A Poem a Day (Full Version)

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Coyote -> A Poem a Day (9/27/2008 0:04:52)

Comments Thread: http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=14063543

In an effort to not only fix my nasty habit of "inspirational" writing, where I write powerful works only when I'm inspired by something or feel a strong emotion, but also to crank some productivity out of this rusty mind, I will be asking some random person, every day, for a word. And I will write a poem about that word. If I don't like it, I'll ask someone else for another word, and start the process over.

So, if I do this correctly, I should have a new poem every day of the week, every week of the year. Poetry doesn't take too long to write, and this will help me with my poetic style in the long run. It's something I can enjoy, have fun with, and congratulate myself for. =D

Coyote -> RE: A Poem a Day (9/27/2008 0:07:07)



It can be anything--
Signifies one,
The only.
It is the man
Not a man.
We are individuals,
Not faceless names
Not nameless faces.
It is definite,
Not indefinite,
With corporeal form
With importance.
The person leads
A person follows.

We are the men.

Coyote -> RE: A Poem a Day (9/27/2008 0:09:19)


Swiftly swimming
in the ocean deps
Safety in numbers
Safety in size.
Few attack
the mighty Halibut.
Living in the coldest seas
in harsh temperatures
Tempered, like forged steel
to be tough,
to withstand extremes.
Few venture forth
to slay the mighty Halibut.

But those that do
Slaughter the mighty Halibut
by the hundreds
what they once believed
to be too mighty to exterminate.

Coyote -> RE: A Poem a Day (9/27/2008 0:12:12)

Whee! My first love poem! =D

I've got my eyes on you,
The way you laugh, the way you smile.
I've got my eyes on you,
The way your eyes sparkle in the light.

I can write you Shakespeare poetry;
May I Compare Thee to a Summer Day?
But structured meter, I have troubled with,
And "To hell with rhymes," you'll hear me say.

(That stanza took far too much effort
But not enough effort for you.)
Words fail me when I try
to describe
the way you put a smile
On my face.

But there is one thing I can say--
Just a small closing remark.
I hope you don't hate me for saying, but
what a lovely posterior.

Coyote -> RE: A Poem a Day (9/28/2008 1:01:07)


Uniformed workers
in neat, tidy rows,
like plastic soldiers
on a plastic battlefield.
They work
Same pay, same workload
They follow the same, tidy lives
living in the same, tidy homes.
They are happy,
Each one equally as happy
equally as sad
as the one right next to it.

Coyote -> RE: A Poem a Day (9/29/2008 0:20:37)


Can you see, by dawn's morning light,
that distant shape by the horizon?
Alone and proud,
a banner and a flag by itself
It flies from the sunrise,
casting its shadow on the earth below.
The sun moves
from its hazy beginnings
to the pinnacle of day
and to the end of its dim journey.
But the eagle is still flying;
The eagle still journeys onward.

Coyote -> RE: A Poem a Day (9/29/2008 23:39:42)

The Taxidermist
Originally "Taxidermy".

Delicately preserving
scarred bodies
Making them beautiful
the scarred bodies
An ornate museum
of the dead
Creating life from death
Caricatures of once-proud figures.
The dead stand like the living
as a necromancer wields his terrible power
Creating an army of zombies
for others' enjoyment.

Coyote -> RE: A Poem a Day (10/1/2008 21:35:40)


I rule a kingdom
Lording over subjects
that are Mine and Mine alone
My territory is for Me
Offenders will be crushed
or tortured to death as I see fit.

I can see clearly
the lands that I've conquered
the people I have defeated.
Others tell me that I'm blind--
That is the one thing that I cannot see.

Coyote -> RE: A Poem a Day (10/3/2008 0:19:33)


I feel the wind blowing
ruffling my hair
batting my loose clothing around.
I feel the wind flowing
caressed by the gentle breeze.

