Meet the KoO, This week: The Kholdest of those with Knight vision *ONLINE* (Full Version)

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TheKholdOne -> Meet the KoO, This week: The Kholdest of those with Knight vision *ONLINE* (6/19/2005 0:59:47)

Ask away people! ^_^ Nothing too hard though.

Edit: LOCKED, answers coming soon.

Loki -> RE: Meet the KoO, This week: The Kholdest of those with Knight vision *ONLINE* (6/19/2005 1:01:07)

Hey Khold!

Isn't the sig I made you the best thing since sliced bread? :P
If by that you mean, bigger than a slice of bread, no. But, if you mean better than a slice of bread, yes. XD

Gang Starr -> RE: Meet the KoO, This week: The Kholdest of those with Knight vision *ONLINE* (6/19/2005 1:01:45)

How often do you play AQ, and for how long?
I play nearly every day for about 9 hours

Is ArchKnight ever going to recieve an update?
How should I know?

hackslash09 -> RE: Meet the KoO, This week: The Kholdest of those with Knight vision *ONLINE* (6/19/2005 1:02:45)

Where were you on the night of augest the eigth
On the moon with the medicine man

do you like monty python
It's funny for British comedy. I prefer Bill Engvall if I had choice between him and a Monty Python movie though.

if no*slaps* why
*takes X's oranges and slaps back with them*

do you like final fantasy
Aye! Tis fun!

why do you go to start to shut down a computer i mean it just doesnt make sense
Why is abbrieviation such a long word?..Here's another for you(figure it out): Microsoft Works

thats all i have for now but ill be back
Bring caffeine!

Suikoman444 -> RE: Meet the KoO, This week: The Kholdest of those with Knight vision *ONLINE* (6/19/2005 1:03:59)

Do you like being a KOO?
It's fun sometimes, but I hate whiners who say something like "WHY'D YOU NERF THAT?!?!1ELVENTY-ONELEANINGONCAPSLOCK!!2?/

What is your favorite color?
Icey blue

Dost thou liketh Cheese?
Pray thee, wouldst thou ask a kettle if it were black?!..WOULD THEE?!

Pae -> RE: Meet the KoO, This week: The Kholdest of those with Knight vision *ONLINE* (6/19/2005 1:13:01)

Wouldst thou liketh Bluish Cheese-ith? >_>
<Yodi> All cheese I like </Yodi>
Yodi? O_o
I don't want to be sued? ^_^;

How Khold are you?
Well..I never get Khold at Knight
*groan* :P need more details
I don't need an Ice Katana to freeze things ^_^

Rhetorical Question: Do you like geckos? *readies toothpick*
Of course, but I like you the most!...Is that the Reaper's Toothpick? XD
Oh, it's worse... much worse... one poke and you're gone. ^_^
Boo XD

hackslash09 -> RE: Meet the KoO, This week: The Kholdest of those with Knight vision *ONLINE* (6/19/2005 1:17:26)

well since no ones posting im back like i promised
Where's the caffeine?

if a train is traveling east at 45 miles per hour and another is going west at 55 miles perhour how long is the train station
Longer than the train..DUH!

im listining to bill engval right now whats your favorite bit
"And I have no idea why the shark had a French accent."

do you yourself or any one you know own a "sign"
I deal with stupid people every day..they own multiple signs.

if there was one thing you could change about aq forums included what would you change
Polls would be locked completely..In fact, they'd just be staff-only. Also, I'd rule with an iron fist..OBEY THE FIST! >_<

is it really only a flesh wound if your a knight
>.> "*Lance through chest* O_o Verily, it be but a wound of the flesh!"

apple oranges pears or peaches.
Chicken wings

you like bill do you like any one else from bluecollar
Jeff Foxworthy and Larry the Cable Guy..Ron's just not funny

well once again thats all i have but again ill be back.......

Kalanyr -> RE: Meet the KoO, This week: The Kholdest of those with Knight vision *ONLINE* (6/19/2005 1:37:40)

Can I be a KoO ? Can I ? Please ?
Sure you can, just remember to drink your school, stay in milk, brush your vegetables, and eat your teeth *smacks Kal with a bat right in the mouth*

What's your favourite book ?
The Calvin and Hobbes Sunday Pages 1985-1995

Have you ever played a pen and paper RPG ? If so which one ?
Nope, but I've done Instant Messenger RPG's. One made up by a friend of mine, but it's been a long time since I've seen him

Whats your favourite AQ monster and item ?
Favorite monster: Serlissa for some reason
Favorite item: Uuh..Guardian Blade

hackslash09 -> RE: Meet the KoO, This week: The Kholdest of those with Knight vision *ONLINE* (6/19/2005 1:39:22)

hahahahah just like i've ben warning im back with caffeine!!
*steals the caffeine and hisses* MINE!

