RE: Lyrik Von Der Überschüssigen/Poetry From A Crazy (Full Version)

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BadHulk -> RE: Lyrik Von Der Überschüssigen/Poetry From A Crazy (3/9/2009 8:55:23)

The Horror

Horror, the thing which makes people scared.
The Horror exists from zombies to mummy’s
From spiders to witches. Black magic and things.
Black magic, the Devil’s sign of existence.
Necromancers making the undead alive.
Skeletons and Zombies, looking for food.

Vampires and Werewolves.
Vampires sucking blood out their victims.
Werewolves shredding the meat of the people.
To still their hunger of blood or meat.

Horror is not real and still a lot of people believe it.
Little kids scared by the “Monster in the closet”
Or the “Creeps under the bed” which they must over win.
The true horror is actually the horror of death.

BadHulk -> RE: Lyrik Von Der Überschüssigen/Poetry From A Crazy (3/20/2009 14:12:52)

A Thing

A thing in your life…
When will this so called thing come,
will it be tomorrow or will it be never…
You wish to know what thing is missing…

Seasons come and go…
People come and go…
But friends are there to stay with you…
You can have a lot of friends…
but still missing something…

If you have enough friends to laugh with…
If you got friends to cry at or with…
If you got friends to support you…
Then you should be praised for your friends…
But still, you feel an empty feeling inside…

You cant life like this forever…
You want to fill in the spot,
but you don’t know with what…
You seek for answers, and only find one…
You seek love in your life…

BadHulk -> RE: Lyrik Von Der Überschüssigen/Poetry From A Crazy (3/21/2009 15:30:17)

My Friend

My friend is always ready for me.
My friend knows everything about me, and I about her.
This friend, I do not want to lose.
This friend, I will cherish her forever.

This friend.
This friend is the friend forever.
I love her as a friend and she also me.
I will protect her as they need.
I will help her when she needs it.
When I have problems, it is always ready for me.

This friend is nice, sweet and charming.
This friend is always helpful for me.
This friend ... This poem is specially for you.
Created for specialest friend ever.
Especially for you. I love this friend.

BadHulk -> RE: Lyrik Von Der Überschüssigen/Poetry From A Crazy (3/24/2009 11:12:41)

A Girl

A girl can get my life into a mess
A girl who is very sweet.
A girl is beautiful and nice.
A girl that every boy dreams.

A girl, is in love with me.
A girl, I find her attractive.
A girl, I love.
For this girl is a special word:
A friend for life.

This girl, is special.
This girl, is my girlfriend.
This girl, I will always keep her by my side.
And hopefully they mine.
So I say now:
Ego Calathus Amare

Note: Ego Calathus Amare=I love you

BadHulk -> RE: Lyrik Von Der Überschüssigen/Poetry From A Crazy (3/26/2009 8:36:31)


The sun is shining.
Birds are singing.
Trees having green leaves again.
The sky is nice blue.

No school.
No teachers.
No homework.
Its time to relax and not to worry.

Vacation is great.
Going out with your parents,
or your friends perhaps.
Its time to relax.

BadHulk -> RE: Lyrik Von Der Überschüssigen/Poetry From A Crazy (3/26/2009 8:39:32)

Final Exams

The pressure is coming.
The grades are important.
Teachers hammering through on their subject.
This is the end of school.

This is everything where you worked for.
Studies, homework and practice,
for those important days.
It’s the end for this school life.

Your passing or you fail.
That’s the question which we wait for.
Waiting impatiently for the answer:
“Did I pass or did I fail”

BadHulk -> RE: Lyrik Von Der Überschüssigen/Poetry From A Crazy (3/29/2009 14:02:41)

Loveless Feeling.

This feeling, inside myself.
It’s burning through my body.
The pain is there, but no feeling.
What is causing this pain to be there?

The emptiness of darkness shreds inside me.
The pain, I cannot endure it anymore.
The darkness has corrupted me.
The path for me to walk is dark and has no light.

The thing I seek is destruction, the destruction of Love.
Corrupted by darkness, destroying everything on my path.
Light has never crossed my path. Will it show up or is it afraid?
Destruction of the path I walk will continue,
like the destruction inside me.

