=AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (Full Version)

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The Game -> =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (7/18/2008 10:59:45)

Hello everyone! I am the new DF CR&A AK. Some of you may know me from my other board, AQ CR&A. I was SCAKK'ed for AQ CR&A a few months ago, so I've been an AK for a few months now. In this thread, you may ask whatever questions your heart desires, unless it is too personal. This MtAK will be here until 07/25/08.

I will be editing in this color.
For those of you that don't know how these kind of threads work, take a look here!
Please limit yourself to 15 questions per post. Also, do not double post. You may post once per page.

Zizzy -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (7/18/2008 11:01:54)

Hello, first of all: Congrats!
Thanks Zz! :D
Second of all: Can you make me an AK? Pwetty pwease? :D
But of course! /me magically makes Zz an AK despite not having a Mage in AQ
PC or TV?
I use PC much more. The only shows I watch on TV are NBA Basketball, Family Guy, and CNN. I am waiting for Avatar: The Last Airbender, Sozin's Comet though. :)
Republicans or Democrats?
I'm leaning more towards Democrats.
Tolkien or Rowling?
I haven't read any Tolkien, so I'll have to choose Rowling.
Won't pester you more, take care! :P
Bye Zz!

SiLvErWiNg -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (7/18/2008 11:24:26)

heya TG! :D gotta keep up with Zz hehe. *snugglehugglepounces*
Agwing!!!!! Great to see you! It's an honor to have you visit my MtAK! :)))
Not at all! :D It's more of an honor to work with you :)

just wanted to welcome you to the DF CR&A! :D and say congrats of course!
Thanks! *snuggles Agwing*
now for the fun part! :)
pick a superpower and why?
Probably teleportation so I won't have to worry about buying a car and gas prices.
Now that! is a smart idea XD *snugglehugglepounces again :)*

Suranjan -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (7/18/2008 11:27:49)

OOOOOOH ! Finally the Super Saiyan ! Well, congrats for the Board change.
Thanks! I didn't really have a board change. I just added DF CR&A along with my AQ CR&A duties.
Well, first of all let me ask : Where did you get your super-cool avatar ?
My good friend gustavo_l_f made it for me. :)
Which Harry Potter book you liked the most ?
I haven't read too many of them, although I want to. I only have Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Books > Movies. ;)
So, which AE game you like the most ?
I like AQ and MQ the most. I use to play DF, but stopped. I logged in and did all the chain quests though. It was pretty fun. I stopped right before the cap rose to 40. I just couldn't stand the grinding.
PS3 or XBox360 ?
I can't believe I have the second (EDIT : Third) post !
Have you yet reached Super Sayian 2 ?
Indeed. I use my normal form since SSJ2 is too powerful for most people to handle.
Pie or Pi ?
Definatly Pie.
Well, you must be so happy, being a part of a team which maintains order in the forums.
Indeed. Working with the others is a great honor. They are all excellent people.
Favourite type of food ?
I like Chinese, Italian, and Mexican food.
Favourite film ?
I haven't watched many movies. I would say National Treasure.
Have you heard of me ? I've heard a lot about you, personally.
I've only heard of you yesterday when I was fixing the Encyclopedia of Rating Centers as per request from the Multipurpose Thread.
Happy AKing ! [:)]
Happy Foruming!

Andy8 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (7/18/2008 11:35:02)

Hi, How are you...Congratulations...for the change...
Again, I didn't have a change. I just added DF CR&A to my duty of managing AQ CR&A.
So just 7 days..then you will back to AQ ?
I never left. ;)
Anyway, as a rater, welcome to DF CR&A...[:)]

Kirgandian -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (7/18/2008 11:39:53)

Firstly, Congrats!
Which do you like best AQ, DF or MQ?
That's a though one. I would have to say MQ, AQ, and then DF. Only because I haven't played DF since the cap rose to 40. when the cap rose, I couldn't stand the grinding.
Favourite type of music?
I like Rap and Hip-Hop.
Favourite type of book?
Not really sure. I would say any interesting book with an excellent plot. My favorite book thus far is The Catcher in the Rye.
Lastly, welcome to DF CR&A!!![:D]
Thanks again!

chickenboys -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (7/18/2008 11:49:45)

You moved away from AQ...(yay DF is getting more recognition!)...(don't give up on AQ though...it was good when you were there [;)])
I didn't really move. I AK both AQ and DF CR&A's now.
Also...why only 7 days?
Why not? ;)
(Are we really that bad?)

