Ianthe -> Tacky Gumn (3/27/2009 2:06:27)
Tacky Gumn Also see other Gumn ( Tacky Z, Sticky Z, Sticky, Goopy Z, Goopy, Everlasting Guardian). Level: 44 Price: 7,500 372 Gold Sellback: 3,750 186 Gold Location: The Bloodline! Element: Water Cost: 163 MP Hits: 6 Type: Magic Element: Water Damage: 5-17 plus 86% Stats each 5-18 plus 86% Stats each BTH: +11 plus Stats each Effect:If at least one of the hits connects, then after all six hits the spell attempts to Entangle the monster. The level of the Entangle is equal to the number of hits that connected * 5. Level: 44 vs MonsterLevel Major: 105 vs MonsterSTR Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK In addition, the monster takes +(10 - 3*[Number of hits that connected]) to its roll. DESCRIPTION Warlic's magic gumn can stick your foe's feet to the floor like he's at the dirty, seedy theatre on the bad side of town! [image]http://media.artix.com/encyc/AQ/AQPedia2/Spells/Everlasting_Gumn.gif[/image] Image from ArchMagus Orodalf. Stats from infuturity, ArchMagus Orodalf, and kors.