RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: $$archie$$ (Full Version)

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Mephiles The Dark -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: $$archie$$ (3/4/2009 14:04:37)

Hiyas Archie :)
Hey Meph
So , fun bein' a AK ?
It depends on your definition of fun
Ok , lets start the torture : WHERE IS CASANOVA ????? *punches*
I don't know, honest!! I think he lives down Drury Lane
Ops , wrong line XD , i mean 1/ Watz ur fav fruit ?
*Phew* Possibly the mango.
2/ Fav Movie ?
Ever? Hmm.. The Dark Knight/Kung Fu Panda/Monty Python Films
3/ Not three , mysterious...
*Iz confused*

Thats all this time , u got lucky... >_>
Yay? <.<
Cyas around , and WEPS FTW!
You do some fairly awesome artwork, byes

Gianna Glow -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: $$archie$$ (3/4/2009 16:46:10)

Dont worry, no questions...i'm not feeling very creative today. Lucky you! so,
just Congrats!
Thanks again,

blaneblaneman -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: $$archie$$ (3/4/2009 17:11:21)

Blaneblaneman!!!?!?!!! (Took away your colour as its too close to mine.. no taking!)


Noww... questions time! >:)

1. Do you do DF edits?
Nope, im not artistic or stuff like that :p

2. Do you... know me?
Well, if by 'know' you mean 'have seen you around' then yes,

3. Who made you AK?
The ever-awesome Circe

4. Were you ever a helpful?
Yup, for about a month, until i got AK'd

5. Favorite vegatable?

6. View on the Global Warming garbage?
Much of it is true

7. Were you offended at #6?
Not offended, but surprised at the misconceptions you hold.

8. AQW??
Occasionally, yes

9. Favourite AE game?

10. You any good at Tetris? XD
Yes. I rule.

11. Square root of a chicken?

12. Are you superstitious?
Nope, i make a point of walking under any ladder i come across..

^ Whether you are or not, I'm stopping at 12. I'm scared of the # 13...
13 is my lucky number..

Cya around Arch!!! I'll post again later >:)
Bye blane!

Pink_Star -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: $$archie$$ (3/5/2009 3:08:29)

Hi there again $$archie$$! :D
Hi again Pink_Star
I'm back for my second post here... :P
You're back?? O_o
If given the chance to become an ArchKnight at other sections of this forums, which one would you want?
Thats tricky, perhaps another DF section
Why did you put a "$$" sign at the beginning and end of your forum name?
I don't know, i imagine i thought it was a good idea at the time..
Where is your cell? I will come and savez you immediately!
Don't try, i wouldn't want you to get hurt..
Bye and enjoy your ArchKnightship once again! (:
Bye, and thanks again

recyclemeplz -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: $$archie$$ (3/5/2009 17:10:25)

hello archie
Hi recyclemeplz
do archkightship expire?
Nope, well as long as you continue to be active and don't break the rules..
favorite rpg game?
cake/ pie/ waffles?
Cake > Pie > Waffles
is england sweet or bitter?
Its a little bittersweet
this is gonna be last question...........
congratz on ur achknightship!!!!
another question coming (it's gonna be the last)
are u REALLY 15 years old?
lol, next question......... ( hah!)
how did u get the promotion to a AK?
General forum helpfulness, and Circe decided i was AK material
last question........ (serious)
are u a dog? [:D][:D][:D]
Oh noez, he knows my seekrets

Spartan~! -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: $$archie$$ (3/5/2009 19:44:32)

Ooooo, question time from me!! :D
And congrats on your ArchKnight-ship! ^_^
Thanks Spartan
So how are you doing today?
Today has been good, despite a slightly early start..
What do you like about DF?
Its puns,
If you found a genie lamp thinger, what three wishes would you make?
I would use my wishes for the good of humanity Nah, i'll go for money
If you were to describe yourself with one word, what word would that be?
If you could have any one super power, what would you want?
Flying would be fun..
What's your greatest strength?
What's your weakest strength?
Manual Dexterity
If you were to change into an animal and stay that animal for the rest of your life, what animal would you choose to change into? *and changing into an animal is mandatory*
A butterfly.. no-one ever suspects the butterfly
Are you edible? :ninja:
Only when toasted
*pops you into a toaster* :ninja:
Arg!! D: I need more questions to ask! D:
*Deep voice of power* No you don't. you are under my control.
Do you like chatspeek? :D
1 h473 13375p34k
Oh, and hi! ....and bye...for now. DUN..DUN..DUNNNN.

