RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Spike and Fountain OOCs (Full Version)

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Guardian of Nekops -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Spike and Fountain OOCs (7/24/2008 18:18:45)

Um... Nightly? How did you get between me and the Pillar, again?

I was under the impression that I was rather close to it, and I was running at a dead sprint for the cover of my wall. Seing as I am currently without armor or weapon.

I was also under the impression that you were quite far away, making your silent tornado of death that consumed a quarter of the arena.

So I would like an explanation as to how, without mentioning moving at all, you managed to get between my poor defenseless Roch and his only hope of survival. :-P

In addition, Roch currently carries no blade, and that fact should be pretty obvious. So asking him to draw it is a tad weird :-P

Nightly -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Spike and Fountain OOCs (7/24/2008 20:55:08)

Simple my dear man, to explain as to how I got there befor you did, A) I am severyl depleted of all internal fluids making me faster than I already am (I was very fast to start with as per control of the wind) So that explains how I managed to get there in a timely fasion. Also, I was more or less the same distance away as TD.

Next as to how I got there without saying I moved, as you said. I am quoting myself by the way:


Shaking his head in utter disappointment, he drew his sword and sped off towards the pirate.
End of the first paragraph. I start towards TDK's character.


he smiled as he changed his direction and headed a little ways in front of the man so as he could block off his attempt to enter the fray.

Bout two lines in for the second paragraph. I change my direction more or less halfway there.

I'll change the bit about you having a sword though.

Guardian of Nekops -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Spike and Fountain OOCs (7/24/2008 21:04:11)

Blood and internal fluids are necessary for life, let alone good enough health to run.

Less blood and such makes you LESS healthy, LESS able to run. It's a wonder you're still standing, let alone sprinting twice as fast as someone running for his life.


However, if you want to leave it as is, I can deal with it no problem. Just pointing out that it doesn't make a great deal of sense to me.

Nightly -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Spike and Fountain OOCs (7/24/2008 21:09:14)

For my character it is not, otherwise I wouldn't be here. Because of his lighter mass, he can make the winds push himself faster.

Edit: just read your edit, I'm sure we can reach a terms of agreement for this. Send me a pm if you want to work it out farther.

The Dragon Knight -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Spike and Fountain OOCs (7/24/2008 22:26:14)

Ok, Nightly, I have to point out one thing here: You're in the same position as Rational was. You have a character that is able to do something that SHOULD NOT BE POSSIBLE and you're not giving a reason why. I don't mean his ability to move faster than either TD or Roch; there are any number of wind-based abilities that can do so, although you should include a description of the ability in your IC posts. I'm talking about how an outwardly HUMAN character can survive without any form of fluids in its body. You only said he was like one of the wind mummy creatures in AQ, you never actually explained why it's actually possible for YOUR character. He started out as human, so for him to suddenly become a mummy doesn't compute.

If you're serious about being in the EC, you HAVE to let people know OOC about the things your character is doing IC, and how they can actually happen.

deltora94928 -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Spike and Fountain OOCs (7/24/2008 23:13:02)

I added a new paragraph to my most recent post. Makes it a little longer and gives darkgillshadow something to work with.

Guardian of Nekops -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Spike and Fountain OOCs (7/25/2008 0:26:17)

Nightly; either dodge or get flattened, yes? Roch outclasses your character in weight, current speed, momentum, toughness and strength hands down, so there is no way you're going to stop him with your fists.

I suggest the 'living to fight another day' option, but take your pick.

N3344 -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Spike and Fountain OOCs (7/25/2008 0:48:36)

GoN: You said that your character has sand and dirt in his pockets right? I think that Cale might like that. Might have a possible future attacker soon. Really soon. Maybe he'll attack your characters possible love interest too...

Guardian of Nekops -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Spike and Fountain OOCs (7/25/2008 0:57:40)

Sand and gravel, yes. A handful of each.

He finds them handy, sort of like carrying a pocketknife and duct tape about.


You do know we're halfway across the arena from each other, yes?

N3344 -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Spike and Fountain OOCs (7/25/2008 1:05:04)

A couple questions about that sand and stuff. Does he use it for actual "earth magic" or "earthern attacks"? Oh and are you using Rochs hands as a measurement or a "regular" persons hands as a measurement?

The Dragon Knight -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Spike and Fountain OOCs (7/25/2008 1:06:30)

N3344, keep in mind that your characters are half an arena away from where this action is taking place. If Cale can sense sand and gravel in somebody's pocket, that hasn't been shown yet, over that distance, you'd think he'd have done something about it before now. I suggest waiting till there's a REASONABLE explanation for Cale coming over here.

Guardian of Nekops -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Spike and Fountain OOCs (7/25/2008 1:09:00)

He uses it for transmutations when he uses it at all. Patch jobs via alchemy. And normal handfuls.

And again, we're in the center of the arena and you're still at the gate, so controlling the sand and gravel would be a tad difficult, I should think.

TormentedDragon -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Spike and Fountain OOCs (7/25/2008 1:13:58)

Or at least near the wall. Which given the circular nature of the arena places you half the arena away no matter which direction you're in.

N3344: it's earthen, by the way. Not earthern.

N3344 -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Spike and Fountain OOCs (7/25/2008 1:14:17)

GoN: Yea I do. Also, I wouldnt just auto control it from that far away. Of course Id have to come over, like I did with Jon and see if Cale could even attempt to control it.

TDK: Its true that Cale DOES have a connection with earthern materials, BUT he would really go towards the person who holds most of the earth. And at that current time, it was Jon. Also, I just found out that Roch even had earth on him to begin with so I couldnt really do anything until now.

The Dragon Knight -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Spike and Fountain OOCs (7/25/2008 1:27:08)

Since you just found out, you'd have to RP a reason that he didn't notice up until that point. If you want to say it's because he goes after the largest source first, then fine. It's a reason.

N3344 -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Spike and Fountain OOCs (7/25/2008 1:32:35)

TD: Oh, thanks for info. I dont know why, but I guess my spellcheck never picked up.

TDK: Yea, I have a reason, so itll hopefully all work out in the end.

Frozt -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Spike and Fountain OOCs (7/25/2008 7:03:44)

TD: Am i right when i guess that Selah did NOT counter-attack Froztious?
I could'nt tell from your post, and i can't start a post before knowing...

As a side note: He will propably begin resting once again, so it would be a nice oportunity(sp?) to attack him... *grins evily at the thought of his character being slaughtered*

Nightly -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Spike and Fountain OOCs (7/25/2008 7:38:54)

GoN, have fun fighting Torelle!

Oh, and I as another fact as to how I can run so fast, in my 2nd or 3rd post I made my character touch his boots, Ig- making them encanted with speed.

Posting soon.

TormentedDragon -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Spike and Fountain OOCs (7/25/2008 11:50:30)

No, Frozt, you would be very, very wrong. Quoting from my own post:


Two separate weapons she formed, slightly curved, and long, and what she did not use, she loosed back at the man who had given them to her, point first, a spiteful counter intended only to keep him busy.

"What she did not use" refers, of course, to the ice spikes you fired at her. Thus, you are the one who gave them to her. Thus, she fires whatever she didn't use of that rain of ice spikes BACK at you, at approximately the same speed you sent them flying at her.

The Dragon Knight -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Spike and Fountain OOCs (7/25/2008 13:24:03)

Nightly, you're doing it AGAIN. Your character tapped his boots, sure, but you NEVER MENTIONED WHAT IT DID IN THE OOC! You can't keep doing things in your posts then only mentioning what that effect is fifteen bloody posts later when it suits you!!! That is called METAGAMING. It basically allows you to invent whatever the 'ell you darn well please right when you're in a jam, and is NOT a good RPing skill! This is EXACTLY the kind of thing Rational got in trouble over, because he never explained in the beginning that his character was an illusion, or told us his location at first, meaning he could say he was anywhere he wanted in the arena.

If you continue to do this sort of thing, then I'm not going to correct you anymore. Instead, Ronin will read through your posts, see that you're still doing this, and your character will be purged. If you don't want that to happen, then learn from what we're telling you, and learn from how other people's posts are written!, Not only that, read through the OOC thread and see how any time one of our characters does something, we always clarify what the something is OOC so the other people know what effect it will have.

EDIT: Post is UP! Also, I have permission from TD for the slight bunnying of his character.

Geddesmck -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Spike and Fountain OOCs (7/25/2008 15:46:18)

Should be posting soon. Just working out some details with N3344.

TormentedDragon -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Spike and Fountain OOCs (7/25/2008 17:09:19)

Note: if you're not TDK's character, you didn't hear that particular scream.

Nightly -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Spike and Fountain OOCs (7/25/2008 17:19:56)


Edit: I'm not use to all fighting Rps. Tis not my excuse, just saying.

The Dragon Knight -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Spike and Fountain OOCs (7/25/2008 17:21:39)

Explain the actual effects of the tripwire, Nightly. What does it do? Does it have any purpose OTHER than tripping people?

TormentedDragon -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Spike and Fountain OOCs (7/25/2008 17:27:10)

Does it even trip people? It's described as tightrope, after all, not a tripwire.

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