BadHulk -> RE: Lyrik Von Der Überschüssigen/Poetry From A Crazy (5/19/2009 16:15:36)

Gothics Boy Poem

A boy, dressed in black, dark from the inner soul
Black hair fills in his head which is white
And all he is, is being depressed...

Nobody loves him, never will somebody do that
Day in, day out, feeling loveless
Making an end to his dark days of life, won't help
Nobody would miss him, as he only was a empty shell
a shell of depression
Filled with the emotion of depression, he continues

All his life, he has been alone
Friends of him came and went away
Feeling friendless and loveless, he continues
He knew that he never would find friends
Nor the true love of his life...

BadHulk -> RE: Lyrik Von Der Überschüssigen/Poetry From A Crazy (6/7/2009 11:29:40)

Deeply Depressed

Ever felt so depressed, that you wanted to leave
Wanted that everyone just leaved you alone
Everyone with their "Jokes" try to get you
They think they are funny, but it isn't. They hurt your feelings...

You wish to die
You wish you never lived
You wish to die hard with a smile
You wish you never lived with those persons again

Being friended with the people can be a gift,
or a curse from hell which can tear you up
"Jokes" which go to far, which makes you angry
Want you to go suicide, wanting to die hard.

You wish to die
You wish you never lived
You wish to die hard with a smile
You wish you never lived with those persons again

The one thing you want now is,
to life happy and not feeling depressed
Everyone tries to get you dead, nobody cares about you
Its a living hell which you live in...
The fate has been sealed...

BadHulk -> RE: Lyrik Von Der Überschüssigen/Poetry From A Crazy (6/9/2009 14:28:12)

This Girl

One girl, one special girl in my live
A girl, who is special to me, whom I love
That one special girl, cares about me deeply.
She doesn’t look at my appearance, but my inside.

Her beautifulness cant match any other girl I know
Her skin, her words, her hair, her body, they're special to me.
I want her to be with me forever, and I hope she feels the same.
The special girl I looked for in my live, is here finally.

That girl, is the only thing I care about the deepest.
I wish to die with her, happy and lived a good live.
The only thing is, she doesn’t know that I care so deeply about her.
Romance, the thing that keeps us together; the same as love does.

The girl I give the most about,
is you my girl. You are the only one for me.
I wish to stay with you, for all my live
Until it ends for us both.

BadHulk -> RE: Lyrik Von Der Überschüssigen/Poetry From A Crazy (7/17/2009 16:12:29)

Illusions of Love

Ever felt the pain in the heart,
just hammering through your whole body?
Day in, day out, you see couples being in love
You just can't stand it... It makes you crazy

Your friends are in love
They just can't stop talking about it, ignoring your feelings
Deep from the inside, you're crying
From the outside, you seem happy

The thing is, you think you never will find love
As you think it's a illusion...
An illusion of hope and happiness together...
It tears you up from the inside... wanting you to find someone
Who can fill up the feeling...

BadHulk -> RE: Lyrik Von Der Überschüssigen/Poetry From A Crazy (7/17/2009 16:37:37)

False Hope By A Reaper

A person, covered in a long, dark coat.
A hooded figure, not showing his face filled of darkness.
His demonic voice tells you he can give you anything you can hope for.
But... the downside of this is... that you always notice it later...

The Reaper, Death or Giltiné, he went as many names
for one purpose... to mislead people, to give them misery
All his life he is being tortured by everyone
But, he passes down his torture into other beings.

One man stood up against the Giltiné.
He spoke the wise words to the world,
"Remember my children, Hope is only a Illusion made by the heart."
"The Giltiné uses it... So be prepared for him when you meet him"

BadHulk -> RE: Lyrik Von Der Überschüssigen/Poetry From A Crazy (8/4/2009 17:01:28)

Giltiné Has Stricken Again

From the beginning till the end,
he has been there, planning.
From the darkness, the deepest rings of hell,
there comes the Giltiné, to ruin your life.

You, the mortal, Giltiné, the reaper.
No one can beat him when he tries to destroy you life,
taking friends, making you have suicidal thoughts, hating everyone
It only pleasures him a lot.

He makes you insane, taking you to the utters of your life
Leaving all friends behind, the one you love
Your family, left behind in the hope they don’t pursuit you.
The Giltine, in the black, grimy cloak has a smile on his face, the smile of doom.

