RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (Full Version)

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Kediset -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (1/23/2012 2:11:58)

Type of bug (Game crash/blackscreen, glitch, graphical error, typo, etc.):

Game Freeze

Bug details: Game freezes after my character holds evil battleaxe in upright position when she's about to use magic.

Item Bugged: Evil battleaxe
Other Equipment: Zaph and Neely, werepyre armor. Before I got dracophyre, I'd typically just have aegis shield on and the pet.

Did you log out and log back in? Well I've refreshed the page so yes...
Did you clear cache? No (I don't see why I would have to. It is the only item I've had problems with)
Did the bug happen again? Yes
Browser Info: IE 8
Flash version: 11,1,102,55

Fixed. ~In Media Res

brotherbeast -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (1/25/2012 11:48:15)

First off, I didn't know if this was a glitch associated with the Conflagration skill or with the battle stat trainer monsters.

Bug details: When training against Grimweld for my DEX, i used the Wizard class (pyromancer) ability Conflagration and was succesful in causing a severe burn. I then proceeded to finish the battle normally before the burn turns expired. I then went on to figh a random monster and noticed that the burn effect carried over from my battle with Grimweld, which I suspect was from the fact that he surrendered rather than face full defeat.

Type of bug: Glitch?

During/after bug: Everything operated as should have.

Item bugged: Wizard Pyromancer Robe Conflagration skill effect.
Character page link: below avatar

Did you log out and log back in? no
Did you clear cache? no
Did the bug happen again? haven't attempted
Browser Info: I.E. 8.0.7601.17514
Flash version:

matty day charizard -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (1/26/2012 4:34:30)

i found a glitch when using changing staff with full metal santa when i click to change it to melee and attack with it both hits are magic

Fisto -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (2/3/2012 11:51:02)

Z-Scythe while in FMS

This weapon does NOT like FMS. It coverts the first hit to Magic regardless of which 'type' you are using.

Gotrix -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (2/9/2012 10:10:05)

Has this bug been reported before? No.

Type of bug (Game crash/blackscreen, glitch, graphical error, typo, etc.): Armour Bug

Bug details: The armour gives a Power Drain effect, and it doesn't do anything, when it is supposed to have a chance of healing you in Combat.

Before bug occurred: no change

During Bug: Flash up of a Power drain icon see Picture

After bug: No change to the HP or MP scores on the stat player bars

Item Bugged: Mighty UltraGuardian Plate

Other Equipment: UltraGuardian Shield, Guardian ArachTuagh, Baby Vampragon.

Screenshot link:

Character page link:

Did you log out and log back in? yes

Did you clear cache? yes

Did the bug happen again?yes

Browser Info: Mozilla Firefox 9.0.1

Flash version:

Sir Perfect Socks -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (2/9/2012 10:17:12)

Gotrix, that's not a bug. That's the effect of the UltraGuardian Shield. Whenever you block the last hit of the enemy, you will regenerate SP. That effect is named: Power Drain.

Here's the info from the Pedia Entry:


All combat defenses are equal to round((0.25*PowLvl+0.5)/3)
Mastercraft Bonus: At the beginning of your turn, if you dodged the last attack that the monster did, then you heal some SP. You heal round(17/3 * round(0.75 * round(0.04* round(38.1 + 2.3375*PowLvl + 0.01125*PowLvl^2)))) SP

You didn't see the extra SP on your SP bar because it was already full ;)

kaskulor -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (2/14/2012 11:31:02)


i am a level 9 dragon slayer but i can't do deplete dracolich the level 9 special of a dragon slayer. i don't know if it is a bug and if it happend to annyone else but i think there would be a problem when i turn lvl 10 and i can't level up annymore

It's intended. You're using the Golden Dragonslayer or Golden Dragonslayer Eclipse armour, and those require you to level up your Vampire Slayer class levels. ~In Media Res

kaskulor -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (2/14/2012 12:24:42)


i just got to level 10 dragonslayer but when i go to armour skills it says that i'm a level 8. i tried to do another dragonslayer quest but i can't. could it be because me race is humandracopyre? or because i'm lvl 77? also i can't get to my character page. all this happend on my main character fillius who is a x-guardian.
See above. ~In Media Res

bossnuts_67890 -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (2/21/2012 10:40:24)

Type of bug: Armor Bug

Bug details: Whatever potions possessed will increase/decrease to 3 even after the conclusion of the "quest".

