Pygmy Frogzard Horde (Full Version)

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Ianthe -> Pygmy Frogzard Horde (10/13/2008 1:47:42)

Pygmy Frogzard Horde

Also see other Pygmy Frogzard Swarms ( Rabble, Legion, Multi-Element Rabble, Multi-Element Horde, Multi-Element Legion).

Level: 42
Price: 2,500 153
Sellback: 500 1 250 76
Location: Zorbak's Hideout > Mr. Jypley Part 1 - Museum of the Strange and Bizarre

Element: Earth
Damage: 2-8
******«Listed in-game as 6-24»
BTH: +10
Training Difficulty: 34

Rate at 0 CHA: 50%
Rate at 34 CHA: 67%
Rate at 100 CHA: 100%

Hits: 2
Type: Melee
Element: Earth
Damage: 100% Base, 100% Random, 71% Stats each
BTH: +0
Rate: 66.(6)%

Hits: 5
Type: Melee
Element: Earth
Damage: 100% Base, 100% Random, 71% Stats each
BTH: +0
Rate: 33.(3)%

Fully matured zards that are far smaller than ordinary zards! Who DOESN'T want a whole handful of little zards as pets?!


Image from .*. .*. .*.. Stats from PieLover31416. Numbers from Aelthai. Correction from skyboy59.

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