on, champ!" Justin called, "Socket to me-"
Suddenly there was a biting cold that struck Justin with great force. The shock and the impact caused him to stumble and fall down. He had been hit by a snowball. A snowball of sinister origins, no doubt. Thrown by none other than the nefarious Cryoface. His archnemesis for nearly five minutes and counting. Justin was shivering on his hands and knees, stunned and c-c-c-cold as ice, trying to gather himself. He had to get it together, he had to defend himself, and the greatest challenge of all: he had to come up with an electrifying pun that he hadn't said already!
He used his manipulation of Energy to keep his stiff limbs moving despite the stinging cold as he rolled over and tried to brush the snow off of his clothes, ignoring the thousands of needles stinging his flesh.
"I am NOT an icezar-" Justin looked down at the staff that was now attached to his tongue, "Oh cwub, how embawathing,"

qbsuperstar03 -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Sky Arena (7/27/2008 16:47:24)

There was no time to think. Justin was down and apparently having a bit of a hard time enunciating. And he had attacked with lethal force, which meant only one thing now that his guard was down. He must be met with lethal force as well.

Moving as swiftly as possible, Cryoface put himself into position to take off Justin's head with one clean swing, while paying attention to Havoc, making sure that he didn't throw another bomb his way. His snakelike lower body made it difficult to negotiate the gaps, but he was also less likely to lose his footing, as he had no feet to speak of. Up onto the top section that seemed to rotate the fastest, then quickly down again towards the temporarily helpless Justin.

"Death to those that dare to stand against the Ice Lord's favored!" That simple command he had been given just prior to entering the tournament now rang in his head again as he stood over his foe. In one swift motion, he swung his katana, aiming at Justin's neck. Fate would now decide whether this follower of the Energy Lord would survive...

OcarinaofTime -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Sky Arena (7/27/2008 19:09:14)

Kyle had seen a Cryoface, an icy creature ready to guillotine Justin. Although he could care less about Justin, he had helped him a bit, and there was the long lasting rivalry between fire and ice. Releasing his fiery grip on he sword, Kyle ran towards Djaak but tumbled to the side, picking up the hilt it seemed he had forgotten. One of the pure-fire palms flew to the sword where it became a blade once more as Kyle moved into a defensive position. While he didn't change his footing so much as his opponent had earlier, he brought out a small katana hilt in his left hand for smaller blocking, a snake slithering along Kyle's body to form another blade.

The other palm clenched into a fist and flew straight towards the snow caster. Since he seemed preoccupied with the one who was at his blade's sharp end, and the other who'd been flinging bombs earlier, it would leave Cryoface with little or no time to deal with it. Kyle no longer had a single opponent as he had provoked the snow creature. But hopefully he had found himself an ally in the one who was quick to joke. He figured that unless Djaak continued to confront him, he would redirect his focus on Cryoface, considering it a more efficient use of his own fiery powers. As he tensed his own muscles, he silently said a prayer in the name of the Fire Lord, closing his eyes, though keeping aware, through body heat, of his surroundings.

Cheeseliker -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Sky Arena (7/27/2008 19:10:54)

The beam of Light vanished, revealing only the lone dwarf standing on the stone. His face was grim, his eyes glaring, as he faced Havoc, the checkered combatant. Sabadhai did not point, or call out, or give any warning whatsoever. He merely started sprinting right at the Dark-user. The knuckles of Light were pulsing now, filled with energy ready to be unleashed.

Sabadhai's eyes narrowed as he closed in. He conjured no balls of Light, or anything else magical. He was ready for a good face to face brawl. Ready to dish out a beating, but also ready to take one as well. Dwarves were good at that. In a fistfight, knowing how to give pain is only slightly more advantageous to knowing how to take it as well. Sabadhai knew pain would be dished out to both sides, but he was sure he could give and take more pain then this cowardly checkered man.

Sabadhai was too focused, and wasn't paying attention to the stones. As he jumped from a stone about 15 feet from the Dark-user, his foot caught the lip of the next stone and he went tumbling to the ground and rolled right off the edge. His hands snapped out, fingers just barely catching the top, barely stopping him from falling to his death. What a foolish mistake he seemed to have made, and now appeared to be at the mercy of whoever got to him first.

kenzoku -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Sky Arena (7/27/2008 21:25:07)

