RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: $$archie$$ (Full Version)

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Grixus Faldor -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: $$archie$$ (2/21/2009 18:02:56)

Pepsi for all!!!
Coke > Pepsi
How's the shackles?
Chocolate flavoured
Any changes in your interface for DF GD?
The hammers!! they burn!!
Hey is the cell cramped, because I think I found one with a skeleton in it... holding a sheet of paper saying, "Read the fine print."
There was fine print?? Oh, so i dont get an unlimited supply of cookies :(
Lol enjoy!
Rofl, i will
Congrats again!
Thanks again
Bye, thanks for answering!
Bye James!

Gratonim -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: $$archie$$ (2/21/2009 19:06:59)

hello, and welcome to movie phone! arch knighthood!
Movie phone? O_o
1. pepsi or cocacola
Coke > Pepsi :D
2. diet pepsi or diet cocacola
3.will you marry me? *stuns for two turrns*
4. what is your favorite coulour?
5. is this it?
Nope, but its probably some kind of blue..
6. do you listen to music whilst playing df?
Not usually
7. if yes what do you use to play music? (if a website what website?)
8. if no why?
Music is overrated
9. how many digits of pi can you list off the top of your memory?
Not that many, thats what calculators are for: 3.141592
10. is it more than this?? VVV
You are wrong, Pi is EXACTLY 3!!!!!

drakehello -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: $$archie$$ (2/21/2009 19:24:40)

No, Jelly..
1. so.... hows the demon in the corner of your cell thats trying to eat your soul?
My cell has no cornerz, it came from a Circle
2. is the cake a lie?
Nope, i haz lots of cake..
thats all ive got

Zhukai -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: $$archie$$ (2/21/2009 19:27:54)

Hey there Arch,
Hey Shadowscar07
I like your Avvy
Seth McFarlane
So I'm assuming your a fan of Family Guy?
Assume away.. :p
Anyways which animal do you like better? Llamas or Alpakahs?
Llamas ftw!
If you said Llamas at above what color?
If you said Alpakahs on top of above which color?
No Alpakahs here...
Alright cya :D

WA -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: $$archie$$ (2/21/2009 19:46:42)

Just mentioning, nice forsight limiting the questions to 15. I asked VJ 112.
Yup, i think 15 is fairly generous, but it stops people like you!
Hello congratz, *snuggles* and goodbye!
Hi, thanks, *snugglehuggletacklepounces* and cya!

WoTiFe -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: $$archie$$ (2/21/2009 20:15:22)

Yo dog avatar guy
*Brian is offended*
Not much questions actually.....but here are some of my signature torturing questions....Hehehe
Shotguns or Rockets?
Shockets! (Both if possible)
Wfish or Wice-cweam?
Rice Cream please.. talk properly
give me a cookie,and you will get slapped thrice,and if you don't give me,you get slapped thrice too.
*runs away*
I fought the Red dragon that guarded the ArchKnight Cell Mountain,got past the three hundred elite snipers,squashed
the Circe (she's a bug anyway) and rescued you.Can i be an AK now?
You forgot about Alac's triangular guard minions of D00M.. you got eated.
Can you do me a favour?
*Looks Down* No..
If yes,get a venus fly trap and put your finger inside.Observe.
No thanks, my mummy taught me not to put fingers in strangers' venus fly traps
K that's all i will come back to torture you once i found more weaponser..i mean think of more torturing movesquestions.
Er... good? Bad

ZamuelNow -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: $$archie$$ (2/21/2009 22:45:25)

Congratulations. I know you'll do a great job due to some of the discussions you've taken part of in the past.
Thanks. I'm interested in balance :p

Suranjan -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: $$archie$$ (2/21/2009 23:10:14)

Hey $$archie$$ ! Congrats !
Thanks Suranjan!
Shackles tight enough ? :P
Nope, i need to go see Goof
As others will ask you sooo many questions, I stop. Congrats again and good luck !
Yup, i phearz then questions! Thanks again..

Saojun -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: $$archie$$ (2/21/2009 23:32:03)

Hihi archie. Hmm... archie the ArchKnight. It fits! :P
Saojun the.. Ex-AK Helpful?
No questions for now... Maybe later, or perhaps never?
Never sounds good, i think i can fit that into my schedule
Ah, I shan't bother you anymore. Happy modding DF GD. [:)]


Sinf -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: $$archie$$ (2/22/2009 10:45:18)

Congrats on the AKship Archie!
Thanks Sinf!
No questions from me.
May the mod powers be with you
PS stay away from the Dark Side

YoBG -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: $$archie$$ (2/22/2009 11:26:06)

As the others said congratz. I have just one question :
If I were you and you were you then who got the Ak-ship me or you?? [tricky one :)) :))]
We'd have to fight over it..
What would the world be like if there were no hypothetical questions?

marvin_the_robot -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: $$archie$$ (2/22/2009 14:47:10)

Heya, Archie.
Hey marvin!