Before bug: Nothing

During bug: Potions become 3, both health and mana.

After bug: Potions stay that way.

Item bugged: AssaultKnight

Other Equipment: AssaultKnight stuff, doesn't matter which.

Standard precautions: All yes.

Browser: IE 9, Latest update

Flash: Latest version as of now.

It only stays that way if you win the AssaultKnight battle (causing the game to save your potions to 3) and then quit the game. You're given back your normal potions at the end of the battle, but the game doesn't save them yet. If you win the AK battle and then win another battle outside of the AK, then the game will save your restored potions and everything will be fine. ~In Media Res

Aves -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (2/25/2012 21:33:31)

Bug details: Death's Reaver weapon (lvl 150) is not triggering against undead monsters. While the graphics of the hourglass change, the element remains darkness and doesn't element seek.
During Bug: in battle

Item Bugged: Death's reaver weapon
Other Equipment: The trigger is not occuring using any of the current armors/equipment in my active inventory.
Character page link:

Did you log out and log back in? yes
Did you clear cache? yes
Did the bug happen again? yes
Browser Info: firefox, internet explorer
Flash version: current version

It's not supposed to seek. It just deals increased damage. Specifically, it deals *[monster's top resistance] / [monster's Darkness resistnance] damage, so that you're effectively hitting the monster's top resistance. ~In Media Res

You're right, thanks! Sorry for not reading things closely.

Sacrenity -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (2/29/2012 14:50:26)

Type of bug:

Bug details: The game instantly froze and made me level 90.

Before bug: I was level 89 with around 180k in.

During bug: After exitting the game and restarting it when it froze, I became level 90 with 70k experience.

After bug:

Item bugged: Eye of Naab, which made me freeze. (but that isn't the issue)

Other Equipment:

Standard precautions:

Browser: Up to date, Mozilla Firefox.

Flash: Latest version as of now.

Unfortunately, this was last night, therefore I'm left with no evidence except for my account here: which is level 90.

The ironic thing is, I did the whole Sinister 7 war again and then when I found out I was 1 level low to purchase Sila's Staff, I went to battle a monster which then the glitch commenced, making me level 90.

You became level 90 because of this. ~In Media Res

blindfury01 -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (3/10/2012 13:26:37)

Bug: player will not load

in the prepare for battle i have the pardox plate from mystery the temp armor and go to do Solaris quest with it get to the first battle after warlic's talking part and it will not load player.
it loads monster, pet, guest, an background easyly but not the player load selection.

i have found this after farming so i refreshed to log out and back in, and closed all windows and try logged and nothing works i think it has to do with the temp plate cause i did the quest last week.

UPDATE: logged out and logged back in with out getting the temp armor and im battleing it is the Paradox plate.
#2 : i can use the paradox plate in random battles fine. And also fought the Solaris Boss.

JordanDracopyre -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (3/12/2012 10:07:04)

I had the full set of pieces for blade of awe then yesterday i made my account guardian and swapped my guardian blade for the awe blade but when i logged back in its gave me the guardian blade back and now i need to collect the awe pieces again why has it done that?

kaskulor -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (3/12/2012 12:56:01)

i finaly got all the blade of awe pieces and now i can't exance them with valencia, i'm at grumbly's but it says technical error try to log out and log in.
my stonewrite still has all the pieces but i logged in and out several times and it still doesn't work [:(]

i just tried to switch my guardian staff for a guardian sword permanently it worked at first...
i tought it may solve the problem of not getting the blade of awe but it didn't work.
i logged out for about 20 minutes and logged in again but i still can't get the blade of awe and i have the guardian staff back.
now i lost 20 z-tokens and i can't get the blade of awe!!

i hope it is fixed soon i searched long for all the pieces of the blade of awe,
and since i'm 17 and haven't got alot of money to spend it is a real bummer i lost 20 z-tokens

just logged in and i could swap my guardian staf for the staff of awe.
so there's no problem anny more.
don't know if you fixed it or it fixed itself but you should look into why it took so long...

midnyte_sylph -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (3/18/2012 22:34:11)

When I have my generalist robes on my guardian staff only does fire damage. the attack does not switch elements like it should. help please? thank you.

