RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Sky Arena (Full Version)

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Cheeseliker -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Sky Arena (7/29/2008 19:26:12)

Sabadhai nodded to the checkered man, though his face remained suspicious. He did not expect an honest fight, but the man looked ready to engage in melee, and Sabadhai would not back down from that. He glanced at the daggers the man seemed to have control over. Perhaps going in weaponless was not ideal in this situation. Then he had it. He smiled, raising his hands to the air. It was time to go back to his roots.

He closed his eyes and concentrated, pulling the energy from himself to form the Light around him. I do not ask you to help me Lord, like these other fools, for I know I can help myself. Else, why would I even be here?

Sabadhai's eyes opened, and he lowered his hands. Strapped to one arm was a golden circular shield, and in the other hand, a golden battleaxe, each having been formed by Light, but as hard and sharp as their man-made counterparts.

Sabadhai decided to forgo his calm peaceful self, and to let the angry dwarf inside him come out. He banged his axe against his shield with a large clang.

"Come Dark one, and taste the edge of my axe!" He bellowed, moving forward. Anger surged through him, but he kept alert, ready for anything. Anything that is, except the Bootman suddenly entering the picture and attacking the dark one. Sabadhai waited a moment. As soon as the exchange of blows was finished, he would leap forward with his axe swinging for the dark one's head. Perhaps double teaming wasn't the most honorable thing to do, but the dark one had done it himself, and deserved no better. Besides, Sabadhai was thinking more along the lines of a pissed off dwarf, then an honorable calm monk. This was a tournament after all. Sometimes you had to do what you had to do. He had the chance to take this dark one's life, and he would not let that slip away.

OcarinaofTime -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Sky Arena (7/29/2008 23:36:36)

"Finally, someone man enough to face me head on." Kyle had been pleased that his fireballs had hit, and was somewhat impressed by Cryoface's ability to use the snowball on himself. But what had really caught his attentions was the snakelike base that protruded from Croface's torso. How had he missed it? Kyle had let his assumptions overcome his perceptions. A fallability he could not allow for again.

Kyle stared his opponent straight in the eye before charging the Cryoface himself. He expected a solid clash that would sizzle and steam, but instead he found one that hurt his head and rung in his ears as he tripped over a slight gap between two floating stones. How could this be? Kyle's heat sensory was infallable, he could not misjudge his own steps on any object unless... of course. The cold that Cryoface emitted was unlike that of any warm blooded organism. It flipped Kyle's sensors upside down. A combination of this, and his lack of focus, had caused him to fall face first into the ground. His battleaxe flew well over Cryoface's head, and would certainly land out of his reach.

He was now bleeding from his forhead, and may have sprained an arm that he had landed on wrong. Kyle was lucky not to have sustained any more serious injuries, but alas, he was now helpless on the floor, a potentially a few seconds away from an icy demise. He looked up and saw the blurry figure holding a katana, as he found himself unable to reach for his own. Although there were several tricks that could easily get him out of this predicament, he had neither the time nor the appropriate level of conciousness. Being the only thing he could think of, he set his own trenchcoat ablaze in an attempt to buy him a time. But Kyle had made his third mistake within a few moments as the smoke burned his eyes and lungs. While he was immune to the effects of the smoke itself, there was a toxic chemical coating on his clothing that was supposed to be flame resistant. Ironically, as the trench coat burned, the chemical evaporated with the smoke, causing the damage to his eyes. He was able to filter the out the smoke within his lungs, but the chemical caused him to spit up blood, and had permenantly burned his eyes far beyond the point of usable sight. He had blinded himself. While he could always rely on his thermal vision, as he would now call it, Kyle had to learn to adjust for cold bodied organisms, and fast.

qbsuperstar03 -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Sky Arena (7/29/2008 23:56:24)

Cryoface watched as Kyle ran towards him, but repeated a mistake too many others had made in this arena...he forgot to watch where he was putting his feet, as the stones that made up the fighting area were constantly in motion relative to one another. A normal human would have laughed at this misstep. But not Cryoface.

Then Kyle set himself--or more precisely, his coat--ablaze in a last desperate attempt to protect himself. The smoke obscured vision and made a painless kill impossible. That was okay, though. This guy deserved as much for sucker-punching him with fire while he was busy with Justin.

Without saying a word--for he knew better than to reward this filthy Fire user with a parting shot--Cryoface swung the katana in the general direction of Kyle's skull. The damage done by the fireballs made a precise swing impossible, but it would have to suffice. After all, the bastard deserved to suffer after the pain he had put him through.

Sate -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Sky Arena (7/30/2008 0:42:06)

Rage and determination surged through Justin's body as he readied to battle the snow warrior to the end.
Somebody's gonna get it.
Then suddenly, the snow warrior was engaged by the fire-wielder. It went to show that in this environment, there was no room for petty motivations such as revenge and that you must always be on your guard from all directions.
As if to further illustrate the lesson, the man who Justin had previously fried for dressing in similar clothes,--what a stupid reason-- now sans cape, sprinted toward him and jumped in the air doing some acrobatic number... with two swords! The earth stood still.
Justin was in no mood for this. If he was going to be beaten, he would make sure the mark he left behind would be far greater than a little shock. He was going to nuke this guy!
I was caught. In the middle of a two-pronged attack.
I looked around, and I knew there was no going back.
My mind raced and I thought what could I do?
And I knew...

Justin took the sword he had in his hands and tore it apart--really he released its halves from its magnetic bond--into two swords. What was a sword the size of a scimitar was now two swords of equal length but half the width. Justin raised them both to block each of Djaak's blades.
"You've been..." Justin whispered as he drew a breath. As the blades crashed loudly in the air uncomfortably close to Justin's head, he focused his energy in his body, his toes tingled, he held his breath... Then he shouted a crack of thunder in the air and a small bolt of lightning flew from his mouth at Djaak, not a damaging one, a stunning one that kept his opponent's muscles from obeying his commands for a split second, barely long enough for Justin to maintain a solid defense. As his opponent's momentum carried him through the air and the four blades scraped together above his head, -SHINGG!- Justin bent his knees and tumbled forward allowing Djaak to continue his flight overhead and land on his feet, his muscles now restored to their previous operating capacity. Justin now stood, looking face-to-face at his new opponent. Both of them were injured slightly, Justin had now shaken off the cold from the previous opponent and was more focused on the fight than he ever was. Determined as he was, he was surprised when the blood ran down his forehead and past the corner of his right eye. Its origins were undoubtedly the cut just above his hairline.
Alright. I'm not going to make it though this. But... I'm going down swinging. I know I've got enough left. At least enough for one more shot, one more attack, one more chance, one... more...
"YOU COULD REALLY USE SOME ENLIGHTNING!!!" Justin cried as he charged forward swinging his sword. His body and dual swords crackled as energy surged through them and Justin mounted his valiant attack against Djaak. It was here, at this Elemental Championship, that Justin Krehdibl proved that his iron will was... just incredible.

OcarinaofTime -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Sky Arena (7/30/2008 0:50:58)

Kyle could sense something coming, but could not detect exactly what or it's exact path. He was overconfident. He called for the fight. He drew his own opponent. It was Kyle Ripraven who had been asking for this fight for years. It seemed Kyle had no reason to fear death, he'd nearly met it twice, and when it finally caught up with him, he came back stronger for it. But he was not ready to go quietly. As he performed the highly dangerous dragon's breath technique, spurting a flame of aorund two-thousand degrees Celciusfrom his mouth, an sharp pain followed by an icy chill overtook his left shoulder. The blade had grazed his lower jaw and continued to his shoulder where it cut through tendon and muscle, hitting hard agaisnt bone. The moment the flame ran out from his breath, a mere 2 seconds later, the flames from the battleaxe, now behind Cryoface, formed a somewhat larger than average rat as it charged from the rear.