Yettdragon -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (7/18/2008 12:01:32)

I want to be a ArchKnight but it all good
welcome to DRAGONFABLE
and yeah hope you like itz here

Aves -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (7/18/2008 12:15:39)

It's nice to see you on the DF side of the ratings world
Glad to be here!
Are you going to see the Dark Knight (or have you seen it yet)?
Not going to see it. I'm not much of a movie person.
What's your favorite movie (& genre)?
I would say National Treasure is very interesting. Mostly because I like history.
Favorite bird? :)
Ah, they are all birds to me. :O
That's it- good luck with your week here!
I guess I phrased the first post wrong. I meant my MtAK will be here for a week. I will be staying.

PaperClip OF DOOM -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (7/18/2008 12:26:48)

Very surprising, I DID NOT see that coming. O:
/me bends the PaperClip
Hey! Your color is like the bolded link color! I keep clicking on everything you say. D:
Yay! My evil plan to make you click on all my editing worked!
Oh, you watch Avatar too? I can't wait for the ending. Yesterday was chapter 16, today 17! :OOOOOOOOOO I watch it online though, since it doesn't air on any of the channels we get here. :p
Indeed. It is a great series.
So, any weird hobbies? ;P
Not really.
I suggest you put a link to your MtAK in DFGD. Ask a DFGD AK to lock and sticky it. That way you will get more posts... that is, if you WANT more posts. xD
Nah, I'm good. Thanks for the...concern though.
Anyway, bye! Enjoy the CR&A! Don't let blues overwork you to death! ;P
Don't worry about it. blues is an awesome person. I work with him at AQ CR&A. ;)

Bakuryu the Mole -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (7/18/2008 13:03:52)

Hey, Wassup Game ;) Congratz btw
Haven't seen ya in long! What ya been up to?
It's great to see you too. Been a while since Angband. I've been rating at USoR for the past few months.
What's your favourite Movie?
National Treasure.
You like Cookies?
Who doesn't? :)
Which is the best - AQ or DF?
It's all a matter of preference really.
Why is your name 'The Game'?
Why is your name Bakuryu the Mole?
Anyways see you around! Have fun locking and deleting with you supersaiyan AK powers!
Oh, I will! ;)

PhantomBlitz -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (7/18/2008 13:41:48)

Hi, The Game!
Hello PhantomBlitz!
First of all, congrats on your AKhood!
Thanks, although I was first AKed a few months ago.
Have you ever seen me on the forums before?
Can't say that I have.
What do you do most of the time?
I hang around AQ CR&A, AQ EC, AQ Guides, and MQ Q&A. I guess I will be adding DF CR&A to that list now.
What kind of books do you read?
Whatever is requested of me by my teachers.
Favorite DF event?
I haven't kept up with DF these days. The Egg Hunt early on in the game was pretty fun.
Ok, that's about it, see you around!

wolfman_naruto -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (7/18/2008 18:05:29)

Hi The Game
Where do you live if Phillipines I'm in tarlac?
I live in the U.S.
Good to see you in DF subforums
Glad to be here!
What's your favorite characters in dragonballs
Goku, Pan, Gohan, Majin Buu, Vegeta, and that's about it.

Mine is Goku like you or Gohan?
I like them both. Gohan's best was against Cell. :)

Hame-Hame Wave

congrats on being an AK
Are you shock when being an ak?
I was. Scakk asked me on IRC about 5 months ago. I just recently added DF CR&A as one of my boards thanks to blues.
good luck on rating?
I only AQ rate, but thanks! I don't know that much about DF to DF rate.
See you around on the forums?
Hopefully, it will be on a positive note. ;)

Gus. -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (7/18/2008 18:18:12)

Whatever happened to the tradition of posting on a specific time to get me first post? ;-;
Sorry about that. I told Zz first on #Angband.
Less USoR time? With the recent happenings, will it last?
Probably, although I don't think it will be that much less. I only do a few ratings each round anyways. Dev said he is going to be insanely active, so that's good.
So, for a happier tone of questions:
So, for a happier tone of answers:
How on Earth...err..Lore, did you end up here?
You know. ;)
Goofy will certainly have a surprise!
Well, Goof' still owns my soul even though blues stole my soul as well. This is because Goof' initially stole blues's soul and blues still considers himself Goof's minion, so indirectly, Goof' still owns my soul. ;)
Favorite rater?
There are way too many to name. I would have to go with Astral for first inspiring me to rate. Though, I have to give thanks to you, Zz, Goth, blues, Suzaku, Deimius, Baruman...*5 hours later*. Yeah, there are way too many to name.
Who do you miss more, Izon, Tensy or Suzaku? Or Deimius?
I miss them all, although I wish I knew what happened to Deimius. ;_;
Your avvy is awesome. ;P (Mine is awesomer though)
Of course my avvy is awesome. You made it!
I almost forgot! Flame Haze > Super Saiyan!
I can has edit color too. What's with it and the color blue? :3
blue is win!
*byecongratulationsnugglewugglehugglepouncetickletackleglompfuzzlewuzzlesnugattacks TG!* :D
*snuggles Plushie*

skydrite -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (7/18/2008 21:19:48)

Woot, a MtAK thread!
Hey Sky!

