RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Evil Moo!! (Full Version)

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Cheatoz -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Evil Moo!! (2/14/2009 22:47:29)

Congratz on your accomplishment
Do you know who i am?
I think I've seen you around a bit. :)
What is your favorite soda?
Anything citrusy is good, especially lemony flavours.
Favorite type of music?
Everything except most rap, R&B and some of the mainstream stuff. The actual favourite depends on my mood.
Favorite band?
Again, it depends on my mood.
What is your avatar anyway?
Some mysterious misty glowing eyes. Or something like that. :P
Do you prefer chips or chocolate?
Both! :D
That is all [8D]
See ya!

flyingkidjoe -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Evil Moo!! (2/14/2009 22:51:44)

Soo i am back scared yet :D
I'm tremblin' in mah bootzes! '~'

So got a few more questions ^.^
1-So How did you come up with Evil Moo?
Well, I've always found that evil is generally represented in a more appealing or cool way in my eyes, so I thought I might as well put that informative label on my name. The moo came about as a random word that popped into my head at the time I was making my name and thus Evil Moo was born. I think the two exclaimation marks came about because I first entered Moo, which was taken, then Moo!, which was also taken, then Moo!!, which was still taken and then I added the Evil and all was well with the world once more. :)
2-So you dont have to answer but how old are ya :?
3-So those shackles Chafing yet?
Eh, I've had worse. :P
4-Fav Ak :?
Vaka! He's such a nice fellow!
5-Fav Fourm mod :?
Circe, she gave me mah powerz!
6-Do ya play any other game other then aq :"P
Sure I do! Who says I don't? <_< >_>
7-Very mundane questions bleh i am boring right
ZZZzzzzzz *cough* Of course not! :P
8-How did you find out about aq/df/mq/aqw?
I saw someone playing AQ at school many years ago, before the days of DF even, and I've been playing ever since.
9-Fav fourm player -Aka person lol
I can't choose, there's so many to choose from!
10-So tell me do you know who i am or am i lost as normal?
I know you, your flyingkidjoe! Who could forget such a name.
Btw these are my last questions so ty for answering them :)
It's been a pleasure. :)

marvin_the_robot -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Evil Moo!! (2/14/2009 23:06:19)

*ducks as laser fires overhead*
Shoop da whoop. Get the reference?
*Looks at the signature two posts up* Yeah, I think so. :P
Anywho ...

1) Why do you think you were asked to become an AK?
Because I'm such a nice helpful guy! *innocent face*

2) How has AK'ing been so far?
I think it's been going reasonably well so far. :)

3) Exactly how many buttons does an AK get, exactly :P
*Looks at massive control panel* :/ I'm not counting all them!

4) You play DF? If so, can you tell me exactly what the Sword/Staff/Dagger of the ArchKnight's stats are?
I don't play enough to bother getting the weapon, but I'm sure it's very good. :P

5) Ever read Watchmen? If so, who's your favorite character? If not, READ IT. Now.
No, but it does sound very good from what I've heard. I shall read it sometime.

6) So ... how often do you and the other AKs socialize? In what way do you socialize?
With eachother? We have our gatherings. ;)

7) I found the perfect avatar for you
O.O No cow has the right to be that evil.

That's all ... for now.

Somethin' sinister about that... >_>

Meldiron -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Evil Moo!! (2/14/2009 23:16:56)

Oh, this is a nice idea. I wish the MechQuest forum I used to go onto had these rather than having to send private messages to the new moderators and their assistants. Well, enough for my random-talk.
I thought they did have MtAKs in all forums. Hmm.
Nice name and title! What exactly are Moos? Just cows?
Spherical, floating bovines to be exact.
Do you like MechQuest? What do you think about it?
It was alright to start with, but then it just got repetitive. :/
I read that you have a Zen Stone in a previous post. I have a Zen X-Fi and it works magnificently. How do you feel about the company that made these fine players (Creative)?
They seem like a respectable company and everyone I've heard of who has something from the Zen range seems to be very happy with it. :)
Congratulations, Evil Moo!!, and the best of luck!
Thank you!
- Meldiron the random question asker
~ Evil Moo!! - Lord of the Moos

