=MtAK= Geass-granted AK: Crimzon5 (Full Version)

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Crimzon5 -> =MtAK= Geass-granted AK: Crimzon5 (1/23/2009 2:36:27)

Hi guys and gals. Crimzon5 here! I guess I'll be more active in the OOC from now one.

Okay, as usual, all Universal Rules/Guidelines apply.

Now, for the question info:
1) No more than 10 (per post)
2) I may choose not to answer some.
3) I will use Bolded Crimson to edit
4) Remember, it's Crimzon5, not Crimson
5) Have fun! This will remain open till... the end of the month

srinivas -> RE: =MtAK= Geass-granted AK: Crimzon5 (1/23/2009 2:40:44)

good luck, wow this comes as a real surprise.
I was surprised, too. I never imagined being asked to become an AK... in the OOC

peace out from,


Clyde -> RE: =MtAK= Geass-granted AK: Crimzon5 (1/23/2009 2:45:35)

Hmm... no 5? Ah, who cares... it's the z that matters

Yeah, actually MtAKs run for about a week unless the Head Mod doesn't mind. :p
I didn't know that. Feb 1 was a lucky choice

One day me and Ice were talking and...nevermind. Haha suspense. >:D
Aww c'mon!

1. Why, WHY, whhhhhhhyyyyyyyyyy?

2. How's dem shackles?
Uhh... what does that mean again?

3. Why don't people understand we're just like everyone else, but with more cages and shackles? ;_;
I blame it on the titles

4. Brawl, ftw, no?
Let my Ike pwn your pokemon trainer

5. What's your favorite item in AQ? :o
Misc? It'd be Bar of soap. If you mean equipment, it would Sila's Staff

6. I think Circe is collecting an army, what do you think?
Since there's a 5 in my name, I'll be the 5 star general

7. It's always _____'s fault?
Heh, if there's someone to blame, it's _____

8. Why did the Croncler cross the road?Copyright
Cause I wasn't driving. That was his chance!

9. Do you read the Zardian? :O

10. More specifically will you be reading my articles?
Of course!

Also Suzaku > Lelouch.
What a shame that he killed him


Argeus the Paladin -> RE: =MtAK= Geass-granted AK: Crimzon5 (1/23/2009 2:55:39)

What on Lore? Crimz -> AK?
Heh, being an AK was surprising enough. But for the OOC?

So how's da Vision, huh?
Hmm, one of my female friends wanted me to work on something non-fictional. I'll go back to Visions once FtLY is done

Also Artix von Krieger >>> Lelouch Lamperouge. Face it.
Oh yeah? As long as Lelouch isn't undead, Artix is powerless. Face it[8D]

(Care to check out Seisen Engi for one last time before I cast it aside to have time for something more realistic to penetrate the Australian literary market?)


Argeus Elmarian Sunrise.


Albino Slug -> RE: =MtAK= Geass-granted AK: Crimzon5 (1/23/2009 2:56:00)

Hey! I don't know you.
Heh, I could lie and say the same thing

Do you play any musical instruments? Which one (If so)?

Favorite band?
Nevertheless - Christian Rock

Christian Rock

Sleeping In

Too hard to choose. I but I prefer reading non-fiction.


Oh, tough one. Give me time to think

Government orientation (Socialist, anarchist, etc)?

Other useful information?
Heh, me<20

Have I filled up ten questions yet?
Yes... this being the 10th

Andy8 -> RE: =MtAK= Geass-granted AK: Crimzon5 (1/23/2009 2:59:03)


Happy AK-ing.

OmegaBreak -> RE: =MtAK= Geass-granted AK: Crimzon5 (1/23/2009 3:00:34)

O hai

I can has snugz ?
Sure! Snugz

So how 'bout Breaking Benjamin ?
I'm afraid I dont know that

Are you a PC ?

Shirley > Lelouch > Suzaku < Kallen < Euphemia
Lelouch pwns all

Guren or Lancelot ?

That's all I got for now. Gratz on your AKship


Nicky -> RE: =MtAK= Geass-granted AK: Crimzon5 (1/23/2009 3:38:57)

Hey Crimzon, and congratulations! :D

Seems you're up to date now, but stay on top of this thing. People post like crazy after a few days ;].
Really? They seem... quiet right now

Have fun and congratulations again! *snugs*
Thanks.... again

mastin2 -> RE: =MtAK= Geass-granted AK: Crimzon5 (1/23/2009 4:25:11)

1: I was browsing L&L, when I saw your name, and was like, "Whoa, Crimz changed avatars!" Then I realized that your title was different. And was like "Since when?!?" I figured it was very recent, as though I might not've logged on a good deal recently, I certainly do browse a lot. Looks like it really WAS not that long ago. Either that, or you really aren't getting much attention in the OOC. :P

Just got it today

2: Oh, boy. Another title-full person who is active in L&L losing title because they choose to become an AK, which is worth three titles. Really, I swear, unless it's Writer/Poet of the Month, every single person with a title eventually becomes an AK. It's like some sort of conspiracy. :/

Hmm... We have mafio, clyde, bballman, time losh, and now me

3: ...Oh, and 'Bout time. I've been expecting it for...well, for a long time, to say the least. Congrats on finally actually getting the AK position, Crimz.


