RE: =MtAK= L&L's ArchDragonfly : Eukara (Full Version)

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Sentharn -> RE: =MtAK= L&L's ArchDragonfly : Eukara (8/9/2008 12:52:21)

I have returned, for Curiosity Killed the Fox...No, no, that sounds wrong somehow!
It does, but I appreciate you saving the cats, since I am a cat lover.

1. Which are better, mechanical pencils or 'old fashioned' wood pencils?
Mechanical...always sharp.

2. Do you prefer a rural or urban setting?
Rural. I live in the city and sometimes I really hate it. I grew up in a tiny town which was pretty much like living in the country. People are too close together in the city, too noisy and too busy.

3. What is the pH value of Coca-Cola?
2.5 - 4.2

4. Do you have your own 'special place' that you go to get away from the world, such as a secluded lake in the wilderness, or the limitless confines of your imagination?
Has to be my imagination. There is no where to go.

5. Why do you think people in general are becoming more and more angry, short tempered, and rude?
Too much pressure to be the best, have the most success, have the most toys. No one takes the time to just relax and be happy with what they need, not what they have to have.

That, and living in a place that has less sunshine than others...That is a clinically proven truth.

6. Do you think the Universe will be "Open," "Closed," or, "Flat?"
The universe will be closed.

7. In a similar vein to the question above, do you think that there are multiple universes beyond this on, occupying a different plane of space-time?
Yes, but then, that /could/ be delving into religion.

8. Or do you prefer the concept that the universe is so vast, so infinite that what we consider the 'universe' is just the small section of the real universe, which is infinitely larger than we suspect, and the laws of probability make it certain that there is an identical you several trillion billion billion light-years away, past the 'boundary' of what we consider the visible universe?
There are limits and boundaries to everything.

9. Do you like the clean, bassy tones of "Jazz" guitars such as the Gibson ES-335 or the Fender Jazzmaster when played by the hands of an expert that knows there is no such note as X-flat?
Jazzy guitars

10. Who was, "The Iceman?"
The Iceman is George Gervin, one of the best players to ever play professional basketball and wear a Spurs jersey.

11. What first comes to mind when you think of blues music?
A guy on a porch with a guitar singing.

12. Have you read any of Brian Jacques's works?
I have only read the first of his series, though I own half of it.

13. Do you got your mojo working?
I believe my Mojo took a hike about a month ago. If you see it, please send it back to me.

14. Do you prefer headphones or speakers?

15. What type of amplifier should I get for my next purchase; a $1890 38-watt Class A tube amp called, "The Z" that has both a master and a gain control, or a $999.99 Fender Princeton recording amp, 20-watts, class AB, with built in power soak, stompbox-style overdrive, and compressor?
The Fender

Alas, I must leave again! But do not worry, I will provide more entertaining questions 24 hours from now!

the zpy -> RE: =MtAK= L&L's ArchDragonfly : Eukara (8/9/2008 14:57:33)

Hey there ^_^
Hello ^_^

Congrats on the Akness ^_^
Thank you much!

Now I'ma ask you some of ma questions.....

Have you seen me before?
Not much, no

Ever edited?
POsts - yes, people's work - lots of times.

spend much in the Gallery?
Not really. L&L and real life keep me very busy. Though at one time I had a thread int here.

Can I make you a sig? PM me with your favourite character or person[;)]
Sure, let me get back to you on that.

That's it hope you enjoy this thread.... I'll be watching you <_<
ORLY? Who will be watching whom?

Firefly -> RE: =MtAK= L&L's ArchDragonfly : Eukara (8/9/2008 16:39:27)

Since everyone's taken their 20 thousand turns, it's 'bout time I delve into here.
'Bout time!

Congratulations!!! *dragonsnuggles*
Thanks *dragonflysnuggles*

I was about to make a weird intro thingy like Shade and Mastin, but I'm too tired. =P So... no intro for ya today. =P
I think I will survive...

Onto the actual questions.
Wait, there is more?

1. Do sunny days make you happy and rainy days make you sad or vice versa? I find it's the opposite for me 'cause I feel happy when the sky decides to do the crying for me...
I love both actually. Rainy days bring the smell of rain, refreshment to the earth and new beginnings. Sunny days paint smiles on children's faces, encourage growth and ice cream!

2. Has prose ever inspired you to write verse or has verse ever inspired your prose? 'cause I've got an epic poem inspired by a novel and a planned story whose title was influenced by a poem. I'm wondering if that's normal. =P
I have written poems fro stories, but they weren't inspired by the story per se.

Let's play a game. Match the following characters with the stories they're in. Also state the author. It's all in L&L, so you shouldn't have trouble. =P

4. Jericho Symphony of Night, rOdEoBoY

5. Toby Days and Demons, Recar

6. Coralee In Absentia, me

Game ends here. =P

7. I find that my stories have often received crazy abbreviations. GotH, GotGoT... Is this a sign of my unique ability to give catchy titles, or is it just a sign that I have to go to a mental hospital?
Mental hospital.

8. Does having MM as a neighbour improve your poetry skills? 'cause I didn't even have him as a neighbor and he's a large part of why I'm the poet I am today. ;)
Having MM as my neighbor improved my spirit, endurance and happy skills. He makes me smile, which in turn makes it that much easier to write.

9. Have you ever swing danced? (/Don't/ ask why I'm asking this... =P)
Almost did in middle school.

10. Were you scared when you received the notification? Is IRC as scary as PMs? 'cause I was terrorized outta my mind when I got the "Your Unfortunate Recent History" PM...
Well, considering I was talking to Falerin in real time, it made it that much more interesting.