Gundisalvus -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Evil Moo!! (2/14/2009 23:27:57)

Instead of congratulating you, I'll do the proper thing and tell you how sorry I feel that this happened to you. You were so young too... *Sniff* But now to shamelessly exploiting your tragedy for my own amusement!
Ah, finally someone that understands the horrors of AKdom. (Even if they don't seem to care >_>)
1.Can I call you Moo-Moo?
Yes, if you reeally want to.
2.To copy Marvin, Have you ever read Watchmen?
No, but as I said, it does sound good.
3.If so, agree with my favorite character pick, Rorscach.
*agrees* :P
4.Can I throw peanuts at you while you're in your cage/cell?
Please, feel free. I could do with the extra nourishment.
5.Is this the most pedantic question you've ever heard?
Quite possibly.
6.Can I bend you to my will so I can use you to take over the Foru... 'Er... I mean, Can we be friends? *Innocent Smile*
Those weren't mind control peanuts, were they? >_>
Well, I can ask you more didactic questions, but I won't. Why? Because then I'd waste more of your valuable time that could be spent in your nice, cozy cell.
How considerate of you. :P
~!!ooM livE

Vaka -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Evil Moo!! (2/15/2009 6:54:37)

/me runs in from AKing
/me yayayayayayaI'mgladyou'reworkingwithusbecausenowIdon'thavetodoanyworkImeannowIgettoworkwithyouandit'sgreat snuggles Moo
:P It'll be nice working with you too.
/me runs out again

Kaero -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Evil Moo!! (2/16/2009 20:41:49)

Heeeeyyyyyy dude. 'Sap?
'Sup Kaero! Haven't seen you around much for a while! :)

Remember me from the RZ? Probably not... :(
Ah yes, I remember that place, and you of course. Good times.

Congrats on AKship btw.

Well, that's about it. Don't tear your eyes out when answering my horrendously boring questions.
*reinserts eyes* :P

Thamatos -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Evil Moo!! (2/16/2009 20:56:02)

Congratulations on your AK-ship!
Thanks! :)
So before I continue with any "actual" questions I'll just ask you some random, irrelevant questions.
Go for it.
1. Beef or Pork?
Contrary to what one might expect due to my name, beef. :P
2. Tea or Coffee?
Tea is preferable.
3. Spam or Annoying Pop-Ups?
I'd grudgingly accept spam over pop-ups.
4. Favorite AE game?
5. House or The Office?
House. Just for the sake of it.
My questions (irrelevant to your new "Akdom") shall cease.
Aww. ;_;
6. So how are your Ak shackles? Are they made out of cowhides?
*gasp* They are!! ;.;
7. Is there any difference between a "Moo" and their bullvine cousins, the cows or are they anatomically similair?
They originated from the same species, but due to a slight genetic mutation and a change in diet, some of the stomachs of the Moos inflated with a highly buoyant gas. Over time this caused the shape of the animal to change to a more spherical shape to account for the growing size of the inflated organs. Eventually a point came when the animals gained enough buoyancy and intelligence to float above the ground for extended periods of time. Another side effect of the dietary changes is that Moos do not produce milk as cows do, they produce something akin to lemonade. I, the Evil Moo, am essentially the prophesied leader of the Moo species, that will lead them to victory in the foretold conquest of the world by Moos. *coughs* I really have put far too much thought into this. :/
Goodbye *Pats Evil Moo's Head*

Fornever -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Evil Moo!! (2/16/2009 21:22:31)