4: By the way, nice choice of an avatar. Code Geass for the win. :D (Also, Lelouch's hairstyle is not that different than Artix's or the person who was in MQ's old main page. Both of which were your former avatars, and the similarities in hair color and style make it easy to adjust to the different avatar, something which I can have trouble with.)

Me thinks hair adds gives more good looks than the face

5: If I granted you the power to ask for one request of me and have it, to the best of my merely mortal ability, fulfill it, what would it be? (For example, don't expect me to leap off a cliff. I'd accept a request to read a novel in less than twenty-four hours, even if I couldn't actually complete it.)

Heh, I could use more opinions with FtLY

6: Do you miss the 'quote original' button? I know for a fact that I do. I mean, without it, unless the one being Met specifically says what color it is (Crimson, yea. But I understand [colorequals#colornumberhere], not Crimson. :/), I'd only guess and have to wait 'til they edit a post of mine before I can save them the work of retrieving their color. (For example, leaving this as my last question, letting you answer it, editing my post, stealing the color, canceling the edit, and posting other questions) Oh, well. Guess I'll settle for bolding it. :/

I miss it. But let it be a lesson that we can live without it.

7: By ten questions, do you mean ten in one post, or a grand total of ten? As in, could we come back and ask more (which I doubtfully will; I have the worst memory for this kind of thing. :/), or once we reach the limit, that's the limit?

Per post. Time to edit the thread

8: Just have to ask this one. Do you hate people repeating themselves? (Now Imagine me asking this question three times. I swear, it has driven some AK's crazy. Oh, wait. They were already insane. It was gasoline to the fire, though. XP)

I find it okay. As long as they repeat the thing they're doing to different people

9: Opinion on people asking questions you've answered already?
I'm glad they read #4

8: With only ten questions, the fact that I've burned many of mine already, and the fact that I just added some, I'm running out. (Also, the same questions for every AK get old eventually. Just not for a while. :P) This was seven. Then eight. Now it is ten. Too lazy to update it to nine, and then ten again. So, I shall try and use this question wisely. As many questions as I have (opinions on compact questions [since many of mine are just that--two or more questions in one], and opinions on questions that aren't really questions [...like a good portion of my first questions]), there is one I have to ask as a writer: What is your opinion on ppl tlkng lk ths, 0r us1/\/g 13372p34k? (Translation, just in case: What is your opinion on people talking like this, or using leetspeak?) (D'oh! Of all the writing questions I could've asked, why'd I do one on something which I made a Literary Discussion topic on? Ahg. XP)

Heh, I had a friend in the forums like that. Man, did I have a hard time understanding him.

Depending on how you interpret my questions, I'm either out, still have some, or am over the limit already. So, that is my cue to leave. Wish you well. :)
Okay then


nosey123 -> RE: =MtAK= Geass-granted AK: Crimzon5 (1/23/2009 4:33:37)


Congrats ^_^


15cman -> RE: =MtAK= Geass-granted AK: Crimzon5 (1/23/2009 6:45:27)

Edit:Oh lol, I totally forgot that I know you Crimzon.I guess you changing your title and avvy just made my mind go blank.I kept on thinking "Do I know this guy?"
Get used to Lelouch. The Artix avatar is looong gone. Wait, it hasn't been 24 hours

Crimz -> AK?Witchcraft I say! :P
Circe did it!

Liken' them new shiny gadgets and gizmos that come with being an AK?
Yeah. Too bad I almost deleted a guys post instead of editing it.

Does this question count as a question?
Hmm... as long as it lowers the amount of questions you can ask, then yes :P

Nothing much to say so...congratz.

Hope ya have a good time being an AK.Bye!

FC -> RE: =MtAK= Geass-granted AK: Crimzon5 (1/23/2009 7:37:29)

Wow wa wi wa!Crimzon an ak!
Will you abuse the custom title/avatar power
Can't. My bos (mod) wont let me
I see you like anime/manga
Seeing/reading anything else?
That's it...for now



BadHulk -> RE: =MtAK= Geass-granted AK: Crimzon5 (1/23/2009 7:38:23)

Hello Crimson =P Nah j/k

Congratz Crimzon.

How did it feel when you became an AK?
Well, it felt good. But then I had to learn how to use my powers

Do you enjoy the dungeons already?
yes. Some of the prisoners are gladiators.

*passes cookie* eat it fastly =o before the mods get them =P
Eat fast? But I wanna enjoy the taste

Anyway that was it. Good luck mate.

Suranjan -> RE: =MtAK= Geass-granted AK: Crimzon5 (1/23/2009 8:02:01)

Hi Crimzon5 !