When you are ready for it, he will strike you down
Ready to leave the mortal life and live forever on this planet as a monster
Or getting in hell, tortured by eternal flames which never will go.
Only true friendship can foresee this from happening.

Note: Giltiné means Reaper in the Baltic language.

BadHulk -> RE: Lyrik Von Der Überschüssigen/Poetry From A Crazy (8/7/2009 17:03:14)

Horsemen, Apocalypse and four men.

Conquest, the first rider of the Apocalypse
Riding on a silk white horse.
Gripping a bow in his hand,
ready to conquer the world.

War, the second rider of the Apocalypse
Riding on a blood red horse.
Handling a sword, stained with blood.
He comes to earth, to take peace and let them kill themselves.

Famine, the third rider of the Apocalypse
Balancing the world to its worst.
Riding on a pitch black horse.
Famine, the world's greatest enemy.

Death, the last rider of the Apocalypse
Riding on the last horse, a pale green one.
He, followed by Hades, destroys the world.
to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

BadHulk -> RE: Lyrik Von Der Überschüssigen/Poetry From A Crazy (8/18/2009 16:52:26)

The Girl Whom I Love

The girl, whom I love the most
The girl, who loves me the most
She, the only person whom I really love
Our love can move mountains on his own, by pure love

Snuggling, hugging, kissing and such, we do it all the time
Because we love to be with each other all the time.
When I miss her, I want to cry. When she's here, I don't want to lose her.
Our relationship is bound to be forever.

The girl whom I love the most is the only one for me:
Her beautiful skin, her soft hair, her nice voice...
I want to have it all day with me, so I always can love it.
The girl whom I love the most, is mine after all.

BadHulk -> RE: Lyrik Von Der Überschüssigen/Poetry From A Crazy (8/29/2009 13:09:55)


Alone in your life.
Alone in the classroom.
No friends to help you.
You're alone in this world.

Somber, nobody wants you.
Nobody knows who you are.
But do you know who you are?
Its you against yourself.

Friendless, loveless and emotionless.
Nobody wants to know you, yet.
Go to people and talk to them,
and make friends for life.

BadHulk -> RE: Lyrik Von Der Überschüssigen/Poetry From A Crazy (9/14/2009 16:04:13)

Loving Together

Our love, matches your beauty,
your soft skin, your hair is smooth.
the way you are against me,
and you love me the same back

The love we give each other,
it's fabulous how we love each other.
The way you are, even if you are different,
I dont care about that, as long I got you

The times, that we are together.
I cherish that moments for ever.
This poem, specially made for you,
by your only lover in this world.

BadHulk -> RE: Lyrik Von Der Überschüssigen/Poetry From A Crazy (9/23/2009 15:55:16)

Missing My Lover

Missing, the worst emotion for us.
Loving, the most embraced by us.
Those two emotions clashing a lot.
The only thing I want, is to embrace her.

Almost crying, to let her know I miss her,
knowing she is doing the same.
Missing, we both hate it,
as we can't embrace each other.

I can't stand it out, being away from her.
If I had the chance to see her,
even for a few seconds,
I would grab it and embrace it forever.

BadHulk -> RE: Lyrik Von Der Überschüssigen/Poetry From A Crazy (9/30/2009 16:00:29)

Yin and Yang.

The symbol of Good and Evil.
The white and black tiger.
The difference between them,
That they’re colors are different.

The belief is if you live a good life,
You get good things and live a happy life.
If you live a bad life and do evil things,
the evil will follow you until your death.

Yin, created by Yang, and representing the black dot.
Yang, created by Yin and representing the white dot.
Both Yin and Yang, keeping themselves in harmony.
That is the purpose of Yin and Yang themselves.

BadHulk -> RE: Lyrik Von Der Überschüssigen/Poetry From A Crazy (10/14/2009 15:44:49)


Anger, possessed by hatred.
Hatred, consuming your anger.
Hating, an strong emotion,
sometimes combined by sorrow.

Hate by your own friends.
Love, consumed by anger.
Emotions overflowing your mind.
All of this, consumed yourself.

Blackened are your eyes by anger.
Hitting, punching and kicking your friends.
Sorrow is the last hit you get by yourself,
and you see what you have done to your friends.

BadHulk -> RE: Lyrik Von Der Überschüssigen/Poetry From A Crazy (11/26/2009 5:41:31)


First I look at the whole,
Then I see fact next to fact.
Crikey, that's a lot of info.
I am losing the overview.

