RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Spike and Fountain OOCs (Full Version)

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dragon -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Spike and Fountain OOCs (7/19/2008 18:37:07)

Deltora, I do believe you commented on my character and described the armor as bulky, but for reference, it is nothing of the sort, and is actually fitted to Vi'in's form.

RATIONALPARANOIA -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Spike and Fountain OOCs (7/19/2008 19:08:15)

*Rational blows on his pipe*

Jolly good match we're having, eh blokes? Three on one, I might call that a tad bit unfair, but I'm willing to work with it. :P

The Dragon Knight -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Spike and Fountain OOCs (7/20/2008 2:41:04)

Posted. My cruel and sadistic nature is manifesting itself. Don't worry, though, it's only my own character that's getting tortured.....

TormentedDragon -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Spike and Fountain OOCs (7/20/2008 3:11:49)

The edit is to make it a bit more clear that she's crashing into the gargoyle. And yes, wrapping herself around it. And yes, it's now very rainbowy. And lots of colors. All over. Including the characters.

And yeah. She wasn't gonna pull a full stop and an about face just to have a chat with Guts. Sorry, Rational.

Lord Memphis -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Spike and Fountain OOCs (7/20/2008 5:53:54)

Saved me life, TD. Saved me life.

And what we have here is the uncompromising side of Rattigan's personality. The first object is something akin to Greek Fire. The second is Rubidium, an alkali metal that explodes on contact with water.

DWeird -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Spike and Fountain OOCs (7/20/2008 9:08:21)

Heh, go for inconspicuous and get a double attack... Awesome. :D

Deltora, another couple mistakes to your already formidable collection:

#1. "Pale man." My guy is wearing a hooded cloak, and it obscures both his face and his hands/feet, meaning neither of them can be (easily) seen at this point. Meaning you can't really judge the colour of his skin. Minor mistake, so I don't care too much.

#2. Location/actions of my charry. My guy *is* behind Gill, your current attacker, but he is nowhere near him (you did not imply that in your post, but there does seem to be some confusion). Also, my character 'drew' nothing and 'moved it towards' nothing. My character's hand is still in the pouch, and everything he did he did with magic.

A broader note there: my character abilities have no external manifestation except for the things he wants to move actually moving (and, in some occasions, some of his rings being activated, but that's another story entirely). It's sort of like telekinesis, only limited to certain objects and working from inside, not outside of them. Just so there would be less confusion, each time I do something with this ability, I'll bold at least the verb. All other actions are actions of his physical body.

Ghost: I don't care care as much what your character wears or whatever, I care more about the way you justify it. Instead of trying to provide valid-ish specific reasons for something being the way it is, you seem to think it's okay to rectroactivelly enact any ruling you want, just as long as it benefits your character. "I slash at your throat!" "Seriously, would my guy choose to be in a position where his throat could be slashed? He's actually way over there, where you can't even reach him!".

Poor show, good boy. Poor show.

Xforce: If that horse really is the way you said it was in chat, well... Thanks for the gift! :D

Also, re: Spike vs. Fountain: Half of you guys will soon be dead because that's what you think your characters should do. I forsee no troubles on that front for most people in Fountain. :D After that happens, we will catch up as something fast catches up to something really slow or maybe something that does not move at all!

Onwards and forwards and a wee bit to the right!

Frozt -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Spike and Fountain OOCs (7/20/2008 11:15:18)

The last entrant arrives...

My opening post in Spike will come shortly...

After i have read the already posted posts...
(Am i the only one confused with my writing?)

The Dragon Knight -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Spike and Fountain OOCs (7/20/2008 11:43:14)

Oh.... TD's character is NOT going to be happy with you, Memphis.

On the bright side, a new entrant should be able to keep on of those three "unfair" players busy for you, Rational. Wouldn't want you to have to strain yourself, or anything.

Lord Memphis -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Spike and Fountain OOCs (7/20/2008 11:55:27)

I figured if I'm going to be slaughtered, it's going to have a sufficient motivation from the one doing the slaughtering. Besides, I couldn't resist.

