GreyJohn71 -> RE: =AK= All Ash/ArchKnight Discussion Thread (9/27/2009 20:21:12)
I hit the level 15 cap on Ash just trying to find some decent weapons, and I think at least some of the loot tables may have been nerfed. As an example, I’ve been through the Enchanted Grove enough times to buy an Orb of Saving, and have only gotten the following drops: Moglin Frier Ominous Floricutioner Battlerage Rod of the Fiery Fist Glass Ring Leather Ring One Ring O Ring Artix Bobblehead Doll Bloodstained Mark of Honor Safiria Signed Portrait Twilly & Zorbak Stuffed Combo I’ve given up on it. I could probably produce numbers if I worked at it, but out of a 38-item drop list, only getting a specific 12 of them seems unlikely as many times as I’ve tried to find the Astute Carver. EDIT: I should also note that never once have I seen either of his special attacks outside of the scripted scenes.