RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (Full Version)

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zfloydz -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (9/6/2011 0:41:23)

The info in the weapons menu for the character says the bth for the Scythe of Wintry Winds is only 13. However the weapons info for the Scythe of Wintry Winds says it has a bth of 14. What is the correct bth for this weapon? Is this a bug in the weapon?

LuciDDreamer -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (9/8/2011 7:00:56)

Type of bug : Game stuck

Bug details: I had eye of naab on, and I drained mana in lumenomancer's robe. I had insufficient mana before using dhrana after using dhrana and changing back to sila's staff the quick cast icon appeared meaning I have enough mana to cast the spell. I accidentally click eye of naab and my mana get back to the state before using dhrana so I again had insufficient mana but the quick cast spell icon still was there even I dont have enough mana to cast the spell. I hit the quick cast button and my char started to cast the spell my mana is used to 0 but the game stuck doing nothing. I had to relog the game after than.

gormans -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (9/8/2011 7:12:31)

Type of Bug: Item bug - Ear of Corn lv 86
Bug Details: Not sure if this has been reported before. Lv 86 ear of corn will apply +4 MRM. However, there is a bug, where if I have ear of corn equipped with armor 1. Then I switch to armor 2 without taking ear of corn off, the +4 MRM "does not apply" because armor 2 will be "weakened"

For example:
Armor 1 has 40 40 40
Armor 2 has 36 36 36
I am now in Armor 1, with ear of corn it become 44 44 44
Then I directly switch to Armor 2, instead of 40 40 40, I am now still at 36 36 36. Then If I take off ear of corn, it becomes 32 32 32.

Hope I described the issue ok.

RhastaPipap -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (9/19/2011 10:09:49)

Type of bug (Game crash/blackscreen, glitch, graphical error, typo, etc.): glitch

Bug details: Lost the +10 Poison resist of the Chimeran Outrider Shield after deactivating Dragonsblood Charm
Before bug occurred: When I was fighting Edan the Fire Dragon (77)

During Bug: Lost my poison resist (not like it matter when it happened but might as well post it)

After bug: continues normally

Item Bugged: Chimeran Outrider Shield/Dragonsblood Charm
Other Equipment: Chill Ripper, Baneful Chimeran Outrider
Screenshot link: none
Character page link:

Did you log out and log back in? nope
Did you clear cache? yes
Did the bug happen again? not on other dragons
Browser Info: IE 9
Flash version:

Item Bugged: Shiny Boy temp armour (i am level 77)
Other Equipment: Fenris Gasher (8-29 dmg), nemesis shield
Screenshot link: didn't get one

Did the bug happen again? seems to be consistently hitting low
Browser Info: FF3
Flash version: 10 (latest)

ExGuardian -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (9/19/2011 22:09:12)

Has this bug been reported before? Unless providing new info please do not duplicate reports.
I don't think so.

Type of bug (Game crash/blackscreen, glitch, graphical error, typo, etc.):
zetsubou dageki bug
Bug details: when i use it on a monster, half the time, even if the monster doesnt dodge it still wont work.
Before bug occurred: i click on zetsubou dageki >.>

During Bug: nothing happens. the monster gets cursed by zetsubou and it doesnt work and i lose a turn AND sp.

After bug: still nothing happens in 3 rounds

Item Bugged: whispering raiment
Other Equipment: it doesnt matter the only thing that matters is the glitch
Screenshot link:
Character page link:

Did you log out and log back in? it happens every day >.>
Did you clear cache? yup. still happens.
Did the bug happen again? yup. ^
Browser Info: safari version 5.1 (6534.50)
Flash version: i dont know.

battlesiege15 -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (9/20/2011 23:29:01)

Type of bug (Game crash/blackscreen, glitch, graphical error, typo, etc.): glitch

Bug details: level 104 algern's carapace does light damage when used with Shadowsbane Pyrascepter (but only the Lycan Claw/Werepyre Axe)
Before bug occurred: i was facing off against Ziragat

During Bug: algern's carapce did LIGHT damage against Ziragat

After bug: continues normally and in other battles too

Item Bugged: Algern's Carapace with Shadowsbane Pyrascepter (but only in lycan claw/werepyre axe form)
Other Equipment: ?
Screenshot link:
Character page link:

Did you log out and log back in? yes. the bug still was there
Did you clear cache? yes
Did the bug happen again? yes. in all battles i used both with
Browser Info: Chrome
Flash version:

Item Bugged: Algern's Carapce
Other Equipment: shadowsbane pyrascepter
Screenshot link:

Did the bug happen again? yes
Browser Info: Chrome
Flash version:

anacreon -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (9/23/2011 16:29:47)

Has this bug been reported before? Did not appear when i did several searches

Type of bug (Game crash/blackscreen, glitch, graphical error, typo, etc.): Glitch

Bug details: When wearing the awe set when it inflicts the fear passive some times the enemy will still attack even though it is under the effect of fear.

Before bug occurred: enemy became under the effect of fear

During Bug: Enemy still attacks even though it became feared during that same turn.

After bug: Still continues

Item Bugged: Set effect of Mighty Armor of Awe, Shield of Awe, and Dagger of Awe
Other Equipment:
Screenshot link: effect inflicted then enemy turn

Character page link: Character Page

Did you log out and log back in? Yes
Did you clear cache? Yes
Did the bug happen again? Yes
Browser Info: FireFox latest version
Flash version: Latest

clover!!! -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (9/29/2011 6:26:15)

Type of bug: Weapon's trigger/graphical?

Bug details: Concerning RanGer's Luminous Bow - there is something wrong either with the trigger, or just with the graphics (the glow when the bow is triggered).

Before bug occurred: Bow working properly, triggering against Shadow monsters - it glows and element seeks.

During Bug: After the first shot from the bow though, the glow disappears. The weapon still element seeks (but perhaps the damage boost is reduced along with the glow? Please check)

After bug: When you reequip the bow, it glows again. And again after the shot, the glow disappears.

Item Bugged: RanGer's Luminous Bow (lvl135)
Other Equipment: AntiGuardian Plate, Chieftain's IronThorn
Screenshot link: -
Character page link: click

Did you log out and log back in? Yes
Did you clear cache? Yes
Did the bug happen again? Yes (checked with other shadow monsters in SeekRat saga)
Browser Info: Google Chrome 14.0.835.186 m
Flash version: 10,3,183,10

ugauga -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (10/11/2011 21:12:06)

In 1rst place, forgive me if I'm writing on wrong on place, but I'd like relate a weapon link bug:
The Darkness ranged weapons Razon Fan a and Fatal Razor Fan has the same link (both goes to Razor fan). It's the link:

aftimmer -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (10/14/2011 1:34:42)

Item Bugged: Arctic Tempest G
Other Equipment: Chronomancer Z

When Arctic Tempest G is set to Wind and the armor skill Time Stop is used on Chronomancer, the element used is switched back to ice. I'm thinking that Arctic Tempest is a dual element weapon and that wind is not a special per se. So if the element is set to wind, shouldn't Chronomancer use wind instead of ice?

plenty -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (10/14/2011 16:43:06)

Type of bug: Design bug. No access to element management with Arctic Tempest (and whole series )

Bug details: When wearing armors such as Centurion Forms, there is no way to change weapons element from ice to wind.

Before bug occurred: Equipped Centurion Form Primus

During Bug: No weapon nor weapon icon is displayed that would allow to change weapons element. Centaurion's weapon graphic isn't clickable.

After bug: Upon changing armor, weapon defaults to ice damage without any option to change its element

Item Bugged: Arctic Tempest/Centurion Form
Other Equipment: Irrelevant , as all further info
Screenshot link:

Character page link:

Did you log out and log back in? yes
Did you clear cache? yes
Did the bug happen again? yes
Browser Info: Opera 11.52 / 1100, Presto/2.9.168 Version/11.52
Flash version: latest
Operating System: Windows XP Pro version 2002 sp 3
Players online: 24968

Changed format to more formal... with a hope for a word of acknowledgment of the bug from the staff.

Suggestion of a possible solution: element seek between ice and wind or clicable weapon icon.

Sir Niaq -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (10/19/2011 5:28:26)

Okay. This is just... completely weird.

