Sticky Gumn Z (Full Version)

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Ianthe -> Sticky Gumn Z (3/27/2009 2:08:45)

Sticky Gumn Z

Also see other Gumn ( Tacky Z, Tacky, Sticky, Goopy Z, Goopy, Everlasting Guardian).

Location: The Bloodline!
Element: Water
Type	Z
Level	48
PowLvl	65
CostLvl	60

Price	1020
S <48h	918
  >48h	255

MPCost	223
Hits: 6
Type: Magic
Element: Water
Damage	9-27
Stat%	120
BTH	16
  • If at least one of the hits connects, then after all six hits the spell attempts to Entangle the monster. The level of the Entangle is equal to the number of hits that connected * 5.
      Level: 65 vs MonsterLevel
      Major: 150 vs MonsterSTR
      Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK
    @In addition, the monster takes +(10 - 3*[Number of hits that connected]) to its roll.

    Warlic's magic gumn can stick your foe's feet to the floor like he's at the dirty, seedy theatre on the bad side of town! As powerful as the level 65 Sticky Gumn spell!


    Image from ArchMagus Orodalf. Stats from infuturity, ArchMagus Orodalf, and kors.


    March 26, 2009: The spell was released.
    July 2, 2009: Damage and stat% were updated. Old stats were:
    Damage	8-26
    Stat%	114
    June 8, 2012: Spell was updated. Old stats were:
    Price	2200
    S <48h	1980
      >48h	1100
    June 15, 2017: Price and sellback were swept. Old values were:
    Price	1850
    S <48h	1665
      >48h	925

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