*Plays Jaws music*

serene -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: $$archie$$ (3/6/2009 18:33:46)

Hi there!
Hi serene!
The colour of your text is a little hard for me to read, so I skipped the middle pages. Would you consider making it a slightly darker shade so i can finish reading all your awesomly witty replies?
Well, i'll change the edit colour of this post, but im much too lazy to go back and change every other reply i've made. Also, making my edit colour darker would put me suspiciously close to Paperclip's colour.. he is protective
Me too.
Doesn't spending so much time replying to jibberish and questions make it hard to get on with your archknighty duties?
Yes, but in the words of a great procrastinator "Why do today what you can put off 'til tomorrow?"

Nartborrocks -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: $$archie$$ (3/6/2009 21:49:19)

1. €llo mate
Arrgh, the yellow burns my eyes!
2. Wat color r ur shackles (if i become ak *cough*sperdoubt*cough* i want my shackles to be Orange)
My shackles got the blues
3. Wat dos Deja-Vu mean
Literally it means "already seen"
3. Wat dos Deja-Vu
hey, wait a minute..
4. Welcome to good burger home of the good burger may i take ur order
I'd like a good burger please, and make it snappy!
5. FUNKY CHICKEN??!!!!??
6. Wat does 1x465x1x223x415415x0x34314=?
7. It equals 0
Ur maths skillz r 2 aw3sum 4 me..!
7. Melany Miggles space Cheerleader
8. Did you notice i had 2 7s
Nope, im not very observant
9. Bye Vye
10. How did they catch u?
I was hula hooped by a Cricle
11. RANDOM DANCING??!!!!??

drakehello -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: $$archie$$ (3/6/2009 22:07:53)

1. which do you like better? treveor one or trevor two
I suppose i should feel embarrassed that i had memorised the lyrics a long time ago, and still remember them today.. But i prefer #2
3. I gotz you a cookie
4. but iz eated it..... K THX BAI
*Sad Face*
I vill suck your bvlod!!
6. togicide or no togicide?
Togicide +1
O Rly?

bballnut27 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: $$archie$$ (3/6/2009 22:53:23)

Thanks bballnut27 (is reminded of a certain someone)
wish i was a AK
Don't worry, be happy
or at least had an awsome title
Would a title really make your life that much better?

ILmaster13 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: $$archie$$ (3/7/2009 0:31:13)

ze ilmasterz haz returnedz
Excellent. *Mr Burns style*
ohh, this is my 666th post oh no D:
Satan is watching..
you get around paying for that pie? because that store was owned by the CIA.
They cant touch me, im on my home soil now.. Oh wait we have an extradition agreement :(
do you know all your fellow AKs or just some?
I've never met any of them, but i kindof "know" them
what is your meaning of life?
like my sig?
seya later archie.

Mc Raza -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: $$archie$$ (3/7/2009 4:42:37)

Congtratz Archie!
Thanks Mc Raza
I wish you the best of luck with your AK-ship
Thanks again :p
1) How do you feel?
With my hands
2) What are you planning for future on the forums?
Thats all.
Gratz again lol

MCR? The Black Parade? Emo? O_o
No lol Mc Raza (MCR) you probably knew that but just to make sure ;)

Volcanopyre -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: $$archie$$ (3/8/2009 8:31:10)

