RE: Monsters (Full Version)

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Highlord Sendai -> RE: Monsters (4/3/2011 10:25:37)

Frank V.1 and Frank V.2 needs merging.

Done, thanks. [Niki]

Highlord Sendai -> RE: Monsters (4/18/2011 9:51:10)

Akriloth & Akriloth need merging.

Biff the Time Tyrant & (Possibly) Buffed-Up Biff The Time Tyrant need merging. <- Also See added

Edit: Gorgok & Gorgok need merging.

Done, thanks. [Niki]

Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: Monsters (4/19/2011 5:26:32)

Gorgok needs an entry for the version in the quest En Tropy.
Gorgok from the quest Slay Gorgok! has 3 Bonus, 1 Melee, 1 Pierce and 1 Magic extra. This version of Gorgok uses the Fire Breath for just 5mp after the very first attack.


Location: Slay Gorgok!

Level: Scaled
Element: Stone
Damage: Scaled
Damage Type: Melee

HP: Scaled
MP: Scaled

Stats: STR: 21, INT: 12, DEX: 12, END: 12, CHA: 12, LUK: 3
Defenses: Melee: 2, Pierce: 1, Magic: 1, Parry: 0, Dodge: 0, Block: 1
Offenses: Crit: 2, Bonus: 3, Boost: 0

Resistances: Stone: 50, Immobility: 50, Fire: -20, Energy: -20

Attack type 1 - Converts to Fire damage, damages ALL party members. (10mp, after the first attack this attack costs 5mp instead. Check it yourself if you don't believe me.)
Attack type 2 - Flies up to you and lands and bites you for one hit of melee damage, recovers 5mp.

Gold gained: Scaled
Experience gained: Scaled


Location: En Tropy

Level: Scaled
Element: Stone
Damage: Scaled
Damage Type: Melee

HP: Scaled
MP: Scaled

Stats: STR: 21, INT: 12, DEX: 12, END: 12, CHA: 12, LUK: 3
Defenses: Melee: 1, Pierce: 0, Magic: 0, Parry: 0, Dodge: 0, Block: 1
Offenses: Crit: 2, Bonus: 0, Boost: 0

Resistances: Stone: 50, Immobility: 50, Fire: -20, Energy: -20

Attack type 1 - Converts to Fire damage, damages ALL party members. (10mp, after the third attack this attack costs 5mp instead. Check it yourself if you don't believe me.)
Attack type 2 - Flies up to you and lands and bites you for one hit of melee damage, recovers 5mp.

Gold gained: Scaled
Experience gained: Scaled

Stephen Nix -> RE: Monsters (4/22/2011 20:04:58)

New images for new earth elemental

Attack type 1


Done by owner. [Niki]

Stephen Nix -> RE: Monsters (4/23/2011 14:21:08)

ok lets clean up the above entry a bit.......

Melee: Scaled, Pierce: Scaled, Magic: Scaled


Resistances: Wind: -50, Darkness: 50, Stone: 50

Done by owner. [Niki]

Highlord Sendai -> RE: Monsters (4/29/2011 20:30:10)

Entropic Minion needs link to Hidden Blades: Underwater

I'm a bit confused, to the first entry or the 2nd of the Entropic Minion? the quests point to the 1st entry [Niki]

The Second

Done. [Niki]

Stephen Nix -> RE: Monsters (4/30/2011 11:53:42)

Nature Elemental needs images...... and this..... Boost: 0%

Attack Type 1 - Runs up to you and slices up upwards with his hands for one hit of melee damage
Attack Type 2 - Runs up to you and then leans in to throw his arms in you for one hit of melee damage

new image as well!


Below: It was the spacing!

Done by owner. [Niki]

Highlord Sendai -> RE: Monsters (4/30/2011 12:06:23)

I'd already done Boost 0%, but rest added.

nightslayer321 -> RE: Monsters (5/9/2011 11:44:20)

Frost Goblin and Picnic Lord need be splitted. Also there are new images for them:

Frost Goblin
Picnic Lord

Dragonmaster Frostscythe and Glaisaurus need be splitted (like there is a quest where DF is alone). Also there are new images for them:

Dragonmaster Frostscythe

Slushroom (Fminion) need the name changed to Slushroom and Fminion (2)

Dravir Commander, Dravir Soldiers need the name changed to Dravir Commander and Dravir Soldier (2)

Primary Element, Elemental Servants (Water) need the name changed to Primary Element and Elemental Servant (2)

Primary Wind Element, Elemental Servants need the name changed to Primary Wind Element and Elemental Servant (2)

Primary Fire Element, Elemental Servants need the name changed to Primary Fire Element and Elemental Servant (2)

Elemental Herald and Elemental Servant (Earth) need the name changed to Elemental Herald and Elemental Servant (2)

And to find faster the boss monster in the DFpedia:

Wind Defender (2) and HuffPuff need the name changed to HuffPuf and Wind Defender (2)

Tomb Guard (2) and Tomb Watcher need the name changed to Tomb Watcher and Tomb Guard (2)

Undead Essence, Undead Extract and Undead Champion need the name changed to Undead Champion, Undead Extract and Undead Essence

Done monster splitting, thanks. ~superjars

Highlord Sendai -> RE: Monsters (5/9/2011 14:43:02)

I've been thinking about the above.

Should we split all of these monsters. (i.e. Undead Champion, Undead Extract and Undead Essence. All of them seperated to make different entries as they are indeed different monsters)

nightslayer321 -> RE: Monsters (5/9/2011 15:24:00)

@Sendai: I can answer it! When a group of monsters what always are together (like "Frostscythe and Glaisaurus", or all the "9 headed hydra"), then they are in one thread together. But if in a quest there is a single monster without the other group monsters (example for the "Frost Goblin and Picnic Lord", there are quests where the frost goblin is alone) then they must be splitted.