11. France, Egypt, USA, or Japan?
France: Stays only for its small towns that are the only places I would want to visit.
Egypt: Gotta love history. Basicly on my top 10 list of greatest cultures in history.
USA: I live here. That is why it is so great.
Japan: Awesome history as well. On my top 10 in greatest cultures. But the whaling doesn't make me happy...

12. I know you're not an action fan, but I still wanna know what type of fighting is your fav. Swords? Guns? Hand to hand? Planes? ect.
I am partial to close range fighting. Dagger-like and hand to hand. More personal, in my opinion. Being that close affords you the ability to see the emotion in their faces.

13. I've been researching on literary magazines, and many of them host contests. I read up, and it felt... weird. 'cause you have to pay to enter, you get money and publication if you win, ect. It... feels like a lottery. Like, you pay to enter. That money goes to giving the prizes and they still have some left to make their own money, ect. It felt wrong to me (since I'm a big anti-lottery person. Don't ask). Isn't it better to just try submissions or go in no entry fee contests, or is my logic really flawed?
I am sticking to no entry fee publications and contests. So that is my stance.

That's all! Congratz again!

Coyote -> RE: =MtAK= L&L's ArchDragonfly : Eukara (8/10/2008 0:30:24)

Hah! Three pages! Told ya! =P
Very nice.

What do you mean, you wouldn't be able to sleep if my cell was right next to yours? Am I really /that/ obnoxious?
Nah, you aren't that obnoxious. It's just that...Well, you know how I said that MM talks in his sleep? Well, so do you, but you are much louder. I can take one night-talker, but not two.

Now, what if you had Rimblade as a neighbor? >D
I am not sure how that would work. Would I be in trouble if I said that I have no idea since I have never ever had any interaction with Rimblade and do not know him?

According to Eagle, my new nickname is "Howler". Is that better than "Vafrous V"?
Most definitely Vafrous V.

Jazz or blues?

Do you know the difference between the two styles of playing (most notably, swing style)?
I think I could probably tell them apart.

Do you think the name "Versilaryan" sounds feminine? People kept thinking I was a girl until I firmly established here in L&L that I was a guy. >_>
I never thought you were a girl, Versy. I actually thought Versilaryan was a guy's name.

Are people inherently good, inherently evil, or blank slates to be written on through life experience?
Inherently selfish.

I've got a bucket of water set up over Loshy's head. Would you mind pulling that rope over there? =D
Only if you pull the rope to the bucket of ice water above your head.

There may not be the note X-flat, but do you believe in the existence of Q-flat?
I have no idea...

Outta curiosity, do those big dragonfly compound eyes of yours give you several images of the area around you, or do they all merge together to give you an unbroken 360-degree view?
Both. I have a full 360 degree view but it is fractured into a million smaller views. I cope. Like right now, you better get away from my cell with that shaving cream. I see you back there...

I'm off! =D Bai!

Sentharn -> RE: =MtAK= L&L's ArchDragonfly : Eukara (8/10/2008 15:48:00)

It is quite clear that you are most interested in my little questionnaire, and so I have returned with 15 more questions of which I request the ArchKiniggit most high answer!
And here we go again!

1. Do you prefer Pidgin or Trillian?
Neither as I don't think I have ever needed either.

2. Have you ever used Linux before?

3. Do you have/wear a kimono?

4. Which do you prefer, orange juice or apple juice?
orange juice

5. Is DDR-3 superior to the original SDRAM?
DDR-3, just because I like the number 3.

6. Which are more accurate, Korg or Fender tuners?
I will go with Fender, since that is my current trend.

7. Are USB Winmodems superior to hardware modems?
Sure, why not.

8. How much storage space (in megabytes) is available to your computer, total, including all re-writable external storage devices? This includes but is not limited to flash drives, USB pen drives, Iomega ZIP drives, tape-data storage, CD/DVD-RW(+ or -), external hard drives, network shares, and floppy disks.
about 20 GB

9. What gauge strings are most commonly used for 'rockr' guitars?
not known...

10. What is a transposing tremolo?
Its the clip that is placed on the stem of the guitar to change the length and tension of the strings.

11. What is the difference between tremolo and vibrato?
That I don't know.

12. Should I write a story about Nartashi?
Yeah, she deserves some glory.

13. What is the password that Data says to lock the Enterprise D's computer in a particular Star Trek: The Next Generation episode?
I can't remember. But wasn't it insanely long or off the wall?

14. Are D'Addario's superior to GHS Boomers?

15. Assuming an electric train is heading north-east at 74 MPH, and assuming that the train maintains this speed with a minimum of acceleration and deceleration, neither of which are in excess of 0.1265 gravities, and assuming the wind is blowing south-by-southeast at a speed which is roughly 50kph less than the train's speed, in which direction will the smoke from the train blow?
Electric trains don't have smoke. I tell this one all the time.

Once again I must take my leave of this invigorating conversation, only to return in a day or so. Farewell!

Recar Dragonlance -> RE: =MtAK= L&L's ArchDragonfly : Eukara (8/10/2008 18:10:31)


I am glad you put up with me! /me snuggleattacks.
I am sure somewhere inside I am too.

Anyway, I'm being annoying like FF, guess where these come from:
/me glares

1. Jason.

2. Recar.

3. Siren.

4. Siege.

5. Hira.

6. Morine.

7. Cohah.

8. Azure.

9. Detective Willis.

10. Glen Brendon.

Have fun! : )


Eukara Vox -> RE: =MtAK= L&L's ArchDragonfly : Eukara (8/11/2008 0:40:27)

Well, those of you that posted, you were awesome. I had a great time answering some of your questions, as it gave me the opportunity to be creative and insane.

So, thanks guys for making this special.

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