Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors/Mages/Archers/etc. (thread 3) (Full Version)

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Arctic Ninja -> Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors/Mages/Archers/etc. (thread 3) (3/20/2009 22:19:50)

[center][b][size=4] [color=#0066FF]Last Updated May 29, 2010[/color]  [/size][/b] 
[b][size=2]Formally Managed by Ricobabie[/size][/b]
[b][size=2]Originally Managed by Azerkail[/size][/b]

[color=#000066][b][size=5][u]Glacius Clan Roster[/u][/size][/b][/color]

[b][color=#3333FF]To sign up on the roster, please provide:
Your forum name, your character page and your character name.[/color][/b]

[color=#000066]Anybody in the clan that have received an Admiral Title from any GHC member will have it posted on our Roster[/color]

[IMG][/IMG] [b][color=#330066]BOLD[/color][/b] : Leader
[image][/image][b][color=#0000FF]BOLD[/color][/b]: GHC Member
[color=#3399FF][b]BOLD:[/b][/color] First Former GHC head
[color=#CC66FF][b]BOLD:[/b][/color] Second Former GHC head


.Silence - [link=].Silence[/link]
~Bizarre~ - [link=]The Glacier[/link]
~WolfBane~ - [link=]Ciar Killith[/link]
*Crystalline* - [link=] White Paige[/link]
237emme - [link=]Christopher[/link]
890iop - [link=]Troy[/link]
1Wiem - [link=]Maya[/link]
137ben - [link=]137ben[/link]


Azerkail - [link=][b]Azerkail (Former Roster Manager)[/b][/link]
A Parker - [link=]Cecil[/link]
aaron08199 - [link=]the destroyer[/link]
Abhorsen - [link=]Sarkon[/link]
Aerdiu - [link=]Aerdiu[/link]
Aerodu defender - [link=]Zelderan[/link]
alexie - [link=] master dwarf[/link]
Alpha_Wolf - [link=]Griff Alpha[/link]
amcdermot - [link=]Crimson Blade[/link]
Andrew5a - [link=]Iceith the bender of ice[/link]
Angelz - [link=] Flamedragon[/link]
Anoril - [link=]Anoril[/link]
ajman99 - [link=]Artix Krieger[/link]
Antihero - [link=] Nostradamus[/link]
Apocalyptic - [link=]Snowstorm[/link]
Aq Sonic - [link=]Sonic[/link]
[size=2]AK[/size] [image][/image][b][color=#0000FF]Archmagus Baron[/color][/b]- [link=]Archmagus Baron[/link]
ArcticRaider - [link=]Arctic[/link]
[image][/image][b][color=#0000FF]Arctic Ninja[/color][/b]- [link=]Arctic Ninja[/link]
archcleric - [link=]Archcleric[/link]
Archaewok1 - [link=]Balugon[/link]
Atr1x - [link=]Slash[/link]
Atrun - [link=]Atrun[/link]
Avro - [link=]The special one[/link]
Awsome - [link=]adrian[/link]
Axe Wielding Maniac - [link=]Barbarus[/link]


Balos Omnis - [link= ]Shaidar Haran[/link]
Barong the DemiGod- [link=]Shadow[/link]
BioXar_ - [link=]Oblivon Knight[/link]
Blacksparrow - [link=]Blacksparrow[/link]
Bladerunner - [link=]Drizzt[/link]
BlinxV3 - [link=]BlinxV3[/link]
Blizzy- [link=]blizzy[/link]
Bluestar - [link=]Bluestar[/link]
BlueGuardian - [link=]Shiva Kirin[/link]
blulink - [link=]Azure Link[/link]
Bobby_G_14- [link=]dragonian[/link]
breakfastramen - [link=]Morgan Yenfold[/link]
[IMG][/IMG][b][color=#330066]Brianspenceni[/color][/b]- [link=]Arch Duke Zagorakis[/link]
Brody - [link=]Brody[/link]
Bumblebee123 - [link=]Buttercup[/link]


camelburp - [link=]icy terror[/link]
Captian Hitsugaya- [link=]Captian Hitsugaya[/link]
Childish Vampire -  [link=]Drake Bloodblade[/link]
Chilly X - [link=]Ricanius Umahina[/link]
Chiu_Bug - [link=]Aakil[/link]
[image][/image][b][color=#0000FF]Chugg[/color][/b]-[link=]Michael chugg[/link]
cmgenius - [link=] Zach[/link]
Cold Fingers - [link=]Kethorat[/link]
Colonel J - [link=]Colonel J[/link]
chrissip - [link=]Shukun Hex[/link]
cryptkeeper- [link=]Anubis[/link]
[image][/image][b][color=#0000FF]Cryogenesis[/color][/b]- [link=]Archmage Cryose[/link]
Crylos - [link=]Crylos Frostwake[/link]
Crystal Paladin2 - [link=]Adric[/link]