Type of bug: Incorrect stat resetting

Bug details: I am currently going through the "Armor of Awe!" quest. While doing so, I came across the monster "Waldgeist." I chose to activate my Master Guardian Astramorph for the battle and switched into Shearhide Form, defeating Waldgeist. However, after that my stats would NOT reset themselves to my original stats. (200 DEX, 200 INT, 85 LUK)

Before bug occurred: I equipped Master Guardian Astramorph against Waldgeist, level 85 vesion.

During Bug: My stats are not re-arranged, now I have to fight as a Mage with 0 INT ><

After bug: Still occuring... I don't want to log out until I've completed the quest.

Item Bugged: Master Guardian Astramorph I guess
Other Equipment: Generalist's Robes, Shearhide Form, Chimeran Defender Shield, Demon Tooth Axe (95)
Screenshot link: (Note that I took this picture in the second fight after the bug occured. I took one at the first battle but that one... mystically disappeared... You'll still see the bugged stats.)
Character page link:

Did you log out and log back in? Not yet, I want to complete the quest
Did you clear cache? Yes
Did the bug happen again? I'm still encountering it.
Browser Info: Google Chrome 14.0.835.202 m
Flash version: latest
Operating System: Windows XP
Players online: 17321

-Sir N

edit: Hm, logging out and back in shows my stats as fixed. Good thing but that bug was still very weird.

darksampson -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (11/4/2011 6:47:31)

Type of bug: Item

Bug Details: I was using Frozen Cyclone and when I switched the weapon to wind, and I was in Chronomancer Z the spell from Chronomancer Z did Ice dmg instead of wind, even though I switched the weapon to wind. Fix this please this is a big problem because I use this armor for spells and not having a wind spell from this armor is very difficult.

Xrai -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (11/4/2011 7:23:17)

@above: It's not a bug, element-switching weapon always changed to the default element of the weapon when you switch armor, for this case it's Ice.

Red plus blue -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (11/4/2011 14:32:53)

Morningstar armor

Shield doesn't appear under the player's info bar, making me think certain shield's effect don't work (unable to click eye of naab and ironthorn's bonuses don't give)
How do i know the shields don't work (Ironthorn)?

I attacked with (none) shield slot and did about 104-268

I attacked with Chieftain's ironthorn and did about 126-253

Not much of an increase on the first hit, and lower dmg on the second hit. I also hit so accurate.
How do i know the shields don't work (Eye of naab)?

There's NO WHERE AT ALL to click the shield. Can't recover any hp or mp. I clicked all over the armor!

rendalith -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (11/9/2011 19:11:46)

Type of bug: Weapon/armor bug

Bug details: When wearing the Geomancer's robe, I changed the Arctic Tempest G's element to Wind during my turn. Upon attacking while wearing the armor, it still dealt Ice damage.
Before bug occurred: Nothing of interest.

During Bug: The weapon did not deal the correct type of damage. The special, however, did Wind damage when it activated.

After bug: I switched to Pyromancer's robe and duplicated the results. Then I switched to Tenebromancer's and got the same.

Item Bugged: All of the wizard robes.
Other Equipment: Arctic Tempest G.

Did you log out and log back in? Yes.
Did you clear cache? Yes.
Did the bug happen again? Yes.
Browser Info: Mozilla Firefox 8.0
Flash version: 11

Grixus Faldor -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (11/20/2011 18:38:13)

Type of bug (Game crash/blackscreen, glitch, graphical error, typo, etc.): glitch?

Bug details: Blade did not trigger on dragonkind
Before bug occurred: Nothing

During Bug: Did standard damage

After bug: Nothing

Item Bugged: Wind Dragon Blade
Other Equipment:
Screenshot link: None
Character page link:

Did you log out and log back in? Yes
Did you clear cache? Yes
Did the bug happen again? Yes
Browser Info: Internet Explorer 8
Flash version:

lordofsega -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (11/24/2011 12:16:27)

This bug occurs only when I equip the Infernal Hilt.

