RE: Lyrik Von Der Überschüssigen/Poetry From A Crazy (Full Version)

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BadHulk -> RE: Lyrik Von Der Überschüssigen/Poetry From A Crazy (6/14/2010 16:03:34)


Time flows every day, each day the same.
As it goes by, we know it's ticking every second away,
as it would normally do whenever time would flow.
But, is time the thing we need to life everyday?

When having fun, time flies by each minute.
When you're having a bad time, time goes slow.
Each second, minute and hour is always different.
But, is it needed to life everything for each day?

Each day, new people are born, the miracle of life and time.
But, each day, people lose something, something we might love,
or you're losing a friend, each day it could happen.
But, would time cause this to happen for us?

For those questions nobody has an answer, except time itself.
We try to answer it ourself, but, it doesn't work for us.
Time tells us everything and nothing about our life.
But, would time tell us the things we need to do?

BadHulk -> RE: Lyrik Von Der Überschüssigen/Poetry From A Crazy (7/17/2010 13:08:45)

Traps of Autism

Autism, a gift and a curse all together.
A gift from it, could be that you focus on one thing a lot,
and the curse would be that you can't understand everything.
Why am I the person to live this life like this?

Understanding emotions is hard for me.
Picking up hidden things in sentences,
why can't I find these things at all?
Why do I feel so empty inside sometimes?

The nightmare of my life is everyday.
People wont understand what it is like,
to be an Autism and to live with it everyday.
Why would they even care about my Autism?

Day after day, I am asking myself the same question;
Why would people just do such things to me while I wont understand?
Wouldn't they understand that I need to work in such a way that I find good?
Why would I even care about somethings that I don't like?

Everything combined, can make my life miserable or bring happiness.
I just can't understand why people just want to skip meetings...
While they know that I still want to see them after all..
Why do I want to see that person so badly after all?

Questions about Autism... I'll never get all answers for myself.
When I get answers, more questions pop up...
Then, I ask myself... Do I need answers for this?
Why would I even bother meeting people at all if I don't care?

Living with Autism... It's hard but doable.
People around me sometimes can't understand why I do such things...
Why I say such things... But would they even understand if I explained?
Why would I... Why should I still love the people around me...?

BadHulk -> RE: Lyrik Von Der Überschüssigen/Poetry From A Crazy (8/2/2010 17:12:39)


Plain and simple fear, caused by daily things.
Spiders, heights, needles or even losing someone.
It's all part of your inner fear which you can't describe.
But, what if your own fear ever would become reality for ever?

Fear is the driving force of mankind's evolution,
as the fear inside of them is big enough to drive them to something.
What if, you were in a cage full of spiders and have tools to escape?
Would you try to evolve these tools into an escape tool?

Fear is being afraid, afraid of something abnormal for some people.
But, if you are afraid, would you do something about it?
If you see someone in fear, would you hesitate to help,
being feared by the fear that you already own?

BadHulk -> RE: Lyrik Von Der Überschüssigen/Poetry From A Crazy (1/12/2011 8:51:06)

Racial Diversity

Diversity of people by skin color, sexual attraction or your clothes, those things make that what you are.
The color of your hair, the brands of you're clothing or that you have tattoo’s on your body, it makes you different.
The diversity of your skin color, it means that you are different as nobody has the same skin color as you.
Diversity, it’s everywhere and people make problems of it, but would it be needed to make a fuss over such things?

People come and go, but diversity will always be there, in everyway that you look at it.
Mental illnesses, music taste and friends, again all diversity of different views.
These things make people who they are and where they belong in society.
But, if we were thinking differently, would it still be the same as we would except it to be?

Mental ilnesses, it’s a label of society that you are different of the rest of the people.
But, it means that you are different in a good way and that you have a different perspective on things.
A mental ilness means that you can have an advantage over things and a disadvantage.
But, could you make those disadvantages to your advantages if you wanted to?

Your music taste has an influence on your taste on clothing and friends.
People can hate your music taste or can actually love it, because they like it to.
Different genres there are to describe of which music you actually like.
But, is would there be one music genre that we all would like so we have no difference?

Friends are there for you when you need them, you can laugh with them and cry with them.
The diversity of friends is huge because nobody is the same, and because of that diversity is always there.
Because you have friends, the diversity of yourself could change to because of your friends who react differently on you.
But, if you had no friends at all, would you still be diverse of the rest of the world?

Homosexual marriage, disgusted by many, accepted by few. But who are we to make decisions for them?
People are disgusted if someone likes other people of the same sex, but who are we to make those decisions?
If you love each other, it wouldn’t matter if you like the same sex as yourself, aslong you can be yourself, thats enough diversity for the society.
But, why does the society wants to label everything and prevent somethings for their own goal?

