RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Evil Moo!! (Full Version)

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Shadz -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Evil Moo!! (2/11/2009 18:54:27)

*Barrel rolls*
So you evil?
I wouldn't want my name to be inaccurate now, would I? :P
Evil or Ebil?
Do you play the AE games?
Pretty much just AQ, though I have accounts with all of them.
What levels?
AQ-102 (almost) DF-10 MQ-11 AQW- erm, I seem to have forgotten! :P
Are you upgraded?
Only on AQ thanks to a generous friend of mine.
Will you follow my sig :3
Must... Resist... Temptation...
Will you request at that shop :-}
I doubt it. I enjoy the challenge of making myself things.
*insert puppy dog eyes*
Ahhh, the cute, it burns!!
Anyway, I have the strange urge for some evil beef :-}
Eek! *floats away as fast as he can*
That is all for now
So be it.

alexmacf -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Evil Moo!! (2/11/2009 19:03:53)


2) No more than 1 post per page.
I have found . . . a loophole! I can ask twenty-one questions (because number nine in my first post disappeared and turned into the number 11)!
Oh no, not a loophole. >_<
12) Scar or Mustafa?
Meh, they both have their down sides.
13) Zorbak or Kabroz?
Zorbak. Ol' Kabby is just too grumpy.
14) Your alignment? Mine's lawful good.
Anarchistic good. :P
15) What's the answer to the question of Life, The Universe, And Everything? The question of Life, The Universe, and Everything is "What do you get when you multiply six by seven?"
42, everybody knows that.
16) Do you enjoy hanging with the little kids?
Ugh, little kids... I mean, yes, of course! I just love the little kids!
17) Do you have a Valentine?
Alas, once again I am alone on Valentine's day.
18) Hakuna Matata means ______.
The literal translation is 'there are no problems'.
19) Can I blame everything on you?
If you really want to. ;_;
20) What's your favorite animal?
Cats. They have an evil about them, I greatly enjoy.
21) Those chains nice?
Best chains I've ever had the honor of being permanently attached to!

Salaam, Peace, Pau, He Ping, Mir, Paz, Fred.
And Fred to you too. :P

marvin_the_robot -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Evil Moo!! (2/11/2009 19:10:59)

Hey, Evil Moo! SO many AKs being promoted recently. How'd ya feel 'bout being promoted?
Hey! Hmm, it feels pretty good.
1) How 'dem shackles? They chafing yet?
I barely notice them any more! Although that's probably because my wrists are now quite numb.
2) Favorite band? Please don't say The Killers ...
The Killers! But seriously, I'd say it's between System of a Down, Korn, Rammstein, Ai Otsuka, Unexpect and probably a few others too.
3) Favorite genre of music?
Anything except most rap, R&B and a lot of the mainstream stuff. Everything else is about equal really.
4) Ever played KOTOR? (Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic)
Erm, no actually. :/
5) Do you read comic books? If so, which ones?
Again, no, not really. :\
6) So ... seen any good movies lately?
Your probably going to be disappointed with this answer, but again, not anything newly released. I did get 'round to watching Donnie Darko recently though and that was pretty good. :)
7) Uh ... running out of questions ... Do you have any unusual talents? Any potentially World Record worthy?
Not sure about world record worthy, but I can click about 56 bones in my body (yes I counted them), and I also have quite good control of my eyes (I can go cross-eyed at will and perhaps more uniquely, I can vibrate my eyes back and forth at a high speed). I gather from people's reactions that the latter is pretty freaky. :P
That's all for now, I guess. Great job on the AK-ship again! You really deserve it ;)

Thanks, I'm glad you think so! :)

nosey123 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Evil Moo!! (2/11/2009 19:17:40)

Congrats :D
Should i flee in terror? :o
Go for it! I'll watch. :P

PieLover31416 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Evil Moo!! (2/11/2009 19:25:24)

Hiyz, Evil Moo!
Congratz on the AKship. [;)] Anyways, on with the questionz! [8D]
Thanks! :)
1) Do you know me? T_T
I do recognise your name, though I can't remember much other than that. '~'
2) Tea or Coffee?
Tea, though that's mostly because I dislike coffee.
3) M/F?
M -oo
4) Fav. AE Game?
AQ by far.
5) Do ya like Anime?
Yeah, most of it's pretty good.
6) Fav. Class? (AE)
7) Pies or Cakes?
Pies with cakes inside!
8) AQ: New Graphs or Old?
I'm not too bothered as long as the gameplay is good.
Well, that's all for nao. See ya later!
See ya!