kenzoku -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Sky Arena (7/30/2008 2:04:32)

Havoc heard the familiar sound of the boot whistling through the air, and recognized it immediately. It wasn't the sort of sound one heard often. He quickly assessed the situation, recognizing not only the boot but a kick coming in with his name on it. Within moments, Havoc's cunning plan had been devised. He grinned wickedly, leaping high above the arena on his powerful legs. This effectively evaded both the kick and the booterang. "Sorry, dwarf! It seems we'll have to finish this another time!" The wind picked up, pulling Havoc towards none other than the original bootman. Havoc grinned with wicked amusement. "I forfeit." He declared. Havoc knew the rules well enough, and they clearly stated that none but those participating in the tournament were permitted on any of the battlefields.

"Good luck, Justin! I won't be shocked if you win!" Havoc called supportively. Just before vanishing, he made a very rude gesture to both the dwarf and the boot wielder. It was shortly afterwards that his body vanished, reappearing back on solid ground.

Havoc's Epilogue

"Nice fight!" Called a familiar voice. A man in a crimson robe with spiked red hair greeted him on the ground.

Havoc laughed cheerily. "I shed some blood, but in the end I had to give up. It's a shame, too; I felt like I had an advantage there."

"It alright, tiny man." Boomed the voice of a third man. His huge, muscular body had been expertly reassembled and his soul retrieved. He was back to wearing leather, his red mullet hanging down behind him. Berzerk was alive and free from the mask at last. "Always next year."

"No." Havoc said firmly. "Personally, I'd like to get back to adventuring."

The last of the four men spoke, Despair his name. He was a sickly looking man, his hair tinted light green. He wore a white robe, laced with vials of strange liquid. Most striking, however, was the strange mask on his face. "Maybe I will enter."

The other three laughed together. "They will NEVER let you in with that mask on, old man!" Havoc explained cheerily, leaving the arena with his life and the company of his companions.

qbsuperstar03 -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Sky Arena (7/30/2008 12:05:58)

Cryoface had no reason to suspect a backside attack, so when it did come, it was all the more painful as once again his body was hit with something hot. But then Kyle's firebreathing technique was too much when partnered with that. His back started to hunch over, being reminiscent of a wounded soldier running to the medical tent for some emergency healing. But he had come too far to lose in such a fashion, especially to a Fire user. After all he had to go through just to get registered. All the pain of dealing with dozens of adventurers thinking he was just another monster fit only to be eliminated to further their own ends. And now a Fire user was doing the same thing on one of the greatest stages imaginable.

Cryoface swung again, this time aiming for the torso. He had to give his all, and with the Wind user now engaging Justin and Havoc battling a Light user with a shorter, stockier build than the rest of the humanoids here, Cryoface thought that he would not have to face any more two-on-one scenarios. To hell with whatever hit him in the back. His opponent was wounded, and if he didn't finish the job soon, he might end up a pile of slush.

OcarinaofTime -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Sky Arena (7/30/2008 16:19:26)

The dragon's breath, and flanking rat seemed effective. Only if Kyle could stand and fight, or reach the weapons that his hand refused to grip. He had regained full consciousness and could think more clearly, but his wound was seeping out steaming hot blood that puddled on the ground. Kyle closed his eyelids over the disfigured bleeding balls that once provided him with sight. He remained still as if to accept his fate. He had one last trick up his sleeve. The shimmering blade would surely dig deep into Kyle's exposed ribs, but just as the blade began to breach the skin, a quick flash of flames appeared, and Kyle was gone.