The Dragon Knight -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Spike and Fountain OOCs (7/20/2008 12:53:27)

hehehe, to be honest, I was wondering when this would happen. I think TD's saving grace is the sheer mass of water he possesses, since chemical reactions can only occur as long as there is reactive material present. With such small amounts, it may look flashy, and will probably hurt her, but your materials will be used up in the reaction fairly quickly. (Well, maybe not the quicklime)

Hmm, actually, using the Rubidium may have been a mistake. If it DOES connect with her and causes an explosion, it'll likely result in her being splattered across half the arena, which means the quicklime with suddenly find itself without a water source. Then, TD can just reform her. Not to mention that the light creature will probably be freed once she goes kablooey.

DWeird -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Spike and Fountain OOCs (7/20/2008 13:02:53)

Post made.

Everyone in Fountain who's in contact with the water at the base at the arena: You are shocked! ^_^ Only your feet if you've got nothin' conductive on yah, you decide what if there is (oh, metal armor! Odes to thee!).

Xforce, I need to know just what amount of bones are there in that horse of yours. ^_^ Also, what type? 'ny skulls?

Also, again. Sorry for the length.

Onwards and forwards and a wee bit to the right, Fountain!

Frozt -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Spike and Fountain OOCs (7/20/2008 13:46:46)

Opening post is up...
Not a particularly well post, at least not at you guys/gals level, but it is not particularly bad...

The Dragon Knight -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Spike and Fountain OOCs (7/20/2008 15:04:41)

Frozt, it's good to see that you've taken an interest in the EC. This tournament will do wonders to improve your RPing and combat RP skills, provided that you take any advice or suggestions as just that, advice, and not as criticism. Seeing as your intro post only involves your own character, the content is entirely yours to decide upon. However, I feel obligated to point out that here in the EC, just as in a normal RP, spelling and grammar do count for a lot.

This forum has a built-in spell checker when you post. I know that you are probably cutting and pasting your writing from a word processor, and I know that Notepad and Wordpad do not contain a SpellCheck function. However, when you past your post into the field on screen, any spelling mistakes are underlined in red. It's very important that you read through your post in this manner before submitting it. This allows you to catch spelling mistakes, not to mention grammatical errors, before your post goes up, preventing you from having to edit, and giving your abilities a far more polished appearance.

N3344 -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Spike and Fountain OOCs (7/20/2008 15:13:40)

Ok post is up.

To everyone: The spikes that have been unleashed are completely random, so you can talk about them or not as there is a lot of them(about 15 of them).

Gedd: Most of the spikes were aimed towards Jon, but there is a good chance he can dodge them as Cale was temp. blinded and didnt aim very well. Though, about 7 were headed in your direction. Also, the "bullet" that was sent at Cale hit him and was NOT used in this previous attack. Itll be saved for later...

Frozt: Ive added in you in my post. You are welcome to join me and Gedds battle, though, I do think itd be a bit unfair as there would be, in a sense, two earth vs ond ice.

Oh, and just to let everyone know about my character, Cale is made of earth, but he rather use excess earth he can find instead of using his own body to attack. Just now, Cale used a combo of his own body AND the excess dirt.

darkgillshadow -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Spike and Fountain OOCs (7/20/2008 15:28:27)

Did you just say that it's free scotch time?

Frozt -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Spike and Fountain OOCs (7/20/2008 15:48:44)

@TDK: I am in fact writing my posts directly into the forum, mostly at least...
And i have not once seen the red underlines underneath my text, even though i know that it is not grammatically correct(due to my first language not being english)...
And i will take your advice as advice... :D (and some of the bad spelling can be blamed on the very narrow-keyed keyboard i am using, though i still know that my spelling is'nt great otherwise :/)

EDIT: Eh... Another edit... :/ not good...

Oh... Forgot to thank you for the advice...
So thank you TDK for your advice... (and vould you tell me more about the spell checker? I have'nt noticed it...)

Geddesmck -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Spike and Fountain OOCs (7/20/2008 16:01:54)

Hmm... 4 inch spikes? Are they thick or needle-like N3344?