Would it matter if your gay, bisexual, lesbian or a transsexual? It means you have diversity over your own life.
The diversity is good for society as you have others around you who are the same and have the same ideals.
But, most of the “ normal” people, dislike people who are different as each other.
Why would be even dislike people who are different from us because they act different as us?

People from the world, all have an different skin color. Because of that, we can label them.
Labels from country’s where they come from and their history is bound to their skin color.
But, weren’t we all the same in the beginning afterall? So why is racism in the world then?
If we all had one skin color, would the world be different as the world we live in today?

Different cultures have different rituals, like the christians got the crucifixion of Jesus, the Buddhist have the reincarnation, and the islam has the pilgrimage to Mecca.
But, why are we different if we belong to another believe like the atheists or worshippers of the devil?
Because we believe in other “gods” and have other ideals about them, is that called diversity or is that called followingship of the group?
If you could change anything about these religions, would you choose to make them one or leave them as they are?

The knowledge of people can be used for the good or for the bad.
Some scientists use it to research deadly diseases like cancer and such.
But other people use their knowledge to harm other people with things that are unimaginable.
But, why can’t we use the knowledge of today to make the world better so we can keep living on here?

Politics have different opinions and different views on subjects that concern the political regiment of the country.
Some politicals are fixated on getting the foreigners out of the country and such.
Others think of the wellbeing of the other people of their country.
But, if the all politics were corrupt, what would the diversity be then?

People with a handicap, sitting in a wheelchair, a mental illness or a psychial handicap, it’s labeled by society that they can’t function right.
But, by the diversity of people, people can see further then their handicap and see the potential of them.
The diversity of handicaps are huge, there are just to many so to minimize the diversity, we labeled them.
But, what if we were all disabled and hadicaped? Would there anyone who could take care of us?

Diversity, it’s a broad definition of culture, believes, sexual attraction, knowledge, skills and life experiences.
Those are the main diversity’s known to the human race. But of course, there are a lot of more diversities, like handicaps and mental illnesses.
If diversity wouldn’t be in our lifes, would it be even acceptable to live in this world without any opinions about anyone else?
And what would happen to the world if racism would be banned from the world and we didn’t know it?

Those are the questions from me to you, and if you could change it, would you do it?
If you could be someone else, would you come out for it for everyone?
If you were a gay, lesbian, transsexual or a bisexual, would you tell people you are one?
Would you change the world and that you could erase all handicaps and mental illnesses from the world, would you do it?

*Note: I don't have any offence against the people described in this poem, included the religions, the sexual attraction or whatsoever ;)

BadHulk -> RE: Lyrik Von Der Überschüssigen/Poetry From A Crazy (4/25/2011 16:58:48)

The Void Of Myself.

The thing you feel when it isn't there, is void. It's an indescribable pain that you feel.
This pain can make you feel depressed, can make you cry and do stupid stuff.
The emotions that flow through you by the void are blinding you from the truth,
that you will not accept that easily so you can move on with your life.

The feeling that someone dumps you, it's overwhelming.
Overwhelming emotions like anger, depression and sadness.
You want to stay with the person even though, it's impossible.
It's getting to you more and more quickly as you could think.

Sometimes it hits you like a stone, a unforeseen projectile hitting your heart.
And even if you saw it coming, you wouldn't be able to stop it from piercing right through you
And when you try to do something about it, it only spirals downward all the faster.
And then it finally hits you, right in the face and down through your heart, overwhelming you with emotions.

Once this has happened, you will feel miserable, miserable to the most inner parts of yourself.
You become so miserable that the most outrageous things, like physically or mentally torturing someone, become easy to you.
What is described here, has happened for real for myself to.
And yet I'm torn up on the inside, because I deny the truth to the outside.

BadHulk -> RE: Lyrik Von Der Überschüssigen/Poetry From A Crazy (5/23/2011 17:01:45)


Dreams, they exist in every person, unknowingly or knowingly.
Dreams, where the world is always perfect and good, where you could live forever.
Dreams, they exist, and you want to achieve the dreams that you have set out for yourself.
Dreams, they exist in your mind. But, what if life had no dreams at all? What would happen to us then?

If you have dreams, you want to complete them by any means necessary.
Dreams be big or little, like getting a house or get an A for your test.
Dreams, they always will exist in your subconscious mind, if you like it or not.
How would you feel when you ever would achieve those dreams if they ever were to came true?

Dreams can be good, like dreaming about your own Utopia,
and dreams can be bad, like wanting to destroy a whole country.
Dreams always vary from person to person or can be the same.
Could dreams ever come out when you strongly believe in it to happen?

What would happen if you are dreaming about a girl which you love?
Would you try to chase the dream you have or would you just leave it alone?
Are dreams your own red line through life to live on and be happy?
What would happen if the world never would have dreams?

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