DARKMASTEROBLIVION95 - [link=]death[/link]
DarkMonkey - [link=]Aasimar[/link]
Dark Sapphiron- [link=]Lord Alexander[/link]
Dray`Gon - [link=]DrayGon[/link]
Deathwithin - [link=]Lycan of the sky[/link]
Debator- [link=http://]God[/link]
Demonkid990 - [link=]Demonkid990[/link]
Digital X - [link=]VO1D InFiNiT3[/link]
djmendoza - [link=]Ymir[/link]
DjSparkz- [link=]Dj Sparkz[/link]
Dogmacmac- [link=]Pogiastig[/link]
DR@GONLORD23 - [link=]DR@COLYPTO[/link]
Drago774- [link=]Bailey[/link]
Dragozoid - [link=]Drago van Krieger [/link]
dragonfire2427 - [link=]The Dark Avenger[/link]
dragonmencer - [link=]Lord Dragonmencer[/link]
dream27 - [link=]BoB tHe HoBo[/link]
Dwight - [link=]Defender![/link]


Eagle 7 - [link=]Kratos[/link]
Endless - [link=]Endless[/link]
Elania - [url=]Elania[/url]
Eldenstar - [link=]Creslin[/link]
Equilibrium82- [link=]Seventh Sanctum[/link]
eternal riul - [link=]joh[/link]
everyonesgrudge - [link=]Parallel[/link]


FaDeDDReaMS - [link=]IceVieL[/link]
fantasygod - [link=]Icy Vampire fantasygod[/link]
fear - [link=]Feardrake [/link]
FeelNFine - [link=]FeelNFine[/link]
Fenriswulfe - [link=]Fenrir[/link]
Feragho- [link=]Feragho[/link]
Fiercen - [link=]WyvernMaster[/link]
Fizz - [link=]Qz[/link]
Flig - [link=]Flig[/link]
Folken44 - [link=]Striker[/link]
furgetit - [link=http://link=]The Village Idiot[/link]


Galasaraptor - [link=]Attila[/link]
Garin the D slayer - [link=]Frozen Shard[/link]
Gastria - [link=]Khyrhon[/link]
Glaciar - [link=]Glaciar[/link]
generalchicken - [link=]Mr. Macho[/link]
generalneon- [link=]generalneon[/link]
Gravity - [link= ]Gravity[/link]
Gray Fox - [link=]Sesshomaru[/link]


Helkaluin - [link=]Tir i Helkaluin[/link]
Hezberek - [link=]Nightshade[/link]
Hiei - [link=]Hiei[/link]
Hitsuga_t7 - [link=]Chaos Reign[/link]
Hyroen- [link=]Hyroen[/link]


Icy - [link=]Ron[/link]
IceDraven- [link=]Darven[/link]
ice cold killa - [link=] pick the pingowned penoglin[/link]
ion24 - [link=]Lady Nicobabie[/link]
Ixola - [link=]Ixolus[/link]
Ithious - [link=]Ithious[/link]


J_bn - [link=]Ashl[/link]
Janus- [link=]Janus[/link]
Jake 2007 - [link=]Jake 2007[/link]
jakeeh11 - [link=]Trance Fusion[/link]
Jayimcdn - [link=]Jayimcdn[/link]
JoeZep - [link=]Honorable Fighter/ JoeZep [/link]
JTKSong - [link=]JTKS[/link]
jump off duck - [link=]Jump off duck[/link]
jynx67 -[link=]Katherine[/link]