Okay Archie Im back.....
Hello again!
Time to Start the Torture....
Where is the treasure??
I'll never tell you! Nevar!
Cmon Where is it?? Huh?? Huh?? *punches*
*Draws map*
Ohhh.. Sorry about the blood nose.....
/me wonders why he keeps getting beaten up by random forumites in his MtAK
Here take this first aid...
Thank you
Have you checked out my gallery yet?(In the Sig)
Yes i have :p
Don't Worry about the DC's.. I got some myself....
Good for you..
That's all for now..... Gotta go and have lunch
Mmmmm... lunch
see ya round....
P.S. If I see one sign that you know where the treasure is I'll Knock your Glasses off and steal the treasure.......[;)]

littlebrockers -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: $$archie$$ (3/8/2009 11:52:10)

kewl, ARCHKiGHT! nice...
Thanks for dropping in!
( english peeps rule!)
Sshh.. don't reveal the world-domination plan..

ShimmerSoul -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: $$archie$$ (3/8/2009 13:24:35)

*Huff* *Huff* *Huff* I'm here! I haven't missed it yet! :o
Nope, im still around :p
So, how was it being the newbie AK until I came around?
It was fun, but now you are the AK stooge, *ruffles hair*
Who clapped the allmighty shackles of doom on you?
Circe captured me
Have you seen that rock in the corner? I think it's spying on us...Heheheh...I'm on to you you little rock! >:D
Thats just geopetal, thats what she does!
*slaps self* Sorry, the cell-madness has made me paranoid...
I think its catching.. maybe its because you're next to Kosefira..
Well, that's all I got, see ya!

Jako98145 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: $$archie$$ (3/8/2009 13:40:35)

(1: How did you become an ArchKnight.
I was nice to others i suppose, and the mods noticed..
(2: Congrats. [sm=bgtup.gif]
(3: Sepulchure or Alteon
(4: What's your Dragonfable ID and Level [sm=DSoN.gif][sm=SpratR.gif] Guess which class I am with those.
*Deletes smiley spam* 540701, level 50
(5: What's your MechQuest ID and Level
Hmm.. look under the avvy of one of my posts.. im level 25..
(7: How has this promo benafited you.
(8: What is this question?
What is this answer?
(9: It's not a question.
O Rly?
(10: Can I have 14$
Look, i told you, Goof took it already..
(11: Not!
(12: This is the last question.
(13: That was the last.
(14: I lied.
(15: Artix vs Sepulchure, who would win?
Does artix get to put Holy Wasabi in Sepulchure's morning coffee?

technicly 14 questions(I think).
Yeah, you're fine..

Keyblademaster Riku -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: $$archie$$ (3/8/2009 14:14:58)

I iz back!
I noticed :p
I see you!Can you see me!
Nope, where r u hidingz?
I'm right in front of your cell,silly!Ima break you out!
You know how I got past those Ninja zombie Panda bears?
No, are you about to tell me?
With Ma Cardboard box!
Interesting.. you won't be able to do that next time..
I'll break youz out with MA LAZUH!
Did you remember to CHARG UR LAZORZ!??!?!
Whoops!Pie time!
Don't worry,I wont leave you here for long!
Thats what you think, this thread didn't make another page so you can't come back. It looks like im stuck here for good..
*flys off into distance*
*Sad Face*

doicare3 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: $$archie$$ (3/9/2009 16:00:34)

Hi doicare3!
You won't know me ([;)]) But im gonna ask some questions for lulz.
I've seen you around a bit..
Soooo....what do you think zeuster will tell us about bacon?
Iz a LIE!
Which is your fav AE game?
DF, although ive started playing more MQ recently..
Which is your fav class? (In any ae game)
Do you have any upgrades? I have a Dragonlord. (It rocks!)
Sausage or DOOOOOOM cabbage?
Do ya like waffles?(i do[:D])
Pancakes > Waffles
Do you not maybe sorta know the answer to the next question i might ask considering you have the answer i think your gonna give?
O rly?
Ya Rly!
What's your favourite colour?
Bluesys.. out. Bye! But, since i gave MR an ak weapon, ill give you...
The Bacon mace of double-post DOOOOOM!
I can merge double posts?!?