am i getting a bit crazy with my posts asking you questions
A little bit, but I'm having fun.

do you find it strange asking you a question about me asking a question
Let me answer that like this: Would you find it strange that I would ask you a question about you asking me a question about you asking a question?

you are getting confused verrrrry confused, are you confused yet
Not yet XD

do ever get the urge to run around out side acting like a chicken and i mea like dreswsing u llike one and getting in full costume
..Nope..Only urges I get are sometimes naughtier..Maybe murder too..That's always fun

do belive that if i get a little hyper i can ask some strange things
Can I ask you a question?..Didn't give you much of a choice there, eh? ^_^

can i please have a snuggle please i need one bad please

well im starting to loose my energy but if i have any i will be back and you wont know when or where.
I'll know where..Here XD

The One Wolf -> RE: Meet the KoO, This week: The Kholdest of those with Knight vision *ONLINE* (6/19/2005 1:42:22)

ZOMG! It ish t3h Khold one! I r t3h skard! LoLOL! OMG OMG !
Rar..You better be scared!

Wish to kill me now?
Not now..I get hosed when I kill........Maybe later >.>

Poelala is SO underpowered. Power her up, would ya? >.>
..Or maybe I'll just kill you now

Can I be a Khold one? Pwease?
*Makes Wolf an honorary Khold One.*


Brightwolves rock, eh? Dual brightwolves PWN Vampires.
You bet your sweet snicket!

What's yer favorite song?
World So Cold(Khold) by Mudvayne (Parenthetical word is mine XD)

Alohamora. Ciao.
I'm unlocked and goodbye'd? I feel so elated.

Suikoman444 -> RE: Meet the KoO, This week: The Kholdest of those with Knight vision *ONLINE* (6/19/2005 2:00:54)

*steals the caffeine* Mine!
..I have reserves......*tackles Suik and steals it back*

What's you're favorite substance that you use to get caffinated?
Dr Pepper and cream or sugar..Yummy

What's your favorie TV show? Movie?
I like any TV show that'll hold my attention. Blue Collar Comedy Tour Rides Again..I skip over Ron White though.

What's you're favorite video game?
Golden Sun/GS: The Lost Age

Kodi -> RE: Meet the KoO, This week: The Kholdest of those with Knight vision *ONLINE* (6/19/2005 4:09:41)

Where'd you get the nick from?
There's a boss in the Legend of Zelda A Link to the Past named Khold Stare. A few more letters and VOILA! KholdStaiergh

Can I get a snuggle?
You get two and one tacklesnuggle! *tacklesnuggles and snuggles twice*

Vode -> RE: Meet the KoO, This week: The Kholdest of those with Knight vision *ONLINE* (6/19/2005 5:58:14)

Why do bus stops exist?
To bury people under

Why does the golden stuff cost so much?//??!? I think it should cost 4 gold each have a 382% cost reduction <_< >_>
Don't make me get X's oranges!

In your own words, write a paragraph on why balance is integral to the game and thus justify the existence of the KoO :P
Who's words would I use if they weren't my own? Kalanyr's?! Now I'm offended..NO PARAGRAPH FOR J00!

rdfrdfrdf -> RE: Meet the KoO, This week: The Kholdest of those with Knight vision *ONLINE* (6/19/2005 5:59:21)

Can you give me a list of all the items that have been boosted during the last 30 days?
That's on a need-to-know basis, as in: You don't need to know.

Can you give me a list of all the items that have been nerfed during the last 30 days?
Read above.

Do you like nerfing items?
It's a double-edged sword sometimes. Nerfing is fun, but whiners are not.

Do you like boosting items?
Read above, but replace nerfing with boosting.

Why is Serlissa your favorite monster?
Cause she's sho shecksy! *snuggles Serlissa*

Reens -> RE: Meet the KoO, This week: The Kholdest of those with Knight vision *ONLINE* (6/19/2005 17:37:46)

*gasp gurgle pie!* Reensie!

OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG - it's teh Khold one!
You flatter me XD

Heh...all that aside, how ya doing?
Very good ^_^;

How do you pronounce KholdStaeirgh anyways?
Cold stare? or what?
Yerp, Cold Stare.

Do you miss the games of Mille?
Kinda..They was fun, but they took away time from AQ.

Do you think a kumquat is cooler than a pomegranete?
I love pomegranetes, but kumquat is a funnier word.

If so, why?
..Oopsie, answered that in the above question.