Incentives are a disaster for me.
I do not know which are relevant and what not.
For me everything is equally important
Even what another does not hear or see

Some things I'll never forget
Other things I forget quickly
What exactly it is I do not know
But a form of autism it is

Sending information is important
Provided that other autistic are reached
For what people say
Is far from what it seems

The exterior is normal
Same as everyone else
The interior is different
Although you do not see it immediately

Dealing with others is difficult
With other people in the specifically
Only dealing with people with autism,
expires normal for me

Communicating is very difficult for me
Everything is all right with me
I say what I mean
I would like that everyone does that

My thinking is very difficult
I do it not or for too long
But one thing that will always be the same
It is based on self-interest

Talents are not learned
They are innate to you
Autistics have usually one
Therefore I feel chosen

Criticizing is easy, getting it is tricky
My skills are contradictory
The weaknesses, I know them.
Hopefully I improve them in time

BadHulk -> RE: Lyrik Von Der Überschüssigen/Poetry From A Crazy (12/19/2009 15:43:14)


Snow, the white rain from the sky.
The cold and icy product from the sky,
you hate it or you love it.
The white powder lies on the ground while it’s falling from above.

The ice cold wind produced by the coldness,
flies through your hair when you walk through the snow.
The snow, crunching beneath your feet when you walk through it.
The nature’s most beautiful element in the nature which you can see.

The white powder is falling from above, falling and twirling.
Everyone enjoys the snow, little children to old people.
Everyone is having fun with the snow, while it’s nice to see.
To us, snow is the most fascinating thing ever.

A cold breeze, slips through your winter coat.
You get the goosebumps on your back and arms.
Wearing a warm scarf, a hat on your head.
It’s an nice winter together with snow.

BadHulk -> RE: Lyrik Von Der Überschüssigen/Poetry From A Crazy (1/8/2010 6:03:40)

Valentine's Day

Once again, Valentine's Day has come.
Love is filled within the heart of your beloved one.
Looking for love or found it;
Valentine's Day is the day for it.

Big plushies, chocolate hearts and snuggable bears.
It is just all for your favorite girl or boy.
Sending an anonymous letter to the girl or boy you like,
and perhaps you will fall in love.

Big bouquets of red roses, loving people on the streets.
It makes the world happy to see such a beautiful day each year.
Even a boy like me can find a girl I will like.
Even before Valentine's Day, I have found her.

BadHulk -> RE: Lyrik Von Der Überschüssigen/Poetry From A Crazy (3/10/2010 15:58:06)

Daydreaming, Nightmares and Dreams.

Daydreaming is nice to do when you're in love.
Dreaming of certain things are nice to do but can be scary too.
When you're dreaming, different emotions flow through your body,
but the feeling that you get out of the dream, is simply amazing.

Nightmares, the vile side of the dreams.
The nightmare starts out peacefully, then bursts out into chaos.
Chaos, all over your dream. No matter what.
At the end of this tragedy, you feel bad about what happened.

Dreaming is based on simple thoughts of the day.
You try to dream about happy things what happened.
You want to dream because you want to sleep well,
without the hassle around your mind of the day.

BadHulk -> RE: Lyrik Von Der Überschüssigen/Poetry From A Crazy (6/3/2010 5:50:25)

The War

War is raging amongst the wind.
The smell of blood fills the soldiers with courage.
On the small planet of Terra, the fire of war is raging.
"Soldiers! Prepare for the attack! We shall defend this ground at all needs!" the commander shouted.

Soldiers rushing into the fields, knowing it might be their last day on Terra.
But, these men are giving their lives to protect the ground they love for their people.
War continues to rage with each defeat of the enemy soldiers.
We gain their ground, for the sake of winning this war.

The soldiers know they must win, so they can be remembered for always.
Swords clashing, an rain of arrows are falling down on the enemy.
Axes and spears lying on the ground of the defeated enemy.
The fire of war, still raging in the soldiers hearts as they got one goal and it's winning!

Battalions of soldiers are sent out for the protection of the ground they love so much.
Each breath, each step, each blink. They know it might be their last one before they die with honor.
But, the men, their courage is high. They keep marching forwards to the enemy.
The soldiers are now marching forwards, obilirating the enemy, just to win this forsaken war!

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