He had reappeared about 25 feet away. As Kyle attempted to lift himself up, he heard ligaments and tendons snap his shoulder as he did. The pain causing him to fall back down. Finally standing up, he staggered clumsily, nearly falling over. His arm was unusable, and the wound deep. Kyle hadn't the slightest bit of vision left, but he could sense the heat of the environment and his opponents, and he could hear somewhat decently as well. Grabbing for a sword hilt, having little trouble finding the obsidian one he searched for as it was in its proper spot at his waist, a snake slithered out from Kyle's heart, and made it's way across his arm. The snake let out a hiss as it formed a wickedly curved blade that somewhat resembled a serpent's tongue, mostly at its end, but had seemingly decorative curves around the edges. The curves weren't merely aesthetic at all. This blade was simply lick, or in a serpent's case, sniff, opponents, shredding skin to pieces with the gentlest of of scrapes. But Kyle had stronger, more deliberate attacks in mind. It seemed he would surely die of blood loss well before the tournaments end if left untreated, and so, he decided he would spend his final hour fighting in the name of his element He began heading towards the coldest spot on the field, walking slowly, a light steam emanating from his shoulders as the blood slowly poured out.

Beebote -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Sky Arena (7/30/2008 18:04:45)

Djaak’s momentary elation turned suddenly to confusion. He was stronger than his opponent, he knew that. Why then couldn’t he close his blades on Justin’s neck? Instead, he felt himself float uselessly by; blades doing nothing more than draw a shallow line above his opponent’s forehead.

Suddenly, he had control. Quickly, he pulled his limbs into position for a successful landing. While his landing was perfect, the terrain he landed on wasn’t. As he touched down, his heels met no resistance. Without warning, he was teetering on the edge of one of the gaps in the arena floor while his opponent was bearing down on him. Quickly, he pushed off with his toes, summoning a wind that aided him as he performed a dangerously low back flip. As he exited the flip, he tossed away his swords and landed on all fours, like a sprinter at the start of a race. Slowly, he raised his head.

The gears in his head began spinning again as he watched his opponent approach. He had thrown away his blades as a necessity, but now he saw they would have proved useless. His opponent’s entire being was enveloped in energy. Any contact would be dangerous at this point, and he didn’t need a reminder of what it felt like. It was time.

He rushed, weaponless, towards his opponent. He needed to be close, dangerously close, to his opponent to ensure this attack would hit. Taking into account the speed and direction of his opponent, he chose his moment. Djaak suddenly stopped himself a short distance from Justin and pulled his right arm back as if preparing to strike his opponent with his fist. Wind whipped around him dramatically, ruffling his clothing. Then, before his opponent was within striking distance, he unleashed his punch. A visible distortion leapt from his fist and flew across the short distance at Justin’s chest as Djaak announced the name of this powerful blow, designed to feel like a sledgehammer to the chest: “Hurricane Impact Fist!

qbsuperstar03 -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Sky Arena (7/31/2008 9:43:47)

Cryoface could see the pain in Kyle's step as he walked ever so slowly towards him, like an advancing glacier that was slow, but unmovable both in purpose and destination. The blood was...steaming? Cryoface didn't know much about humans, but what he did learn from his travels was that most people didn't have that kind of internal temperature. Regardless, it wasn't going to change the outcome of this battle, and there was no way he was going to offer a surrender.

As Kyle advanced, Cryoface's suspicions were confirmed as the man who had apparently tried and failed to finish off Justin used what was undoubtedly a wind-based attack, given that the name of it was the "Hurricane Impact Fist." But now that Kyle's eyes seemed to be nonfunctional, he decided to throw a curveball at the poor man.

Cryoface took one hand off the katana to once again cast his favorite spell, though he wasn't sure how many more times he would need to. He figured he had about two or three more left in him.


The white spheroid rocketed away from his outstretched hand and towards Kyle's face. Somehow, without seeing, Kyle still knew where he was, and Cryoface hoped that by hitting him with this, Kyle would be totally disoriented.

