Anhilation2 -> RE: Game Engine Bugs (1/22/2010 3:37:07)
Hello. I post this as of 6:22pm January 22nd (GMT +10), AQ and its related games came back on a few minutes ago (I ASSUME it was down because there were updates?), I logged in the very instant things came back online, logging into AQ, WF and ZardWars (Yes, I still play the enjoyable relic), After I killed the 2nd monster in all of the games (While animations play I jump to the next game to play my move, at least I think it was 2) only to find that I got the Blue Scroll of Doom (It just went away as of 6:26pm (GMT +10) whilst typing this), that's not the issue, my issue is with ZardWars (It has no forum for it anymore), I logged in to find that it actually had the classic design of the Long Sword (Default weapon in ZW, it's also the non-guardian default in AQ), however this went away when I selected the Long Sword Again, although that's not why I'm posting, you see the game also gave me a CLASSIC RARE face (I'm not complaining, I LOOOOOOOOOVE IT! I just felt if I didn't report it and have someone look into it then it would look strange and suspicious, I suspect it's because I logged into the servers so fast and ZW was never really updated and repaired constantly), Although it's also showing in my character's health bar's portrait circle a picture of my characters original face (The one he was made with). I'm not sure what you may or may not have to do, but if anything can you PLEASE let me keep the classic face my ZW character and just update the portrait picture. Thanks for reading, and don't change this lucky bug (No, I did not cause it on purpose, if I did, I would've chosen either that old devil face or that sweet skull that I'm using as my forum avatar)! EDIT: I relogged and I have to say I'm very sad that it fixed itself, it's a real shame, I was loving the classic face, made my chracter look old, if badly drawn, instead of a 10 year old in some anime'. If you want to check on it anyway here is a link to my ZardWars character: