Ianthe -> Grand Healing Pants (8/4/2008 2:40:30)
Grand Healing Pants Also see Healing Pants, Grand Healing Pants Size Z, Dreaming Healing Pants, and Epic Healing Pants. Level: 60 Price: 32,000 3721 Sellback: 16,000 1860 Location: Frostval in July Element: Ice COMBAT DEFENCE Melee: 27 Ranged: 27 Magic: 33 ELEMENT MODIFIER Fire: 125% Water: 100% Wind: 100% Ice: 90% Earth: 100% Energy: 100% Light: 100% Darkness: 100% ATTACK Hits: 2 Type: «As Weapon» Element: «As Weapon» Damage: 105% Base, Random, and Stats each BTH: +8 plus Stats each EFFECT During your turn, you heal 5-25 HP. This does not activate the first turn you equip the Pants (but it activates on the first round of combat). If you attack before you heal, then you heal immediately after the attack.* *The pants healed you by «» Hit Points! DESCRIPTION WoW!! These pants heal you! Just HOW they do it is anyone's guess. [image]http://i794.photobucket.com/albums/yy230/Bucketpiclord/AQ%20items/healingpants.jpg[/image] Stats from Dev, Koree, Scar Magista, norm4eva, toxine, beerke, Donut, and The Almighty. Image from Dev. Numbers from Lord Barrius and Chii (via xtreeme). New image from balubamboto.