RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (Full Version)

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darkscanner -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (10/16/2009 0:05:48)

Link 1
Link 2

I liked the way way it all came together in one big mix of things to give that graffiti feel to it. But it could have been improved by making the white splats slightly less blurry and in the way.
The slightly clear face in the background gave it an enjoyable creepy affect although it might have been even better if the face was slightly to the side making it more visible.

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Not approved. You need to work on your CC. Check out the link to Dep's thread on the first page if you need help.

Phoebus Nine -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (10/16/2009 18:57:05)

Example A
Example B

I like the overall figure very much, it looks like it was done by a person who knows their way around Photoshop. The general flow of the sig fits in well but I feel the "water"-like stuff dripping from spiderman is a little bit lost. All the red seems to overwhelm the entire image, and I think the tradition blue and red spiderman palette would be easier on the eyes. The lightning in the background reflects the theme of pain in spiderman, and makes a good sub-focal. I feel like the image has been used with the "displace" tool to much, and then not erased enough, making things a bit pixel-ish. Overall, I give it a 8.5 out of 10, because it's not my place to judge others' work that is better than my own.
This image was quite interesting, because it looked like a lot of time went into it. To begin, this is a sort of DragonFable and Elder Scrolls IV: Shivering Isles crossover. It seems that someone put the original image in paint and totally erased the characters while fitting new ones in their place. It also seems as though they started from scratch, only looking at reference images. They also had to fit their new characters in the erased space that the old characters were, and for that I applaud them. The quality is poor, but any digital artist can tell the hard work put into this image. The crystal DF battleground also fits in perfectly with the idea of the Greymarch, and Jiggalag's invasion of Dementia/Mania. As an enthusiast of TES and artist I would give this a 7.5 out of 10.

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Theemperorko -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (10/17/2009 9:40:04)

My Art:
Dear Agony

This sketch seems to embody a base design for a mech walker that could be formed into a more detailed piece of art. I believe that perspective is the main issue with hand-drawn sketches, and this seems to be the case here as well. While both of the legs seem to show that the mech is at approximately a 45 degree angle towards the viewer, the arms and core tend to show a little bit more of a side view. The missile batteries on the shoulders could also be turned a little more to fit the overall perspective of the sketch. Finally, the sketch could benefit from some basic shading, telling the viewer from what direction the light source is coming.

In this signature, the first thing that catches my eye is the striking contrast between face and the rest of the background. Now, while I don't deny that this is useful, I feel that to draws too much attention away from the subtle details located behind the person. To remedy that, I would decrease the contrast a little. However, the word: "Taste" on the left side of the image seems to get a little lost in the background, and in that case, I feel that the contrast should be increased. Finally, I'd just like to comment on the shine effects on the background of the right side. They add another dimension to the signature, that makes up for the fact that it's black and white, and compliments the overall design greatly.

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Alanza -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (10/18/2009 0:08:23)

This is my art here :)

Hope you guys like em :)

Not approved. Check the rules.

Eraforn -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (10/18/2009 8:04:55)
I think this one usees good coulouring (blue is my fav. coulor =P) I know the head is bigger to give the feeling of depth but i think it could be a tad bit smaller. The tail and the leg farthest from you blend in a bit to much you could either 1.Give the back leg a diffrent outline or two remove the outline alrtogether from the back leg.
I think the dragons head is good a lot of detail there but you could either make another one on normal paper or delete the lins with photoshop.I think the litttle dentist guy could use A LOT more detail the dragon head is detaied so much that the dentist looks like a stick figure beside him!