KabutoXx - [link=]Noritada Ajibana[/link]
KarenC - [link=]Karenwatters[/link]
Karzsa - [link=]Vrakylra[/link]
kisame Hoshigaki - [link=]Itachi[/link]
Kosefira - [link=]Zavera[/link]
kuramas_foxy_rose - [link=]Seiko[/link]


ladytas - [link=]ladytas[/link]
Lagencie- [link=]Lagenia[/link]
LaureaDaphne - [link=]Laurea[/link]
littlejuror - [link=]Littlejuror[/link]
Little Saint - [link=]Revenio Ataxia[/link]
Lord Me - [link=]Lord Me[/link]
[b][color=#3399FF]Lord of Ice[/color][/b] - [link=]Lord of Ice[/link]
[b][color=#CC66FF]Lord Ouranos[/color][/b] - [link=] Lord Ouranos[/link]
Lowrider Dragon - [link= ]XXX[/link]
lostkause1473 - [link=]Sephiroth[/link]


Marchand - [link=] Julius [/link]
Master of Beasts. - [link=]Master of Beasts[/link]
Matron700- [link=]Gogg King[/link]
Merlin - [link=]Merlin[/link]
Micah - [link=]Micah[/link]
mintzard - [link=]krais[/link]
mistermafio - [link=]shadowkiller[/link]
Mitsuki - [link=]Kenji[/link]
mudguard0 - [link=] Phamine[/link]
Mudguard0 - [link=]Big Chuff Masters[/link]
Murdora - [link=]Glaciar[/link]
Murtagh - [link=]Murtagh[/link]
Mortis Flamus - Arthos Iceveins
Mystic Endevor - [link=]Davin*The First Aquamancer[/link]


NecroDrake  - [link=]NightmareInfinite[/link]
Nezumi - [link=]Inkeyes[/link]
Nightslayer - [link=]Nightslayer[/link]
Ninjakas- [link=]IceKnight[/link]
Nix Wolfwood - [link=]Nix Wolfwood[/link]
Nixtrix- [link=]Vulcan[/link]


Orbknight - [link=]Orbknight[/link]
Orb Master - [link=]Avifors[/link]
OnuaNova - [link=]Nukada[/link]


Patrel - [link=]Bowie[/link]
Patrick Sawn - [link=]Patrick Sawn[/link]
PoppaMike - [link=]PoppaMike[/link]
Protneo - [link=]Element[/link]
Psycopath425 - [link=]Asmodean[/link]
P4htr41ck  - [link=]pattycakes[/link]


Queen_of_Emoness- [link=]Qu33n Em0[/link]


Raven Mac Drake - [link=]Lord Raven MacDrake[/link]
renegadepeanut - [link=]Dymo UGAR[/link]
Rephay - [link=]Rephay[/link]
Rewind_44 - [link=]Rewinder[/link]
Retro kid - [link=]Nemesis[/link]
Rheannon [url=]Rheannon[/url]
Ricobabie - [link=]Lady Wicobabie[/link]
RING_OF_FIRE - [link=]1typhon king of beasts[/link]
robby123456789 - [link=]Kiriyu[/b][/link]
Roibup - [link=]Roibup v.2 *Ice*[/link]
Romanv12- [link=]Romix[/link]
Riyar - [link=]thrakus[/link]
Renegadepeanut - [link=]Dymo UGAR[/link]
Ronzor - [link=]Ronzor[/link]


Safirias Top Vampire - [link=]Shadowcat[/link]
Sai Ueki - [link=]Haru Momochi[/link]
Seer - [link=]Tentinus[/link]
SERD3- [link=]Bringer of Fire[/link]
Sentevan - [link=]Senteven[/link]
Se7en - [link=]NoNeedForNames[/link]
Shinobi of the ice = [link=]lord draik[/link]
Siege - [link=]Siege[/link]
SilverDrow - [link=]Drizzt[/link]
Sir Joseph - [link=]Sir Joseph[/link]
Silkspinner - [link=]Yin Iejir[/link]
Sir Z- [link=]Earendur Nenharma[/link]
shadow hippo - [link=]lord of death[/link]
shadow hunter13 - [link=]shadow hunter[/link]
shadowlaod- [link=]shadowlaod[/link]
shadow of all - [link=]lord ant shadow of all[/link]
shmoda - [link=]Elessara[/link]
Shidgen- [link=]shidgen[/link]
sk8boardl3x  - [link=]Alex[/link]
skull1995- [link=]Blackheart[/link]
skellington1313 - [link=]Samantha[/link]
Sonic80 - [link=]Tom Servo[/link]
soushou - [link=]Exari i Ereb Dae[/link]
STG - [link=]Des Volstgalph I[/link]
stromy - [link=]stromy[/link]
Supa Killa the II - [link=]Supa Killa the II[/link]
Super Necro - [link=]Nihilus[/link]
swamprati - [link=]swamprat[/link]


