RE: =MtAK= L&L's ArchDragonfly : Eukara (Full Version)

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~Shade~ -> RE: =MtAK= L&L's ArchDragonfly : Eukara (8/4/2008 16:37:02)

~A sudden wind flips through the room, and a dark shadow is seen to enter the room. This entity is SHADE, arriving with questions. If the world hadn't already been destroyed by Mastin, we would all be DOOMED...~
Mastin thinks too highly of himself. Nothing is destroyed unless I say so. And only then if Falerin says so.

1. Hiyas! How are you? Good? Bored? Tired? Ecstatic?
hmmm, a tad upset. I haven't been able to truly write anything for a month. I am very frustrated since I had planned to be so so far ahead right now.

2. I was told that you have hammers now. Will you ever use these hammers for EVIL?
Why? Do you want me to use my silver hammers on you?

3. Favorite author/poet?
Anne McCaffrey - author
Can't think of a poet off the top of my head.

4. Favorite quote?
Today is tomorrow's yesterday.

5. So, what is your cell like? I want a completely detailed description. EVERY little speck of dust must be described. Also, how are the shackles?
My cell is slightly wide and high, so that I may fly around when I need to. Just recently, my door was left open so that I may go play in the pond outside my cell. I have proven that I will always come back. [:D] The inside is a dullish gray color, which actually compliments my malachite wings. So I guess I am fortunate. I was graciously been given a desk, paper and pen to write since I HAVE to write to survive.

6. Do you think I'm insane?
You are asking me this question? /me points to Goth's post and the answers given.

7. Do you consider yourself an 'authority' on anything?
I don't know. That is a tough question. I have spent my life reading and reading and learning because I desire to know everything that I can. But an authority on any one subject. I highly doubt I have deserved/earned such a distinguished title.

8. If you had to live your life by the philosophy in ONE sentence, what would it be?
Live everyday knowing that it does all matter in the end, so that when I die, I am greeted by God and He has a smile on His face.

9. If you had to spend the rest of your life doing ONE thing, what would it be?
Exactly what I am doing now.

10. So... If the universe is triangular, can it also be running in quadrangircles at the same time? Also, WHY is it triangular again?Go to Goth's post for the answer to the intraverse reality explanation. As to running in quadrangircles, that happens only once every 200,000 years. Scientists have discovered that when the Galaxies of Andromeda and M28 are perfectly aligned on the X and Z planes, strange reverberations are felt throughout the known universe. The last ice age wasn't a result in the wobble of the earth's axis. It was directly related to this alignment of Andromeda and M28. Scientists don't want you to know that though since the next alignment is coming up. I mean, global warning is just the coverup for what is about to happen...

11. Favorite word?

12. If Legends and Lore suddenly turned into an aircraft with everyone from here on it, there was a deserted island below, and you had a parachute, and you could find five other parachutes, who would you save?
The fastest six to reach me.

13. What if you had ten parachutes?
The fastest 11 to reach me.

14. Who would be the leader of the island?
That would have to be decided between those that jumped.

15. Do you think we'd get along?
Not in the least.

And now... for the ubersnuggle.....

~Shade~ superomegainsanitycrazyinaneultimatealphaomegabetathetadeltaepsiloncharlieawesomepillowfluffynicehappygoodgreatinsane
really,itissnugs Eukara, with a side of runaroundincirclescrazyYAYlolROFLCOPTERSishappyrunsinquadranglesandsuchialsohavenogfso
yeahimsadmybrotherisemoandmyfavoritecolorisblue, and perhaps I could supersize that for you?
Supersize me!

Or I could add a Coke for just twenty bucks extra? It's great for your health!
I prefer green tea or Pepsi!

Modaesaer -> RE: =MtAK= L&L's ArchDragonfly : Eukara (8/4/2008 16:50:59)


1)If you were some sort of goddess who could bend the universe to her will, what would MtAK stand for?
Magnify the Awesome Kara!

*falls off her chair laughing hysterically*

2)What kind of pie, cherry of steak?
um, neither. Key Lime...

3)Would you perhaps prefer a pie containing some other meat, just picking one at random, human?
That is just wrong.

4)So, in the summer heat your kids are probably waiting with their ear to the ground for the icecream truck, right? Tell me, might one of them be getting plump? *eyes suspiciously*
Nevah! My kids are active, wispy kids!

I'm on to you...
You know nothing. NOTHING!!!

5)If you could pay X amount of money to become a giant dragonfly, would you?
I would pay for the wings, man

6)What are your views on the Large Hadron Collider?
Well, if you are going to do that kind of research you better have the facilities to do it in.





Twice Baked!

12)Now that randomness is out of the way, if a plane flies 100 passengers to New Zealand, 17543 passengers to Zimbabwe, and 1 passenger to France, what color socks was the pilot wearing?
Little do people know that it is required that all pilots where yellow and purple striped socks when they are to fly the plane. next time you are in the airport, check out a wandering pilot's socks.

13)I couldn't help but notice you were greasing up a baking tray, any reason why?
I am baking cookies!

14)Snake? SNAKE?!
Where?! I need it for my collection!

15)How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if it worked at a rate of 5inches of wood per minute, in a forest on a perimeter of 500m by 300m, whereby the forest was comprised of 500 trees of various lengths ranging from a sapling of 2m in height, to a grand tree approximately 5m taller than the one next to it, with the average height of the trees standing at 6.23m tall, with each tree having nothing around it within an area shaped as a perfect circle with a diameter of 7.5m, and the woodchuck was given 23 hours, 59 minutes to gather the wood?
More wood than when you would try to eat as much food as possible in 30 minutes.



>.< That would be Wyvern Lord, not you!

