RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Spike and Fountain OOCs (Full Version)

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Muse -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Spike and Fountain OOCs (7/23/2008 18:29:31)

Without meaning to be rude, you just contradicted yourself a few times there. I quoted you and now you're saying it's innacurate?

Also, if he did not teleport, how did he disappear in a flash and get miles away? Ditto for the weapons, minus the flash.

Plus you did say he 'moved with inhuman speed' when avoiding Roch's axe.

I only ask because that's the way things have been presented in your posts. If you do not mean it, please clarify in the OOC. If I see it that way as a spectator, I should imagine that's the way other RPers see it too.

RATIONALPARANOIA -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Spike and Fountain OOCs (7/23/2008 18:38:02)

Again- You seem to overlook the fact that the giant itself was an illusion. The giant could teleport... Because he was an illusion. The giant could move with an inhuman speed... because he was an illusion. Also, you seem to not understand what I mean when I talk about the quotes. Those quotes are his thoughts- Guts himself is an arrogant guy. Yes, he does think he could kill that person with just his hands and the power of the Lord of Light. Does that mean he actually could? No.

EDIT: And I *have* talked to the RPers, when necessary. They themselves put together most of it when they realized the giant was an illusion, though.

Muse -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Spike and Fountain OOCs (7/23/2008 18:44:54)

"Pulling out his two swords, he merely stood where he was, watching for how they would react to his attack. He was almost certain that he had intimidated them- Looking like a massive muscular giant was one thing, looking like a massive muscular giant who knew magic was another one entirely"

This was your introduction. If this 'giant' is an illusion, wherabouts exactly is your real character, then? And how come he can throw these knives and fire these arrows if he's an illusion?

Edit: Y'know what, it doesn't matter. This is obviously just going to devolve into a "he said she said" argument, so I'm going to just say one thing and leave it at that:

If you are going to do extravagant things that could be misinterpreted as overpowering, please just post a note in the OOC every now and then to clarify so everybody knows the score and this situation doesn't arise again.

The Dragon Knight -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Spike and Fountain OOCs (7/23/2008 19:32:02)

Muse has a valid point there, Rational. When you posted your intro, I don't recall there being any OOC indication that what you were doing was the result of an illusion. I can understand you wanting to keep that a secret, but without a logical explanation in the OOC, it appears to be god-modding. Especially since an unscrupulous RPer can say "Oh, but it was all an illusion! THAT'S why he can teleport and move super duper fast!" afterwards to try and weasel out of a god-modding claim. While I have no doubts that your intentions were legitimate, you need to prevent this from happening in the future.

On that note, you need to let us know OOC WHERE your real character is. Any RPer worth his salt will know better than to give their character that information IC without a damn good explanation. My character COULD detect yours, but we need to know where you actually are in the arena, so we have an idea as to why arrows are coming out of nowhere. If you don't reveal that kind of info OOC, it can be perceived as metagaming. The last thing I want to see is a decent RPer getting purged just because of a misunderstanding.

EDIT: Also, POSTED. All actions have been discussed in detail with damsel. The cloud of steam was only enough to hide my character within a radius of a couple of feet, and only for a few moments. Also, because steam rises, damsel's character was able to see how my feet moved, allowing her to guess where my character would be when she launched the spear.

RATIONALPARANOIA -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Spike and Fountain OOCs (7/23/2008 20:16:42)

TDK, I understand your concerns. Now, you must understand, as I realized (when I saw your post, and then talked to Ronin), I did act a little stupid. Giving you no OOC information... was not good. I didn't exactly realize it before, but yeah, I could easily metagame. For example, just putting my character in whatever position is most advantageous to him. And, yeah, probably should have given some indication that my character was not what it appeared to be (although I hope you know that I'm not an unscrupulous RPer :P).