Thanatos - [link=]Moridin[/link]
Thanquin- [link=]Thanquin[/link]
The_Gladiator- [link=]Dra Paduece[/link]
The Arbiter - [link=]The Arbiter[/link]
The Chilli God - [link=]Char[/link]
the nazgul9 - [link=]Straven[/link]
The M - [link=]Minum the Archvillain[/link]
TheGuyYouWishYouWere - [link=]Jonathan2007[/link]
ThePeoplesChamp - [link=]The NightmareSG[/link]
Tlo- [link=]Blizzard Mage[/link]
Togapika - [link=]Lucien James[/link]
tommyhales - [link=]tommy[/link]
Tydus209  - [link=]Jun[/link]
Tzyezin - [link=]Julius[/link]


Unit 153 - [link=]Unit 153[/link]


Veterandoggy - [link=]Veterandoggy[/link]
visectimo - [link=]Visectimo[/link]


Waddatoe - [link=]Waddatoe[/link]
Wolfyd33- [link=]Wolfyd[/link]
W1Nk1LL3R X- [link=]W1k1LL3R X[/link]


X~Zaros~X - [link=]Zaros[/link]
Xarymandias - [link=]Xarymandias[/link]
xjcx666  - [link=]JC[/link]
XTREME FUNNY - [link=]Icy Dude[/link]


Yomama- [link=]Yomama[/link]
Youngblood70 - [link=]Jacob[/link]
Yubel- [link=]Yubel[/link]
Yusaku Godai - [link=]Ryu Serpentine[/link]


Zorbaks Brother - [link=]Glacian[/link]
Zumiic - [link=]Flash[/link]
Zuko - [link=]Samuel[/link]


[size=3][b][color=#0033CC]Glacius Hall of Fame [/color] [/b] [/size] [/color] 

Lord Ouranos - Lionhearted Leader 
J_bn - The Eternal Bind 
Ricobabie - Frozen Phoenix 
Mistermafio - The Silent Thunder 
Siege - The Glacian Elder 
dragonmencer - Revered IceWyrm 
Azerkail - The Grizzly Veteran 
Serbitar - Persistant Presence 
Apocalyptic - Penguin Power 
Dream 27 - The Glacian Dream-master 
Karen C. - The Great Awakener

[size=3][b]Glacius' Best Friends List [/b] [/size] 
Dark Demon Lord 




Shade F. Ravenwing 

Captain Nautilis 

Mortis Angelus 


[color=#0066CC][b][size=3]Glacius Roster Archive[/size][/b] [/color] 
NOTE: The old roster will not be updated, it's just for show.  