Havoc laughed heartily at the dwarf's unfortunate mistake. "My! You actually had me worried, too!" Havoc pointed out, expertly traversing the rough terrain on well-trained legs. "Sometimes a light is brightest just before it goes out. Oh well, eh?" He grinned wickedly, his blue eyes flashing malevolently. "No hard feelings though. If you die, I'll have nothing but nice things to say at your funeral." As he stopped a fair distance from the edge, a thin screen of shadow veiled his eyes, filtering out all unnecessary light to avoid being surprised by an orb of light. He was doubly delighted; Not only had the screen worked, but the dwarf was completely vulnerable! The daggers slithered out from Havoc's sleeves, coiling on the floor like serpents and ready to strike at his prey's vulnerable hands. The acrobat opened his mouth to give the dwarf an ultimatum of surrender or die... but frowned. He silently bent forward and hooked his feet around a protruding stone for support. I may very well learn a lesson from this. It may or may not be something to remember for the rest of what could possibly be a short, painful existence. He thought grimly. Indeed, this act would put him at the mercy of the one who was the most hostile towards him. He firmly gripped his adversary's hands as his daggers embedded themselves into the floor to aid his efforts. Completely vulnerable and with much huffing and puffing, he pulled with all of his strength to bring the dwarf -- his greatest apparent opponent -- back onto the arena's surface once again.

Cheeseliker -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Sky Arena (7/27/2008 22:06:38)

Unfortunately, Sabadhai did not know his opponents intentions, and as such, was thinking the man was coming to finish the job. The trip had been a hoax, an attempt to make the dwarf appear helpless, and the checkered man had fallen for it. As the man got closer, the knuckles of Light pulsed brighter, and faster. Just a bit farther, thought Sabadhai.

The man leaned just a bit farther, about to grab the dwarf. Perfect.

"I promise you checkered one, I will destroy your darkness before my Light goes out!" Sabadhai growled. The bolts of Light that had surrounded the dwarf's knuckles for so long shot off, straight at the chest of the checkered man, each full of Light energy, and with the checkered man so close, it seemed nigh impossible the two bolts of Light energy would not hit.

Meanwhile, Sabadhai placed his feet on the side of the large stone from which he hung. Bending his legs, he leaped off the side of the stone to the adjacent one, rolling onto the top and into standing position. He held his hand in front of him palm up. The ball of Light that he had created at the beginning was still around, floating in the same space he had left it. It zoomed now to his open hand.

"Time to end this. An honorable tournament is no place for a coward." Sabadhai called out, charging the ball with explosive energy. It grew larger, and began pulsing, as the Light knuckles had. He hurled it at the checkered man, and along with the two bolts of Light energy that Sabadhai expected had hit, he would likely fall, or at the very least, be mortally injured. Then, Sabadhai could finish him off, or focus on a new opponent.

kenzoku -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Sky Arena (7/27/2008 23:24:54)

Havoc's eyes widened in surprise at what he knew was coming. He bent backwards quickly, having just now predicted the bolts of light. Fast though he was, the light was faster. Still, the impact was greatly reduced in intensity with it's target moving in the same direction. As they struck, he moved with the momentum, willing his daggers free as he turned a quick backflip. He paused to catch his breath, turning his head to the dwarf as he pulled himself back up. The dwarf hurled what Havoc was sure seemed like a witty line while it was still in his head, despite being probably mostly wrong maybe. Havoc smiled, chuckling softly as the dwarf moved to throw what must have seemed a pretty impressive attack despite being probably mostly among the weakest in his arsenal maybe. "I've seen bigger!" Havoc called back, his daggers plunging into the ground in a circle around him. The strings straightened out, lifting Havoc high into the air while the orb exploded harmlessly below.

Beneath the veil of shadow, Havoc's eyes flashed with renewed malevolence. "I don't suppose it would have mattered if he simply let me help." The acrobat said softly, swiftly lowering himself to the ground. "This fight, I suppose, is simply inevitable. So long as he lives, the narrow-minded fool won't allow his opposites to draw breath..." He took a deep breath. He stepped forward with a slow stride, eyes locked on his opponent. "I'm not running. I could, and I don't suppose you would be able to follow, but I won't. You deserve a fair fight, and I have enough respect for you to oblige." The daggers hovered around Havoc in a thirty-piece mantle. "Come now... Let's see if we can't quench your bloodthirst."

Sate -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Sky Arena (7/28/2008 2:30:27)