Come, gentle breeze
Come take me to new places
Come, gentle breeze
Come blow me away

The wind blows west, now
The leaves change from green to red
and orange and yellow
They fall off
crumble to dust

But the wind bears me aloft
I feel like I'm flying
above the orange trees
above the white forests.
And when the blizzards roll by
Take me away

Come, gentle breeze
Come take me to new places
Come, gentle breeze
Come blow me away

Coyote -> RE: A Poem a Day (10/5/2008 14:49:50)

A Flash of Orange
Originally just "Orange".

It is still
deathly still
Leaves rustle
and then it's deathly still again.
Ears perk up
Eyes widen in fear
A nose sniffs the air
But the air is deathly still.
Then a flash of orange--
a flash of red.
A blur with black stripes
The air is still again.

Coyote -> RE: A Poem a Day (10/5/2008 14:52:06)


I have no stable ground beneath me
Before my eyes
I see no constants
Only chaos in
the world around me.

The only constant is change.

Coyote -> RE: A Poem a Day (10/7/2008 21:54:05)


Never before
Never after
No past
No future
Always on time
in time
to the ticking of a clock.
hypnotized by the swaying,
the steady click.
Staying true to the beat
the unmoving beat,
never before
never after.
Always on the dot,
to the ticking of the clock.

Coyote -> RE: A Poem a Day (10/7/2008 21:55:46)


The stars are right
The waves churn
and that which is of this world
but not of this world
Under aligned stars
in the primal chaos
That which sleeps eternal
is now restless.

The time draws near
They wait no longer.

Under peaceful ignorance
the seething masses
party, unaware
that They are restless.

The waters churn
A page turns
in the book of history.
The restless ones
sleep once again.

Coyote -> RE: A Poem a Day (10/7/2008 22:04:33)

The Thinking Men

Originally "Thinking".

The unthinking men
driven about like cattle
all follow
though no one leads.
Like flowing ocean tides
they act as one.
The unthinking men
are the unthinking man
One entity
One unthinking entity.

The thinking man
leads the unthinking men
to new heights
and aspirations.

But the thinking man
leading the thinking men
will fight
and the thinking men will devour each other,
reduced to savages
worse than the unthinking.

Peace walks a fine line
between those that do not question
and those that ask too much.
Peace balances
on a metal pole
just waiting to snap.

Coyote -> RE: A Poem a Day (10/10/2008 1:00:08)


Originally "Transparency". This one's written in another new poetic style; I went more for a literal meaning than some abstract far-out-there thing.

You just float around
without a care in your un-life.
Didn't have a care in your life,

Don't bother trying to ignore me;
I know you know I'm here.
I see you
and I know you see me
but you don't show it.

Your schemes were as transparent
as you are now.
We both know,
you and I both know
that we were more than just friends
and that I should be given
what is mine
and what I won.

You and I both
played a dangerous game.
You were up at bat
but you struck out.
You lost. Get over it, already!
Stop floating around
like you won.

You took possibility from us
so I took it from you.
I know what you did.
Don't you try to lie to me
I can see right through you.

Coyote -> RE: A Poem a Day (10/20/2008 19:07:17)

Your Curly Hair

No, I'm not having romance problems. Well, not in the sense of the poem. The problem is, while I'm pretty sure she likes me, I don't think I like her. Y'know, like her like her. But meh.

You smile to me--
that smile
makes me feel warm inside
makes me smile, too.
You laugh at my jokes,
laugh for me
and make me laugh, too.
There is nothing we can't do
But I see you smile
at others,
at others' jokes
that aren't as funny as mine.
I know that you
get the same feeling
that I do.
You claim you're honest
but I don't know
what goes on
beneath your curly hair.

Coyote -> RE: A Poem a Day (10/20/2008 19:09:11)

Potato Salad

It lays there;
the Large Ones leave it unattended.
A treasure trove
of succulent nectar and ambrosia--
a paradise of food
to sustain forever
and to help live like gods.
The utopa draws closer--

A man swats a fly
on his potato salad.

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