Hi Evil Moo! And congratulations! Here, have a box of cookies. They're all chocolate chip. *tosees box of cookies into cell*
Thanks! Yay, more cookies! :D
Remember in page two, when marvin asked you about KOTOR?
Yes, back then, in the good old days...
In my language, it means dirty, ya know? Kinda strange.
Interesting, in a weird kind of way. :P
Well, I'm running out of things to ask. I hate it when that happens.
Yeah, it leaves a lot of awkward silences. *awkward silence*
So, what are your hobbies? Besides being evil.
Drawing, badminton, a bit of tennis, writing my novel (which I should really get going on sometime) and this place among other things that I probably can't remember right now. :)
What comes to your mind when you think of a cow?
Me being chased around a field by a large herd of cattle. :(
So, that's it for now. See ya around sometime!
See ya!

dragoon_luver -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Evil Moo!! (2/16/2009 21:35:58)

do you play sports?
Occasionally. Badminton and tennis mostly. :)
do you like pie? i love pie
Yeah, pie is good.
I wrestle do you like sports if so do you like wrestling?
I prefer more 'long range' sports. :P

WA -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Evil Moo!! (2/16/2009 22:05:07)

You limited the questions to 10. [:(] To understand that, check VJ's MtAK on page 7. My post is fairly noticeable.
Hehe, sorry about that, but I have to get through this thread sooner or later. :P
What level is Archknight armor?
It's OVER 9000!!!!11!!one!!- *is hit on the head with the maturity hammer*
What are it's skills?
Lock, Delete, edit, send warning, all the things you'd expect. :P
Have you been fed enough cookies yet? If not, *gives EM!! a cookie.
Too many cookies. I thinks I has cookie poisoning... '~'
My grandma made that. I just got back from florida.
Nice. :)
Why the duck-billed platypus?
Because the marmoset said so?
Have you read Terry Pratchett?
I've read some of his books.
Is the term ebil overused on this forum?
Yes, it takes attention away from the evil. :P

Nikita90876 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Evil Moo!! (2/17/2009 0:24:12)

Hey there!
Look up, to wonders of the Entertainment Forum!
Ummm... Can I be a mod nao?
We'll see about that.
ban me, you won't :)
Must... Ban... Nikita...
see ya
See ya.

15cman -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Evil Moo!! (2/17/2009 6:02:40)

I can haz Evil Moo Army Enlistment Form?
Sure, we're always open to receive new cannon fodder personnel. :P
How much wood can a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck Moo?>:P
The only saw I saw was this saw I saw with.
Why the name "Evil Moo" when you could have just had "Moo".
Eh, 'Moo' was taken when I was making my AQ account so added the Evil. Also I think it's only fair to warn people of my evilness. :P
Favorite Emote?
(^O_0)> [>:]
/me runs in
/me snugs Evil Moo
/me runs out

xehanort -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Evil Moo!! (2/17/2009 7:29:43)

Oh my oh my, another one...I need a bigger gun...No one heard that!
Yes, yes, we all need a bigger gun sometimes...

1) What is your worst nightmare?
Being expected to do something in front of a large audience that I actually have no idea how to do.
Call upon my army of Moos to smother him!
3) You are stuck in Racoon City in the middle of the zombie apocalypse, what do you recon your chances are of not being eaten?
Pretty good, as a Moo I could just float up to some innaccessable area and wait for the epidemic to pass.
4) Do you read Fanfiction?
No, not really.
5) *Casts "Summon Michael Jackson"* Now what do you do?
6) Qui mortem invitiavis?
Say vhat?
7) 666 Hungry demons are out to get you, how do you react?
With mild surprise.
8) Do you know who Malefor is?
Sounds familiar, but no.
Ahm eetin' ur lazor!!1!
10) Hello? You still alive over there? *Prepares evil version of Spirit bomb*
Indubitably old chap. *scribbles out spirit bomb*

That's all for now, cya (Snickers)
*is worried*

Shirefolk -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Evil Moo!! (2/17/2009 11:07:42)