Justin's tongue was stuck to his now very cold staff as he rolled over on his back out of the snow, fumbling with the metal rod stuck to his face.
I've got to get it together. This is no time for me to lose my head.
Justin had rolled over just in time to see the chilling image of a snow warrior lunging at him with that Ice Katana. At the same time, Justin sat up, clenched his hands on the staff and jerked it away from his tongue and toward the katana, blocking it cross-ways. The force of the katana clanging against the staff, the sharp pain on his tongue and the harsh cold around him forced Justin to surge energy through his body, his brain to stay running and his muscles to continue acting, just to defend himself. However, he did not have any leverage in this position and he was forced to his back as the sword pressed against his staff.
Suddenly, Justin's life flashed before his eyes. He remembered the power of energy and how it had impacted his life. Energy had limitless possibilities.
Oh, if there's an original thought out there I could use it right now.
Just when his muscles were about to give under the pressure, the ends of Justin's staff bent and pointed to the ground and braced it there buying Justin some time. However, despite his efforts to counter them, the fatigue and cold had gotten to him and he could not focus well enough to maintain the hold. The right end of the staff bent and gave away and it fell to the ground. The katana slid down the staff, cutting off Justin's right index finger as it went.
As the sword went to his right, Justin rolled to the left and got quickly to his feet, holding his right hand against his now-less-than-white tunic. He held his staff in his left hand, the end was drooped as it was when Justin had last bent it.
"No! Ahh!" Justin cried as he morphed a bit off from the staff to cover the stump where his finger had been, "You're gonna be charged with assault and battery, you big freak!"
Justin was now furious. It wasn't time to play around, there was no more room for a single pun. It was time to kick this Frostival decoration back to the attic. Justin morphed his staff into a sword of his own that he clenched in both hands as he forced the pain out of his mind.
"You better keep your guard up, snowbunny," Justin warned as the snow warrior faced him, "You're going to learn soon why I am Just Incredible.
Justin stepped forward, trying his hardest to put up a tough front, even though his energy was being drained physically and emotionally. He tried to stay focused, trying not to worry that he was exhausted, that he must have frostbite, that his tongue was bleeding, or that he could now only count to nine.

Mittoo -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Sky Arena (7/28/2008 3:18:24)

That little checkerboard is mine. To hell with the dwarf.

Getting in a fair fight with the dwarf would have got him seriously hurt if it weren't for the bomb, and yet the checkerboard had ruined what would have been magnificent. Still smarting from the harsh blocks of the dwarf, he cracked his wrist as he moved it around, preparing himself. He raised both fists above his head, moving one away from the other and bringing them together with a loud crash.

Now it gets interesting.

Control of wind included that of noise. He twisted air around him, whipping it about and echoing the sound of before repeatedly, covering any further sounds that he made. Then, he twisted it further, sweat beginning to form and darken his blonde hair as his form seemed to shimmer and lose focus. He let out a guttural roar that was - just about - covered by the clashes as a second Tryx appeared and stepped out of the first. The one that was left behind shimmered in the wind, and so he ceased its movement, the echoing crashes coming to a halt. Then, one Tryx leapt directly for the checkerboard, letting out an identical roar as before while the other Tryx leapt off the Arena, summoning a wind to catch him and float him gently to a spot that would take him behind him.

The illusion was good. It looked, for all intents and purposes, exactly like Tryx, except flawless - no sweat stained his hair, no dirt and dust that had gathered on its master. It could act on its own for a short while, but with Tryx nearby it was forced to imitate him. He drew closer now, beginning to straighten out as the real Tryx settled behind him. The booterang slipped from his waist, hovering around it, taunting the checkerboard who had taken a mighty blow from it before. Then, as the booterang swung for his head, Tryx fired off a thrust kick, aiming for the right kidney. Without waiting for it to connect, he summoned a wind, pushing upwards and the checkerboard, with any luck, back towards him.

He deserves a fair fight by my hands. All you deserve is a stomach full of steel.

Beebote -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Sky Arena (7/28/2008 19:22:57)

Djaak watched his opponent close the distance. Once more the calm demeanor enveloped him, but his eyes did not revert to the patient snake. He was angered and humiliated by energy mage’s sneak attack and his mind was already working overtime. The pain in his side subsided as he mentally shut it out. His face betrayed nothing of the emotion that boiled behind that hardened mask. He dropped to a defensive stance as Kyle closed in, but, just as he was about to attack, Djaak watched in surprise as the fire user rolled aside; apparently to seize the sword hilt he had dropped. Then, instead of turning to face Djaak, Kyle sped past, launching an attack at the snow warrior.

Djaak was visibly stunned; so much so that he failed to cover up the shocked look that crossed his features. His opponent had just…ignored his presence and left Djaak without an opponent. Shock turned to rage; the wolf became a bear; and a man who had not lost control since the day he slaughtered the monks, let emotion reign over his demeanor. It wasn’t a wild, bloodlust-type rage that got warriors killed, however. It was a forge fire, hot but controlled.

His eyes narrowed; his brows lowered; and his stance went on the aggressive. His right hand went up to his neck and unclasped his cape, casting it over the side of the arena. He had held back long enough, perhaps long enough to lull his opponents into a false sense of security. Now it was time to throw some new tricks into the game.

Once more, he took off at a run. Like before, he was sure-footed and nimble, but this time, he drew on his control of the air and used it to push him along, allowing him to run at a speed unobtainable by normal human means. In short order, he passed Kyle on the right, shooting him a death-stare that said one thing quite clearly, ‘I’m angry, and you’re next on my hit-list.’ Djaak brought his eyes back to the front, reaching back behind him to grasp the two short swords his cape had hidden from view.