Secondly: if Jon kept battering you and breaking away your weapons, you'd eventually be forced to use your own mass to create weapons?

One last thing. If Jon killed Cale, could Cale eventually just pull himself together again?

Ronin Of Dreams -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Spike and Fountain OOCs (7/20/2008 16:02:41)

Fun Fact: Writing a post in Notepad, let alone any fancier program with built-in fanciful aids such as grammar proofing and spell checkers, is a proven lifesaver in preventing posts lost from browser hiccups! You do it for the security, not for the fanciful things, least for things like RP posts or L&L projects. Stuff that's a pain to rewrite and never seems exactly the same as when you first wrote it.

@TDK: That tends to be browser based, not forum side. Unless the Preview button suddenly has become far more powerful than I recall.

Also, with regards to spelling and grammar. I'm forgiving. We all make mistakes, and sometimes the conventional rules of grammar get run over roughshod by the tank treads of dramatic description and theatrical presentation. The key is to avoid the glaring grammatical errors of the non-purposeful variety that wind up totally wrecking the flow and rhythm of the piece. THOSE are the scourge to slay with utmost importance in your revision work!

'Cause, honestly, for some English is not even their primary language. (Edit: Like Frozt himself! The irony of moving to the general scheme of things and not thinking about specific RPers at this point.) Wouldn't surprise me to have a competitor who took English as their *tertiary* language. So there's a bit of flex in the system that way.

N3344 -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Spike and Fountain OOCs (7/20/2008 16:04:13)

Theyre thick. Maybe a couple inches in diameter. And thats a yes and no kind of situation. Its going to take A LOT to break Cales weapons(theres a reason why RP's knifes broke them), but IF you managed to take away ALL the earth from Cales body, then Cale would have to use his own body to make weapons.

Edit: Cale COULD theoretically do that, but there are restrictions such as how he died, what his surroundings are, etc. Cale probably wont die by weapons but by other things that I will not say cause I want to win haha.

Geddesmck -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Spike and Fountain OOCs (7/20/2008 16:06:05)

Alrighty, thanks. One last thing, again. Are they travelling at enough speed to pierce chain mail.

N3344 -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Spike and Fountain OOCs (7/20/2008 16:07:52)

Oh yea, I forgot to mention how fast they were going. Remember the bullet that you sent, well its going a little bit slower than that. But yes, they can pierce chain mail.

Geddesmck -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Spike and Fountain OOCs (7/20/2008 16:10:09)

Alright, thanks, I'll post tonight then.

xaxtoo -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Spike and Fountain OOCs (7/20/2008 16:21:13)

The white glowing balls do splash darkness damage, and depending on magical resistance of the character, possibly affecting him with a curse that prevents natural healing and non-light based healing for up to a day. The balls themselves don't actually do a lot of damage, they cause slight pain and displeasure.

Karddicj hails from a world that is lying on top of Lore but in a different dimension. And the ball Karddicj has was transmitting terrain data of his homeworld to him the whole time it was being kicked around. The ball is activated by kinetic motion and periodically when enough energy is built up, starts the transformation. But by itself it's too weak to complete it. And every part the ball has initiated transformation, Karddicj can complete it when he's in close proximity. What Karddicj actually does is pull his world into that of Lore temporarily, a few hours at a time.

Discipline, one ball should hit you head on, while the other lands on top of you if you continue your present projectile. The apple core will hit first though.

The Dragon Knight -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Spike and Fountain OOCs (7/20/2008 16:24:48)

You're quite welcome for the advice, Frozt, and Ronin raises an excellent point. I use Firefox, not Internet Explorer, so I have no idea if the spell checker is browser based or not. It's possibly that the forum software has a plugin of some sort for Firefox browsers, since not all forums that I frequent have this feature in their posting setup.

At any rate, it's certainly understandable that mistakes will happen, especially if English is not your primary language. Still, it's best to know what areas need the most work. You'll improve over time, and the EC will help you with that.

N3344 -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Spike and Fountain OOCs (7/20/2008 16:26:20)

TDK: It is in fact just the Firefox browser as one of my other computers uses firefox and it corrects posts on other blogs, social websites, etc.

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