Oh wow! Another case of a regular forumite becoming an AK!
I know, that seems to be happening more and more these days.
Watch yourself, you may end up becoming part of the staff like my friend Angelique :O
I'll keep an eye out for that. :P
Artemis Fowl the II?
I really must read those sometime.
Coolest person (not yourself) that you know
I barely even know what cool is. Though some of my friends are probably pretty cool.
Have you ever watched ?
No, it looks... Odd.
Favorite (or easiest to sleep through) subject in school?
They're all pretty easy generally. Though at the moment physics is one that I find both interesting and it can be good for sleeping.
If you were stuck on a floating taco, which super hero would rescue you? (and You cannot rescue yourself)
Assuming any actually notice I'm up there I'd want the Flash to rescue me, just to see how he'd get up there. XD
Do you ever go by the AQ GGD?
I pop in occasionally to keep up to speed with events. It was the first place in the forums I frequented, all those years ago, it only seems right that I keep an eye on it. :)
Which is better; Canada or America?
Go Canada!!
Alright! That wasn't too painful!
Of course it wasn't. >_> :P
Keep up the spiffin' good work there soldier!
Tally ho! Toodle pip and all that! :)

Hotfoot -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Evil Moo!! (2/17/2009 16:40:16)

Hello and congratz!
Hi. Thanks!
Before we begin, could you please extinguish my foot? Thanks.
Sure thing buddy! *extinguishes*
Question numbah one!!!
What method of torture was used to get you to become an AK?
I believe it was some kind of water torture, or maybe it was something involving cookies, my memory is a bit fuzzy since all that.
2: Who did the torturing?
Circe, she just wouldn't stop. ;.;
3: What is the answer to the universe?
The answer to life, the universe and everything is 42, so with a bit of simple algebra I'd say: 'the universe' = 42 - ('life' + 'everything')
4: Favorite AE game?
AQ! :D
5: What would you do if someone named "Evil Baa" showed up?
I'd be mildly surprised for a short period of time.
6: Have we met? I know I've seen you.
Not in any definite sense, though as you said, we've seen each other around.
7: Good or Ev- Forget it. I can guess. :P
8: Do you like gas pumpz?
If they are nice to me, yes.

9: How does this, [8D] = this?!? 8D
They're kind of similar.
10: ........................................
*meow* =^.^=
Well, that's about it....
*Whispers from alley*
Psst! I'll give you twelve grand if you never turn me in!
No can do, my friend. *secretly takes the 12 grand*
So long! Don't feed the drunk octopus!
See ya! *feeds the drunk octopus*

Davosaur -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Evil Moo!! (2/17/2009 19:04:37)

congratz on your cell transfer to a high security prison AKship
here goes nothing :
1. do you visit the gallery?
Not really, though I have looked around there a couple of times.
2. do evil cows make chocolate milk?
Only on the 5th Friday of the month.
3.evil icecream or chocolate?
Evil icecream, it's dark *and* cold.
4. if you had to be a fighter pilot and you went to war, what plane would you take?
The first one I could find!
5.i know a person called "good moo" do you know him?
No. I must meet this 'good moo'. I'm sure we'd have many things to 'discuss'.
6.cake ,pie or cakepie?
Cakepie. It's the best of both worlds.
7. your take on art, worthwhile or useless?
While it doesn't have use as such, I still think some art is worthwhile because of it's entertainment value.
8. a wise man said nothing was gained by a wet thing called a tear... name 1 thing that was.
Sympathy. Tears are a function partially designed to evoke an emotional responce from others.
9.oom live?
10.preferred death method :
'Spectacular'. :P

Elosix the Grimjaw -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Evil Moo!! (2/18/2009 2:22:10)

How did you gotted AK? (I donīt rely know how people can become AK :\...)
Being an actively polite and constructive member, consistantly following the rules and then being offered the position by a moderator. :)
What do you do as AK?
I help keep the OOC a clean and friendly place to be, by enforcing the rules.
You like it? (being AK)
It's alright! :P
AQ, DF, MQ or AQW?
AQ all the way!
Best music artist?
For the individual artist that's kept me most entertained overall, I'd have to say Ai Otsuka. :)
Have a visit in AQGD sometimes, bye :D!
I'll try to drop by sometime. ^_^
Edit: Oh! and gongratzylations :)! (Yea I know that itīs kinda odd word :\....)
Thanks! :P

Hinkage -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Evil Moo!! (2/18/2009 14:17:32)

Same old hinkpink.