He had seen the exchange between the ice man and the energy mage and knew this was the time to eliminate the man foolish enough to ‘sucker-shock’ a man who had slain five men with one flick of his wrist. He unsheathed the blades and picked up his pace once more. He was almost on-top of the mage before he attacked. He leapt into the air, executing a half-twisting front-flip while simultaneously attempting to decapitate the mage from two different directions with his blades. If the mage was as drained as he thought he was, there would be no escape, and the arena would be one combatant shorter.

qbsuperstar03 -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Sky Arena (7/29/2008 11:35:34)

There it was. Precious blood (to humans, at least) had finally been spilled. Then, all of a sudden, a burst of fire? Cryoface had no choice but to recoil in pain as the flame fist hit him, but just like that, it was gone. But the damage had been done. There was a small indent, similar to a ding in armor caused by a blunt weapon impact, where the flame had hit, and Cryoface found that moving to respond was harder due to the leftover heat. But finally, the Fire user had called him out.

Havoc could wait. This was personal now.

"For the glory of the Ice Lord!" Again that voice that reminded one of an iceberg calving off of a glacier. Cryoface moved a little slower now, but he moved to engage the Fire user this time. But he had to watch his back. Justin had apparently decided to get serious, but he couldn't just sit back while those flame fists continued to pound him.

Luck seemed to smile on him this day, however, as another (a Wind user, perhaps, as only one confident in Wind could work up the nerve to jump around like that) seemed to want to finish off Justin, leaving Cryoface free to deal with this insolent user of heat. He moved to engage Kyle this time, making sure he had a snowball ready in case he tried that dirty trick again.

OcarinaofTime -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Sky Arena (7/29/2008 17:02:10)

Djaak, shot Kyle a menacing look as he ran towards the pun-spitter. All too easy. Kyle thought to himself, letting out a foul chuckle. While Kyle had quite enjoyed his match with Djaak, he decided it would be wiser to destroy the ice cretin first. Having a heart made completely of fire, Kyle's hot-blooded nature would help keep him warm. Also, he figured, his onslaught of fiery blows would melt the popsicle of a man into a slippery mess in no time at all. He listened as Cryoface gave praise to the divine ice master, desperately holding in more laughter.

"Worship your false, frozen deity all you want. There’ll be no redemption for the cold-hearted traitors of this world.” Replacing his longsword hilt to his belt as the blade disintegrated into tiny flying beetles, Kyle took out a shot metal stick, wrapped with a crimson tape near the hand grip, and a diamond shaped crest at the top. As the beetles flew back, they formed the sharp edges of a double-sided battleaxe. A weapon that made up for what it lacked in agility with the potential to deal massive blows.

“The name’s Kyle Ripraven, learn it quick so that on the day of your judgment, you can tell the Fire Lord just who vanquished you for your crimes.”

Kyle channeled a stream of fire directly into his left hand, not bothering to convert it into animals first. While it took more focus since he could not simply allow the channel to roam free as an animated flame, it was a direct stream completely under his control. He sent three fireballs hurling towards his enemy. He stood completely still as he controlled each of the flames weaving around each other, leaving a crooked path in their wake so as to veil their intended points of impact. As they neared, if all went well, Kyle would successfully send one hurtling straight into the snowman’s left shoulder, one into his rib area, and one into his right leg at about the knee. Yet, it would take some pretty quick thinking on Cryoface’s part if he wished to dodge non-straight flying objects that were the equivalence of a Drakel remote-controlled disk.

qbsuperstar03 -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Sky Arena (7/29/2008 18:02:43)

No time to think. No time to dodge. There was only one thing he could do if he wanted to survive.

Cryoface whipped his Ice Katana around with one hand as the fireballs closed in, as if to deflect them. What he was really doing was cooling the air around him even more to deaden the inevitable impact. With the other hand, he hit himself with his prepared Snowball.

Then the fireballs came in and found their marks. All three of them. Well, they would have if Cryoface were a humanoid. One of them was a little low and to the left, but close enough that Cryoface could still feel the heat. Due to his snakelike lower body, though, he was able to avoid the triple threat to a degree, but his katana was now heavy in his hands from the hits to the shoulder and torso. But one thing was still going for him.

He was still able to fight. And that Snowball he had just hit himself with had granted him a temporary boost of power, possibly enough to make it the rest of the way to this infidel who called himself Kyle Ripraven. But he had to advance defensively, for fire was a very quick and aggressive element. He had to keep his guard up, no matter what.

"You underestimate me, Kyle," Cryoface snarled as he closed on his newest mortal enemy. "Now you shall experience the wrath of my Lord firsthand as I slice you into ribbons!"

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