Young Earth Dragon Form (Full Version)

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Ianthe -> Young Earth Dragon Form (3/5/2009 0:18:03)

Young Earth Dragon Form

Also see other Earth Dragon Forms ( Earth Drayk, Baby Earth Dragon, Earth Dragon, Elder Earth Dragon, Ancient Earth Dragon).

Level: 52
Price: 30.000 2,468
Sellback: 15,000 1,234
Location: Law of the Dragons
Element: Earth

Melee: 39
Ranged: 35
Magic: 34

Fire: 71%
Water: 129%
Wind: 134%
Ice: 84%
Earth: 66%
Energy: 84%
Light: 84%
Darkness: 84%

If you have at least 151 SP, you can choose between the Attack and the Breath Weapon. If you don't, then you automatically use the Attack.
    Hits: 1
    Type: «As Weapon»
    Element: «As Weapon»
    Damage: 140% Base, Random, and Stats damage
    BTH: +7 plus Stats

    Breath Weapon: Earthgrab!
    Hits: 1
    Type: «Melee converts to Ranged; else As Weapon»
    Element: Earth
    Damage: 45-137 damage plus 648% Stats
    BTH: +14 plus Stats
    • This is treated as a Spell, and thus does not use any of your weapon's statistics (other than Type).
    • If the attack hits and deals >0 damage, then your opponent can be paralysed (new) for one round. (See the entry on paralysis (new) for more information.) The monster gets a +20 bonus on its roll.

        Level: 56 vs MonsterLevel
        Major: YourEND vs MonsterEND
        Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

    Cost: 151 SP

    *You bury your foe in dirt!
As a rare Earth Dragon, you have risen from your burrow in a mountain to wage war on pitiful villagers everywhere! This armor is Guardian-only.

Stats from Kalanyr (via Koree), Zevith, BexnDan, and Isphus. Numbers from Aelthai. Image from ArchMagus Orodalf.

Ianthe -> RE: Young Earth Dragon Form (3/5/2009 0:43:38)

Young Earth Dragon Form

Location: Law of the Dragons (given to characters of level 52-75)

«Otherwise, EXACTLY as above»

Stats from Kalanyr (via Koree), Zevith, BexnDan, and Isphus. Numbers from Aelthai.

Ianthe -> RE: Young Earth Dragon Form (3/5/2009 1:27:22)

Young Earth Dragon Form

Level: 40-59
Location: Become... a Dragon?!?

Melee: 32
Ranged: 32
Magic: 32

Fire: 86%
Water: 100%
Wind: 105%
Ice: 90%
Earth: 80%
Energy: 90%
Light: 90%
Darkness: 86%

Hits: 2
Type: Converts to Ranged if Melee
Element: Earth
Damage: 75% Base, 75% Random, 75% Stat Bonus per hit
BTH: 8%, 8%
Rate: 50%

Hits: 1
Type: Converts to Melee if Ranged
Element: Earth
Damage: 150% Base, 150% Random, 150% Stat Bonus
BTH: 8%
Rate: 50%

As a rare Earth Dragon, you have risen from your burrow in a mountain to wage war on pitiful villagers everywhere!


Originally posted by Astral. Information from ArchMagus Orodalf, Drakon136 and Lex Libris.. Image from ArchMagus Orodalf. Numbers from Aelthai.

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