RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (Full Version)

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~Divinity~ -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/21/2008 3:46:06)

Isn't this a little late?


Congratulations are in order, of course.


So, how long has it been since they have allowed you to see the Burning Daystar?

like 5 seconds

Run from Falerin. ALWAYS run from Falerin. He may entice you with his pastries, but he will keep you away from the Burning Daystar until you don't know any light bu that of your work station.

really?! that's scary! lol

What are your favorite things about AQ, DF, MQ, and the new AQWorlds?

frogzards for AQ, sneevils for DF, house mech for MQ and /dance command for AQW!

What is(are) your favorite thing(s) about the forums?


What kind of music do you enjoy?

country and alternative

Do you travel much?

yep, traveling is fun

If so, where have you been?

been to Brunei and been to lots of other place in my country! :P

Lastly, which clan are you in in AQ?

none. lol

That's all. Have a hell of a time, and enjoy your *new* position, please. Good luck, my friend.

thanks! see you!

*truthseeker* -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/21/2008 4:45:01)

What do you think of my new tag?

cool! o.O!

What do you think of the others?

cool also! o.O

Grixus Faldor -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/21/2008 5:08:10)

Hiya and congrats!

hello! thanks!

So... Scakk... uhhh... Scakk'd you, eh, wise choice he made! :D


Favourite Author?

Anne Rice

Favourite Series of books and movies.

Vampire Chronicles and Star wars for movies

Favourite television show, DVD, video and movie?

I don't have a favorite television show at the moment, Star wars for DVD, video and movie! lul'z xD

How's the cell?

it's good though full of rats

So are your fellow cellmates treating you roughly? (As per the quota...)

nope, they're all kind and friendly!

Do you get fed gruel, soup or chicken?

my food is cookie!

Ok that's all!


Congrats again!

Thanks a lot! see you around!

*truthseeker* -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/21/2008 5:15:11)

Which unbeatable have you beaten?

none because I don't try to beat the unbeatables

How many times have you got a moster's HP to 1?

can't remember, hehe

Demonstar -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/21/2008 9:34:45)



Do you think Ice Cream or Pie is better (this is totally serious)

I prefer Icre cream

If blue is your favorite color why the pink beigy color?

because all other pwetty colors are taken, including blue! lol

Any blisters from the chains yet?

what chains?! :P

Thats all i can think of for now lol

oh ok!


bye! see you!

Zelinker -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/21/2008 10:23:44)

Hiya again!

hello again! :D

Ever tried Ash-bashing in DF General Discussion? I dunno if its locked yet, but whatev :)

nope, I rarely visit DF boards

What is the most EPIC PHAIL thing you've ever witnessed?

hmm, none so far

For above: I saw this guy do this amazing skateboard trick and then step off his skateboard...and missed the sidewalk, falling onto the road. Epic Phail.


Ever played Zork?


Do you know what Uncyclopedia is? :D

not an encyclopedia?!

Again, running outa questionz.


Will be back later today? I hope?

sure, why not?!

Koree -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/21/2008 10:39:58)

Me iz backz!


What's your least favourite Epic?


Favourite Martial Artist style?

none because I haven't trained this class yet. lol

Can Calladus be killed with only using Tier 1 Armor?

maybe! o.O

Other than Mage?

maybe! :P

*Coughs* (I'm just too proud about that >.<)


Nerfbat or -kitten?


What's your unlucky number? (13 was your lucky number?)


Favourite AE forum smiley? (I mean these --->[:)][>:][&o])

:o [:@] <--- this one! lul'z

That's all for now :P

ok, see you!

Zelinker -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/21/2008 17:46:06)

Hai again!


Didn't I say I would be back? [;)]


HP PK'd Uncle Sham!!! I luv the Eye of Naab now. :D

cool! awesome work!

Met Masterwolfie and Brilliancy in the new weapon (Bone Sword)!

wow, I only managed to play for maybe 15 minutes.

Farming up to get AuS!

good luck!

What's your favorite drink?


If all water on the planet suddenly turned a lovely shade of #FF0000, would Serenity eat a MeGogg?


If you were stuck on a desolate island surrounded by Alexandrite-eating sharks with an Alexandrite-eating jackalope and a pizza cutter, what would you do?

I would turn to a skywalker. lul'z

If above = No, goto A1


Lbl A1
You have been eaten by a Grue.


Would you like to Restart, Restore, or Quit?

nu, because I winz!

Thank you for playing Zork.

lol, ok!

Lulz can I haz be back t0morrow? Thankz!


Killerheadache -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/21/2008 20:13:52)

I'm back.


1.)Would you eat a cookie if Zelinker gave you one?


2.)If yes, would you eat it if he said it was poisoned?

sure, I'm not affected by any poison anyway, hehe!

3.)If no to #1 would you give it to me?

sowwy, no!