Old Roster 

1. Azerkail - 387230 - Azerkail of the Panserbjorne 
2. Siege - 6487894 - Siege 
3. fantasygod - 5579765 - Icy Vampire twilight 
4. Demonkid990 - 5378409 - Demonkid990 
5. Ninja_Master18 - 16805042 - Josh 
6. shadow hnuter13 - 8506708 - shadow hunter 
7. The M - 1958691 - Minum the Archvillain 
8. Nixtrix - 8629992 - Vulcan(Ex-War Sector Officer) (ArchKnight!) 
9. Fizz - 3931352 - Qz (ex-Artisian Guild Officer) 
10. Blaze86-19970417-Anasazi (War Sector Officer) 
11. Lord Ouranos - 15752759 - Lord Ouranos (High Commander) 
12. 890iop - 4403116 - Troy(War Sector Officer) 
13. Chilly X - 9277243 - Ricanius Umahina (War Sector Officer) 
14. Kakashi 90902 - 15796850 - Bastion 
15. Togapika - 3066002 - Lucien James 
16. .Silence - 6401518 - Silence (Ex-Information Division) (ArchKnight!) 
17. Zed - 2660340 - Zed The X Guardian 
18. DR@GONLORD23 - 6378322 - GLACIUS DR@GON 
19. ~Bizarre~ - 19293655 - The Glacier 
20. jimbo32 - 22969169 - Jax 
21. Balos Omnis - 6181790 - Shaidar Haran 
22. Icy - 2662115 - Ron 
23. Unit 153 - 17426577 - Unit 153 
24. tuesdays dusk - 9559643 - Mr Lama (Armory Forge Division Officer) 
25. Lord Me - 2458902 - Lord Me 
26. J_bn - 17767283 - Ashl 
27. Sir Joseph - 22882978 - Sir Joseph 
28. eternal riul - 21080770 - jfa 
29. Ronzor - 7648965 - Ronzor 
30. STG - 216875 - Des Volstgalph I (Artesian Guild Officer) 
31. soushou - 7205965 - Exari i Ereb Dae 
32. shadow hippo - 12295962 - lord of death 
33. jakeeh11 - 3711013 - Trance Fusion 
34. Astral - 1324640 - Astral Fangrim b (Ex-Armory Forge Division Officer) 35. Deathwithin - 3246940 - Lycan of the sky 
36. furgetit - 11254036- The Village Idiot 
37. Anoril - 11851760 - Anoril 
38. Orbknight - 1735977 - Orbknight 
39. Jake 2007 - 12922275 - Jake 2007 
40. Bobby_G_14- 7550847- dragonian 
41. FeelNFine - 11933863 - FeelnFine 
42. ~WolfBane~ - 12491756 - Ciar Killith 
43. Drackomancer - 8536408 - Dracomancer 
44. ajman99 - 5411077 - Artix Krieger 
45. jump off duck - 16586109 - Jump off duck 
46. Childish Vampire - Drake Bloodblade - 4463103 
47. Andrew5a - 7965945 - Iceith the bender of ice 
48. KabutoXx - 2619493 - Noritada Ajibana 
49. Merlin - 19080468 - Merlin 
50. Berethor - 13431226 - Berethor 
51. Zuko - 11692460 - Samuel 
52. Chiu_Bug - 9125122 - Aakil 
53. shadow of all - 10929904 - lord ant shadow of all 
54. Antihero - 17873804 - Nostradamus 
55. cmgenius - 4354068 - Zach 
56. generalchicken - 15272290 - Mr. Macho 
57. Gastria - 3586064 - Khyrhon 
58. Renegadepeanut - 9602458 - Dymo UGAR 
59. Brody - 1166465 - Brody 
60. snowguard40 17033050 runescape2 
61. Endless - 6423870 - Endless (Information Division Officer) 
62. Yusaku Godai - 20963928 - Yusaku Godai 
63. Youngblood70 - 10558672 - jacob 
64. Roibup - 12036670 - Iceman! 
65. Riyar - 1829642 - thrakus 
66. Sir Keller - 11894268 - Dracomancer Maikeru 
67. Mitsuki - 16072761 - Kenji 
68. camelburp - 18773137- icy terror 
69. mistermafio - 7686609 - shadowkiller 
70. DARKMASTEROBLIVION95 - 19850399 - death 
71. Thanatos - 447299 - Moridin 
72. ice cold killa - 10004914 - pick the pingowned penoglin 
73. Super Necro - 13657925 - Nihilus 
74. Fiercen - 14185461 - WyvernMaster 
75. Galasaraptor - 10222179 - Attila 
76. A Parker - 16045328 - Cecil 
77. Glaciar - 13686944 - Glaciar 
78. aaron08199 - 4447723 - the destroyer 
79. SilverDrow - 2070284 - Drizzt 
80. visectimo - 7092578 - Visectimo 
81. stromy - 17598008 - stromy 
82. alexie - 1168085 - master dwarf 
83. Mystic Endevor - 14792789 - Davin*The First Aquamancer 
84. amcdermot - 21008467 - Crimson Blade 
85. Zorbaks Brother - 18335689 - Glacian 
86. A Parker - 16045328 - Cecil (25595137 - Detch) 
87. Ixola - 889439 - Ixolus 
88. Seer - 2459637 - Tentinus 
89. Sonic80 - 1644251 - Tom Servo 
90. Sir Z- 3916906- Earendur Nenharma 
91. Ithious - 8409031 - Ithious 
92. Bluestar - 2366608 - Bluestar 