That's all I got, enjoy your Archknightship. /me snuggles Eukky

/me snuggles Jokemonky :)

RATIONALPARANOIA -> RE: =MtAK= L&L's ArchDragonfly : Eukara (8/4/2008 17:20:18)

The game is simple: You just need to answer where each quotation is from. :P

1. "And therefore, — since I cannot prove a lover,
To entertain these fair well-spoken days, —
I am determined to prove a villain,
And hate the idle pleasures of these days."
I knew this was Shakespeare and that either this one or #2 was Hamlet. This one is Richard III. Looked it up.

2. "Now cracks a noble heart. Good-night, sweet prince;
And flights of angels sing thee to thy rest."
See above. Hamlet

3. "My queen, all you say is true. But Rhaegar lost on the Trident. He lost the battle, he lost the war, he lost the kingdom, and he lost his life. His blood swirled downriver with the rubies from his breastplate, and Robert the Usurper rode over his corpse to steal the Iron Throne. Rhaegar fought valiantly, Rhaegar fought nobly, Rhaegar fought honorably. And Rhaegar died."
Song of Fire and Ice

4. "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others."
Animal Farm

5. "The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep."
"Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" - Robert Frost - looked it up

6. "What did it mean? A stick sharpened at both ends. What was there in that?"
Lord of the Flies

7. "Go then; there are other worlds than these."
The Gunslinger - Stephen King - Looked it up

8. "There is neither happiness nor misery in the world; there is only the comparison of one state with another, nothing more."
The Count of Monte Cristo - looked it up

9. "What was he to do now? To deliver up Jean Valjean was bad; to leave Jean Valjean at liberty was bad. In the first case, the man of authority fell lower than the man of the galleys, in the second, a convict rose above the law, and set his foot upon it. In both cases, dishonor for him, Javert. There was disgrace in any resolution at which he might arrive. Destiny has some extremities which rise perpendicularly from the impossible, and beyond which life is no longer anything but a precipice. Javert had reached one of those extremities."
Les Miserables

Coyote -> RE: =MtAK= L&L's ArchDragonfly : Eukara (8/5/2008 0:55:21)

Hello again! (And Sentharn wanted to know what your response would be to that one question, too. XP)
I have already discussed this with Sentharn.

You haven't read Xanth, eh? Well, if you want to, read the first three books. And don't touch the rest of them. The first three are a testimony to what Xanth /could/ have been. The rest of them are what it became: a failure at light fantasy. The first three show an interesting world of magic with a struggle against between an outcast and a flawed society, then later delving further into the origins of the world and how magic works. The rest of 'em go haywire with the established setting and kill a beautifully-rendered world of swords and sorcery.
Thanks for the heads up.

Now that I got that out of my system...
Is your system different form other systems?

Favorite quote?
Today is tomorrow's yesterday.

What is it that you find most fulfilling about teaching seventh graders? Why is teaching tenth graders so much fun?
7th graders: I have found that this is the time when kids start thinking for themselves, but they don't always know what to think. The fallibility of their parents, or at least, the knowledge that their parents don't know absolutely everything becomes apparent and this age starts exploring their own opinions and such. I find it immensely fulfilling to help them find their way.

10th graders: heh. These guys are still into being fun and having fun. They, for the most part, are good thinkers/discussers/debaters, but aren't bogged down by the pressure of "What will you do after HS?"

If you had me as a student (and you knew who I was), and I decided to prank you somehow, how would you respond?
I would react with grace, laugh, and then in the most "professional" way possible get you back at some later time when you least expect it.

What if Clyde was there with me and we co-lab'd a prank?
Same as the above, except my prank would somehow grow in size.

What kinds of music do you listen to?
I listen to mostly Christian music in the genres of Alternative, Metal and Rock. I do like Classical music, particularly music that has a heavy piano or cello influence. I do have some soundtrack CDs.

Since when are you "Eukaryote"?
That is an old joke from in-clan. Hehehe, I had forgotten about that until Boomies brought it up.

And I'm off. Have fun answering questions while I slave away at Marching Band. =D
Slave away, Versy. Already done my time in Marching Band. Being section leader was fun as I was the boss, but man did I hate it sometimes.

Clyde -> RE: =MtAK= L&L's ArchDragonfly : Eukara (8/5/2008 4:16:37)

Eukky I'm back again. :D
Welcome back!

1. Eukky will you make me the one you call "dog"
Nah, I don't think so. Snakes are much better.

2. Your favorite quote?
Today is tomorrow's yesterday.

3. You don't have to lie to them I am one of the greatest poets. :P
/me snuggles Clyde. Greatness is as greatness does.

4. Do I have alot to learn about Writing, sensei?
In some ways, yes. But it is more like a tweaking of skills, my friend.

5. Linkin Park, yes or no?
Can't say as I don't listen to mainstream music.

6. What are you floating on?
A wonderfully warm air current that is directed into my cell by wonderfully modded magical means. The lift feels wonderful beneath my wings.

7. *mumbles*....Told you so!
/me tackles you

8. I have a bunch of poems and stories in the works, but they just aren't working for me. What do I do?
Don't force the issue, Clyde. If they aren't working then try something different. The last thing you need is to force yourself to work on something that isn't working only to discourage your creativity and desire later. Trust me.

9. Lol seekrat questian: Made you look. :)
Says who?

10. How awesome do you think it would be if I killed Clyde and finally removed the "E."? :/
But I like Clyde. Doing that will take away my friend...

11. Can't wait for AQW Beta? How about my lil bro again? XD
Oh yeah, you know, since he was so very thrilled last time.

/me scampers back into the shadows.
/me throws a king sized down pillow at your retreating tail.