EDIT 1: Only now i noted what taking this explanation, En and Tropy could be in one thread. Same thing for Entropy Dragon and Titan Trey.

Highlord Sendai -> RE: Monsters (5/9/2011 15:49:00)

I don't think it should work like that (With exception of Monsters such as the 9 Headed Hydra.)

If a Monster, for instance, Wind Defender (2) and HuffPuff are both seperate monsters. And if someone comes to the Pedia looking for a certain monster such as Wind Defender, then they should have to look for Wind Defender instead of HuffPuff to make it easier for them and us as Dragonpedia Masters to find them and link them if need.

Niki -> RE: Monsters (5/9/2011 18:14:03)

One reason for putting the monsters in one thread was the problem of getting separated image of each individual.
I'm in favor of splitting any monster entry that has a different name into its own thread.

The ErosionSeeker -> RE: Monsters (5/9/2011 22:15:41)

en and tropy are seperate in the quest where they debut.

i say buffed enemies like Hidden Blade bosses should have alternate sections (not threads, mind you), because they are the same enemy that is slightly different, but not enough to be be like Entropic Earth and Entropic Earth Boss.

Stephen Nix -> RE: Monsters (5/10/2011 0:04:05)

I might as well speak for myself......

Isn't the reason we made the threads attacked to one another was because they were just in the same quest? I say if they now have another quest to be issued for....then it should be separated.....but as long as the other entry hooks up with that same quest then they remain in the same place IMO.

Examples.....everything works with examples.....

En and Tropy........ they should be kept together because they are in the same quests over and over!
Picnic Lord and Frost Goblin....... should be separated because Frost Goblin is known to be in other quests than say Picnic Lord

See where I'm going with this?

nightslayer321 -> RE: Monsters (5/10/2011 3:14:10)


en and tropy are seperate in the quest where they debut.

Oh yeah, i completely forgot about it. So they are ok.


One reason for putting the monsters in one thread was the problem of getting separated image of each individual.

Well, actually i can do it easy, so if we decide to split threads, i can help with the images!

Niki -> RE: Monsters (5/10/2011 3:16:07)

New entries should have a separated thread for each mob (just in case it will be reused in the future as a stand a lone).
Old entries with the same quests should be left as is. Title should be renamed to place the middle/stronger boss in front.
Old entries with each mob have its own quests should be split.

Highlord Sendai -> RE: Monsters (5/14/2011 8:58:58)

Entropic Minion 2 needs all the same Locations as the first one.

Done, thanks. [Niki]

Stephen Nix -> RE: Monsters (5/17/2011 17:02:13)

Entrophic Soldier needs a new image....


Err, Entropic Soldier has green light shining from its visor. [Niki]

oops wrong one.... :(


Stephen Nix -> RE: Monsters (5/20/2011 17:29:13)

Beast of War <- That should be the name! <- I prefer to have monsters with different names in different threads.

secondly......attack images....

Attack Type 1 - Runs up to you and swings his hand up for one hit of melee damage
Attack Type 2 - Runs up to you and swings his hand up for one hit then hits you for 2 total hits of melee damage
Attack Type 3 - Runs up to you and throws his hands through you for one hit of melee damage
Attack Type 4 - Runs up to you and swings his hand up for one hit then throws his hands through you for 4 total hits of melee damage

Also this version of monster has an Epic version or Extreme version of him <- I don't see such names in game, see my first note

new image....


Done, thanks. [Niki]

Peachii -> RE: Monsters (5/20/2011 19:15:26)

Both Boss Monsters (Beast of War/Elite Beast of War) from Beast of War Quest needs titan battle tag

Done, thanks. [Niki]

Highlord Sendai -> RE: Monsters (5/21/2011 8:38:41)

Fluffy needs,
HP: 1500600

Done, thanks. [Niki]

Highlord Sendai -> RE: Monsters (5/22/2011 9:53:29)

Sneevil needs Dementons Treat in Locations.

Titan Chickencow needs to be just Titan Chickencow, remove everything past the /s and should have,
Also See: Epic Titan Chickencow

Done, thanks. [Niki]

nightslayer321 -> RE: Monsters (5/23/2011 6:59:41)

New information for Sepulchure:

Stats: STR: 666, INT: 666, DEX: 666, END: 666, CHA: 666, LUK: 666, WIS: 0
Defenses: Melee: scaled, Pierce: scaled, Magic: scaled, Parry: 666, Dodge: 666, Block: 666
Offenses: Crit: 2, Bonus: scaled, Boost: 0%

Resistances: Immobility: 100, All: 99

Attack type 1 - Sepulchure attacks with his blade for 2 hits of darkness damage, and have a chance to put you to sleep.
Attack type 2 - Sepulchure hits you with darkness beams for 4 hits of darkness damage, and have a chance to give you the 'Mana Leach' condition: 1500-200 mana stealed for 10 turns.
Attack type 3 - Sepulchure laughs and you receive 1 hit of darkness damage, and he give you the 'Taunt' condition: -50 Powerboost for 5 turns.
Attack type 4 - Sepulchure levitates and several Shadowscythe claws go down to you, and later he attacks you with his blade, for 2 hits of darkness damage.
Attack type 5 - Sepulchure lauch to you a giant darkness beam for 1 hit of darkness damage and give you the 'Necrotic Warmth' condition: +random heal for 3 turns.
Attack type 6 - Sepulchure says "I Saw that" and

Gold gained: 0
Experience gained: 0

Done, thanks. [Niki]

Working on...

Stephen Nix -> RE: Monsters (5/23/2011 11:40:40)

Along with the above...... he needs a Friday the 13th Banner

Done, thanks. [Niki]

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