This is intentional.

Rorshach -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (3/24/2012 9:32:37)

Not exactly a bug, bug an image glitch. But Salvation armour's right arm elbow guard is a little off from the arm.

Westwycke -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (3/30/2012 12:36:45)

I was fighting a Wyvern (don't remember which one). The Wyvern struck first, poisoning me. I saw the poison icon appear on my status circle, and I took poison damage. First chance I got, I equipped with my new Unicorn Bowie G. The next turn, it gave me the message that "Lucian's alicorn cleasned the toxins from my body". However, the poison icon remained, and I continued to take poison damage. I received the "cleansed" message several times more during the battle, but the poison icon never went away, and I never stopped taking poison damage.

It only gives you a chance of resisting the poison. The message probably shouldn't pop up on an unsuccessful resist, though. ~In Media Res

Demeister -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (3/31/2012 8:58:46)

The Absolute Zero Spine Z's Special is getting blocked very consistently so far about 12/15 times against level 100 opponents and does 0 damage even though the AQ Encyclopedia says it actually should do damage. It was not against opponents with zero on their ice resistance. Please help.

Shadow Genesis -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (3/31/2012 12:55:24)

When i put red server cap on my characters head while in the leprechaun power Au-rmor G, it puts a leprechaun hat on his head instead

BexnDan -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (4/2/2012 9:03:45)

I bought the level 67 G Loco costume for my secondary but the text on her character page is black instead of red. She is kind of disappointed because she likes the colour red!

Fixed. ~In Media Res

necrobiosis1 -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (4/3/2012 6:17:58)

I bought the Loco Costume G yesterday, and could use it.

However today, it disappeared from my inventory. And when I attempted the quest again, they said it was purchasable by guardians only, and I am a non-guardian.

Can I get a refund?

WhoDoYaThink -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (4/3/2012 13:24:17)

Bug Type: Effect bug.

Im using the Mystic Unicorn Bowie weapon and fighting a cyclone wyvern. The wyvern poisoned me and the weapon said it elminated the poison, but the poison was still affecting me, and the Unicorn Bowie kept saying it purged the poison, but never did.

Weapon:Mystic Unicorn Bowie
Armor: Loco Costume
Sheild: Guardian Springy Trampoline
Misc: Powershard Dr. Boom VI
Monster: Cyclone Wyvern (105)

Ghengis -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (4/3/2012 18:47:43)

Type of bug: Weapon Bug

Bug details:
I have noticed that I seem to miss often when using Zard BarraGe (lvl 136) in comparison to other weapons with lower BTH so I did a statistical analysis of my misses and put them down in table format and compared them to another weapon and different scenarios to determine what could be the possible problem, so unsure of where to post my findings I decided to post it here after advice from the AQ Questions/Answers forum.

For reference purposes my character is lvl 140 with 200 DEX/CHA/LUK, 25 END and 75 INT.

The scenario is 300 hits (not turns) against Uncle Wyvern (lvl 124) when he is not doing his whirlwind attack which increases his defense and discarding the Goblins Spear special and the 3 hit awe attack, both of which would skew the numbers and make it more difficult to tabulate (note since Zard BarraGe (lvl 136) is 3 hits I only had to do 100 turns to get 300 attacks hence why for scenario 1 and 2 only 100 cells are used in excel, as for scenario 3,4 and 5 since Deft armor of awe is 2 hits I had to do 150 cells to get the 300 attacks), all this with the follow categories:-

1. Deft Armor & Shield of Awe + Zard BarraGe (lvl 136) + RanGer's Scope (lvl 121)
2. Deft Armor & Shield of Awe + Zard BarraGe (lvl 136)
3. Deft Armor & Shield of Awe + Golblin Spear (lvl 120) + RanGer's Scope (lvl 121)
4. Deft Armor & Shield of Awe + Golblin Spear (lvl 120)
5. Deft Armor of Awe + Golblin Spear (lvl 120) + CIT

I used Goblin Spear (lvl 120) cause it has 2 lower BTH than Zard BarraGe (lvl 136).

The Table is split into 4 parts since apparently photobucket only allows images to a certain size before it re-sizes it down to 1024 height which would make the table unreadable...