Khelios -> RE: =MtAK= L&L's ArchDragonfly : Eukara (8/5/2008 13:38:52)


I won't ask twenty questions.
Thank you :)

Yes, I know there's only supposed to be 15 - but do statements count as questions?
Actually, I never thought about that. Hmmm, let me get back to you on that.

What are your views on the astronomical inflation of air in car tires? What makes air so important in them?
The issue will make or break this year's election. But sadly no one is dealing with the issue at the moment. I had thought for sure that one side would have adopted a strategy to appeal to those who feel the inflation is punishing their tires and their wallets. I mean, have you seen how much it costs to use an air pump at the local gas station. In some places it costs $1.50! But no, no one has made a stand so perhaps this issue is one of wavering dedication. Perhaps, this issue is feared for no one knows exactly how the public would react to policies in need of change.

But the people need closure and assurance that this issue will not be neglected. How are we to plan our travels and our work commute with this issue hanging over our heads. Does not the leaders of this nation understand the importance of air to the common man and his/her car. Do they not understand that our livelihoods hang in the very balance? If no one understands that this issue regarding inflation of air, our tires are in for a long period of trouble and lower opinion from the cars in other countries! We cannot idly sit by and let this happen!

If I start selling air, could I make a large sum of money?
Most assuredly.

Tabbed browsing on the internet?
Tabbed. Easier on me and my computer.

Full screen or multiple browsers?
Multiple. Multitasking FTW.

What is one practical application of antifreeze?
Well, I intend to one day travel to Pluto to settle the argument that it is not a planet. But, I need to withstand cold temperatures. So, like the lowly but awesome Tardegrades in the icy regions of the world, I will have antifreeze infused into my blood so that I can withstand the cold and not die.

That'll be it, thanks :)

Mo -> RE: =MtAK= L&L's ArchDragonfly : Eukara (8/5/2008 18:05:36)

RAWR! THe worst monster ever to grace the earth (hurray for contradictions!) has come to steal answers in you thread!
You shall steal nothing!

1.What courses did you take for college?
Freshman year: Freshman Honor Sem: Magical realism, French, Biology, Chemistry, Eng Comp.,Modern Civ.
Sophomore year: Biology, Lit, French, Education courses, Illustrating Children's books, Religion, Psychology, Government
Junior Year: Education courses, biology, math, religion
Senior year: Bio Sr Seminar, Bahamian ecology, education courses,

I am sure there are others, but off the top of my head, that is all I can come up with.

2.Will you ever let Noah talk to me? :P
That is up to him. But you have to prove someone he wants to converse with.

3.How busy are you now that you are an AK?
More busy than before...

4.Do you remember when you got your first title, and I told you it would be long until you were an AK?
Can't say that I can.

You don't? Well, I was right >:(
You can take that up with Clyde.

Well, byeas

Recar Dragonlance -> RE: =MtAK= L&L's ArchDragonfly : Eukara (8/5/2008 18:16:28)


Why are parents so annoying?
We take this class before the birth of our first child where they teach us everything we really need to know about parenting. You will understand one day, young one.

Why can't I get on IRC?
IRC loves no one...

Will you put my name in the first post just for kicks?


Who are you?
I am the Dragonfly Goddess of Storytelling

What are you?
Ice Elf of Power

Where are you?
Behind you...

Floop de woop le moop yo poop.
Cally wally ne hi valley!

!Hola! ?Que Tal?
Zdratsvoy? Te hochish zoop!

Who's your favourite Recar?

Is it me?
The other one

That's not nice.
Life can be a bit of a problem.

specoina noche

jerenda -> RE: =MtAK= L&L's ArchDragonfly : Eukara (8/5/2008 22:32:34)

Hello Eukara! *hugs* To repeat almost every person on this thread, congratulations! I so saw this coming. At least, I should have, even though I didn't. ^_^
Thanks Jerenda ^_^

Here're my questions!
1) When fish eat shark food, they turn into sharks. What do fish become when they eat pancakes? *stolen from my favorite cousin
Fish that eat pancakes become either sole or flounders. Which in turn gives us humans some good food.

2) What is the true purpose of a dinglehopper, and what does it have to do with the price of tea in China?
A dinglehopper is a very delicate instrument of beautification. Most people do not realize that when the "fork" was invented, it had already been in existence in the world of Atlantis. The Atlanteans invented numerous things over time until their culture was destroyed by the explosion of Santorini. The results in the destruction of Santorini flung thier stuff everywhere and the dinglehopper landed in a place where people found it and used it, albeit for the wrong reasons.

Its involvement in the rising tea prices in China is due to people once again using the dinglehopper for the wrong reasons. Some very off the wall revolutionary tea farmers got it into their heads to experiment with the dinglehopper. Apparently they thought that harvesting the leaves with the dinglehopper would be productive. They were wrong.

3) What are you afraid of?
I am afraid of nothing. It is all of you who should be afraid...very afraid...

In all seriousness, I have a very big fear of being alone. Not like alone in a house or on a street. Like being alone in life.

4) Are you still writing Memiors? *lost track* [&:]
I have two chapters yet to finish, 28 and the epilogue. But I put it aside for now and won't be posting the original version back on L&L. I didn't think to save the coded version of the story and I am not in the mood to recode 135 pages of writing. The original is on my website, though not everything is up to date.

5) *gets a CIA look* Where were you last Saturday night?
At home, recovering from camp.

6) What does a triple-wheeled flamboozler with a marshammeno crosspiece do when you combine it with a grey-shanked whirlkedapper?
Well, I can't tell you from personal experience, because I am not an official member of the Connotudonit Society. But...I hear from a friend who has an Uncle with a cousin's best friend in that society and he told me that when you combine a triple-wheeled flamboozler with a marshammeno crosspiece with a grey-shanked whirlkedapper, awesome things happen. Just be aware that if any bees or wasps are nearby you might want to take pictures. Flying flowers are a rarity. Oh and never ever aim it a person. The results can be dreadful. He told me that once someone was hit with one of those and the woman turned into a leech with shark fins. Apparently her true form was revealed.