/me snuggles teh KholdStaeirgh (otherwise known as Kh-tab)
/me ubersnuggles teh Reensie (otherwise known as...Reensie..)

hackslash09 -> RE: Meet the KoO, This week: The Kholdest of those with Knight vision *ONLINE* (6/19/2005 18:21:42)

hah you thought i was lying but i am back
Liar XD

hey stealings a crime gimme meh caffeine back
No >.> MINE!

a wep has a dmg of 23-25 0 bth and a special that does 2 hits double damage do you nerf that
Nerf it down 1-1 -20% BTH and no special.

im arresting you for drunk in public what do you have to say about that
I hate Ron White.

theres some nonvaluble valubles down the street go fetch
Really now, there's a free...something...and..SHUTUP!

can you give my pet cactus spiky a snuggle if not your wired with explosive and i can detonate it with the push of a button
How can you do that when I have the button? ^_^ *waves it around*

have you ever visited vikaden world[;)]
It's Vicadenland, but no. I've visited Rumworld though.

well thats all i have for this hour but ill be back so watch your front?
How can I watch my front? I'd walk into stuff then..

CaelCryos -> RE: Meet the KoO, This week: The Kholdest of those with Knight vision *ONLINE* (6/20/2005 0:41:00)

So... The question on everyone's mind, which of us is colder? Because I am cooler than cool you know, downright Ice Cold.
You're about as cold as an ice cube Cael, but me..I'M PURE LIQUID NITROGEN, BABY!

Better question, hmm... What did you do to deserve being a KoO any way? *Poke, poke* =P
How about YOU write a book about comeback jokes, NERD!

How's it feel to be back in the coolest group around?
It gives me a strange sensation of power and indigestion.

Furthermore, why does the GC suck so much compared with us?
Gasp! I would not insult the GC!

I kid, I kid... But really, why do they?

Now, now... I'm being mean. The GC are very nice... For me to poop on! XD
Next time, you hold them down and I'll.....*getting strange looks*...what?

Alright, enough silly Triumph jokes. If you could change one thing in the game, what would you?
The KoO would be able to implement any nerfs and boosts without a middleman. XD

And if I told you not to snuggle me, would you do it any way?
*snuggles* XD

Lastly, who's been sitting in my chair while I've been gone? WHO I ASK YOU! >_O
*points at talwraith* Don't blame him..he's the new guy XD He doesn't know any better. Just give him a savage beating, but not the most savage he's had in his life.

Spikerslayer -> RE: Meet the KoO, This week: The Kholdest of those with Knight vision *ONLINE* (6/20/2005 5:24:46)

Top o' the mornin' to ye.

Remember me!
Is that a question?

do you think that anything to do with the Red vengence should be banned from the forum and game
Just the forum..I like my RV..It may have a powerful special, but the special's slightly inaccurate.

melons or lemons
may make some :)

is every body in the KoO as unstable as you :P
Nope..I'm the only sane one. Look at Cael and X.

Bottom o' the mornin' to ye.

Gokoujin -> RE: Meet the KoO, This week: The Kholdest of those with Knight vision *ONLINE* (6/20/2005 8:40:45)

Hi, Khold.
Alo, moto.

How was ye reffered to AQ?
Dominic Deegan

How often do you come to the IRC channel?
As often as possible ^_^

What's the longest time you've stayed up?
36 hours..o_o Highly caffeinated at that time too.

What is your favorite Breakfast?
Alpha Bits: No matter how old you get, it's always a culinary delight.

Ummm...more later >_>

kaminarukuzu -> RE: Meet the KoO, This week: The Kholdest of those with Knight vision *ONLINE* (6/20/2005 8:58:15)

Hi person
Oooh..Hello Dello.


I like trains
Try not to get hit by one.

Have you seen any of my guides?
Go read one =P

Can you sign my foot like Theyla had her Forehead signed?
Nope, sorry, but I'd sign a nerfed weapon if you had it.
I have an Fbb, =P

Bia Bia

/rockets off on a radioactive weasel
Happy mutations!

Hero of Winds -> RE: Meet the KoO, This week: The Kholdest of those with Knight vision *ONLINE* (6/20/2005 10:42:21)

It ish teh Affectionate Reploid! o_O.
Hau HoW.

I see you love 8-Bit Theater. It = hilarious.
Indeedy..I like Dominic Deegan and Ctrl Alt Del.

Pizza, burgers or nachos?

Do you want fries with that?
Nope, chili cheese tater tots please. XD

AQ, Final Fantasy or Legend of Zelda? I care not, all of them rock my socks.
All of them XD

What is your opinion on the use of 1337 language?