4.)If no to #2, would you, shove it down his throat, PWN HIM, destroy his house, or all three?

nope, because I'm immune to poisonous food


see you!

Wait a second, 5.) What's your favorite type of soda?


Seriously this time, bye.


Nah, just kiddin' ya.


Or am I?


Yep, I am.

cool! lol

SoujiOkita -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/22/2008 0:00:18)



favorite element in aq (besides void)?


shadow dragon blade, cookies, stuffed sneevil, or jessica alba?

Shadow Dragon Blade! this is a good question btw! :P nice choices but I guess you know the real answer to this one, right? ;)

how stylish is my char (from very to extremely)?



see you!

awesomeman167 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/22/2008 0:39:34)

1 >:D im back for more


2 tell me something are you a male or femae

a male sneevil!

3 do you have a job


4 whats your favorite sport

basketball and boxing

5 do you do martial arts (i do)


6 do you have any pets


7 in my last post it was horribly mispelled i just wish to take the time to say i emphasize proper spelling at all times

oh, ok

8 so hows your week coming


9 do you workout often

nope, honestly

10 hows the family

doing good!

11 just how old are you anyway i get the feeling your older than i am

it's in my profile

12 if you are older than me >:C i will come after you and remove some years from your life

cool! :P

13 *intimidating stare*


14 you said you dont scare easily eh *sends comet down upon you* bet you got scared now


15 you may be thinking your too awesome for my comets but that isnt the case anyhow ive reached my limit i shall come back t torture you later on see ya around o and btw i see your a fire enthusiest as well just remember who the god of fire is i dont take well to those who wish to claim my title

god of fire? hehe!

masterwolfie -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/22/2008 3:24:43)

Hello Alexandrite and congrats gettimg AK :)

thanks masterwolfie! :D

So are you a Paladin or Necromancer >=D


Pie or cookies?


Whats the meaning of life?

life has no meaning, at least for me. lol!

Thats all I got lol well congrats and good luck ;)

thanks a bunch!


*truthseeker* -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/22/2008 3:42:34)

Have you heard of masterwolfie's big fan project?

nope, sorry.

Legendary Blacksmith -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/22/2008 7:52:36)

I'm back for more!


1. You've had just a few 200s post at the time you've been AKed. Weird

nope, not weird :P

2. What do you think of a bacon flavored ice-cream?


3. Are ubers really "uber"?


4. What defines an epic over others?

the epicness!

5. *me raids a colony of Sneevils for all their tokens*


I'm in a hurry at the moment. Will be back for more!


Zelinker -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/22/2008 10:38:26)

Lul Hello again.


Chicken or Steak?


Delete or Lock?

both! :P

Gold or Z-Tokens?

z tokens!

Urgh...I'm off to Smashboards, cya later, will have more questions and more COOKIEZ!

cool! I'll be waiting!

GL Delta -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/22/2008 17:24:47)

Bonjour! Je parle francais avec toi? Oui oui?


Tu veux parle francais?


How fast can you count to 3?

fast enough

What's your favorite letter of the day?


Elmo or Big bird?


If you're younger than me can we switch brains for extra years of living?

no, thanks

Cookies or Cookies?


Ever play dot hack?


Got an AQ account?


Bet my character pwns yours if u do.

heh, really?! :P



Ever play endless online?




Me vs. Artix vs. Alexandrite vs. Mr. ChickenCow

skywalker will win

A Demain!

bye! see you!

jinkerrrr -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/22/2008 23:57:08)

I saw you post around the forums quite alot of times :D.


It seemed to me that just a few days ago you had a Helpful! title[:D]. Congratulations on becoming an ArchKnight[:)]!


Didn't you used to have an avatar of a girl in a frilly white dress in a blue backround?

yep, Lady Yuna

Reality or Dreams?


AQ, DF, or MQ?


Sports or Gaming?


Fruits or Vegetables?


What do you like best about AE?


Cookies, Ice cream, Pie, or Cake?


Heard of Garfield(I'm hungry, FEED ME :D)?


Favorite Band?

All American Rejects

Favorite Song?

teardrops on my guitar

Favorite Country?


Italian Food, or Chinese?

italian food

Favorite Food?


Favorite Movie?

Star war episode II: Attack of the clones

I was thinking of PMing you if you would consider being my friend(Pretty pleeease :))?


That's all for now, see you around the forums[:)]!

see you!

Legendary Blacksmith -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/23/2008 0:31:47)

/me back for cookies!