7) Have you ever gone ice skating? Why or why not? (If yes, move to 8. If no, move to 9.)
When I was in HS, I got to ice skate once.

8) Did you like it? (Skip to 10.)
To a degree, but I was wearing shorts so my legs got cut up pretty bad from all the wipe-outs on the ice.

9) You should go. Take me, okay? [;)]
I won't be going anytime soon. Sorry.

10) Will you ever write a Choose-Your-Own-Adventure book? Why?
Never thought about it, but that would be fun, I am thinking. I owned like 20 of those as a 10-11 year old. I think I tried to write one around that time for my brothers.

11) Is MM a good neighbor? I'd think he'd be noisy...
MM is actually a very pleasant neighbor to have. He chats with me often to keep me upbeat and to help me survive the cell confinement. Though, I have yet to gage his reaction to my door being left open now.

He is very helpful, asleep and awake.
He does talk in his sleep though. I have learned some very interesting things about being an AK and It is interesting what you hear people talk about when they sleep. And you can't tell a lie when you sleep, so, yeah....

12) Who else are you near? Did you get to bring anything along when he kidnapped you?
I know Losh is nearby. I get to see lots of Shadowpuppet displays. And he is nice to talk to. Versy...he is crazy. His cell is about five cells away, but I can still hear him ranting about all kinds of things like band, music, reading assignments...He seems a very stressed Coyote. Rational is...truthfully I don't know where his cell is but I am still trying to figure him out. And Ronin is too quiet. I have no idea what is going on in that cell. But it can't be good.

And no I didn't. I was kidnapped without any time to gather stuff.

13) Do you believe in magic? How about superstition? Like 13 being unlucky? *tries to think of an unlucky question*
13 is my favorite number. I don't believe in magic as in the stuff you read in books and games. And I am not superstitious.

14) What's your favorite animal?
Most favorite: Dragonfly!
second favorite: Siberian Tiger
Third: Hummingbird
4th: Owl, particularly the Snowy owl

Okay, I'm done. ^_^

Circe -> RE: =MtAK= L&L's ArchDragonfly : Eukara (8/5/2008 22:44:06)

I did not know this was here!
Don't worry. It is in a secret place!

/me snugs Eukara
/me snugs Circe

Congratulations! Welcome to the team :)
Thanks. I do feel very welcome!

How are you settling in? I hope well.
I am settling just fine. Especially since I have so many people to lean on and go to!

I am very boring and have no questions, I hope you don't mind.
I don't mind at all. You stopping by was enough to make my day! :)

I just wanted to stop by and say congratulations and welcome aboard. We're all pleased to have you. :)
/me feels loved

See you later, and have fun!
See ya!

LyfeDef -> RE: =MtAK= L&L's ArchDragonfly : Eukara (8/6/2008 13:11:38)



How do you pronounce that again? xD
You - car - ah

Alot of questions eh?
Yeah. Some more entertaining than others.

Who is your favorite NPC in any of the AE games?
Hmmm, I am obligated by oath and dedication to swear fealty, love and honor to Cysero. So, of course he is at the top. But I do like Valencia a lot too.

Heavy Metal? Yes/No?
*nods emphatically*

If you were on a deserted island, which three items would you choose?
Pen and paper sets (large box - counts as one)
Extra clothes

Do you enjoy life?
Very much so. I have been blessed with a wonderful life and feel that to enjoy it is the least I can do out of thankfulness.

Apathy. Thoughts?
Apathy is a dangerous thing. You should always care about one side or another in everything.

Hypocrisy. More thoughts?
Makes my religious life hard. Creates distrust.

Future plans?
Get published!

*hands freshly baked chocolate chip cookies to Lyfe*

Umm.... I'm out of questions...
I'm outta time..2:45 am...

Bai now! ^.^

Mo -> RE: =MtAK= L&L's ArchDragonfly : Eukara (8/6/2008 17:50:10)

K back again.
Welcome back

1.Can a tree fall in an empty forest?
Well, you ask a strange question. If a forest is empty, that would mean no trees. but no trees = no forest. So I would say that no a tree cannot fall in an empty forest.

2.If Euky+Euky=Eukara, what does Accountant+Eukara=?
A very happy ever after.

3.Is a woman really buying the stairway to heaven?
If so, she better have a lot of money. I am sure it would be an expensive venture.

4.If so, how much do you think god sold it for?
I doubt He did. She is in the midst of delusion.

5.If the KKK was living across the street and your neighbor was a Nazi, what would you do?
Nothing more than I do now.

6.Do you know what movie the above question is from?
I have no idea.

Sentharn -> RE: =MtAK= L&L's ArchDragonfly : Eukara (8/6/2008 22:33:57)

Greetings, fellow writer! I do dearly hope you will indulge a lowly author such as myself as to a number of questions! Oh! But do not worry; there are very few questions on my list.
Hmm, where to begin?
At the beginning would probably be the most logical.

1. Who is your absolute favorite science-fiction author? If you are utterly lost beyond all hope of redemption into the mysterious realm of sci-fi, you may answer with multiple authors.
Hmmm, I am not sure if I read any pure sci-fi authors. I like the sci-fi that McCaffrey and Cherryh write. David Brin is another that I like. *shrugs*

2. What type of computer do you have? Most specifically, what type of graphics card do you use for 3D accelerated programs such as those powered by OpenGL and DirectX?
Why must you ask this of me? My computer is nearly 5 years old. It does not want me revealing that kind of information to other computers around the world.