OcarinaofTime -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Sky Arena (7/31/2008 16:47:10)

Kyle had done himself considerable damage. As he tried to keep his injured shoulder still, Kyle continued walking towards the cold figure that was certainly his opponent. He could notice some cold shifting on the figure, but, without his regular vision, he thought nothing of it until a round cold projectile began to head towards him. He could tell where the object was, though, and Kyle raised his blade, taking a diagonal slash at the object, however the blade merely glanced, vaporizing and melting a little less than half of it, as the other bit hit him square in the chest. As he his body heat was only being replenished just a bit faster than it was being lost through his wound already, the snowball's cold chilled him to the core before completely evaporating. He was cold and numb. It would take a moment for him to regain his dexterity, and so took a defensive stance as he reformed the blade, giving it a broader, rounder shape. It was no longer sharp or curved, but as he thought about it, a blunt fiery blow may actually be favorable against his snowy friend. Kyle spit out a bit of blood that was mostly diluted by saliva, knowing that if he got much colder, his body could go into shock, being accustomed to the immense heat it generated. But his fireball of a heart, the source of his energy, was beating fast, working hard to maintain his temperature already. Kyle was already panting as a combination of his own exhaustion, and the damage on his lungs from earlier.

If Kyle wasn't in such pain, he'd have buttoned up his coat to maintain his boiling temperature. Instead, a chill ran down his spine as he coughed in the air, maintaining his defensive stance. "It seems I've caught a cold," Kyle muttered just loud enough for the snowman to hear, though, in reality, the only thing he'd contracted was Justin's bad sense of humor. His body, though chilled to only around 200 or so degrees Celcius by the half snowball, was slowly warming up to it's normal temperature, which, although Kyle had never cared to measure, usually ranged around 320 to 400 degrees Celcius, although capable of peaking well over 800 when using some of his more powerful attacks. While it may have seemed that such hostile temperatures and such an unstable fluctuation of body heat would be impossible, it was his heart of flames, the one Kyle believed to be a gift from the Fire Lord himself, allowed his body to reach such temperatures, and also allowed his body to function, though adding to the uniqueness of it all, his skin was oddly cool to the touch, feeling completely normal. This was very fortunate considering that otherwise he'd cause anything around him to burn or combust. All things aside, however, his body was too cool to function properly, at least for the moment. So Kyle kept his defensive position as he calmly awaited whatever his opponent would fling at him next.

Cheeseliker -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Sky Arena (7/31/2008 17:32:25)

Sabadhai cursed the Dark-user. "Ya bloody coward! Come back 'ere and fight!" But it seemed, the checkered man would not listen. He had been what the dwarf had figured him all along. A coward who had no place in this tournament. Well, at least he was gone now. Sabadhai glanced to his side, where the Bootman also watched their opponent elude them. At least they had forced an opponent to accept defeat. That was almost as good as killing them, right? Sabadhai spat on the ground in front of him, expressing his displeasure. The calm and peaceful monk had completely disappeared, exposing the angry dwarf that was at Sabadhai's core.

Sabadhai shrugged. "On to the next." He grumbled.

"Oi! Bootman!" He called, leaping at the man, shield thrust forward. He would bash the man with the shield, then swing the axe right over the top.

qbsuperstar03 -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Sky Arena (7/31/2008 22:59:50)

His opponent wasn't done yet, but unlike Justin, this was one who was too dangerous to leave unmonitored. Now that Kyle was just waiting to see what he would do next, this gave Cryoface some time to reflect on all that he had learned and, in particular, what tactic might be useful now.

He mused about the stories of how some humans voluntarily entered into the service of the element of Ice. Those knights were some of the most valiant allies he had ever had, and without their help, he probably would not have even made it to the city of Bren where Cryoface had intended to lay his life on the line yet again. Stupid adventurers and thinking that everything that carries a weapon besides themselves is a target fit only to be slain, he thought to himself.

But now was not the time to rehash old stories. He had come here for one reason, and for one reason only: To write his own legend. To outdo all that had come before him. And most importantly, to glorify the Ice Lord. And the best way to do that was not through words, as one might attempt to do by taunting their foe, but by simply defeating them in honorable combat. True, there was nothing honorable about group melees (as was evident as soon as the Darkness user started tossing bombs at him during his fight with Justin), but no event garnered more prestige for the one who did eventually rise to the top than this, the Elemental Championships.