93. Aerdiu - 16335015 - Aerdiu 
94. fear - 3582840 - Feardrake 
95. shmoda - 22950430 - Elessara 
96. breakfastramen - 8924820 - Morgan Yenfold 
97. Angelz - 499764 - Flamedragon 
98. RING_OF_FIRE - 15600890 - typhon king of beasts 
99. Atrun - 195328 - Atrun 
100. Hezberek - 10890790 - Nightshade 
101. Bresker - 14157247 - Bresker 
102. Grey Fox - 6913724 - Sesshomaru 
103. Xarymandias - 11440111 - Xarymandias 
104. cowpie36 - 7114659 - Crash 
105. Bluestar - 2366608 - Bluestar 
106. shadowlaod- 9583389 - shadowlaod 
107. The Chilli God - 517403 - Char 
108. Serbitar - 8380912 - Serbitar of the Thirty 
109. Micah - 16843210 - Micah 
110. Folken44 - 381137 - Striker 
111. Reaper Pentrach - 21303996 - Yoruichi the Goddess of Flash 
112. Legend Killer - 20950957 - Pentarch the Ruler of Space 
113. skellington1313 - 19513041 - Samantha 
114. Aerodu defender - 10447180- Zelderan 
115. Hiei - 5088497 - Hiei 
116. Protneo - 2441553 - Element 
117. Dwight - 7134102 - Defender! 
118. Eagle 7 - 23981229 - Kratos 
119. mintzard - 19312525 - krais 
120. everyonesgrudge- 7180370- Scarecrow 
121. dragonmencer - 1816106 - Lord Dragonmencer 
122. Nezumi - 9876273 - Inkeyes 
123. gandal1230 - 22351251 - Bob 
124. Snowstorm 13 - ID 25715532 - Snowstorm 
125. Little Saint - 11229902 - Revenio Ataxia 
126. dream27 - 24291785 - BoB tHe HoBo 
127. Patrel - 7679183 - Bowie 
128. Eldenstar - 240514 - Creslin 
129. tarea - 1746336 - tarea 
130. Alpha_Wolf - 1227673 - Griff Alpha 
131. Murtagh - 4243041 - Murtagh 
132. Beta Wolf - 4817249 - Drake Moreven 
133. Nightslayer - 7788513 - Nightslayer 
134. Supa Killa the II - 12400129 - Supa Killa the II 
135. Cold Fingers - 20540994 - Kethorat 
136. redheadevil1 - 9843959 - GhostGR 
137. lostkause1473 - 16305323 - Sephiroth 
138. Veterandoggy - 2728652 - Veterandoggy 
139. Jamboza - 8182122 - Jamboza 
140. Murdora - 7608850 - Glaciar 
141. Abhorsen - 14142709 - Sarkon 
142. DarkMonkey - 3733780 - Aasimar 
143. mudguard0 - 256756 - Phamine 
144. The Arbiter - 5340895 - The Arbiter 
145. Omega3215 - 3135689 - Everfreeze Destroyer Of Flame 
146. Lord of Ice - 11499087 -Lord of Ice 
147. katara - 10669297 - joe 
148. Blacksparrow - 4116154 - Blacksparrow 
149. rzx125 - 8198589 - cloud 
150. tommyhales - 2248372 - tommy 
151. Garin the D slayer - 6041288 - Frozen Shard 
152. *Crystalline* - 25717092 - White Paige 
153. 237emme - 23300001 - Christopher 
154. ‡Ïçê×Lø®Ð‡ - 19940063 - Icy Dude 
155. Kosefira - 26713837 - Zavera 
156. cryptkeeper- 12213349- Anubis 
157. JTKSong - 27850813 - JTKS 
158. SERD3- 29895611- Bringer of Fire 
159. *soundbarrier* - ? - ? 
160. Helkaluin - 26396935 - Tir i Helkaluin 
161. Mudguard0 - 30198918 - Big Chuff Masters 
162. Tzyezin - 2334344 - Julius 
163. Crystal Paladin2 - 19828879 - Adric 
164. blulink - 29759437 - Azure Link 
165. Axe Wielding Maniac - 28202615 - Barbarus 
166. Dragonmencer - 1816106 - Lord Dragonmencer 
167. Mortis Flamus - ??????? - Arthos Iceveins 
168. Bladerunner - 27629306 - Drizzt 
169. OnuaNova - 531117 - Nukada 
170. swamprati - 31249812 - semone 
171. Silkspinner - 32456826 - Yin Iejir 
172. Jayembee - 30900607 - Reign Of War 
173. Zumiic - 40659 - Flash (DF?) 
174. Retro kid - 29745978 - Nemesis 
175. Hitsuga_t7 - 4019714 - Chaos Reign 
176. LaureaDaphne - 838579 - Laurea 
177. the nazgul9 - 33477652 - Straven 
178. chrissip - 39811 - Enkou Agita 
179. Rewind_44 - 1715749 - Rewinder 
180. jynx67 - 1209224 - Katherine 
181. Dray`Gon - 1889464 - DrayGon 
182. Karzsa - 20248830 - Vrakylra 
183. Master of Beasts. - 5300550 - Master of Beasts. 
184. Colonel J - 2784447 - Joshua F2004 
185. kuramas_foxy_rose - 20839269 - Seiko 
186. Ricobabie - 73728 - Lady Wicobabie 
187. Patrick Sawn - 35297835 - Patrick Sawn 
188. djmendoza - 3793359 - Ymir 
189. BlueGuardian - (21371609) - Shiva Kirin 
190. Ryanhy-17526302-Ryan 