3. How long ago did this mysterious "inspiration" first compel you to write?
I have written for as long as my mom remembers. I used to write stories for my teachers as gifts and began writing for my school competitively in the 4th grade.

4. What sustenance did you ingest for your evening meal two nights ago?
Hmmm, I think that I had Steaks stuffed with Feta, olives and spinach, Parmesan Rice, and croissants. Milk to drink.

5. Is your 'boss' a benevolent king or a tyrannical dictator?
Hmmm, Benevolent Dictator.

6. Is the fellow we both know as "Coyote" on the IRC chat channels really a coyote, or is he really a fox? Could he perhaps be a fox in disguise as a coyote? Or maybe he really is a coyote but he disguises himself as a fox. Or maybe he's a fox disguised as a coyote disguised as a fox, but goes by the name coyote so we automatically assume that he is a coyote? Or perhaps he is a coyote disguised as a fox disguised as a coyote disguised as a fox disguised as a coyote, and revels in double-reverse-backwards psychology?
No, he is simply a fox who people misinterpret as a Fox. But we won't go into detail why they think he is a fox...

7. Has the urge to pick up a lightweight electrified fretted musical instrument ever struck you? Do you often play said instrument?
I have been tempted, yes, but never went through with anything.

8. Would it do me well to create a signature for myself?
Yes, it would.

9. Have you ever attempted to coax pleasing tones out of your vocal chords in the manner known as, "singing?"
I sing very often. In a choir setting I am a second alto, for I sing in the lower register. I have sung before crowds before and enjoyed it. And the crowds were a formal setting.

10. What is the thickness of the D string that is currently on my favorite guitar, in millimeters?
The correct width for that guitar.

11. What is your favorite drink that you ingest?
Pepsi, green tea, or Chai tea

12. What is the favorite drink that you do not ingest?
everyone else seems to think coffee is something special.

13. Is it really necessary to behave on the L&L IRC channels? I find it most difficult to restrain my urges to act like a moron.
Moronic behaviour is admissable only if I am allowed to be funny adn goof around.

14. Which audio codec do you prefer? FLAC, MP3, Ogg Vorbis, AAC, AAC2, WMA, MP4, M4a, PCM, MPEG-2, TAK, BWF, RAW, AIFF, MPC, AU, GSM, VOX, DCT, ATRAC, RA, RAM, DSS, VOC, MSV, VSF, IKLAX, or CDDA?
I recognize only 3 of those. I don't even have a favorite.

15. It may have come to your attention that I am both an approved author and an approved artist now. Before, I have generally referred to myself as an AA. However, both "Approved Author" and "Approved Artist" share the initials "AA." How might I resolve this paradoxical conundrum?Should I simply refer to myself as an "Approved Artist" and an "Approved Author?" Or does that put too much stress on the "Approved Artist"--for I am not truly an artist in any possible sense of the word--and belittles the "Approved Author?" Should I instead refer to myself as an "Approved Author" and an "Approved Artist?"

But then again, typing that out takes too long, so should I refer to myself as an, "Approved Author and Artist?" Or does that take away from the Approved Author--since I do, after all, draw a little bit, and that qualifies me as an artist, doesn't it? Maybe it should be an "Approved Artist and Author?"

But even that takes too much to type, so should I use individual acronyms? Should I call myself an AA and AA? Or will that confuse people too much between the individual AAs? How about AA and Aa? Or will people get confused as to whether AA refers to Approved Artist or Approved Author, and whether Aa refers to Approved Author and Approved Artist? What about Aa and AA? aa and aa? Aa and Aa? aA and aA? AA and aA? aA and AA? AA and aa? Aa and AA? aa and AA? Aa and aA? aA and Aa? Or should I lump them all together into one acronym? How about AAAA? Or would people get confused with a fictitious micro-battery size? How about AAAa? AAaA? AaAA? aAAA? aaAA? AaaA? AAaa? aaaA? Aaaa? aaaa? What if I just refer to myself as an "Approved Author and Artist," and so call myself an AAA? Will people, again, confuse me with a type of battery? How about AaA? aAA? AAa? aaA? Aaa? aaa? aAa?

I would dearly appreciate your input on this most dire and horridly complicated matter!
We discussed this. You are the Artistic Author.

Alas, I must leave for today. But fear not! I will be back in the 'morrow...with 15 more questions.

Crz_Mirror -> RE: =MtAK= L&L's ArchDragonfly : Eukara (8/7/2008 0:55:33)

Wow I go away for 2 weeks and you become an AK, CONGRATULATIONS!

I never visit this part of the forums so I'll make this fast.
Good, I am drastically behind. Fast is GUD.

Favorite author?
Anne McCaffrey

Which AE game do you find the most entertaining?

If I gave you all the dragonflies you wanted would you put a word in for me to become an AK *Wink Wink*?
As wonderful as that would be, I cannot be bought.

Any other games you play besides AE games?
RollerCoaster Tycoon, Zoo Tycoon, Virtual Villagers (all), FFXII

eagle88 -> RE: =MtAK= L&L's ArchDragonfly : Eukara (8/7/2008 4:25:20)

*flies and tumbles into thread* Oh Wow!
Yay, an Eagle found my thread!

Uh, hey Eukara- sorry for the mess I made :P
No problem. *gathers feathers for an art project*

So, on to questions of a questioning sort!
Bring it!

Who is your favorite movie composer: John Williams, Hans Zimmmer, Danny Elfman, John Powell, someone else?
That's a hard one. I like both John Powell and John Williams.

How about favorite comedic musician: Weird Al Yankovic, tom Lehrer, The great Luke Ski, Spike jones, Sudden Death, someone else?
Weird Al

Who is the better author: Agatha Christie or Sir Arthur Conan Doyle?
*hides* Never read either.

