RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (Full Version)

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The unstopebole Dude -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (4/11/2009 14:40:20)

That is how i would lock like if i was an NPC!

And that is my version of Robina or u can call it an corrupted version.

I have much more! But i start whit this.

Not approved. Read the rules.

Sentinox -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (4/11/2009 15:11:11)

My first piece of work,my first sprite.
My Recolor,Multicolored Star Sword.
My First Recolor,Doom Leprechaun,I must apologize about the screen doubling,i am not sure what caused this.

Image one
this is a very well drawn dragon and the proportions are all correct. the shading on the dragon could be better though, it is a shame to see such a well drawn one as it is without proper shading, it is a big let down to the picture. it also strengthens this downfall with the total lack of shading what so ever on the tail. it would also have been better with the whole of the right wing drawn, i know this was down to lack of extra paper space, but the artist could have maybe foreseen that and account for the size. At the head of the dragon it seems to have a flat face, it does not go with the rest of the picture and for want of a better word makes it look weird. There are many points to improve on in this dragon, but in the end we all have to concede that it is already a very nice looking piece.

Image 2
This again is a very detailed an well drawn dragon, this on the other hand is shaded and shaded well. the teeth are the pinnacle of excellence for this piece, they are very well drawn and have all the right positions and proportions, they are truly magnificant. however as any piece of art this too has its flaws. The horns for me do not fit, they seem to be off another animal entirely, they seem more goat like horns than dragon horns. Also the top horn that is more pointy sticks out and doesn't fit with the other horns, however, they are more dragon like horns which is a slight improvement. the nose in my opinion looks like a car, it doesn't look like a nose at all, the artist should try losing the middle part of the nose to get rid of this. At the top left of the piece the "badly drawn dentist" contrasts with the dragon, and with his caption of speech gives a more comical effect to the piece of art. in summary this piece is very similar to the above artwork, it has its downfalls but at the same time it is still a very good piece of art.

in my opinion the 2nd piece is better than the first, for the fact that the 1st pieces lack of shading is a total let down to the entire picture.

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

Not approved. You need to work on your CC. Check out the link to Dep's thread on the first page if you need help.

Lilyheart Butterflies -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (4/13/2009 8:40:41)

I will be 'Once bitten, twice shy' if I fail this so you're not getting much out of me!

That is all my art so far.

Constructive Comments ~ Pictures 1 And 2


A high definition signature with a detailed explosion in the background, that is what bought my eyes to this picture! A well fused masterpiece. You can see each and every detail of the explosion. Flickering flames, smoke, an imaginative creation. If you ask my opinion, 9.95/10


A very experience drawer must've drawn this. Its nose down to its toes, the tip of its ears to the last of the tail, is a shimmering masterpiece of shining gold, covered with silver and a pencil at the side of the drawer, sharpened over 1000 times, exhausted after so much chiselling. The requirements! If you ask me, again, what my opinion is, it's a firm eleven!

I promise under all circumstances that I will keep this following pledge:

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

I hope this is enough. I do understand that it is completely up to you wether or not I get approved. Please excuse my spelling, also.


Not approved. You need to work on your CC. Check out the link to Dep's thread on the first page if you need help. Hint: Try adding a bit more, and you can try as much as you like until you are approved. And Google toolbar is great for bad spellers like us. :)

Winnie -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (4/14/2009 19:20:56)

*By the way, I'm trying again!!!*

I may be wrong about this, but I think that what you are aiming for is not what you ended up with. You see, the picture is nice, but her legs look short compared to her torso. Also the arms are a bit long. If you really wanna wow me, you could try working with porportions some more.
I do like this drawing. Since I assume that you were going for an evil hudge city destroying robot, I have a few things to say. First of all, it's a bit short, making it seem more like an R2-D2 sized robot rather than a 50 story tall mecha. You could also try to finalise the lines a bit, or even animate it. It looks like a rough scetch, (not that mine don't!) and I think it could use soem finilization. It looks like it took a lot of planning to get the mecha right. =)

[b]I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.


Infestedw -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (4/14/2009 20:49:20)

My Art:
Art 1
Art 2

Image 1
When you first look at this picture you can see it is a ship with oars and one mast with a large sail. The color and shades of brown of this picture are nice and neat. On the boat you can see small people sailing which is a nice touch, but when you look at the design of the ship itself it may need some work. When I first looked at this picture I mainly saw the mast and the crows nest. This part of the ships could be made better by mabye adding some kind of rope ladder of somekind and a better design. Something else the artist should try to add is a wooden steering wheel. This would add into making it seem more like a ship. Adding other features would also improve the ship.
Image 2
When you take a look at this picture of a dragon you can see it has a nice looking design on its body. When you take a closer look at the dragon the coloring and shades could use some work. For an example the artist could have made the light green color on the wings more neat. When you take a look at the dragons face you can see the mouth with one tooth sticking out which was a cute and nice touch. The dragons eye has a cool shining look to it making the face better. But the line design on the face can be more organized and evenly spaced to give the dragon a better look.

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.



Master War -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (4/14/2009 21:36:38)

Nature Warrior

Nature Clawsuit

My First CC for this post

Robina? Ok Lets Wrap About This. The Black Background Shouldn't Be There, It Ruins The Picture, Which No One Will Want That So We Should Make It A Matching Colour, Like White, So It Stands Out. Secondly Red Doesnt Match Her Eyes, So Make The Outside White, The Middle Side Green And The Last Part Black,So It Looks More Robina Like.To Really Bring Out The Evilness,Make The Clothing Redish Black, That Will MAke Her REALLY Evil Looking.But Thats JUst My Idea,The Artist Spent Not Much Time On This,IT Looks Like On This Picture.If U Spent More Time On The Eyes And Then Move Onto The Armour/Clothing,IT Would Make A Master Piece,Again Thats JUst Me,You Decide,I'm Not Really A Good Editer,But Thats Just Me.Its Pracitly A Good Job And It Would Be BEtter IF You Just Put In One Robina Aiming Her Bow At A Monster,Ready To Put IT TO Sleep And Put Gold On IT,PRetty Good Pic [9.0/10.0]

My 2nd CC For This Post

Everyone Knows That Dragons Are Creatures Of Mythogly And Some Are Real,Like The Kimono Dragon.This PIcture Looks PErfect,The Shading,The Horns,Tail,Spikes And The Wing.The 2nd Wing Is Cut Out,But Its Not The Drawers Fault,Its The Size OF The Paper,But IF You Want All Of It To Show,I Suggest MAking THe Dragon Smaller.If You Were Going TO Colour It,I Suggest Red IF A Fire Dragon Or Blue IF An Ice/Water Dragon,Gren For Grass/Earth Dragon,Yellow For Energy Dragon,Gold For Light Dragon And Black For Dark Dragon.This Is One OF The Best Hand Drawn Dragons I Have Ever Seen,I Only Saw Dragons In Books And Tv,So I Never Seen A Real One,Even A Kimono Dragon.The Maker Should Keep Up The Dragon Edits,I So LOVE The Dragon Edits And The Maker,You My Friend,Are The Best.I Only Have Three Words To Say And Here They Are "KEEP IT UP!!!!!!"

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.


Sentinox -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (4/15/2009 13:14:15)

My first piece of work,my first sprite.
My Recolor,Multicolored Star Sword.
My First Recolor,Doom Leprechaun,I must apologize about the screen doubling,i am not sure what caused this.

Image one
this is a very well drawn dragon and the proportions are all correct,The scales are very nicely drawn and fit very well with the dragon itself,I love how very nicely drawn it is,the tail fits very well with the rest of the picture.,I love the wings,and like how they are on the hands...however,the right wing is not drawn due to the lack of the size of the paper,MAYBE the artist could have foreseen this and maybe tried drawing it landscape,and the horns on the head look a little flat to me,not that they are not great,but the artist could have made them abit more 3D,the head looks a little flat to me,and the (i think it is) nose on the dragons head looks a little strange,and there is a total lack of shading,the artist should have shaded this more.

9.5,i think it would have gotten a 9.8 if the picture was shaded more.

Image 2
This again is a very detailed an well drawn dragon, this on the other hand is shaded and shaded well. the teeth are the pinnacle of excellence for this piece, they are very well drawn and have all the right positions and proportions, they are truly magnificant.everything is very nicely drawn,everything is very good...however,the dentist in the top left corner is not nicely detailed like the dragon,this ruins the picture,and the horns look like goat horns,i think the artist could have made them more dragon like,the pointy horn doesnt fit very well,to me it would have been better with only the goat horns,and at the bottom of the page is part of the body of the dragon,i dont like this much as it is not shaded at all and look more human like,however this is still a good piece.

9.5,this is a very nice piece but the dentist and the body are a letdown to the picture,it could have gotten 9.7 or 9.8 if the body wasnt human like and it was shaded well,and the dentist could have been taken out or drawn more nicely.

In my opinion they are both great,but like every piece of art,they both have their share of flaws.

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

NOTE: I have changed my CC and have sorted them to good things at the top,bad things at the bottom.


Xill Zera -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (4/15/2009 17:17:07)

Art 1
Art 2

A very good pic with great shading but the scales are just there with no begining or end. I would suggest blending them in so it looks like they grow out of the dragon.Also on the horns and wings try blurring the colors together. But other than that it is awesome!
This looks like a great picture but it is a little too small.You did a great job capturing the bear in a fighting pose and the rag clothes on it just add to the detail.Just a little bigger and it will be perfecto.

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

Not approved. You need to work on your CC. Check out the link to Dep's thread on the first page if you need help.

loganskates27 -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (4/15/2009 21:43:35)

pic 1
pic 2

image 1
Cc:I believe that this is a very good sprite. It is well cut out and is a good picture. It gets the animal in fightning stance. One of the bad things is that it is so small.
I think that if it was a little larger it would look better.
Image 2
Cc: I really like this one. It has great details in the teeth, facial expressions and shading. It looks great and the look just flows together.
One of the bad parts of it though, is the eye. It just seems a little bit too triangle. In my opinion, it doesnt really match the rest of the dragon. Overall this
is a good picture with lots of details and some minor cons.

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

Not approved. You need to work on your CC. Check out the link to Dep's thread on the first page if you need help.

IM_HORRIBAD -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (4/16/2009 0:03:47)


Picture 1:

In my mind, the point of a signature is to convey a basic liking of the owner of said signature while catching the eyes of the countless thread patrons enough so the artistry doesn't go unnoticed. One of the most important aspects of the sig is the color scheme. The color scheme for the Iron Man signature blended well with the render itself, as well as giving camouflage for the small cloud of smoke coming up. The combination of the sig background, resembling a blazing inferno, with the smoke cloud in front of Iron Man creates more than just a sig, it creates a mental masterpiece for the viewer; because it's not just a picture of Iron Man on top of some funky background that looks cool, it gives meaning to the entire piece and makes a viewer go, "Oh, it's Iron man, and he's in an explosion." One thing that irked me about the sig however, is that there appears to be an additional left hand (Iron Man's right hand) placed directly next to the actual one. I quite frankly cannot conjure up an explanation for this other than artistic flair, however it didn't go over very well in my eyes.


Picture 2:

This sig has a clear message printed right on it: romance (hence the text,) which could mean that the
owner of the sig was named romance, the simple basis of the sig was romance, or that the render (who is a character I'm unfortunately unfamiliar with) is named romance. Henceforth, I deem that the second of the three premises to be the true meaning of the word romance. (Obviously, the sig being actually used in a person's post would put things in better context but alas, that luxury cannot be mine.) One thing that struck me odd right off the bat was that the color render's of the shirt, and the surrounding background created the illusion that the render possessed wings. After zooming in and confirming that the render did not have wings, I thought that it was quite peculiar that the artist would do that. With thoughts of question still fresh in my mind I looked at the sig as a whole. The render was very clean and had a good match with the background. Getting back to the point I made in the previous critique, a good sig should convey a symbolic, or desired picture or theme by the user. I didn't find much symbolism or a relatable theme or a recognizable picture (as I said above, I was unfamiliar with the character) and so the obscurity of the subject lost it some credit in my mind.

Here are my own contributions, I plan on working solely on AQW related objects and so naturally, my work is based around the entire "AQW motif."

Submission 1
Submission 2

"I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves."


Fornever -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (4/16/2009 10:26:56)


I think that this image is very good, the background colors soft and complementing the image. The woman is in a good position- the center- making all attention focus on her. The sharp contrast on the right side of the woman makes that side pop up, which is a very good effect. However, near the left shoulder of the woman, I think that the bright light is too similar to the color of the skin, which makes that part harder to see. Also, the yellow bar on the left side distracts from the overall appearance of the picture. The text is well placed and easy to read, while it also fits the subject. Overall, this is a very good piece but it needs a little bit of editing.


The first thing that I noticed was how blurry the left side of the subject seemed compared to the rest of the picture. Aside from that, the woman fits very well with the background. However, I can't say the same for the guitar. The beam of red light coming from it looks unnatural and stiff, very out of place with the dull background. Speaking of the background, it was well chosen but the left side looks a lot brighter than the right, making the whole thing look a bit unbalanced. The subject needs to be placed in a better position and the lighting needs to be worked on a bit, but this looks very good.

Image 1
Image 2

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.


kylepatrick -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (4/16/2009 13:48:30)

Example 1
Example 2


This image has great effects.When you look at spider man, you can feel that he is feeling great pain and anger.
the color red is a really good color for the background. The lightnings help suggest that spider man is in pain.
This signature is full of emotion and is great one overall. The only thing bad about this is the border, i think it's
too think. Maybe 1/2 of the size would be better.


The first thing that caught my attention is the explosion and the bits of smoke in the background. The colors
in this image just blend in greatly.This signature is one of the best ive seen here.The only thing wrong about it
is the border,it's too thick just like the spiderman signature.Overall this signature is amazing because of the
colors blending in greatly.
Rating: 10/10

"I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves."

Not approved. You need to work on your CC. Check out the link to Dep's thread on the first page if you need help.

Black.Beat -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (4/16/2009 13:52:25)

Picture 1 Npc for ****
Picture 2 Weapon for ****

The greens blend very well in the picture, It gives it a obvious yet mysterious style . It is render very well. Definitely a treat for the eyes.

This is not the most orginal image, There not alot going on. But over all its well renderd and must have alot of time put into it. Good Image.


I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

Not approved. You need to work on your CC. Check out the link to Dep's thread on the first page if you need help.

Prae -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (4/16/2009 16:38:42)

Image 1
Image 2

CC One
This image is very nice and you can see the orange hair really stands out against the green clothing. This could be improved if you made the image bigger so you could see the detail clearer. Their is a nice use of shading on the hair which makes it stand out, and it is these small features which make it a good image. The markings on the face and ears on top are a nice added touch which shows that this person is not quite human, however if you changed the colour lightly on these it would make them stand out more.

CC Two

This is a very nice of a dragon and a lot of detail and colour has been put into making this. The eye colour is a nice touch and really stands out against the bright yellow, it also gives the real impression that it is a mythical beast. It is a very nice and detailed sketch, the detail on the scales and mouth give it a lot more depth and define the image. The colouring could be improved on the wing if the shade was spread out across the wing to tidy it up. If this was smoothed out around the scales on the back and along the tail the image would look neater.


"I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves."


Maemay -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (4/17/2009 6:47:40)

Tag I
Tag II

The first thing that I noticed is the text (it seems to be a txt to me -- somehow), it doesn't really add to the whole as a piece and it's not going with the flow. The smudging on the upper left side was amazing but I'm having doubts about the right side. The tag lacks depth even though there are some smudging on the fg though they are easily noticeable, I mean, the maker only did that to make little depth but it didn't really contributed at all. The concept can be executed more. There aren't also any light source. The lightning seems flat in all direction.


I love the flow for this one though it seems to be a little low in quality considering the random C4d's on the background and the render being a little blurry on the left side. I love the effect on the guitar, it really adds though the text again seems to be settled there, nothing special, it's just there and doesn't really contribute anything to the whole tag, it should have been removed. Some parts are over contrasted and the render doesn't blend that much to the background at all. I also see a very thin border to be honest though I'm not sure if my eyes are just playing tricks on me.

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.


Winsrar™ -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (4/18/2009 14:05:50)

My art:
Necrotic Blade
Storm Island
Note that i have ALOT photobucket has 25 pages and i still have some stuff in my comp....:P
I wont put all of that in my gallery thro...

Constructive Criticism:
Not his best sig but a decent one.The BG is nicely done with a good selection of colors matching the Armor.The darkness of the char reflects in the sig itself,the only "bright "element being the text which contrasts with the rest of the sig also he forgot a '
Nice sig overall but i hoped more from this,for example the font could;ve been more readable and the background more detailed

This sig shows the evolution of mechquest art.This sig has a "axe of tine" in it...the past is in the left and is dominated by the present in the right.That was with the idea of the sig.Now onto the realisation:Good sprites and nice BG,allthro a darker one would be better to contrast with thebright colors on the robots
Also some more details non it wouldn't hurt....the text color is good and the font is readable so it's a good but especialy clean sig

hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

Not approved. You need to work on your CC. Check out the link to Dep's thread on the first page if you need help.

Genk82 -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (4/19/2009 12:31:02)

My art: Ninja sig.

Symbiote avatar.


This image is very detailed, however, try to make the colors flow. It has great detail, but they do not combine with each other. Try to smooth out the edges on it. In some places the details are too light, making the skin appear darker, which deters people from the details. Instead of making the scales look like little bumps, try a more toned color so it blends in, but still keeps the uniqueness. Try making the color on the wings the same or don't make the lines so bright. Great job. [:)]


This picture clearly shows some type of naval fleet practicing. The picture is big, but pays little attention to the people. The people are slightly pixelated. The sail could be fixed to look real, not like a single cloth hung up. There are many sails on a boat, not on this. Try showing the oars on the other side as well. This is good work, with some tiny fixes here and there, it would be great work.

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.


Not approved. You need to work on your CC. Check out the link to Dep's thread on the first page if you need help.

moglinslayer315 -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (4/20/2009 17:12:13)

[Signature 1]
[Signature 2]
Personally I love this one!
I really like the fire look to it kind of like a aura that's burning away the background and the lighting in it is just amazing and the text adds to the effect, also I like how the background covers his shoulder giving it a 3-D kinda of look
I would have to give it a 9/10 because there is a corner unused.

This one is really nice!
I really like the neon look of the rain and the guitar but the object in the corner next to the Japanese symbol makes it worse because it looks really phony. I also like the lighting but the neon rain makes the lighting worse.
I have to give this a 7/10 overall

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

Not approved. You need to work on your CC. Check out the link to Dep's thread on the first page if you need help.

Genk82 -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (4/20/2009 18:20:27)

Trying again.

My art:
Example 1
Example 2


This picture is good, but the background does not fit the mood. This looks like a solemn dragon deep in thought. A light background is for more of a playful tone. The dragon is placed in a very centered place. This is good, so people do not pay attention too much attention around it, rather on the centerpiece. The frame has no outline, but the lines on the dragon itself are spectacular! A thin border on the frame itself would make this much better. The horns started off with a good color, but the claws got much darker, which wasn't very appealing. The shades on the skin were very precise and they all flowed. This was a wonderful picture, but it could have been better. I'd give it a 7/10.


This picture has a great element of combustion to it. Unfortunately, it has way too much fire in it. It almost absorbs the whole picture into the fire. A little more open space would have been good. The fire, as I said before, takes up way too much space. There is a great mixture of shades, however. The mixing of the flames makes a perfect balance of light and dark. The border is thick, but it fits in fairly well due to the masculine nature of the picture itself. Something not so good, on the right side of the picture, it is very bright, as opposed to the left side, which is relatively dull. Overall, it is great! I'd give it a 8/10.

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.


kylepatrick -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (4/21/2009 1:41:48)

This is my 2nd try,i hope i get approved
Example 1
Example 2


This picture is fairly good.The orange hair really goes well with the clothes.There are lots of shading
in the hair,which makes it look good.Also the blue eyes really goes well with orange and green.The
ears and markings on her face makes her look like she is not like normal humans.The only thing i
can say to improve this one is the size.I give it a 8.4/10


Wow the dragon in this image is just out standing!The first thing that caught my eyes here are the horns.The
Horns in the dragon looks really well drawn.The teeth are also good.The dragon looks really good but the only
problem about this one is the dentist,it doesnt really look good with the dragon and the thing that he is standing
on looks a little slanted.Overall the dragon really looks good but the dentist doesnt go well with it.I give it a 9.7/10

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.


Winsrar™ -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (4/21/2009 14:34:23)

Thanks for allowing me to retry ^.^

My art(note that this section changes everytime):
Death Bringer Terror Shard
Hiden island

Constructive Criticism:
Nice tag.The background is dynamic in corelation with the character but lacks depth.The smudge is impresing in the right side confering more dynamism to the background.On the left side it's not too good ,the red part is not in corelation with anything and doesn't even contrast with something.In fact if this wasn't there the image would be alot better.The render is well selected to contrast the background and match the style aswell.The problem with this tag depsite the smudge in the left part of the tag is the unreadable text....Maybe turning it gray(dark gray) would solve this.I'd give it a 8,7/10.

This simply PWNs.Now onto real CnC:
The background is well done with a nice use of efects,and BTW that explosion matches the ironman's style of shading(old comic style).The waterfall contrasts with the rest of thye tag confering it realism.The render matches the background.Good selection of colors.There is something special about this is very unitar andit's hard to coment parts of it while ignoring the tag itself.The sentiments predomine this tag.In fact it is a explosion of emotions.All sentiments are visible:Power,Anger,Pain(from the background),Opresion and the pain to be outclased by some random guy flying froma random point of space.This tag is one of my favourites and i'l give it a 10/ i previously stated it PWNs

Tryed to get my CnC as long as posible :P

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Zenitor -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (4/21/2009 17:49:22)

Ex 1
Ex 2

Well, the first thing i would like to say is that this is a great sig in my opinion. For ex the background color is a perfect touch with the render. But there is something bad in this sig , we cant exactly tell what he is doing. No offence , but at first i thought that he was a judo practicer and he was doing a move. The rest , it fits very well with the render . And also that font and the font color looks very good in this image . I must give it a 8.5/10


Personaly , this was my favorite sig of all examples! Its simply very well dont , it all goes up together. The background goes with the render and the render goes with the backgroung. That slight aura betweeen the girl and the text , is very good i must say! And its also like the first thing i see when i look at this sig . Although somthing that wouldve made this sig even better would be placing the text a bit more lower , then it would be really great!
I'll give it a 9.5/10!

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.
(This is my swcond try!!! Please , Please Please!!)[;)]

Not approved. You need to work on your CC. Check out the link to Dep's thread on the first page if you need help.

Genk82 -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (4/22/2009 17:07:14)

Sorry, but I have a question. If you try twice do you have to go to the pending list again?


DOOMKID -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (4/24/2009 6:35:26)

2nd time...




This is a very powerful and moving signature. You can see Spidey's body covered in sparks and he is throwing back his arms in agony, pain and shock. Lightning is strewn across the sig. The coloring and the background contrasts and it is a very powerful and moving sig though this is not the most original image. The bright red goes really well with the character but a little bit darker red wouldn't be bad. I would give it 9.6/10


The sentiments dominate this tag. The first thing that caught my attention is the explosion and the bits of smoke in the background. This picture has a great element of combustion to it. Iron Man looks very powerful. There is a great mixture of shades. The mixing of the flames makes a perfect balance of light and dark. The waterfall contrasts with the rest of the tag confirming it's realism. The perfect sig with the border and a well fused masterpiece. You can see each and every detail of the explosion. The smoke and explosions show that Iron Man can destroy easily. I would give it 9.8/10

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

Not approved. You need to work on your CC. Check out the link to Dep's thread on the first page if you need help. Try CC on what the artist has done, and not what the render is. Dep's thread is good at explaining this.

Laken -> RE: Approval Thread for the Gallery *Read Everything* (4/24/2009 18:13:37)

my two photos which i would post are these
1. [URL=¤t=scan0049.jpg][IMG][/IMG][/URL]
2. [URL=¤t=scan0007.jpg][IMG][/IMG][/URL]

I saw this as a great symbol on how Ironman can not only take the damage, but dish it too. And the color is amazing and blends so well with the lighting

I see this as a great picture , the way it makes Master Chief look even more cool then he is now, the way the back ground blurs just brings the picture more to life, It gives you a sense of the destruction of Master chief which he always seems to bring in a Awesome way

I hereby will follow the rules set by the admins and mods of the forums. I understand that failing to follow all the rules, I can be removed from the Gallery and the forums themselves.

Not approved. You need to work on your CC. Check out the link to Dep's thread on the first page if you need help.

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