OOC, Guts was about 10 feet to the side of my giant. (Yeah, they started close together) He didn't move until the two most recent posts, where he moved closer to Rattigan and Roch in order to shoot the arrows. He's still reasonably far away from them (about 20 yards, I think the distance would be from Memphis). Also, it has come to my attention that there may be an issue in how the illusion with Rattigan works... Basically, it's an elaborate flash bang. I wanted some flair, so I went with the whole illusion thing. It goes away very quickly, in a matter of seconds, just like a normal flash bang does.

EDIT: Ah, forgot about Muse's questions. The knives were thrown by Guts- you'll notice that, like the arrows which were just shot by Guts, they seemingly appeared in the air out of nowhere. Your other question is answered by the above.

Nightly -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Spike and Fountain OOCs (7/23/2008 21:17:18)

Whew. Thats some good readin there.... Posting in a while.

The Dragon Knight -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Spike and Fountain OOCs (7/23/2008 21:58:46)

Thank you for clarifying things for us so quickly, Rational. I think the battle will become far more interesting for everyone involved now that we understand just what is going on. Memphis should be able to act again in his next post, so we don't have to worry about a character waiting nearly helplessly for somebody to kill him. Now we get to find out just what sort of other tricks our Snidely Whiplash look-a-like has up his cow-urine smelling sleeves. :P

N3344 -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Spike and Fountain OOCs (7/23/2008 22:12:45)

Going to edit post. But, I really did swear those last two times that I had posted those things. I guess I just type and I think that I do it, but I end up NOT doing it. But, Ill edit the post soon and we'll see how that turns out.

TormentedDragon -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Spike and Fountain OOCs (7/24/2008 1:14:01)

Now before anyone cries foul, I'm NOT using ice magic. Her spitting the ice spikes back you, Frozt, is something she's more than capable of doing.

As to the forming of the blades, well... she's allowing, and actually speeding, the process of parts of her own mass being frozen, and controlling how it happens. She could NOT do this if she didn't already have a piece of ice. Which she does. And she's moving the ice around the same way she moved around Guts' knives. So again, she's not doing anything out of her element.

TDK and Damsel, she's gunning for your characters now. I imagine we have some conferring to do to figure this out.

edit: one other thing. As Selah is made of water, she sees by light passing through her. This effectively makes every inch of her surface capable of sight, which effectively gives her 360 degrees of vision... when she's not coloured. The coloring blocks that, allowing her only the range of sight available to a normal human.

edit 2: I failed to include direction cues in my post, and also forgot to include the fact that she would skirt the flaming oil. I await permission to include these details ICly. However, all should assume that Selah DOES, in fact, go around the fire, rather than through. Secondly, TDK and Damsel, assume that this action puts her in line to strike at ye from the side, and that the pillar does not provide cover as of the end of my post (you can always move to have to it do so, of course, but right now, it doesn't).

The Dragon Knight -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Spike and Fountain OOCs (7/24/2008 2:04:17)

Oh bloody 'ell. Here comes the hurting.

Guardian of Nekops -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Spike and Fountain OOCs (7/24/2008 2:42:34)

In case anyone's wondering, Roch is wearing simple, homespun clothes spattered with clay at the moment. His face is rather badly burned, yet he has no wounds on his body yet besides the occassional burn, and his clothes are intact.

He is carrying no weapons and wearing no armor... just the two circles in his hands and two pockets... one full of gravel, and the other of sand.

The Dragon Knight -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Spike and Fountain OOCs (7/24/2008 2:47:21)

You're an evil, evil little bugger, you know that GoN? :-P Let me see: an angry Fire-wielding woman on one side, an alchemist on another, and a VERY angry water nymph coming at me from yet another direction. Oh, this is going to HURT..... Don't know what the 'ell I'm going to do to get out of this one.

damselindigital -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Spike and Fountain OOCs (7/24/2008 2:53:10)

Do a barrel roll!

And I'm SO going to get you for that "damsel in distress" comment, GoN. Just you wait. One of these days when you least expect it...

Maybe I'll just have to set the Pali on Roch during his time in the abode. Yes... That may do nicely. Mehehehe.