... You have no idea who I am, do you?
I've seen you in the past *scrapes through memory*

Does it make me a stalker for knowing you without you knowing me?

*goes through Archie's trash*
^^ That makes you a stalker

Favorite band? Please DO NOT say The Killers.
I like the killers, but favourite bands are: Red Hot Chili Peppers, Nickelback and Coldplay..

Have you ever read "Watchmen"? If so, are you going to see the movie? It's a must read if you haven't.
Nope, never heard of it..

Seen any good movies lately?
No actually, the last good movie i saw was the dark knight..

How 'dem shackles? They chafing yet?
A little bit, but im cool with it, its part of the job..

Okay, that's all... FOR NOW.


N Zero -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: $$archie$$ (2/22/2009 17:48:56)

Hello, I'm N Zero and this conversation will be recorded.
Hello N Zero...
Now that's that's out of the way, I have a couple of questions for you.
... :( You've used all 15
1. What is you Element?
Bacon. Om nom nom nom.
2. Do you consider yourself an Edgemaster of DF, or any of the AE Games? (Most important Question to me.)
*Quickly Googles* Still no..
3. If you don't know what an Edgemaster is, do you want me to explain via PM? (Second most important Question to me.)
Sure, why not?
4. Do you play Soul Calibur 3 or 4?
5. If 4 is yes, do you have any Custom Characters?
6. If 5 is yes, can we see some Screenies?
7. What is your Dragon's element?
Changeable, often fire.
8. Do you believe the power of the human spirit?
9. What is you Base class of choice?
10. Are you a tratior to AE, by playing any other Online RPG's/MMO's?
Nope, AE are the only ones for me :p
11. What is Cysero to you?
12. Gorrilaphants?
13. What ore your feelings on The Ebil Togmaster, Rolith, the Tog Challenges he continues to come up with, and Togs in general. Also DOOOOOM it's #13!
#13 is my lucky number.. But personally Rolith=Awesome
14. Don't you hate when people do DOOOOOM for that Question?
I prefer D00000M
15. Do you know of The Water Goddess, Draciane of the Cerulean Ocean
Yes, but he's not very active recently :p
If yes, you get an apple, considering I'd think you'd want one after all the cake and cookies you'll be getting.
Can i swap it for a cookie?
If no, I will smack you so hard on the face with the hilt with both my DSRoD and my BLoD, your caveman ancestors will feel it for not knowing one, if not the best player in DF in my opinion.

That's about it. Congrats, and as my sig says...
Arrrgh!! Nightmares!

wolfman_naruto -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: $$archie$$ (2/22/2009 18:43:41)

my name is wolfman_naruto
I know you are, but who am i?
well where do you live
South-East England
congrats on your AKship
good luck on your job
Job? *Wonders whether being caged and shackled counts as a job*
could we be good friends
Sure, i like friends.. :p

dragon ice -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: $$archie$$ (2/22/2009 21:03:20)

OMG OMG OMG cookies
w00t w00t w00t!!
more torture
if you play aqw can i be your friend im on every day and my aqw name is in my sig
Don't play very often but i'll try /goto when im next on.. (if i remember)
hows the shackles
man i want your job
Really? The shackles are a little tight..
if you get paid how much
AKs arent official AE staff, we're all chosen from helpful forumites, so no pay..
have you ever had a girlfriend
did you meet the AE team or at least one
Nope, ive never been to America :p
is my youtube awesome in my sig
Lots of AQW videos demonstrating your awesomeness
why do they call it mtak its like saying mmmmmmmmm tak lol i make no sense
Meet the ArchKnight.. simples
do you like obama as our political leader there should be a pres in the games agree
Yup, like 90% of Europe, im an Obama supporter..
But Falconreach has it's own mayor, while Our area of Lore is ruled by King Alteon..

well that is all not really torture but rack every thing up and look
Oh believe me, quezchuns makes us frightend
are you afraid if the next time ill ask you a questions it will be 100 questions long that was in aqw 'meheehhe punts twilly onto zorbak'
Remember, i can and will refuse to answer them all... I winz

Icy -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: $$archie$$ (2/22/2009 21:14:24)

Hello Archie. Congratulations on AK!
Thanks icemanx!
Favorite wild animal?
Domestic cat
Law or Chaos?
Hmm.. can't everyone get by with Chaw?
Favorite Domestic animal?

Gentleman, i once killed a bear with my bare hands

^^ Best quote evah!

Pizza or Chinese food?
Vive l'italiano
Football or Baseball?
If by football you mean american football, then neither, rugby or real football (soccer) will do me fine..
Movies or video games?
Favorite Movie/Video game ever?(Hope not too hard)
Game: Wii Pro Evo Soccer
Color of Shackles?

That's it. Good luck and nice meeting you!
Yay! Thanks for dropping in!