Mecha Pheonix -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: $$archie$$ (3/9/2009 16:34:33)

Congratulations !
Thanks Mecha Pheonix!
Are you ever going to leave AE ?
Maybe at some point in the distant future..
What do you find interesting about the games ?
The weekly releases just keep you coming back for more..
Why did you wanted to be an AK ?
I'm on the forums a lot, and just wanted to do what i could to help..
That's all ! Thanks ! Bye !
/me waves

Silver Lion -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: $$archie$$ (3/9/2009 16:44:17)

Hey Archie!! Well I guess I should start with some simple questions (and gratZs):
Sure, why not?
First gratz on your AKship! Have a good time Ak-ing.
I sure will!
DF > MQ > AQW > AQ
Muffins or cookies?
What is the meaning of life?
How does it feel to be an AK?
Do you play AQW and where do you hang out most there?
I only play a bit, and don't hang out much, just do some of the releases and stuff..
Anyway, those were some few, simple questions. See ya, and gratz again!

drago774 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: $$archie$$ (3/9/2009 19:46:14)

1.gratz on arch knight
Hi drago774 DF is your favorite AE games whats your second
MQ you like pie
Yup you think dogs can be funny
Definitely: Clicky you know what 2+2=
5! I haz Maths Skillz
7.if you said 5 or 42 you are right

15cman -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: $$archie$$ (3/9/2009 19:56:39)

Mind if I sneak attack your MtAK once more?
Sure, why not..
You seem to be very popular Archie,90-ish posts is a fair amount ^_^
DF GD is a popular place..
Having a good time answering questions?
Yas, iz fun *forced smile*
Just wanted to say hello :D but now I say bye
/me waves goodbye

flybert -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: $$archie$$ (3/11/2009 9:40:42)

hey Archie
Hi flybert!
Just some questions, answer with the first thing that comes into your mind, OK?
here we go...
Im ready..
1) Paladin or Necromancer
2) Vampire or Werewolf
3) Power or family/love
Its OVER 9000!!!
4) destruction or healing magic
5) fame or infame
Infamy,infamy, they've all got it infamy!
6) erm... could you ask Ajax or Rolith when they're resseting the accounts who saved warlic's/nythera's classes? I really wanna play soon
so that's it ty for your time
You have to ask them to do it by posting in one of the Bugs threads I see Mysterious Ranger gave you the link..

Syrena -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: $$archie$$ (3/12/2009 20:34:35)

Archie! See I told you i would be back.(i'll use a different color just for you)
Have the questions been nice to you?
Not too bad, although some of them have made me think about them..
Have they loosen your chains yet?
Nope, more tightening tomorrow.. :p
Its time for the "Would you rather Questions"!*applause in the background*
*Plays awesome theme music*
Alright So would you rather spend an entire day fixing a filthy garage or spend an entire day playing Dodge ball and constantly getting hit?
Garage. I <3 DIY
Would you rather do a split or a cartwheel for 10minutes?
*Remembers epic fails at both* I cant do the splits atall, so i'd attempt a cartwheel
Would you rather try to take Galanoth's helmet off while in a dragon suit or go trick-or-treating in a skeleton costum while Arix is in the area?
Trick or treat! Arrrghh! A paladin!
Riddle Time! What do you call a two legged undead animal that seems to be obsessed with one thing that has five squares? *check spoiler*
is it *checks spoiler* an undead sneevil?
If you want to you could read my suggestion and pm me later. *click sig*
Sure, i'll have a looky
Well i guess thats it, I'm going to go bother MR now, bye-bye /syrenagivesarchieacookie
Bye! /me snatches cookie and takes it into dark corner of his cell..

[Not-a-spoiler]An Undead Sneevil[/Not-a-spoiler]

archie -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: $$archie$$ (3/13/2009 19:48:49)

Hmm.. this has gone on far too long, i'll catch up with these and then move it to the Meet the Mods Archives after the weekend.


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