Circe -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Evil Moo!! (2/11/2009 19:50:20)

Lord of the Moos is impressive sounding. Good for you.
Well, if you think so. Personally I think the word 'Moo' manages to negate any impressiveness. :P
We're so happy to have you on board. :D
I'm glad to be part of the team! :)
*is snugged*

Smalls -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Evil Moo!! (2/11/2009 19:54:30)

Le gasp, Circe is a member :O... Oh yeah, I'm back...
So it would seem. Welcome back!
Sooo, how you liking being an AK?
It takes a bit of getting used to, but I should be settled in nicely before long.
I'm glad
*passes a cookie*
Yay, a cookie!! *omnoms*
*passes a key hidden inside another cookie* shh, don't tell Circe, I'm breaking all the AKs out *passes the rest of the AKs keys hidden in cookies*
:/ I wondered why this cookie tasted so metalic and hard.
Well, aren't you gonna sneak out?
Bibi, gotta go before Circe catches me, and *cough* "The Killers" me... :P
*facepalm* You and The Killers. When will it end?! :P
NEVER! Muhahahaha *hack hack*

Saojun -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Evil Moo!! (2/11/2009 21:27:48)

Hi Evil Moo. [:)] Hmm... I take it that you're the newest AK around the forums now? *gives cookies*
Hi! Yes, it would seem so. *devours cookies*
Congrats on your ascending the *cough*high and lofty*cough* peak of AK-ship... Hehe :P *gives good-luck cookies*
Thanks. >_> Mmm, just love that lucky goodness. :P
That's all for now. Cya around sometime. [;)]
See ya!

srinivas -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Evil Moo!! (2/11/2009 22:27:25)

woot, another MtAK. [8D]
They are nice, aren't they.
Congratulations cow Evil Moo, and peace out from,

Bloush -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Evil Moo!! (2/11/2009 22:38:16)

i dont know you but i hope i get 2!
I'm sure we'll see each other around in future. :)
seeya around and congrats (im terrible at giving good MtAK questions!) [8D]
Thanks, nice meeting you! (Heh, I'm never any good at MtAK questions either) :P

FC -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Evil Moo!! (2/12/2009 1:25:50)

Hey moo!
Hi, FC!
Now when you look at it you were an normal member half a month ago.
Yes, it all happened very quickly.
How dose it fell to be an AK?
Mmm, feels pretty good.
Will you abuse your power
Of course not!
I know you will
Shh! [:-]
Grats evil hope that this dosen't affect your stay and posts in the ooc
I'll try to get back to my usual level of activity after I've settled into my new role. :)


GiddyPinata -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Evil Moo!! (2/12/2009 7:15:43)

wow, Circes on a role, isn't she =O
Indeed, the ranks are growing. ;)
it was only yesterday that you still had that weird NBF statue for an avvy...
Ah yes, it was a useful avatar; barely anyone else had it!
ok, I say something, and you say the first thing that comes to your mind, 'kay?
Okay then...
Monkey trumpet!
I'm seeing an image of a hospital corridor.
Weirdo. Such a cool dude!
ok, used up 6 slots already..haz 4 left, nothing to worry about..
S'all good!
AHH only 3 nao!
Oh noes!
holy cow(moo) it's 2 alreadeh?!
They're all disappearing!!
meh noo I iz running outta timez =( bai bai *pats head*
See ya, Giddy! :)

Severin -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Evil Moo!! (2/13/2009 0:48:43)

Eh, it's Evil Moo! :D
Greetings Severin!
First off, best of luck with your imprisonment.
Thank you very much!
Secondly, did you comb your uni-brow this morning?
Nay, the art of the unibrow is only true when untouched by combs.
Third, what is your favourite kind of moon? Cresent, Full, New, etc...
Full and lightly veiled behind some dark clouds.
Last but not least, what shape are your elbows?
Something close to a tetrahedron I think.
Have the best time anyone can have with shackles on! ;)
Will do. :P

Crimzon5 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Evil Moo!! (2/13/2009 3:37:23)

Oh boy! Reinforcement! Thanks Circe :D
Yay, I'm useful!
Anyways, came to say congrats ;)
Thanks. :)

spellmaster -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Evil Moo!! (2/13/2009 14:28:00)

Congrats good evil moo![;)]
I'm in ur post, correctin ur wordz! :P

Captain Kidd -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Evil Moo!! (2/13/2009 16:34:55)

Congrats on the title, Evil Moo!!
Some questions..
1) Ewoks or Wookies?
Regular woks for me.
2) State your opinion on Jawas
They're so cute! :P

Your favorite...
3) Book
The Day of the Triffids by John Wyndham is one of my favourites.
4) Movie
Anything mind-blowingly surreal is good. :)

and the Ultimate Question...
(dramatic pause)
Pirates or Ninjas?
Sorry Captain, it's going to have to be Ninjas. :P

Zhukai -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Evil Moo!! (2/13/2009 17:25:52)

Oh hey thar
Congratz..u could become my new idle
Thanks... Me? An idol? How absurd! Well, probably about as absurd as me being an AK right now. :P
How are you?
I'm good, thanks.
Frigid even.
was nice meeting u
And you. :)
O and BTW what do u think is better Llama's or Alpakahs? lol
Must be llamas, the double 'l' is just too cool! :P

Andy8 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Evil Moo!! (2/13/2009 19:24:25)