Lastly, wat's your favorite bird?
Any raptor. But most favorite of them all is the Snowy Owl.

Ok, that's it- time to fly! *Flies into top of the thread*

Oh dear- sorry bout that!
That's fine. *gathers more feathers*

Crimzon5 -> RE: =MtAK= L&L's ArchDragonfly : Eukara (8/7/2008 5:00:51)


Favorite writing style and genre?
Favorite writing style is character/plot driven, high description and attention to detail, fantasy.

Have you memorized the keyboard?
Not really, though my time writing for L&L and another site in RPs have significantly improved my typing and memorization of the keyboard.

How good are you at spelling?
I am much better at it than my record on L&L shows...

Are you found of correcting your friends' grammar?

When you chat (YM, MSN, etc), do u use shortcuts or do you type everything as is?
I type most as is.

If you wanted me to draw one of your characters... which one would it be? Please include the story's title
Oh wow...How awesome is that? I would have to think about it. But ultimately it would have to be Eukara/Secorah from teh Memoirs story. Unfortunately, you can only see her on my website anymore, not on here. Story is waaaay to long to recode.

PoeticSpanner -> RE: =MtAK= L&L's ArchDragonfly : Eukara (8/7/2008 5:01:52)

congrats on AK-thingie!
/me snugs Ana to pieces

mmmmm, chocolate!
Is it dark? If it is, I want some!

COOKIES!!!!!! /me hands Eukky a handful of triple chocolate chocolate chip cookies and a milk
*passes out from euphoria*

do you think your AK thing will cut into your irc time? o.O
I certainly hope not.

best n worst thing about AK?
Best...New Friends
Worst...Spending my time looking for mess ups and realizing just how much that happens.

do you have a fave AK that's *not* an L&L AK? (just a yes or no is fine...)
I refrain from answering this question. The others in teh cells around me are watching....

fave forums section not related to your AK-ship thing?
I used to love the OOC a lot. And part of me still loves it; love it enough to still go back.

did you know I have a thread (or two?) on forums somewhere with "written art"?
Yar! You wrote a poem about me in there!

did you know I has a "visual art" one too?

Im off to see the Wizard.....what's your plans for the future? World domination?!?
Nah, I have no desire to rule the world. Too much work. I plan on being published. I plan on watching my sons grow up into respectable young men. And I look forward to an early retirement to travel the world.

OOhhh, I see Eagle uh, flew by. That better author one he splatted ya with is a toughie! Good luck with the AKish stuffs...
Eagle is awesomeness! He amde his presence known.

And thanks Ana!


Sentharn -> RE: =MtAK= L&L's ArchDragonfly : Eukara (8/7/2008 14:19:09)

I have returned with a further 15 questions with which to ask of you!
Since I can tell you are all agog to hear them I shall evade your feeble attempts to evade me and begin asking right away:I am always agog when you're involved :P

1. Have you indulged yourself in Alvin Toffler's most excellent book, Future Shock?
Can't say that I have.

2. Have you read any of Mr. Toffler's other immaculately beautiful works, such as The Third Wave?
That's a negative.

3. What color is your favorite glass that you drink from?
It has bluebonnets and hummingbirds etched into it on a clear background.

4. Do you play any type of video games on a regular basis? This includes games meant to work on a standard Intel or AMD-based architecture, which includes the vast majority of modern computers. This also includes games that were designed exclusively for the Apple Macintosh architecture, as well as various other 3rd party consoles such as the Atari, the Playstations 1-3, the Xbox, the Sega (all versions), the GameCube, the PSP, and the Wii.
See above, somewhere in the great known of MtAKness.

5. Which style of finish would you prefer on a guitar; natural, stained, or painted/airbrushed?
I love the natural look. But if you can prove that the painted/airbrushed finish is worth looking at, I might like it.

6. Which of the three Halo soundtracks is the most haunting to you?
Can't saw that I have ever listened to the Halo Soundtracks.

7. What type of highly-sugared or artificially colored drink did you ingest the last time you went to a McDonald's or other similar drive-through fast food chain?
Um, sweet Cranberry Iced Tea from Sonic

8. Do you believe that three and one quarter inch floppy disks could be used as a viable storage medium in this day and age?
No, they cannot possibly be useful anymore.

9. What is the most irritating clique in modern science-fiction to you?
I don't think I can answer the question.

10. What is the most irritating clique that I use in my stories?
You have an irritating clique?

11. Are you forced to deal with silly English knigits with bad French accents in ArchKniggit land?
Thankfully, no, all the English Knigits have Russian Accents. I can deal with that.

12. Has anyone ever farted in your general direction?
I am the mother of two 7 year old sons. What do you think?

13. Have you ever been called a Kinigit? (If not, I now bestow upon you the title, "Silly Kiniggit," which, contrary to the apparent phonetics of the term, is not an insult.)
I have now. /me considers the title.

14. For what reason are you only allowing 15 questions per day per post? That seems just a tad limited! I have thousands of questions I wish to ask of you!
Look at it this way. Everyone gets to see your name constantly.

15. What is my favorite guitar?
I have no idea. The one you play the most?

I also hope you can aid me in this last paradox; I have four guitars and cannot decide of which I would rather play the most!

I must depart for the night. But fear not! I shall return soon!
*braces for impact*

boomies -> RE: =MtAK= L&L's ArchDragonfly : Eukara (8/7/2008 17:03:05)

Wow, your falling behind, I'll keep this one shorter. But all of the questions will take longer posts.
LIfe has a strange way of saying, "You shall not pass"

1. I read in another persons post that Falerin sent you a poem over IRC to become a AK. Could you please write it out for me?
Maybe one day when you are worthy enough to see my Benevolent Dictator's private messages. Until then, you will have to be content to know it was well written.