Shreder -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: $$archie$$ (2/23/2009 4:18:41)

Another one? Wow pretty soon there will be more AKs than normal forumites! Anyways no questions, just congratulations from me.
Circe builds an army! *Dragged away. Muffled Screams* Thanks for coming by..

ajjunioryankee -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: $$archie$$ (2/23/2009 5:57:19)

Hey archie congrats on ak
Thanks ajjunioryankee!
is the "bacon" a ,myth
Bacon is real!!!
pie or...twilly cheese steak
Twilly st34k!!!111!!1ONE!111!!ELEVEN!111!
Red moglins or mc. dwakels
Mc Dwakels of course
good or evil
do YOu no the muffin man??????
Not the buttons!!
is i random
Not as much as some, you appear quite rational to me..
my grammar rocks^^^^^
OMG H4XORZ!! It does!!
congrats again
Thanks, byes!

naturemancer -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: $$archie$$ (2/23/2009 11:55:41)

hi archie!!
Hey naturemancer!
1-congratz on being accepted as an AK!!!!
Thank joo!
2-want a cookie?
Yes *snatches*
3-pie or meat?
Meat Pie?
4-you like nature? (:/)
Mankind > Nature. /jk of course
5-how does it feel to have me posting here?
I am honoured, truly honoured.
6-are you good at maths?? if you are, help me please!!!!!
Yup, maths is my life! Go ahead, im reasonable at maths
7-whats that purple thing at your left? *gulp*
Don't worry about him, i haz protection now..
8-have you ever been to south america?
Nope, never been out of europe
well, thats all........for now....
again, congratulations! and thanks for letting me torture you
These questions have been less painful..

EDIT: hey archie, when are you updating all this?
I'm getting round to this, dont worry..

necrolich66 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: $$archie$$ (2/23/2009 12:26:21)

where do you live
Southeast England
what is the diference in hours of belgium and where you live
You are +1 hour ahead..
if i do my best can i become AK or memb(i made 3-5 treads who were deleted idk why) but when i know what mistake i made then i wan't to be AK or mod(ps i rode a lot on the forums before i was member(i had problems whit the verification on my old msn adress))
Well, if you're helpful and polite, you may eventually get to be an AK (if you can complete the obstacle course of D00M in under 3 milliseconds)
whas question 3 long?
I'll let it stand, but i feel that it should count as 14 questions, not just 1, thus you are over you're question limit :p

nightstalker1 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: $$archie$$ (2/23/2009 18:19:55)

Hey Archie!
Hi Nightstalker!
Just wanted to say congrats and to ask a few questions.
1) Is the MtAK giving you a headache?
Its OK, but keeping up with the responses is a little difficult..
2) Favourite colour?
Some kind of (dark) blue..
3) Do you like to read books?
Yup, im an avid reader
4) If yes to number 3, name a favourite book or author (if you can. I always find this question impossible to answer...)
Darren Shan, Anthony Horrowitz.. quite a lot..
5) Do all AK's have basically the same sense of humor?
No! *shocked* we are all individuals (I'm not says Clyde)
6) What's your favourite creature in DF/AQ/MQ/AQW?
Ooh, difficult, TOGS! Magman is fairly awesome..
7) What's your favourite game(s) from AE?
Definitely DF
8) Favourite music genre?
Well, I have to go (you've no idea how lucky you are!) Guess I'll see you around, congrats again!
Lucky? The cookies are good i suppose

Suuichi -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: $$archie$$ (2/23/2009 18:43:08)

Kitteh Kitteh. :3

Drake Amatsu -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: $$archie$$ (2/23/2009 20:09:25)

Congratulations Archie!
Thanks fire of the century
Is being an Archknight chalanging?
You could say that
sneevils or togs?
Togs are more challenging..
favorite weapon?
My Reaper's Axe V
favorite armor?
I stick with my warrior..
favorite hair style? (or helm) :P
Party Hat!
What is this obsticle of DOOM im hearing about?
Thats all thank you very much. Keep doing what you do. :)
Okily Dokily!

High Lord Draton -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: $$archie$$ (2/23/2009 20:23:21)

Bout Time you be an Archknight Sarchie
Sarchie? Those are dollar signs..
Are you Good or Evil (I'm on the Chaotic Cake side that serves Unity and Dreams)
Favorite Anime
not really into anime, i suppose cartoons dont count
I put a cookie in your Dog Food for you I hope you don't like it
No, no, they said that this food was specially formulated for AKS
/me SuperSnugglehugsyoutoChaoticextrememode
/me snugglehuggletacklepouncebundlewin snugs Draton
I hope to see you in Tea Time some time
Mmmm.. Tea
Remeber to Dream
Remember to NIGHTMARE!
Shop Smart Shop Yulgarmart
I prefer Sainsburys
Goodbye.....For Now


Andy8 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: $$archie$$ (2/23/2009 22:28:07)

Thanks Andy
Nice to see your MtAK.
Yup, i waited a little for some others to close.. :p
No question here, just the Congraz!
Thanks again Andy!

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