Hi, Evil Moo!!
Hi, Andy!
Thanks! ^_^

Mo -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Evil Moo!! (2/13/2009 21:22:29)

Hey Evil Moo!!
Hi there, Mo!
I never had the honor to debate against you, will you still be available?
After I've settled in to my new cell I should be open for debating again. :)
I used to think people were talking about me when they said your name D:
Hehe, I remember that. Good times.
Well Congrats.
See ya around
See ya!

master -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Evil Moo!! (2/13/2009 23:37:16)

Uh werent you already a AK? Where do I know you from?
Not that I know of. I was 'Constructive!' for a short while recently. Hmm, I have been here a while, other than that you must be stalking me. O.O
Whats with the new AK people. I swear I came here like a week or two ago and crimson5 was a new AK and then theres Wakka and people.
Hehe, we're taking over!
Whatever Im not the one to point out random conspiricies for little things.
Suuure you aren't. ;)
See ya. Enjoy your AK cell and/or chains.
Will do! Bye!
Andy8 too?! Dude thats the guy that helped me with my DF character. Not even a month ago. Next thing I know FMA is going to be a mod.
FMA a mod? Now that would make things *interesting* around here. :P

sean.2 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Evil Moo!! (2/14/2009 2:32:45)

First up, congratz
Whats the food they give you like?
... Slimy. :/
I think I've seen you around...small world hey
Indeed. :)
My train of thought has just derailed. Oh well, enjoy the cell (hope its got a nice view n_n)
I can't quite reach the window. Chains... Not... Long enough... v_v

Suranjan -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Evil Moo!! (2/14/2009 11:10:34)

I can't believe I didn't post here yet ! O.o
Hehe, well, you got here eventually. :)
Congrats on becoming an AK !
So, our world domination plan goes well ! :))))
How's them shackles ? Tight enough ?
I can't feel my hands. ;.;
That's all from me. Bye and see you ! :)
See y'around. :)

Trevorpokemon8 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Evil Moo!! (2/14/2009 11:44:09)

Hey,you took my catchphrase!!My catchphrase is Moo!Copyright infringement!
Hehe, sorry about that. I hardly actually say the word Moo as a catchphrase these days anyways. :P
1.)Them shackles steal your soul yet?*Passes soul sucking shackle breaking nail file to Moo*
I sold my soul long ago, for some kind of cookie I believe. Oh well, better start filing.
2.)Do you have bingo yet?(I-19) BINGO!!!
I never hve bingo. ;_;
3.)Would you like a cake with wires sticking out,radioactive filling,and a C-4 icing?
Let me guess, it's an explosion of flavour? ;P
4.) Has a space tornado hit the trailer park on the moon yet?
I'm afraid so. There were no survivors.
5.)Is that all?
6.)Maybe it is?
Or is it?
7.) Broccoli are Hax0rz! Ban them!
Or better yet. *eats broccoli* All gone!
8.) Have you guys ever considered using Youtube to catch hackers? They are stupid enough to make videos showing them hacking
Not really my area, but I'm sure they use it to some extent. :)
9.) AAAGH!It's the end!!
Flee for your live's!!!
10.) Or is it?
It had better be, I've already packed.

allbeloved -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Evil Moo!! (2/14/2009 12:10:28)

Yo, man, what's up? [8D]
'S'up dude!
How do you like going on the OCC?
It's a nice place to be. Lots of good topics around. :)
What other games do you play other then AE Games, hm?
Many things. I'm quite fond of first person shooters.
How often do you go on Youtube? [&:]
Not that often actually. Usually only when I'm linked to a particular video by someone.
I'm out of questions. BYE!

Nabsol -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Evil Moo!! (2/14/2009 13:10:16)

So, welcome to the team.
Well, I can't say that since I'm not an AK.
Psh, you can say it anyway!
But believe you me, it'll happen someday!
We'll see about that. :)
Cuz I'm really well known.
Oh yeah, so who's this Nabsol fellow, I've never heard of him before... Oh hi, Nabsol, didn't see you there! :P
Compared to whoever you are.
Yes, I barely know me, myself.
So only a few more questions.
I can't wait...
1)What do you listen too?
Pretty much everything except rap, R&B and a lot of the mainstream stuff.
1)What comes after 1?
x > 1 comes after one. :P
0)Oh yeah, 0.
Suuure it does.
-1)Maybe I messed up. Negative would mean your asking me questions.
And that would be all wrong.
-2)What do you think of Twilight?
I've never read or watched it, so I don't yet have an opinion on it.
-3)Cuz i hate Team Edwards.
Yes, they can be a bit obsessive.
-4)I run with werewolves.
I'm the reason the werewolves are running. :)
-5)How many songs are on your iTunes(if you have it)
Don't have iTunes, but I currently have 586 songs in my collection and more coming along all the time.
-6)I have 140, from CDs.
Nice. :)
-7)But I have no iPod.
I have a Zen Stone instead of an iPod.
Um... yeah.
'Um... Yeah', indeed.

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