2. How do you think of names for your characters in your stories? Whenever I try to think of names they are blatantly unoriginal and very bland.
I just do. I have certain letters and sounds that I like to hear more often than others. Sometimes I will use Slovenian, Scandinavian or Icelandic words for names.

3. if you had to write a thesis/essay on anything you wanted, would it be about dragonflies or something else?
Actually it would have something to do with Dragonflies. I went onto college as an Environmental ecology major. So if I had the time, I would write a thesis on the affects of disappearing wetlands on teh ecology of hte world as a whole.

4. Do geese see god? No sir, away! A papaya war is on! War sir, is raw. Egad, no bondage! Evil olive? No taco cat, on! Sun at noon, tan us! Tan Gnat. Lol.
Very nice! Those are great.

5. Can my name be on the first post too? Pwwweeease? I'll give you fwish and ice cweam.......
I will if you give me enchiladas, oreos and milk

*Takes off Boomies disguise, revealing I am really..........Twig!
Be lucky I only punt people who irritate me.

*Runs to first post and scrawls down "Boomies" on it*
*runs off to erase Boomies*

Bye now.

Edit-2 things. First off....

OMGz0rZ!!!111 j00 colorz changezd!
Yes, there is! The darker color looked to much like regular posting.

And also, every time I think of a good question, the next time I get on teh computer I forget it. >.> <.<

time losh -> RE: =MtAK= L&L's ArchDragonfly : Eukara (8/7/2008 23:34:44)

Hey Eukara, I thought I would swing by, and to make this more official AK business, i've decided to do this entire post in my personal color. Oh Orangey, how I've missed thee
Oooh, this will look good with my new color!

So...whats up?
The sky, the ceiling, currently, because I am seated, the curtains and a few pictures on the wall.

I'm not gonna lie to you, I never really know what kinda stuff i'm s'posed to ask ourselves lol. Most of the good questions get taken early on. So if any of these questions are annoying just delete 'em. No harm done, right?
Sure, though I anticipate you would not be able to annoy me.

I know you're a fan of mythology but what would you say is your favorite mythological figure? (god, goddess, demon, beast, even animal) from any culture?
Character limitations in posts stink...

Couldn't decide? Well as a just in case measure i'll narrow it down some

Greek?Persephone or Demeter



And...i'd ask about japanese but a lot of people I know aren't that familiar with japanese mythology. I dunno how you do but I don't wanna be all weird about it.
Japanese Myth is something I will start researching around Christmas, along with Chinese Mythology.

What are some of your favorite books? Ones that maybe inspired you to start writing?
Pern Novels, Valdemar Novels, Crystal Singer Trilogy, The Brain/Brawn books, Misery, Sorrow and Thorn
My desire to actually pursue writing as something more than personal entertainment comes from Anne McCaffrey.

Ok, I guess thats all i've got for now. Take care Eukara <3

Okay, Losh <3

Sentharn -> RE: =MtAK= L&L's ArchDragonfly : Eukara (8/8/2008 12:14:54)

Good day to you, o mighty Dragonfly of the Universe. I have returned in the hopes that you would indulge more of my questions!
Welcome back...again...

1. Why do most of the people on the IRC channel have the most entertaining host names?
Because they feel like being interesting?

2. Do you think it is possible for the United States to win the war in Iraq through any method short of a direct nuclear blast? Sadly, I am not certain.
Based on the conversations I have with the men and women who come home, things are much better than the media talks about.

3. Do you find current gas prices mildly ridiculous? I mean, oil's just lying in the should be free!
Yeah, gas prices are immensely annoying. Well, we do have to pay for it to be extracted.

4. At times while daydreaming, I phase out of reality to the point where my 'dream', so to speak, is more realistic than reality. Do you have 'episodes' like this?
All the time. It is how I get a lot of my stories written.

5. Do you have a character that is also extremely 'real' in your mind that you've developed but never written about?
Eukara/Secorah. I say both names because in the rewrite of Memoirs, she takes on a new name. She is the most real character I have ever developed and is me on a few levels.

6. Have you tried your hand at drawing much?
I love to draw, but it takes me a long time to draw anything because I am a perfectionist.

7. Do you think hats are in style?
Do baseball caps count?

8. How loud was Stevie Ray Vaughn's primary Dumble amplifier?

9. How loud, in comparison, is a Fender Hotrod Deluxe amplifier?

10. Transistors or Vacuum Tubes for High Fidelity audio?
Vacuum Tubes

11. Do Archtop/Hollowbody guitars have a more "warm" sound than a Fender Stratocaster?
No, Fender Stratocaster has a warmer sound.

12. Do you use the GIMP often?
not as often as I am still learning some Gimp funstions.

13. Do you play the Piano?
I wish. I can play one handed, but nothing complex.

14. Do you prefer the original Star Trek episodes or the Next Generation episodes?
With a couple of exceptions in the original series, I love TNG much much more.

15. Does your computer have the horsepower to effectively render 3D animations in a short period of time?

Well, once more I must leave you hanging! But I will tarry not...I will be back soon!
I look forward to it

Anoril -> RE: =MtAK= L&L's ArchDragonfly : Eukara (8/8/2008 18:00:32)

I've got a gift or two for you.
Awww, I love presents! *snugs Anoril*

Remember the Art Gallery I said I was in, the giant metal Dragonflys (inanimate)
Yeah, I so wanted to go and see it.

Well not only did I think of you Eukara, I have a mobile phone.
Hehe, I am still tickled from the fact that you thought of me outside of the CD and here.

It's a big insect and a small camera but hey, it's hard to see real ones.
The Beast's Head
Oh holy cow, those are awesome pics! Thank you soooooo much Anoril! You are truly awesome.

Recar Dragonlance -> RE: =MtAK= L&L's ArchDragonfly : Eukara (8/8/2008 18:26:41)

XD I didn't think you'd do it. It looks like I'm in trouble XD
As usual

Aren't you getting a bit behind on the questions?
Aren't you getting a little presumptuous in your tone and attitude with me?

7 or 12?

14 or 15?

Two or Dos?

I'm thirsty, guess what I'm gunna drink!
Water from the Yangtze River

Erm...I don't really have much to say. IRC won't let me in!
IRC has issues with you at the moment.

That'll be all!
That'll be the day.

Or is it...?
One day it will be.

Ok it is.
You know, you are lucky I put up with you.

Are you sure?
Definitely, and you better be grateful too!

I am.

Yes I definately am.
Being grateful to me will get you ahead in life.

!Adios gato azule! (Which means Goodbye, blue cat).
Specoina Noche, Sabaka!

mastin2 -> RE: =MtAK= L&L's ArchDragonfly : Eukara (8/8/2008 19:11:44)

1: Err...posts that annoy Eukara? What posts? I see no posts by me! This is only the second post by me...*closes the delete post screen*

/me is watching you

2: Though, to be serious, whenever I use the ":P" emot, chances are I'm just joking. Meaning that comments that *might* have tempted fate to put this in a way that doesn't cross fate's line...Err... 'Just kidding'?*

So two entire long intentional pointing out of my typos and mistakes was a just kidding post? You have an interesting sense of humor...

3: * posts essentially translate to "sowwy." :P

You are lucky I am who I try to be.

4:'s do random questions of doom!

Random chaos (yes you read that correctly)is the essence of my life. Order would be my doom.

5: Am I evil, or stupid?

Is there an in the middle phrase I can apply here?

6: Are you annoyed, or irritated? :P

A little of both, which is actually good for you. If I was completely either, Vesuvius would have nothing on me. :P

7: Name five random nicknames for six different forumites. (Meaning at least two share the same nickname)

Kinda figured one would have two nicks...

Now all you have to do is figure out who they are!

8: Do you consider this type of question a question just to...well...pad the post to fifteen questions?

Padding to fifteen...

9: If I were to challenge you to give a new, completely original nickname to even a third of the people who have posted here...could you do it?


10: Do you prefer rants, or rambles?

Rants are more interesting.

11: Name your top four lucky numbers after 13.


12: Do you know that, technically, only about a fourth of the questions here are...well...actually questions?

If I can respond to them, I guess they count for something.

13: *Insert Unlucky/Trick Question Here*

The answer is 45x=34y/n+45^2

14: ...Am I spamming?

When are you not?

15: WHAT? FIFTEEN ALREADY?!? Darn it! That came fast... :P

You are relieved of your duty for now, soldier.


garnetdragoness -> RE: =MtAK= L&L's ArchDragonfly : Eukara (8/9/2008 8:12:16)

I'm baaaaaaack! Hiya!
Yaaaaaay! /me snuggles the gemstone dragon

Although my feelings are terribly hurt by someone's prior comments about my beloved world of Xanth, I realize that everyone is entitled to their opinions no matter how wrong they are. [sm=silly.gif]
Well, I will still look into it once I have more time to myself and can write and read more freely.

Did you know that in Romanian folklore the dragonfly was believed to be the embodiment of a devil-possessed horse?
No, I did not. That is definitely interesting.

Did you know in Swedish folklore the dragonfly was used by the devil to weigh people's souls and that trolls used them as spindles when weaving their clothes?
Hmmm, I kinda like the ability to weigh people's souls. *eyes some L&Lers*

Did you know that some Native Americans believe dragonflies are a symbol of pure water and others believe it is a symbol of renewal after a time of great hardship?
I actually did know this one!

Did you know that in Japan there is a spear called "The Dragonfly Cutter" that was made by the great Samurai Honda Tadakatsu and the story is told that the blade was so sharp a dragonfly landed on it and was instantly cut in half?
Awww, did anyone mourn for the dragonlfy?

Did you know that dragonflies have traditional uses in medicine in both China and Japan?
That actually doesn't surprise me.

Did you know that in Indonesia they catch dragonflies on poles made sticky with birdlime and then they are fried in oil and eaten as a delicacy? */me shivers
Ack, someone arrest them!

Did you know that Vietnamese people have a traditional way to forecast rain by seeing dragonflies? : "Chuồn chuồn bay thấp thì mưa, bay cao thì nắng, bay vừa thì râm" (Dragonflies fly at low level, it is rainy; dragonflies fly at high level, it is sunny; dragonflies fly at medium level, it is shadowy).
Useful little critters, aren't they?

Did you know that in the United States dragonflies and damselflies are sought out as a hobby similar to birding and butterflying, known as oding? Oding, from the dragonfly's Latin species name, odonata. Oding is especially popular in Texas, where 225 out of a total of 457 known species of odonates in the world have been observed. With care, dragonflies can be handled and released by Oders, unlike butterflies. wonder you live in Texas.
Yeah, dragonflies are everywhere down here. It is just another way that Texas pwns most other states. ^_^

Did you know the poem I wrote for you has been posted in my poetry thread?
Based on how behind I am in here, I haven't had a chance to look at any approved people's threads. I will go right after I hit the OK button.

I noticed you mentioned you like cellos. Have you ever heard of a band called "Apocolyptica"? they are a heavy metal band that consists of 4 cellos and a drummer. most of the music is instrumental but there are a few songs that feature a singer. I have never heard cellos rock so hard.
I haven't but youtube just became my friend!

ok. I'm done now...byeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Edit: I love the poem, Garnet! Thank you so much!

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