N3344 -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Spike and Fountain OOCs (7/24/2008 2:58:15)

Gedd: Post is edited. Should make a bit more sense now. Just a little bit of info though: Cale does in fact have the earth come to him, BUT there is one of the spikes laying around. Gedd, you can decide where it is as it is, I guess, a part of you.

Oh and Cale is now coming at you head on.

Nightly -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Spike and Fountain OOCs (7/24/2008 7:44:36)

TDK, I need something to do. I'll help :P. Just cus my char's dad was a pirate. I"ll get the nymph.

Guardian of Nekops -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Spike and Fountain OOCs (7/24/2008 8:36:00)


And I'm SO going to get you for that "damsel in distress" comment, GoN. Just you wait. One of these days when you least expect it...


Most definitely worth it. ^_^

The Dragon Knight -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Spike and Fountain OOCs (7/24/2008 11:40:29)

Nightly, it's unlikely that our characters would co-operate, even in such a situation. What you COULD do, and would be more believable, is to continue with your little plan to trap or attack Selah. That's what the tendril of water in the air was for, was it not? She did absorb it in one of TD's previous posts, so your best way of helping me may be to continue in your attack on his character without any input from me, rather than trying to collaborate a post with my character.

deltora94928 -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Spike and Fountain OOCs (7/24/2008 12:07:18)

I feel so n00bish. you guys have like, ten mile long posts with epic amounts of detail, and my little whimpy posts are hiding in between. But this is fun. I'm really enjoying myself.

DWeird -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Spike and Fountain OOCs (7/24/2008 14:11:22)

Deltora (and anyone else it may concern): Regarding your last post (and not asking you to change it, just a general observation) - writing what everyone else did and then that your character 'readies himself' does not a good post make.

Do something that would make your opponent (or innocent bystanders, or whatever) react, give him a hook to work on. There are situations where one cannot believably do anything but say 'this and this happened to me, and my character is now doing something that doesn't really affect anything at all', but these should be few and far between.

Anyhoo. As for me, post'll be up tomorrow, the contents of which depend on whether Xforce manages to make one of his own today. <.<

The Dragon Knight -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Spike and Fountain OOCs (7/24/2008 14:54:21)

Well deltora, if you have fun, then the EC has accomplished its primary objective. Learn from those who have more experience, improve your own abilities and for crying out loud have FUN doing it. Or else I will feed you to TD.

Lord Memphis -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Spike and Fountain OOCs (7/24/2008 14:56:10)

And that's not fun.

Hydrochloric acid's bad stuff, kids!

Oh, and to add some modicum of on-topicness, I'm preparing a post right now.

xaxtoo -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Spike and Fountain OOCs (7/24/2008 15:20:55)

Slight edit in the post to clarify how the two might be hidden. Just as a note, they're off to the side of the arena.
That picture shows the location of the two characters and the position of where I think Gill is. Everyone else with the exception of Jake is probably at the top of the picture, where the entrance is.

Ronin Of Dreams -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Spike and Fountain OOCs (7/24/2008 16:32:11)

A general update as per today's Purge Sweep:

Xforce, due to multiple promises for prompt posts via the #archipelago IRC channel on the Caelestia network, and then consistently failing or disappearing instead of posting, has hereby been purged due to the holdup of other characters awaiting an IC reaction for multiple days. He was warned in advance of the Sweep of this, and given a final deadline of the Sweep, which he has missed. An IC post by myself shall resolve this shortly. This sentence has been suspended until 6 PM EST before taking effect without further appeal.

Issues that would have required an Inquiry and possible purge have already been resolved in a satisfactory manner, and as such, there is no news of note regarding Purges.

Nightly -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Spike and Fountain OOCs (7/24/2008 17:13:23)

Posted. TD, TDK, and Damsle, your chars are behind me. and GoN, yours is in front of me.

The Dragon Knight -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Spike and Fountain OOCs (7/24/2008 17:41:28)

Oh lord... If Nightly keeps Roch busy, that means it'll just be me and Selah unless somebody else jumps in. Not the best of odds. Oh well, I'll work with it. Post is now up.

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