and a SPECIAL thanks to Crimzon5 for this coding

Baron -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (3/20/2009 22:44:12)

Forum name: Baron1564
Character Name: Baron
Character link: Under avvy

Arctic Ninja -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (3/20/2009 22:48:49)

i got u ima add all of us tommorrow

Edit: if u havent already adden ur name add it here but if u put it in the other thread ur fine i got u

generalneon -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (3/23/2009 7:23:44)

Anybody know how to get to the "Hall of Fame"? That for retirees?

Like KarenC?

brianspenceni -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (3/23/2009 13:53:52)

haha, general, I won't get on the wrong side of your acid-tongue. This is just prelim work, think arctic's making a whole new list

Arctic Ninja -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (3/23/2009 16:52:11)

ima add the new members very soon and to get into the hall of fame id kbe a clan leader or somethin when Karen c comes back i will add her after i ask her what she wants her nickname to be ex. mistermafio - silent thunder

TLo -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (3/24/2009 17:03:26)

still didnt add me[;)]

Arctic Ninja -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (3/24/2009 21:41:39)

srry guys bout the wait ive been uber busy with school should be updated soon (bout 1-3 days)

generalneon -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (3/24/2009 23:29:09)

Get your own ducks in a row first. This gaggle of whiners can twist in the wind, get your schoolin' done!

Cryogenesis -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (3/24/2009 23:50:40)

You sound like my mom, general.
She actually said that once to me.

But he's right, arctic. Screw us, we can wait.
You get your schoolwork done and work on
this thread when you have the time.

Dark Sapphiron -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (3/25/2009 6:38:08)

You could use " [image][/image] [image][/image] [image][/image] " To indicate AK members, and make your lists a bit less boring [;)]
Heres a link

brianspenceni -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (3/25/2009 15:44:39)

arctic, absolutely prioritise the real world over the world of lore. Education is an imperative. @general, that post was insane but I loved it!

Arctic Ninja -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (3/25/2009 16:40:24)


drago774 -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (3/30/2009 18:23:43)

forum name:drago774
character name:Bailey
character link:under avatar

Arctic Ninja -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (3/30/2009 18:30:16)


brianspenceni -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (3/30/2009 20:21:29)

kudos to you, arctic. This clearly took a lot of time and effort! I'm particularly loving some of the art work.

Arctic Ninja -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (3/30/2009 20:29:19)

ty i might add 1 or 2 new pics but i dont wanna go crazy with decorations

generalneon -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (3/30/2009 22:06:40)

Love it, LOVE IT, LOVE IT!!! Great job!

Dark Sapphiron -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (3/31/2009 10:58:35)

Great job everyone, Immensely proud of your efforts Glacius and its Managers. You are doing real fine.
Can I suggest to use a bit more of a subtle little artworks like that little mark for AKs, maybe a squirrel for KoO/SoO ... Do something apart from color code to indicate old Leaders etc.
Something to brighten up so much text ... but don't use large images - it will overshadow the text. Anyway, I like it, good stuff so far.

Arctic Ninja -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (3/31/2009 16:24:48)

ok dark good input ill go surf the web for some little pics

Arctic Ninja -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (4/3/2009 23:18:39)


J_bn -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (4/8/2009 0:53:35)

Looks purty.

the link you have for my character is the wrong one, however. it goes to my nautican character, not my Glacius character. you may notice that the name I gave you and the name on the character do not match >.>

you can get my Glacius character from the link under my avatar.

Arctic Ninja -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (4/8/2009 16:39:03)

ok j fixed

Equilibrium82 -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (4/26/2009 4:50:42)

Forum name: Equilibrium82
Character Name: Seventh Sanctum
Character link: Under avvy

Arctic Ninja -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors/Mages/Archers/etc. (thread 3) (5/7/2009 17:50:25)

updated with a new pic

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