If you could give any positive title besides the ones I have now, what would it be?
Snuggly Kokiri? ^_^;

*Kokirisnuggles teh Affectionate Reploid with Knight Vision byebye*
*Ubersnuggles Teh HoW back* ^-^

X -> RE: Meet the KoO, This week: The Kholdest of those with Knight vision *ONLINE* (6/20/2005 16:30:37)

If you dare touch my oranges again I will personally remove your throat >:)
And I'll..die I guess XD

*makes slashing motions and accidently cuts his toe*
How'd you do that with the backside of the knife? O_o

Mars Phoenix -> RE: Meet the KoO, This week: The Kholdest of those with Knight vision *ONLINE* (6/20/2005 17:19:15)

Since X jealously guards his oranges, what are you gonna use to beat people?

If you would give Poelala a nickname, what would it be?
The Great Imbalancer

When will it be X's turn for answering questions? I must know where he gets those oranges!
That's for me to know and you to find out XD

Can you do the robot?
I can do it with my wires handing out and sparking.

If you caught a bad case of pnuemonoultramicroscopicsiliconevolicanicanisis, what kind of medicine would you take?
The kind that cures it. DUH!

Will you check out my suggestions thread? ^_^()
Nope, sorry. I only look at my own due to the fact that I have editting power there. XD

Have a nice day!
Oh-kay Coach!

Mrs.Teacup -> RE: Meet the KoO, This week: The Kholdest of those with Knight vision *ONLINE* (6/20/2005 18:52:38)

So whats up?
My damage ever since I got UIK.

Have You ever played Magic The Gathering

1.Did you like it you still play

3.Do you have Workstation

What do you bring to the KoO
I bring the party favors and balance!

oh and i recomend Tangerines for the hostile beatings, They are like oranges but cost less and come in a wooden crate that burns real easy
I prefer coconuts because they're tough to open. ^_^

Rai Spellfang -> RE: Meet the KoO, This week: The Kholdest of those with Knight vision *ONLINE* (6/20/2005 22:06:53)

*chuckles* You asked for it my frigid friend ^_^
I thought I just directed you to the thread and threatened you to post XD

Party favors eh?
Big ones.

Can I have some?
Only if you're good.

How about some pie?
I have apple, blueberry, poiso..ER! boisonberry...

Do you think the Temp Guardian Blade should be changed, or would that mess up Carnax's killability?
It should be changed soon, if Cap'n gets around to it.

If you tossed a coconut at Kal, how long would it be before he fired you?
4/10s of a second.

Where'd you get that "Drink your school, Stay in milk, Brush your vegetables, and eat you teeth" thing from?
I was seriously off the top of my head.

If you were to see a small child holding delicious sugary candy, would you seize and consume it? *holds up lie detector*
>.> <.< WHO TOLD YOU ABOUT THAT?!...Was it talwraith?
It was Richard Nixon's ghost but that's beside the point.

If you're insane, what's that make Cael?
He has a degree in insanity.

Say the Brightwolf becomes an in shop item. How much would you cry?
I've suggested it, just so I could sell the dang thing. I only keep it cause it's really rare.

Do you think Death in AQ is wearing underpants under that dress?
That's a dress?
Only Death could look scary, and kill people... in a dress... well him and that crazy woman down the street.

If I loan you a dollar, how long would it take you to pay back the interest?
I'd freeze you in a cryogenic state before the interest got to be too much
Freeze me? I'm cold as ice... that's why I've already loaned you the dollar, and taken it back in intrest. You still owe me 5.3 billion dollars... fork it over :P

Can you give Shadowboy a wedgie for me?
When I see him next ^-^

You want millyon dolla?
Hand it over or your rarest weapon gets a nerf!
My rarest weapon's a Dragonhand... after your fellow KoO sweat blood for a boost, I doubt they'd like you getting it re-nerfed ^_^;

Do you think I'm going to come back and ask more questions?
Maybe XD
Correct! *maniacal laughter*


How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if I chucked him out the window? the window made of barbecue sauce flavored pancakes?

If you were an animal, what kind would you be?
A komodo dragon..Because dragons rock!

Are you decent with any weapons in real life?
I'm good with a long sword and a bow staff. Haven't tried a Katana yet though.

Would you shave your neighbor's pet and claim it was an alien if you could get tons of cash?
...How many tons? >.>

Do you think I'm really dishonest? *hides +infinite Stick of Unfathomable Doom*
Yep XD

What's not hotter than absolute zero?
Anything colder than absolute zero

Nintendo DS or Sony PSP?

N-Gage or Rancid Mayo?
Oooh..toughie...Rancid Mayo.

Underwear or Underthere?
Shecksy shtuff

Ham Sandwhich or Sandwhiched Ham?

Paying magicdog money or having magicdog beat the money out of you?
Let me get some money, then I'll tell ya.

Eh... I'm done for the moment. I'll wait a bit before more suffering ^_^
Oh goodie goodie gumdrops! Fun fun silly-willy!

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