1. Aww... you've locked "that thread"!


2. Why do most AKs locks threads but not delete?


3. Is someone going to clean up Zorbak's Hideout after so much spam and flame?


4. You're hoping that I'll run out of questions, right?

nope, I love questions

5. Which forum member you respect the most (besides Capt'n, Artix, Gal, the KoOs)?

Brilliancy, she's an awesome person

6. You've been wandering down to the MQ sections. What are you doing down there?


7. OMG i'm teh winnar 1337est uba! <--- Please pay no attention to spam.


8. Does SPAM = ham?

nope, spam = bacon

9. What do you think of Arzock's Chocolate Bar? (taste good, huh)

it's a cool weapon

10. Who will be the ArchMage trainer?

I don't know

11. What do Sneevils like to do? (besides collecting boxes)

eating cookies?!

12. Can I say "Woot! 168th post!"?


13. If a kid asks you "what is AQ?", how would you reply?

I'll say "AQ is Another Question"

14. Your favorite OS? (operating system)


15. Gold Token Fever!

cookies forever!

Expect more and more from me, especially near the end!


Videogamer1996 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/23/2008 7:40:45)




thank you!

Do you like rangers?

power rangers?! sure! lul'z

What does an AK do?

we help the Mods

What is your favorite sport?

basketball and boxing

Who is your favorite AQ monster?

Sarah the Nerfkitten is my most hated and my favorite as well

What is your favorite NPC?


Do you like my(ranger)character under avvy?


I love cookies how about you?

I do too!

Do you like my avatar?


Are you sad that Galrick died?

yep, for sure

Do you like Yoda?

of course, hehe

What is your favorite animal?


Congratz again

thanks again! see you!

Good Bye

Drakeh -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/23/2008 8:08:06)

I'm back for more!


Congratulate again[sm=fun_08.gif][sm=bgtup.gif]

thanks a lot again!

Paladins or necromanter?


Dracomanter or dragonslayers?

dragon slayers!

Warriors or mages?


Favorite band?

All American Rejects

Favourite book?

Interview with the Vampire

Favourite movie?

Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones

Favourite song?

teardrops on my guitar by taylor swift

Are you sad that nighbane died?


Favourite npc?

galanoth and captain rhubarb!

Congratulate again.

thank you!


see you around!

BadHulk -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/23/2008 8:11:03)

I ish back!

cool! :D

Do they thread you well as a AK in the Caverns of Doom...?


Do girls get treated better as a boy in there? o.o... I heard you guys live in cages?

nope, we're tortured treated the same as girls

Isnt blues the guy who lets evrything behind?

err, nope

Arent these shiney buttons nice? =D I want to have em to =( Can i borrow em? :D

nope, sowwy! :P

Can i have ur AK-Ship? :P

hehehe! mehehehehe!

Cookies! *steals cookie jar and runs*

it's just a jar cookies for you!

Harrrr Harrrr, Pirates or Ninja's.


You played annything else as AQ/DF/MQ/AQW?(Damn 4 games allready)






Iam bored.


Buh bye again =D Send me a pic of ur self lolz

what?! a stalker! /me runs away

P.S Nightbane didnt die... he is at Scakk... Scakk keeps killing him with mod power to get gold! Dont tell him i know!

hehe, I'll tell him about this. muhahaha!

wiseo -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/23/2008 8:15:51)

Are you going to put in a good word for me *wink* *wink*


So i guess congratulations are in order!

thank you!

Now for the serious questions, Waffles or Pancakes?>.> <.<


You played Aqworlds?


If so, you wana meet up in it?


Favourite AE Game?

AQ for life

For a million dollars would you give me everything you owned? :D

nope, sowwy!

Captain Kidd -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/23/2008 13:27:03)

more questions!


1) which jedi do you like the most; Luke, Yoda, Obi-Wan

Anakin ish teh winz!

2)favorite sith/non-Jedi person?

none. xD

3) who shot first at the cantina...Han or Greedo?

maybe me?!

4)who would win in a duel to the death; Jawa or Ewok

none, they'll both die

5)how did you think up the name Alexandrite?

I was looking at my birthstone and thought "hey, this will be a good forum name!"

6)any favorite possesion (IRL)

my Lightsaber <--yep I have one in RL

7)favorite tv show?


8) what is this --> <(._.)>

a pokemon?

[sm=Floyd.gif] have fun in the dungeon being an AK!

thanks! see you around!

Rigtheousness -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/23/2008 13:56:13)

Hello, congrats on the promotion ^_^

hi and thanks!

Which would you rather have speed or strength?


If you could choose a weapon to decribe yourself what would it be? (ex: Double edged sword representing split personality)

a lightsaber for whatever weird reasons lul'z

Do you belive in ghosts?


Do you belive in Aliens?


If you were Aritx would you change AE games in anyway?


Btw if you would rate my character from 1-10 what would it be? (i'm just curious =/)

10! I'm such a kind person when it comes to this. lol

Thank you for your time and congrats again! ^__^

no problem and see you around!

Nyatanga -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/23/2008 15:33:48)

[:@]Yo am the only Lord here and i command that you should Join the Vampire Side Lol


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