Dark rider -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Evil Moo!! (2/18/2009 14:41:36)

/me gives u a cookie
congratz on the AK ship

TheCurrentDoctor -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Evil Moo!! (2/18/2009 15:25:34)

G'day y'all.

Where does the name Evil Moo!! come from? (were you attacked by a loud evil cow as a child?)
It comes deep from the twisted mass of my dark, disturbed imagination.

Is the OOC your favorite forum?
It is the one I have acclimatised to most easily.

Would you have liked to become an AK somewhere else?
Not really, I don't really visit anywhere else enough to be accustomed to the environments there.

Enjoy the AKship, enjoy the solitude and breadcrumbs while you still can.
I'll do my best. :P

FC -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Evil Moo!! (2/18/2009 15:31:26)

Evil I'm back
Hello again!
/hands evil a cow plushie
Aww! *huggles*
What is the best thing that AK-ship brought ya
My new forum powers!! *giggles*
Bruce Lee vs Chuck Norris
Chuck Norris. Nobody can win against that.
You watch YGOtAS
No, it's never really appealed to me.
You like to play chees?
Yay cheese. But yes, I do play chess occasionally. In fact I once beat an expert computer opponent in two moves (admittedly it was all luck and the computer opponent mustn't have been paying much attention).

You remember my old username?

Indeed I do From Croatia. :)


BurningLight -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Evil Moo!! (2/18/2009 15:38:24)

Oh hello there
You have been here 5 months less than me,is that the reason you were chosen over me ;-;?
Heh, I have no idea why I was chosen over anyone else. I know I wouldn't have chosen me. :P
Ah I really dont care much.
Suuure ya don't.
Ya promise to remember me?
I'll do my best. :)
You had better...unlike alex and smalls...and wizard...and alifir...
Yeah ignore that right there...
Oh well hopefully we dont behead you [:D]
Yes, that would be rather messy I suspect. :/

hardcorenoob74 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Evil Moo!! (2/18/2009 16:31:14)

Hi Evil Moo!
Chrono Trigger or Chrono Cross?
Both fine choices.
Favorite Shonen Jump anime?
I don't know. ;.;
What AE games are you upgraded in?(Please be specific, Guardian or X-Guardian, Founder/not founder, etc.)
AQ - X-Guardian, and that's it!
Favorite TV show from before 2000?
Too many good shows to choose from.
What do they feed you in the AK prison?
Some kind of week old pasta.
What is in your cell besides the usual stuff?(bed/toilet/book)
Not a great deal, though the green puddle in the corner seems to be growing towards me. '~'
DS or PSP?
DS is so much better.
Final Fantasy or Dragon Warrior?
Final Fantasy!
Favorite game from series chosen above?
I've never actually played any! :P
That's all. Bye!

void dragon master -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Evil Moo!! (2/18/2009 18:10:12)

Hey Moo
Sooo Ijust ran out of things to say
Oh dear that was quick.
*Goes the think*
*Returns 10 minutes later ... literally*
Wow, that took forever.
I can haz Recon!!!
What is your favorite book?
Either I Am Legend, or The Day of the Triffids.
Fav sport?
This doesn't hurt too much does it?
It could be worse, it can always be worse.
Well let me tell you for every hour you look at the screen your eyesight wellness goes up by -1!
Oh dear, I should be blind by now!
If x=9 How many x's are there?
Do you know how to survive? I do I took a survival camp for 3 years, and I have been out camping before... YUMMY rats!!!
No, I'd fail miserably in any real survival situation. :/
I meet your evil alias Holy Neigh
That sounds like some strange kind of profanity. :P
kk bye

P.S: I'm so evil I edited this is in WHITE!

It looks like I'm talking to myself... No change there then. :P

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