A few of the things i workk on are weapons (MS paint, Armour (MS paint, (i dont have any armour yet)
And edits (MS paint) I will show you a weapon and a edit of mine here they are (im signing up for phtobuvcket in a min. this is typed before i signed up XD)

leaf sword
This is my leaf sword but its not as good as other ones because im a beginner

The ultimate sacrifice
This is my 2nd and favourite edit it was hard to get the chaorupted eyes to not have any edges.(well...umm very few edges)

Welll thanks for reading ill aplly to the group membership now

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EDIT: Look for the file leaf sword for the first one of my things and look for the file ULTIMATE SACRIFCE fdor the edit kk bye!

edit 2:sorry ill make the links work

Not approved. You need to work on your CC. Check out the link to Dep's thread on the first page if you need help.

whisper of doom -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (10/18/2009 10:18:50) work(mostly Aqw)
asgardian set
iga adept
2.constructive criticism and coments

picture I

Firstly..i love the design...the lines are smooth , the colors were properly chosen and the shading is perfect.I could be wrong but first though was that the head was too big..but after a closer look i saw that it was because of the perspective effect.The dragon seems to be very dynamic ...and i think that he is preparing for a take off .I like the chosen background...i think that it reflects the personality of the dragon,i could be wrong but i think that its the perfect color because its not so eye catchy and you focus on the dragon not on the background.

picture II


There is very much detail in this image.However... i love the design,the dragon looks ferocious and angry,also i can see that the light is coming from dragon's left becouse of the perfect shading.
The teeth looks very nice in particular...but when i look at the whole ensemble they don't look symmetrical because there are some differences between the upper ones and the ones below,and the front ,upper,tooth seems to be coming directly from the dragon's nose.i though that the head is huge to the body ,but again i realized that it was just the perspective effect.
I think that the dentist in dragon's right its just for laughs (i laughed so hard when i saw it).the design is perfectly balanced between joke and seriousness .

"I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves."


The Lucky Gambler -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (10/24/2009 1:21:44)

1. My work

Well, we have a petit dragon here. The design of the dragon is pretty cool, but the colors need work. My first advice is to change or improve his/her shade technique. It can be inferred that the autor used only a brush to do it. If we want to offer a work with quality we have to be perfectionists with little details . The autor should try to define and use the bright , half tone, proper shade and reflected light.

Well, another dragon. The design of this dragon is pretty cool too, lol. But, it has some details that can be immproved. For example; in the wing he is using lines instead of curves, the eyes need more intensity, and the feet and tail need shades. He/she did a great job with the muscular definiton, but with more details and shades, it will look amazing.

"I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves."


bramman111 -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (10/24/2009 23:12:37)

OK, im kinda new at the forums but here it goes! Im back and i worked on my CC!

I like to sprite things, i dont know what got me into it, but i have been getting really good at it. i sprited Tomix the other day and i think its one of my best. i also sprite people for avatars and signatures. i can sprite full characters or just busts. i even sprited a head for one of my friends once! although i think my favorite thing to sprite are moglins ( 2) ( 3) ( 4) ( 5).

Image 1

I like how you shaded the eyes, and the coloring is very nice, it makes some parts of the dragon stand out more than others. if i were to do one thing to it, it would be to add some texture to the wings. the eyes are what grabs my attention the most, how you used a little bit of white to make a glossy effect. also, some parts of the tail could use some more color. i also see how you used different shades of yellow to give the scales on the back, head, and tail some dimension. also, being one who likes to sprite, i noticed that some of the borders around the points on the right wing could be enhanced. i also see a few white spots, two on the right wing and one on the legs, that need to be colored. overall, good job. (i also noticed that i say 'also' to much)

Image 2

Very good! it is interesting how you established and used depth here, i also like how the shading gives an interpretation of points where light would be reflecting, which is hard to do with a low quality picture. although the nose could be slightly reduced in size, i can tell that whoever made this put a substantial amount of effort into the facial features and the joints in the armor. again, being a person of sprites, i noticed that the edges and borders are very neat. i also see how much attention was paid to proportions, mostly between the head and the body, having horns usually caricatures the head, but on this one it is evened out very nicely.


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Webb384 -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (10/24/2009 23:47:02)

Example 1
Example 2

I will be critiquing;

I like it, I could probably not do such a good job on a signature.

Also very nice, it looks like it took quite a bit of time to complete.

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

Not approved. You need to work on your CC. Check out the link to Dep's thread on the first page if you need help.

Eraforn -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (10/25/2009 13:03:34)

sorry im reposting but it looks like i got to

Critque num. 1
I think this one uses good coloring (blue is my fav. coulor =P) I know the head is bigger to give the feeling of depth but I think it could be a tad bit smaller. The tail and the leg farthest from you blend in a bit to much you could either 1.Give the back leg a diffrent outline or two remove the outline altogether from the back leg.

critque num. 2
I think the dragons head is good a lot of detail there but you could either make another one on normal paper or delete the lines with photoshop.I think the litttle dentist guy could use A LOT more detail the dragon head is detailed so much that the dentist looks like a stick figure beside him!

A few of the things I work on are weapons (MS paint, Armour (MS paint, (i dont have any armour yet)
And edits (MS paint) I will show you a weapon and a edit of mine here they are.

This is my first on hope you like!

This is my 2nd edit ever done on MS paint it took a while to take away the chaorupted eyes edges (ummm very few edges=P)


I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves

New spelling corrected version (if it helps) [8|]

Not approved. You need to work on your CC. Check out the link to Dep's thread on the first page if you need help.

RS -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (10/25/2009 13:38:54) pic 1 pic 2 CC 1
CC: I believe this is a great picture except that when I look at the picture im thinking wants the point of this. The strings are impossible to see because of the extreme brightness. Every picture needs a backround I think and its practicaly impossible to see the background in this photo.I see many GREAT things though such as the amazing sparks in the background,the light coming out of the guitar makes it look very interesting it is the first thing i noticed about the picture and last there are amazing shadows on this picture.
vote 9/10 CC 2
I like this picture alot its a picture with very high graphic pixels which i truly admire. The shadows make it look like they are really there. The backround matches the picture as I have seen this game before. If you look at his chest theis a crack in it on the left side which is blue. I am almost possitively correct that is you are wearing a greenish brown armor there is not going to be a blue crack. In the backround there is a building that is very hard to see, you cannot really understand what the building is. Anyway I give this photo a

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

You rule graph [:D]

lloydmaster122 -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (10/26/2009 16:37:08)

All i really do is draw armors, weapons, etc. for AQW. Then I color them on

-- Crystal Warrior - Emerald Gem Version --
-- Elemental Catastrophe - Colored --

I believe this picture is done very well. The shadowing effect was used well here in Link's face. The Master Sword and the Hero's Suit were also done with great detail here.
I particularly like this photo because of the character (Link is awsome!) and frankly for how it was done. It looks a lot like how he looks in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, very good, graphics wise. Without the amazing graphics, this picture wouldn't look as good. But since it has them; congrats, it looks great! On to the next pic.


In this picture I especialy like the background of it. Very cool looking for the whole guitar / rocker theme. Again, very good graphics done with the face and guitar; although, you can't really see most of the body shown. Also, if the picture was an actual photo, it was a good pose to have him in. And if completely done by hand / computer, amazing quality and look to the picture. Overall, I'd give this picture a 9.4 / 10 anyday. I particularly like this one for its realistic look.

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

Not approved. You need to work on your CC. Check out the link to Dep's thread on the first page if you need help.

lord jonathan -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (10/27/2009 22:08:01)


Image 1
Image 2

2. The Constructive Criticism

Image 1
I thank its good but its not my best work. I thank it needs some batter text and more detail to it. I need to add a cooler background . I’ll say its a 5/10 but it could be a 6/10 so 5.5/10.

Image 2
Its good but not good I like how I did the shadows but I know I can do a lot batter but I do not like how the dragon does not look like a dragon so I could do a lot more batter so I mite redo it later but I thank it looks good. I thank it’s a good 4/10 or maybe 3/10.

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

Not approved. You need to work on your CC. Check out the link to Dep's thread on the first page if you need help.

[FD] JD -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (10/28/2009 19:09:38)

Daevir (Reffed)
Ulhar Altiui (100% Custom)
While I love the lighting and effects/C4Ds used, I'm having a hard time finding the focus of the image. Some of the glares take attention away from the body. It seems the maker tried to make the whole body the focus, which seem nonprofessional seeing as it takes up the whole tag. I like the colors and the typography though.
Very nice for a WIP. The blade in the background is blurred just enough to let you know the face is the focus. The blues and the tans in the face compliment each other very nicely. The dust-like particles floating around him are appropriate as well. The only problem I have with it is that some of the background breaks the flow. The patterns need to be less prevalent. Other than that, just add text and you have a beautiful piece.

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.


Grimlix -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (11/1/2009 1:52:50)

Work 1

Work 2

The character, seems to pop out because of the Red, and Orange Backround, His black jacket pops out quite well.
As for the Shading. from left to right the picture goes from Medium light, light, and then dark.
and this gives the picture an abstract feeling. Which makes artwork beautiful the blend between each scene
gives it an intense feeling, The words are hard to read and blend in with the picture. Unlike the jacket of the character
that pops out, the words doesn't fit in the picture. This picture is good and could do some "finishing" touches.

This picture seems to be blended in too well. as for some pictures lack blending. this picture "over" blends the colors.
I like the way the backround is abstract as it blends with the word "Taste" but the color also blends with the backround.
This picture would look better if the food, word color, and makeup of the person. were a bright and vibrant color such
as Pink. Overall, this picture could be refined to make the main objects Pop out.

" I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves. "


Nefron -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (11/1/2009 15:25:11)

Art 1
Art 2

Image 1

The dragon features a high level of intricacy and the exceptional shading gives it a more realistic feel. I could be wrong, but I believe that the dragon could do without the second horn as it is not entirely as detailed as the top horn and it seems to grow out of the dragon's neck. I also noticed that the Dragon's teeth are irregular which distorts the dragon's fangs. The shading and the detail on the neck give the dragon's skin texture and and it is impressive how the artist added lighting effects on parts of the skin. Certain rough lines and edges need to be erased to make sketch appear cleaner and refined. Also, while I believe that the dentist was placed there to add humor, I felt that adding him was not necessary because this spoils the originality of an otherwise professional sketch.

Image 2

The shading on the dragon is quite resplendent and matches very well with the color scheme. While the design of the dragon is superb, there a couple of visual flaws. The most notable design flaw is the dragon's right wing, it does not match the left wing and doesn't quite achieve the intended perspective. The second flaw is the dragon's left foot , it should have been the same size as the right foot and it is slightly out of proportion. If you study the picture carefully you will notice that the dragon's outline is thick and grainy as well disconnected in certain areas. It seems to me that the background color could be changed to dark gray or any other color that doesn't add too much contrast to the image.


I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.


~JW~ -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (11/2/2009 18:43:45)

I've done what you told me Grafh.
*Also posted on GFXheaven*
Portfolio for a friend
Enter page for a friend
For one, the depth this image has is amazing. The left side should be cropped though. The right side
has beauty at such amazing levels, its illegal. I can tell this was made by ZTG, because of the text. The text is simply awesome. The effects on the render really bring out the coolness of the tag.
I take that this image was hand drawn and coloured is PS. The shading is immensely good, and the detail is perfect. The only thing wrong is the colour set. I think a greenish colour might have fit better than the blue colour used. Also, the BG is slightly strange. Maybe a transparent BG would have worked better. Another thing wrong, it that the creator cropped out the left wing.

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.


darkscanner -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (11/2/2009 21:33:47)

EX 1
EX 2

Pretty good picture. The shading is good, though it could be improved by adding more than 2 shades for each color. Its a fine work in terms of straight looks, but its kind of boring. The guy could be doing something, not just standing there. Lastly I think perhaps it would look better with a background?

Decent. Its a bit cartoony, but that was probably entirely intended. The blending between the brown and green is well done considering this looks like it was made in MS. The tail could maybe be a bit longer. Fangs and claws could be sharpened and the eye made more reptilian to give it a more menacing look, but the cute-ish cartoony look works too. As I said about the first image perhaps a background could be added.


I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

Not approved. You need to work on your CC. Check out the link to Dep's thread on the first page if you need help.

darkscanner -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (11/3/2009 17:26:51)

Sample 1
Sample 2


firstly I love green but it he just seems out of place to me and needs a different back round.his hands are messed up, it looks kind of strange.
The end of the guitar is pretty messed op too. The name is hard to read so I would try making that a little more clear.
and I would say to make it bigger but if that's the max size allowed, that's fine. Over all I like the way it all comes together.


In this picture, it looks like something truely chaotic is going on. If I could see is face I'm sure it would show his horrified expression. That is probably why the artest gave such a screamy look. The lightning really helps make it all chaotic and whatnot. It seems to be raining which looks kind of epic. I'm not to sure. He almost seems to be pulling away from the water making it seem like he is having an incredible inner battle.
Plenty going on though I think the corners should have a bit more. So in the end it comes together and forms a chaos packed look which I doubt I could ever duplicate.


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lycan bites -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (11/4/2009 22:33:28)


Animation 1


I really liked this image because of how she is looking straight like she is focusing on one thing. When looking at this image you can tell the texture of her and her surroundings, but the thing I really like is how half of her is shaded. That makes the image look really neat. I was really amazed with the background colors more. The colors really fit with the mood of the art. I do think the border could be improved by taking out the left side of it. The left side is just empty and uneeded space. Also the text that says, "In the depths" is kind of hard to read. I think it is to small.


I didn't really like this image. The reason why is because of how much design was put in the man. The dragon was overall the main picture in this. I did find the dragon very interesting. I like how much work and design was put into this. But it could have been improved though with some color but that's my opinion. The thing that I also like the dragon is his horns. To me those horn look 3D, sharp and almost real.


I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

Approved. ~Personater

Prince Arthur -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (11/5/2009 1:48:45)

picture 1
picture 1 i think the weapons skull is good but i think the axe handle colour should be brown.
it would look much more better.

armour/twin blade
i think the weapon is great, mabe the armour be another colour. the background should be have a few skulleton in it
it will look like it is in a deadly place.

please let me join.

Not approved. Please re-read the rules and include two of your original works. Also, you need to work on your C&C on two images that are in the thread - NOT your own images. You should read through the C&C thread linked on the first post on this thread.

ry19966 -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (11/6/2009 22:27:37)

1. link 1 link 2

2. The Contructive critisism
Well i do think this is a great idea with the variety of characters and a unique monster. But i think the armor and characters are a little fuzzy. i know that they are custom armor but it seems like the game is on low quality. Dont think im just gonna rant about the whole thing though because it looked great with that armor and the person out of stone which was very creative. But maybe you could've had all of the people wearing different color armors to make it stand out more and instead of having a warrior with 2 rangers you could make one of these rangers into a rogue or mage just to change things up a little bit. Now the monster is awesome and i love the name of it and the only thing i have to say about it is a little more detail but that is about it. Overall this is great but just needs a few touches.
rating: 8/10
I didnt really like this one to be honest because of the background mainly. I just dont think it fits with the dragon on the image. Maybe it could be changed to a shade of blue or something. But i just dont think it goes together with the dragon. Instead of the dragon standing out in the picture all i can look at in the background is the yellow since to me it stands out. But on the other hand i do look dragons so it was a good idea to do a dragon since they are unique and you can use your imagination when making it since they are mythical. If there was any changes with the dragon i would suggest to make the mouth a little more visible or make it a brighter blue because you have to look close to see the mouth. Overall i didnt really like it but it has a good ammount of potential.


I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

Approved. Please submit your application in the groups listing :) ~Personater

KittiKataklysm -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (11/10/2009 16:51:56)

My Art 1
My Art 2

Image 1
This is an amazing signature. The colours in the explosion seem to complement each other perfectly. The lighting in the explosion to the far left is brilliant, although is it seems to take over the image, and draw slightly too much attention away from the subject in the center. The shading seems to make the image look almost 3D, and shows the main direction of light very well, however, there seems to be other sources of light, that have not been taken account into the shading. I love the amount of detail in the picture, and the effect of the smoke is phenomenal.

Image 2
The wings of this picture are so well drawn, the curve of the wings- and the rest of the body is amazing, and although the wings are fairly simple, they have a lot of depth. The love the tail, and the positioning of the spikes, although it looks slightly 2 dimensional, so a bit more shading could improve this. I love the head, and the detail on the horns especially, although the head and neck is slightly too large compared to the rest of the body. Although the head and neck are perfectly shaped, they could be reduced in size so that they’re proportional compared to the rest of the body.


I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

Approved :) ~Personater

Jokester -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (11/10/2009 21:21:57)

Art 1 Art 2

Image 1
I like the choice of red being the main color. It flows with the guitar and the render. It works nice with the beige colored render. I feel that the tag does not flow. The sparks on the left and right seem to come out of nowhere and disrupt the signature. The red streak of light tracing the neck of the guitar also seems out of place. The sparks and lighting effects seem to give the tag a kind of fractal feel when that really isn't the best style for that particular render. The text is good and blends. I would like to see a border on the tag, specifically a thick one. I think a thick border would fit well. One great thing I see with the tag is that the render, background, and next flow perfectly. The only bad part are the sparks and light effect as I mentioned earlier. Overall rating: 6.5/10

Image 2
The colors are excellent. They go great with the simple render of a guy in a white t-shirt. I think this tag is simply put, excellent. The first thing that struck me was the perfect combination of red and tan grunge effect behind the man. The man looks rigid and the grunge effect really brings out his personality. The only bad thing I see with this tag is that the shoulders are smudged into the wall. It makes it look like he has been duct taped to the wall with white duct tape. I like the choice of no text. Text would disrupt the flow of the whole tag. The thick border also worked out great. Overall: 8.5-9/10


I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

Approved :) ~Personater

Manga Maniac -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (11/11/2009 15:42:33)

Example 1 < Edited through MS Paint, using artwork screenshotted from Realm of the Rice Cake
Edited out < Camera image of me, not edited at all, I am pretending to be a samurai it seems, and I have placed the camera so my face is not recognisable. < I think it is well done with the texture of the face and shade, making the picture stand out. The various lines make the wrinkles stand out, and the small dentist in the corner offers humour that can make you laugh slightly. It may be nice to have the dentist as detailed, or perhaps have his head in a slightly more accurate position in relation to his body and have his head more oval-/circle-shaped. Shading with the dentist would be a nice idea. However the dentist is most likely just a small detail added in later as a joke, and the main focus is on the dragon's head, so it is not very important, as the dentist could be considered inaccurate to make it seem more humourous. The position of the beast shows it's wildness and gives you a terrifying glance of it jaws. < The shade is in the right place and the position of the dragon makes you see it's youthfulness. The lines occasionally slight errors where nothing is there if you look closely, but I'd put that down to an error with the computer or the program more than anything else. The colours fit the idea that this is a dragon, so it doesn't feel like it is displaced or accidental. It could do with a bit of texture, however due to the colour, it is not as nessacery as a black and white picture. The curveness in it's structure makes it look smaller, and cuter. This is also influenced by the fact the colour of its eyes are a deep blue, which many people consider as a feature of innocence, unlike if the eyes had been yellow or red.


I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

Not approved. Despite your ability to give C&C, the material of the works you posted (a photo and some overlayed screenshots) are not enough for me to understand your artistic abilities, and therefore, not enough for me to approve you. ~Personater

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