No questions here, just want to say congratulations! :D
Thanks! :D

good luck and see you on IRC!

Enzeru -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (7/18/2008 21:41:33)


Where is Bob the guy from accounting?
Where is Waldo?
I eated him.

If Cysero, Rolith and Artix all ran for president who would you vote for?
Artix. After all, he is the AE creator guy.
Do you play starcraft brood war online? If so do you play on u.s. west and what is your username?

Favorite Star Wars Character?
I would say Anakin Skywalker.

What would you do if you saw a pig fly?
I'd ask Circe what she did to it. :O

Can you guess my goal on this forum?(hint: look at my avatar)
You shouldn't strive for it. Doing so is the best way to assure you that you won't be reaching that goal.

Why is the sky green?
Are you feeling alright? >:O

Where are you from?
I'm from U.S.

Which do you think is funnier, Simpsons, Family Guy, or South Park?
I watch Family Guy the most out of those three, so I'll go with that.

Thanks for answering my random questions. And good luck.

bob.builder -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (7/18/2008 21:47:17)

Ah.. The Game..from AQ forums.. I think...; welll congratulations on you ak-ship to the DF CR&A! Duh.duh.duh.
1) What other games do you play? (not including AE games)
I play Pirates of the Caribbean Online whenever I'm bored.
2) AQ, DF, MQ, or AQW (Favorite)
It's a matter of preference. I'll go with MQ, only because I have 1.3 million credits playing casually. DF's quests are definatly the best though. AQ is good too, but not so much once you reach higher levels, if you count level 97 as high.
3) AQ Clan?
Aerodu ftw!
4) MQ House? (Favorite if you have one in all three)
Runehawk ftw!
5) Chickencows?
Sounds tasty. :)
6) Cowchickens?
Reminds me of that old show Cow and Chicken.
7) If someone snugglepounces you, what would you do?
I would run around in circles screaming at the top of my lungs.
9) Star Wars?
A classic series. I've watched all 6 episodes. :)
10) Where did number 8 go?
I eated it.
8) Here it is!
11) That is all. See you on the forums!
Do you really want to see an AK around the forums? :o

mediaevaldragon -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (7/18/2008 21:48:09)

/me snuggles teh Super Saiyan
/me snuggles teh Dragon
Having fun with your new board?
Indeed. :)
I'm scared of being rated D:
I don't DF rate, so you're okay unless you stumble upon AQ CR&A.
Who is the scarier OverLord: Scakk or blues?
Both of them are great people. Scakk is so knowledgeable and fun/scary at the same time. blues is always willing to help and is always extremely friendly. I honestly can't choose.
Anyways have fun and get ready for all the shackle questions >:D
I wonder if Scakk kept my Fluffy Pink Shackles for me. :O
/me snuggleticklehuggles Wolfie
/me snuggles mediae
Buh bye :D
/me waves to mediae

Ricobabie -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (7/18/2008 21:56:13)

/me pouncesnugglewuggles TG ^_^
/me snuggleshuggles Wico ^^
Oooo another fancy MtAK thread :D
Where? >:O
So now that you got a new shiny thread, what are you going to do with it?
I will answer questions so the forumites think I am nice. They will never think that I am planning world domination behind there backs!...Did I just say that out loud? :O
:O does teh thread have magical powahs?
Of course! I edited it after all. ;)
Will you rate my DF character if I put a thread up? :D
I don't really do DF rating. ;_;
Anyways I'm gonna leave you to answer teh questions :P
/me bye snuggles TG :D
/me byehugs Wico

carbo -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (7/18/2008 22:00:33)

1st off congrats on becomming an AK
I was already an AK in AQ CR&A. I just added DF CR&A to my duties. :)
lol lets try some this or that to start off with lol
/me gets ready

DF or AQ
Both are better in respective areas.
red or blue
Both are very nice. How about a mixture of both? Bred!
pepsi or coke
adam bohn (artix) or ??? (cysero)
AE creator ftw!
pc or mac
PC. I don't have a Mac.
strict or fun loving
I won't lie here. I'm one of the stricter AKs.