In scenario 1 a miss rate of 19.67 percent to 2 decimal places.
In scenario 2 a miss rate of 26.67 percent to 2 decimal places.
In scenario 3 a miss rate of 0 percent.
In scenario 4 a miss rate of 6 percent.
In scenario 5 a miss rate of 18 percent.

As can be seen the percentage difference between scenario 1 and scenario 5 is small as they differ by about 1.67 percent. Due to the use of CIT and lack of use of the miscellaneous item RanGer's Scope the BTH difference between scenario 1 and scenario 5 is 17 BTH which leads me to believe that Zard BarraGe (lvl 136) is not receiving one of its BTH modifiers either from the weapon itself or the addition representing the BTH it would get from armor considering its a 100% special item. The large difference between scenario 1 and 2 leads me to believe that RanGer's Scope does effect the item. The difference between scenario 1 and 3 show and compound that Zard BarraGe (lvl 136) is extremely inaccurate seeing as Zard BarraGe (lvl 136) is supposed to have 2 BTH more than Goblin Spear in the same circumstances, yet the proportion in miss rate is so large. The difference between scenario 2 and 4 are shown in comparison to 1 and 3 further giving proof of the inaccuracy and the showing that RanGer's Scope is working as the differences between scenario 1 and 2 in comparison to 3 and 4 are similar in proportion. Initially I thought it could be that the Zard BarraGe (lvl 136) might not be taking stat points to BTH from CHA but seeing as that only accounts for 12.5% and a BTH difference of 4.5 would of shown a greater variance I can only conclude and hope that I am right considering all the time and effort I put into this lol that either the weapons BTH or the bonus it gets as a gun representing the BTH from armor is not being factored.

By Ghengis


By Beofox

Is it possible that you missed some of the zard barrage's hits due to its 3 hit attack. Sometimes if you are looking for the +___ damage above a monster, only 1 or 2 of the hits will show up on some weapons. If you are certain you didn't miss some hits, then there may be problem.

I don't have barrage, but missing 59 out of 300 attacks when your hit rate against an 80 AMD monster should be 96% (missing 12) seems off. Random number generator and all, but you are right, there may be something wrong with code. You might want to submit this to the bug section.

@Beofox I kept an eye on the HP bar of the monster since watching the damage above the monster is known to be inaccurate, I knew about this issue and was prepared for it when taking the results. I can assure you that the results are accurate.

Bug confirmed - it's only getting CHA/16 to BTH, instead of the intended CHA/16 +DEX/16 +LUK/20. *passes on bug to higher-ups* ~In Media Res

brotherbeast -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (4/4/2012 12:10:22)

Not sure if it is actually a bug, but according to the description, the Gizzard is a missing link between dragons and frogzards. So wouldn't this weapon activate for the dragon part? If it isn't a bug, disregard.

Type of bug (Game crash/blackscreen, glitch, graphical error, typo, etc.): Weapon Trigger

Bug details: Energy Draconic Blade did not activate trigger when battling Gizzard
Before bug occurred: Everything Normal

During Bug: Weapon trigger did not activate

After bug: everything normal

Item Bugged: Energy Draconic Blade
Other Equipment: N/A
Character page link:

Did you log out and log back in? No
Did you clear cache? No
Did the bug happen again? Haven't been able to test
Browser Info: Internet Explorer 8 Version: 8.0.7601.17514
Flash version: 11,2,202,228

Fixed - it's now dragonkin. ~In Media Res

Aethas -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (4/11/2012 22:59:45)

Type of bug (Game crash/blackscreen, glitch, graphical error, typo, etc.): Weapon/Armor/Spell Bug

Bug details: Lightning Rod spells don't get the efficiency bonus from Dynamancer's Robes
Before bug occurred: Everything normal

During Bug: Only the spells cast by Lightning Rod are affected, every other lightning spell receives the reduced spell cost.

After bug: Everything normal

Item Bugged: Lightning Rod / Dynamancer's Robes
Other Equipment: Hydro Shield, Fairy Godmother

Screenshot link:
Casting Chain Lightning using Lightning Rod:
Casting Supercell using Dynamancer's Robes:

Character page link:

Did you log out and log back in?: Yes
Did you clear cache?: Yes
Did the bug happen again?: Yes
Browser Info: Firefox 11
Flash version:

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