Cryoface moved forward, looking for a weak spot in Kyle's guard. Now that the shape of the blade had changed, his fighting style probably had as well. Finding none at first glance, he decided to make one. He hauled the Ice Katana above his head, and with a grunt of effort, attempted to bring it down squarely on Kyle's weapon, hoping to break it.

OcarinaofTime -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Sky Arena (8/1/2008 3:01:36)

Kyle waited as Cryoface seemed to momentarily drift away. The moment Kyle decided he was about to charge his opponent, he shifted back into a defensive as the snow fiend decided to come down with his own blade. Kyle laughed at this foolish attempt as he sent a surge of power into the blade as he went to block, the sword holding, and the flames licking up the icy blade, towards the snowman, with the burst of energy Kyle had emitted. Although one armed, the increased strength with which he had earlier been blessed seemed to make up for only holding the blade with a single hand. The problem was that Kyle was bleeding out faster and faster the more he moved around and increased his heart rate. As Kyle's thought drifted to his wound, he had a brilliant idea, but first, he released his blade into the form of a swarm of tiny fire ants made of actual fire that continued. crawling in the direction the flame had licked.

Focusing on the wound, Kyle thought about the childhood scabs he would always pick at despite his mother's advice. Kyle formed a solid flame shoulder pad around his wound. It completely stopped the bleeding, much like platelets that form from blood to end the bleeding of cuts, and provided full protection from further damage as well. He had never been wounded enough, except for the time he died, to even consider anything of the sort. And although Kyle, at that moment, imagined the possibilities available if he could wrap his body with the hardened flame, as armor, he knew that even he hadn't enough power to sustain and manipulate that much solid fire, even on his best day. Yet perhaps, Kyle figured, , with enough practice, he could manage something similar, in the future, if he made it out of this alive, anyway. As the ants continued up the blade, Kyle took a few steps back, carefully stepping over a gap he sensed behind him. Though Kyle could not sense as far as he could see when he still had his eyes, he could sense all around rather than just what was right in front of his eyes. With the bleeding stopped, the rest of Kyle's powers would be usable within minutes, and although his other arm may be useless at the moment, when he was fully reoriented, he wouldn't need it to vanquish his foe without much effort.

Mittoo -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Sky Arena (8/1/2008 5:42:30)

Like the Earth herself; calm on the outside, initially, but always with the lava bubbling underneath.

Tryx's only movement after his failed attack was to return to a standing position; he never let his emotions be broadcasted at the best of times. Even still, the dwarf charging after him once again was disconcerting. Only a fool would tackle a man attempting a shield bash, but Tryx would wait, fists raised into a defensive stance, looking as if he was going to try and take the hit. He listened, tensing his legs in preparation.

Like the breeze, you can not catch me. Like the air around us, you can not corner me. Like the fury of a hurricane, you can not defeat me.

Tryx stepped to the left just as the dwarf was about to smash him in with the shield, exploiting the air that the dwarf and shield both pushed aside to hasten his dodge and avoid the axe blow. Deciding that a bladed fist in the back, while effective, would not be very fair, Tryx lifted his right leg, swinging it to the left and then hooking it back around to the right, in an attempt to violently knock the head around. Keeping up the momenteum that the kick brought, he swung rightwards, letting off a backhand slice with the right hand followed by a straight punch with the right.

This one will let his guts spill before admitting defeat. Good.

Ronin Of Dreams -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Sky Arena (8/1/2008 14:41:06)

Suddenly, out of the blue, or whatever the dominant colour was at the time, multi-coloured sprites appear, hovering down at rapid speeds to choice contestants - they then wiggle into their heads through their ears, making the fighters emit a glow most spectacular from their eyes, ears, mouths, and even noses...

Their bodies growing transparent, and thusly the strange lights taking over everything, making them impossible to see, the light (the contestants?) rise up slowly, finally exploding into a gazillion of little marvelous pieces.

The Lords had made their pick, their chosen champions would proceed to fight the Final battle of the Tournament...

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