now some real(ish) questions
Now for some real answers.
if you could work with adam, jd, tony (artix, warlik, galanoth), ect. in making the AE games what job would you choose?
I would choose to AK in their forum.
whats your fav. DB(Z, GT) saga?
Cell saga was excellent. It was orginally intended for DBZ to end at Cell saga with Gohan as the strongest, but fans wanted more.
how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
A wood chuck would chuck as much wood as a wood chuck could chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood.
whats the meaning of life?
that is all...... FOR NOW MUHAHAHAHA [sm=evilking.gif]
lol :) good luck on on being an AK

ArcLightning -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (7/18/2008 22:18:10)

Congratz on becoming an AK The Game
Thanks! I'm hoping to do as good a job as I am doing in AQ CR&A.
Do you play any other games other than ae games?
Pirates of the Caribbean Online is interesting.
Whats your favourite avatar episode?
Any of the recent episodes with Zuko as a face as opposed to a heel are good.
Fav. DBZ character?
Goku, Gohan, Pan, and Majin Buu.
Fav. DBZ move? khamehameha , spirit bomb etc.
I don't have a preference.

Cya later The Game
P.S. Congratz once again
Thanks again!

Saojun -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (7/18/2008 22:27:32)

TG! Congratz! /me snugs TG! :D
Thanks Sao!
Hmm... No questions here, cos the others would have asked them all already.
Maybe just 1: If you were to rate my character, how many points would you give it?
I don't DF rate. Only AQ rate.
Enjoy your new board and powers! Bye for now and see you on IRC! [:)]
Bye! /me randomly deletes threads

Lost Angel -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (7/18/2008 22:28:56)

Ahhhh So the great Mr Game we finally meet...Or should I call you TG?
TG is fine. Am I really that great? >:O
So I see your a DBZ Fan, so then let see what kind a fan you are!!
Which was your Favorite Saga and Why?
Cell saga. The fight between Cell and Gohan was just awesome, especially during the Kamehameha showdown.
Favorite Saiyan character?
Goku, Gohan, Vegeta, or Pan.
Favorite Non Saiyan hero?
Does Majin Buu count?
Favorite Villain and WHY are they your favorite?
Freeza is my favorite. I just love watching him suffer for what he did to Vegeta.
Favorite Attack?
I don't have a preference.
Okay Enough of the DBZ Questions!
Okay, enough with the DBZ answers!
What do you like about Dragon Fable and what do you wish they do differently if anything
I love DF's quests the most. I just wish everything wouldn't revolve around finding 10 stackable objects, etc. It gets really annoying.
Do you feel ready to deal with the madness that is DF CR&A?
Indeed. It's not as mad as AQ CR&A, thank goodness.
What is your Favorite quest so far in DF?
I don't play much DF these days, so it's hard to answer.
Least Favorite?
/me points towards top
Do you worship at the altar that is the power of DOOOOOOOM!?!?!
Whats your Dragons name on DF?
As a DF CR&A rater which class do you prefer to rate most, or do you like rating all base classes?
Again, I don't do DF rating. I only do AQ rating.
Which DF class do you play most when you play?
My main's a Warrior, so I play Warrior's the most.
Is That 15 Questions?
You tell me. >:O

Luggy -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (7/18/2008 22:36:44)

Nice to meet you, The Game! I am Luggy, The Waffle Cook
Congrats on the AKship(specifically, your new job. You'll see me soon on the CR&A Forums)
I have some questions:
I have some answers:
1.- Have you seen me somewhere?
Cn't say I have.
2.-How do your shackles fit?(mediaevaldragon's idea)
heh, I'll have to thank mediae for the concern. They fit just fine.
3.-Which Dragon Ball Z Saga do you prefer?
Cell saga. Gohan > All.
4.- I personally think the GT Part was way to exaggerated. Do you?
Indeed since it was created by someone else. Too much rided on Goku, not much else on the others except for Pan and vegeta.
5.- Which anime is your favorite?(apart from Dragon Ball)
Avatar: The Last Airbender is good.
6.- Do you like the new buttons?
Not really new. I got use to them in AQ CR&A and MQ Q&A.
I guess that's all for now... See you soon!
On a good note I hope.
P.S Remember July 25th very good... it's my birthday, after all! [:D]

4jj11 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (7/18/2008 22:43:37)

hey remeber me?
Nope. You would not like it if an AK remembered you. ;)
well anyway congrats on ur second Ak (some people get all the luck...JK^^)
what is your fav. ak button you have?
That is a secret. ;)
cheese or rotten cheese?
Rotton Cheese.
ps3 or 360?
I don't have any game consoles except for my old PlayStation. I know, it came out in 1999.
ipod or zune?
I don't have any of those.
pen or pencil?
Pen > Pencil.
good luck :D

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