A Few Thoughts Out of a Few Thousand (Full Version)

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rakkety tam -> A Few Thoughts Out of a Few Thousand (9/3/2008 19:32:57)

Welcome, here you will find all the poetry I feel like letting you see. Enjoy!

Comments thread located here.

Hidden Storm

Masks are such useless tools,
A face can hide so many secrets,
So many feelings.
Eyes as still as a pond
Can be churning with a boiling storm
Just beneath the surface.
Confusion and anxiety held at bay with an expression;
Lethal intent hidden by a smile.

Such deception possible,
One statement, a million meanings.
We resort to default answers.
I'm fine, pretty good, anything but bad,
And people actually buy it.

How much can a face possibly hide?
Experience says it can hide a lot,
When no one notices your tone has changed,
When no one notices you give shorter answers,
When no one notices that you're quicker to snap,
Because you're wearing a smile.

How can they not see the truth behind it?
How can you fool them all so well,
When you don't want them to be fooled at all?

What do you do then?
You wear your mask,
You reign in your emotions,
And you pray that someone sees through the mask
And into the hidden storm.

rakkety tam -> RE: A Few Thoughts Out of a Few Thousand (9/3/2008 19:34:30)

Winding Seasons

The Seasons turn on an ever spinning wheel
And the world is pulled along.
Leaves turn green and fade and come back again,
Flowers grow and blossom and wither and grow,
Forever flowing in a perfect loop.

The Wind is a mystery.
The Wind passes through the ages,
Untouchable but always touching,
And blows into the next not quite the same.

The ages cling to the Wind,
Refusing to be forgotten.
The Wind carries a sense of past ages with it,
Keeping humanity alive.

The Seasons cannot touch the Wind,
The Wind stays the same;
The Wind in summer is the Wind in winter,
And the Wind in fall is the Wind in spring.

The Wind drives the wheel of Seasons;
Wind takes the last life of fall
To guide it through the winter into spring,
Then carries it through summer and back into fall.

Life follows in suite.

The happiness of spring and summer always give way
To the hardships of fall and winter,
But those hardships are broken by spring again.
An endless winter never occurs,
But a Season cut short will undoubtedly seem bleak.

Make your Wind.
Fight through the winter.
Strive to once again feel the warmth of spring.
No life is bad enough to be ended due to a lasting winter.

rakkety tam -> RE: A Few Thoughts Out of a Few Thousand (9/3/2008 19:37:45)


That careless walk,
That cocky swagger.
That oh so familiar way they let you know
That they are better than you.
Not a word is spared,
Their eyes say it all.

You useless waste of space.

So convinced by their own
Self absorbed words.
So confused by their
"Holier than Thou" stench.

Pity them,
Their time will come;
Their swagger stolen,
Their eyes uncovered.

And pray that it is you
Who rips them from their ignorance.

rakkety tam -> RE: A Few Thoughts Out of a Few Thousand (9/3/2008 19:48:46)

The Road of No Return

Rushing down the road of no return,
I hurtle past landmarks that should stand out.
Ignoring these sights that will never recur,
I never once so much as glance about.

Focused intently on the mountain ahead,
Tunnel vision is in full effect.
Echoing footfalls and heavy breaths,
The only sounds my ears detect.

Racing ever forward but never closer,
My mountainous goal stays at a distance.
This exhausting chase will never be over,
But I never notice in my futile persistence.

I keep running until I can’t anymore,
And I finally stop to take a look around.
The world doesn’t look like it did before,
I’m struck with unfamiliar sights and sounds.

“How the hell did I end up here?”
I can’t understand how this happened.
In my headlong rush I’ve missed a year,
Yet it seemed like no more than a second.

It’s much too late to slow my pace,
I’ve got to get back in the rat race.
Maybe when I eventually reach my mountain,
I’ll have time to stop again.

But you’ll be out of my sight, hidden by turns,
Standing before the road of no return.

rakkety tam -> RE: A Few Thoughts Out of a Few Thousand (9/3/2008 19:56:38)

Breaking a Shell

A shell like black steel surrounds him,
Envelopes his world.
He sees his world through a screen of depression,
Every blow feeds his shell.

Like a leech, it seeps all hope out of him,
Calluses his mind against the world.
Life is bleak.
No point in going on…

He shudders suddenly,
An unfamiliar sensation runs through him.

"What is this?
What am I feeling?!?"

A crack apears in the unbreakable shell.
More, like a spiderweb, and it shatters,
A thousand tiny glittering shards in the wind.
Hope returns,
Life returns.

A tickle in his mind,
He looks toward the heavens,
A familiar sensation fills him.

rakkety tam -> RE: A Few Thoughts Out of a Few Thousand (9/5/2008 18:54:23)


It's dim, a haze fills the room.
There's somebody standing,
Their face shrouded in darkness.

My eyes start to trick me,
The room starts transforming.
I blink, and it's all back to normal;
The same hazy room,
The same slump-shouldered man.

His stance speaks of pain,
It screams of anger and suffering.
But still somewhere in there is hope
That one day he'll be through,
And the mind numbing pain will fade away.

It's strange what One finds
In One's own reflection.

rakkety tam -> RE: A Few Thoughts Out of a Few Thousand (9/5/2008 18:56:57)


It happens at the most unexpected times.
Whether up or down you can't control it.
Wherever you are,
Whatever you're doing,
It will take over.

Triggered by some random sensation,
It starts with a fluttering of the heart.
Next, the corners of your lips are tugged upward,
Even though the last thing on your mind is smiling.

Your limbs begin to shake,
Your breathing turns spastic.
In a flash it's upon you,
That familiar feeling of relaxation,
Yet you've never been more alert.

Before you've had time to realize what's happened
Your entire body is quaking with laughter.
The eerily joyful sounds rip from your throat.
They poor from your grinning mouth
Like rancid oil that taints the very air.

On the edge of consciousness is a thought:
This is insanity.
But the rest of your mind has given over to the laughter.
You've never felt more right.

As quickly as it came it disappears,
But the taint remains.
A sickly feeling of wrongness that clings to your mind.

But I like it...

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