First of all, congrats on becoming an AK ! [:D]

So, how are you getting used to those new buttons ?
So far, I almost deleted 2 posts instead of editing them

Have this cup of hot cocoa and these chocolate chip cookies ! You'll need the energy ! [;)]

That's all from me. Congrats again, and nice to meet you !
Nice 'ta meet 'ya too

UZ -> RE: =MtAK= Geass-granted AK: Crimzon5 (1/23/2009 8:10:32)

No 5? Heh, it's the z that matters!

Congratulation so much! I have always thought you'd become an L&L AK, but whatever ;D
heh, I never expected to be an L&L AK. There are a lot of better authors there

Well, I don't have much questions. Well, congraz again!

PS. I love your stories :D
Thanks again

Lord Xenaphos -> RE: =MtAK= Geass-granted AK: Crimzon5 (1/23/2009 8:17:44)

Crimzy! :D (I totally just made up the Crimzy. :P I actually have never introduced myself, and would like to do so in this post. :D)
Nice to meet you. Crimzee was my IRC once

1. Hello! Nice to meet you. :D
2. May I call you Crimzy?
Heh, as long as it aint Crimsy
3. *snuggles*
4. Cookie or Pizza?
5. Have you gotten the Moogle his crocodiles?
Oh no! I haven't
6. Should I stop asking questions?
you still have 4 more

Enzeru -> RE: =MtAK= Geass-granted AK: Crimzon5 (1/23/2009 8:55:13)

Can I have a cookie?
Sure. Cookies and Crimz (oh wait, that's ice cream)
Where is your ak cell? (So i can free you during the breakout I'm planning)
Hmm... in a 2x2x3 cage
What do you get fead?
Geassed Clyde without him knowing
Where's Wallo Waldo?
Please don't let Clyde steal my cookies again. [:(]
Too late. I can only use my GEass on him once.


Lana -> RE: =MtAK= Geass-granted AK: Crimzon5 (1/23/2009 9:22:45)

Soo Crimzon5,
Bring it

Favorite Food?
Hmm... Sushi!

What's your goal now as a AK? ^^
To lock a thread (so far, I;ve locked... 0)

Do you like cake? I like cake. :33
Heh, of course I do.

If so...*HUGGLES* If not..*wacks with a mallet* ;-;
No need for that mallet then

Griffen, or er...Unicorn!
Griffen. They can fly

I want...Cheese cake now.. hmm..
*Uses his Geass to make you get for yourself... and me as well :p*

Haha, tis all for now. Thankiez.


Irios -> RE: =MtAK= Geass-granted AK: Crimzon5 (1/23/2009 10:13:35)

Man, how can I say 'thanks' in a deep word?
Don't abuse that power, now!
Heh, I won't
Not even......>_> <_< 'the' button.
DOn't worry. I don't know where the red one is
I see you looking at it.
No I'm not
Pie or dehydrated trees?
Money or Love?
You say Crimzon, but you talk in Crimson. You are contradicting yourself here.
Crimzon's the name. Crimson's my... game?
See ya later!
Ya too
And good luck.

SL -> RE: =MtAK= Geass-granted AK: Crimzon5 (1/23/2009 10:25:57)

Hey. ^^;
Congrats with this and good luck. (: They chose a good person.

Tapeworm Shoelace -> RE: =MtAK= Geass-granted AK: Crimzon5 (1/23/2009 11:13:05)

who are you
Crimzon5. Once a regular forum user that was promoted to an AK.

FrankieTheSpy -> RE: =MtAK= Geass-granted AK: Crimzon5 (1/23/2009 11:27:52)

Wow <_< I read your stories in L&L yet i never thought i would see you become an AK in here.
Yeah, I wonder why OOC
Where do you get the inspiration for your stories? [/fangirl]
THe one in my sig was inspired by Real Life. But not my life...
No more questions ;3
Okay. But remember, if you change your mind, post more.
Congrats and good luck.
P.S You stop making those stories because of this, And there will be death, Mkay?
Hey! Death? Death's reserved for Visions, not for FtLY

nukefission -> RE: =MtAK= Geass-granted AK: Crimzon5 (1/23/2009 11:28:19)

1.who pmed u that u were an ak
2.what was your reaction
OOC? Wow!

3.favorite food?
5.favorite AE game?

6.what levels in AE games?
109 and 50 in AQ and DFrespetively

7.*breaks rules*
Lelouch Vi Britannia Commands you... to... uhh... stop?

8.chicken or cow
Hmm... chicken or beef: That is the question

9.can i be a potato
*Gets Orange to use Geass Canceller on you, allowing me to use my Geass again* I order you to be a potato, happy?
10.do u think im wierd?
Nah... not yet
ok thats all
enjoy you akship
you're welcome


Chaddledee -> RE: =MtAK= Geass-granted AK: Crimzon5 (1/23/2009 11:31:42)

Yo Crimzon5. Congratz!
Where's mah 'shake?
Do you lub me?
Heh, as long as you dont spam

the 5th woop was longer

Wilderock -> RE: =MtAK= Geass-granted AK: Crimzon5 (1/23/2009 11:52:15)

Congratulations man. :)

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