Whenever I equipped Infernal Hilt, I could not perform any armor skills of the newer armors (the armors that would show two following seperate commands when I click on the "attack" panel: "attack" and "armor skills") that consume SP. I have the AntiGuardian Plate, Algern's Versatile Carapace, and the Generalist's Robe. I could not use DarkBolt, Life Drain, and Arcane Drive respectfully. I'll attack like normal as if I click on the "attack command" instead of the SP-consuming skills. I can use the Elemental Explosion, a MP-consuming skill, from the Generalist's Robe while equipping the Infernal Hilt though. What more is that whenever I use the Arcane Drive while equipping Infernal Hilt, not only will I perfom a normal attack, but my guest, pet, or enemy will attack immediately before my attack end and the turn will end. I have to flee from battle to avoid any more bug.

Skull Kid -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (11/26/2011 8:13:43)

Item Bug... I bought the level 88 my way misc helmet and lose 100k gold but I only got the lowest lvl version. I have been cheated :'([&o][>:]

Terrible Turtle -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (11/27/2011 3:15:42)

Has this bug been reported before? Unless providing new info please do not duplicate reports.
Type of bug (Game crash/blackscreen, glitch, graphical error, typo, etc.):
Game freeze
Bug details: Game forze in middle of spell cast GPP
Before bug occurred: fighting

During Bug: casting

After bug: froze

Item Bugged: GPP or My Way Helm
Other Equipment: UG + CIT

Did you log out and log back in? I just got the DB...
Did you clear cache? yep
Did the bug happen again? yep..well, its still there

PS @ above, we can see it in your inventory. you have both.

Skull Kid -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (11/28/2011 8:26:45)

^^^ OMG THANKS SOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!! I had found another game and was begining to lose my interest in aq and this bug got to my nerves,, I cant beleive how foolish and dumb I was.. Once again thanks!

doom876 -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (11/29/2011 17:57:30)

I had around 140k gold and played Sophira's Plea, got out, 50K. I've been farming all day at the spring!

Also, I bought nothin

amphitrita -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (11/29/2011 19:32:35)

Please use this template when reporting:

Type of bug: weapon/armour bug
Bug details: Armour doesn't allow you to change the weapon's element.
Before bug occurred: have the Obsidian Cloak equipped

During Bug: equip the weapon 'Beautiful Oblivion'

After bug: cannot click on the bottom of the weapon to change the element

Item Bugged: Obsidian Cloak + Beautiful Oblivion
Other Equipment: none
Screenshot link: not sure how to do and the link for the instructions is broken
Character page link:

Did you log out and log back in? yes
Did you clear cache? yes
Did the bug happen again? yes
Browser Info: chrome
Flash version: latest

Sir Niaq -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (11/30/2011 4:14:03)

Has this bug been reported before? Unless providing new info please do not duplicate reports. Doubt it

Type of bug (Game crash/blackscreen, glitch, graphical error, typo, etc.): Of all, most likely Graphical Error

Bug details: Kind of... weird action drinking Health Potions

Before bug occurred: I battled Xerxes and got low on HP.

During Bug: I was forced to take Health Potions. However, every time I consumed a single Health Potion, for a short time, a "0" displayed before the actual amount of HP healed

After bug: I defeated Xerxes - might just be a graphical flaw but I reported just in case

Item Bugged: Morningstar Plate / Maybe Health Potion? :D
Other Equipment: MorningStar Plate (105), Golden Shield, Head of Raydius Dragon, Fusion Dragonblade (94) / in RA battles: Morningstar Plate (105), CIT, Golden Axe, Morningstar Flail (105)
Screenshot link: I was too slow to make one, sorry
Character page link: Below Avatar

Did you log out and log back in? Yes
Did you clear cache? Yes
Did the bug happen again? Didn't fight Xerxes again - I'll go and check it against random RA mobs Against Ancient Undead War Party and Bun-Brain (115) tested in RA. Happens again.
Browser Info: Google Chrome 15.0.874.121 m
Flash version:

Operating System: Windows XP

crutchmaster -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (11/30/2011 6:29:34)


hi all i played yesterday as normal no probs 29/11/2011, got up this morning logged in started playing (as we do) then realized that my fire weapon (layard's deception) has been replaced with a lvl 5 gift box melee, can anyone help i'm so frustrated cause i never bought the gift box. windows vista, IE,
Fixed. ~In Media Res

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