RE: Monsters (Full Version)

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Jorath -> RE: Monsters (12/27/2011 6:49:41)

Eyeball still needs one correction, specifically Stats, Defenses and Offenses:

Stats: STR: 0, INT: 0, DEX: 0, END: 0, CHA: 0, LUK: 0, WIS: 0
Defenses: Melee: 0, Pierce: 0, Magic: 0, Parry: 0, Dodge: 0, Block: 0
Offenses: Crit: 0, Bonus: 0, Boost: 0%

Aurusfly, Goldtog, Gold Digger and Golden Nugget needs to hide the edit.

Perception Embodiment, Will Embodiment, Might Embodiment, Arrrghus, Goldeneye -> WIS: 0
Molten Gold Elemental, Goldillaphant, Baron AuMydas, Beez, Blackwyn Lich, Frank, Frank (Boss) -> WIS: 0

Alpha, Azzakedellya, Boveox, Frost Drake -> WIS: 0, Pierce: 0
Flamewing -> Pierce: 0
Goldeneye -> WIS: 0, Boost: 0%
Boros, Venomking -> WIS: 0, Pierce: 10
Fire Elemental of Doom, Elite Sneenja, Fungal Escorts and Imperial Fungus -> WIS: 0, Pierce: 5

Edgar -> WIS: 0, Pierce: 0, Boost: 0%
Crawler (All Versions) -> CHA: 0, WIS: 0, Pierce: 2, Boost: 0%
Awdreetoo, Boggabus, Forest Tog -> WIS: 0, Pierce: 5, Boost: 0%
Avalanche, Rockslide, Mudslide, Mother Wolf, Alpha Wolf, Beta Wolf -> WIS: 0, Pierce: 5, Boost: 0%
Elemental Herald and Elemental Servant -> WIS: 0, Pierce: 5

Done, thanks. [Niki]

Jorath -> RE: Monsters (12/27/2011 20:13:41)

Biff, the Time Tyrant -> WIS: 0, Pierce: 2
ChaosWeaver Queen -> WIS: 0
Titan Trey, Epic Titan Trey -> WIS: 0
Entropy Dragon, Epic Entropy Dragon -> WIS: 0
King Braken, Honda -> WIS: 0, Pierce: 0, Boost: 0%

Heart of Odium -> CHA: 2, WIS: 0, Pierce: 0, Boost: 0%
Frostenstein -> WIS: 0, Pierce: 3, Gold gained: 0 <- 0 Gold on "We're Gonna Need More Fire..." and Scaled (I got 5 Gold at level 70) in "Mayonnaise Cubed"
Ice Dragon Golem -> WIS: 0, Pierce: 5, Experience gained: Scaled
Jack-O-Titan, Jack-O-Dragon -> WIS: 0, Pierce: 0

Done, thanks. [Niki]

bobtehnoob -> RE: Monsters (12/30/2011 20:08:02)

akriloth automatically has the debuff, even if you destroyed the claymore...

Jorath -> RE: Monsters (12/30/2011 20:33:13)

Buffed-Up Biff the Time Tyrant needs updated alternate Attack-3 and 4 images:

Attack-3 Alternative Image
Attack-4 Alternative Image

Vizalain Protector -> WIS: 0, Pierce: 5
Undead Essence, Undead Extract and Undead Champion, Mae Pi -> WIS: 0, Pierce: 0

Done, thanks. [Niki]

Jorath -> RE: Monsters (1/1/2012 11:17:12)

Haeos, Temblor, Fiamme, Celeritas, Voidstar, Khazri, Neso, Kyanos -> WIS: 0, Pierce: 4, Gold gained: Scaled, Experience gained: Scaled (104 exp, 7 Gold at level 70)

Buffed-Up Biff the Time Tyrant needs Gold gained: 83, Experience gained: 2211.
RAWRGOBBLE (Non-titan Version) -> WIS: 0, Pierce: 0

Done, thanks. [Niki]

Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: Monsters (1/1/2012 11:24:29)

Rolith has the same picture twice for attack 2 and 2.5.

Done by owner. [Niki]

Jorath -> RE: Monsters (1/3/2012 17:54:25)

A Named Elemental needs some corrections for each elemental in the second post:

Named Elemental

Location: A Named Elemental

Element: Fire
Level: Scaled
Damage: Scaled
Damage Type: Melee

HP: Scaled
MP: Scaled

Stats: STR: 0, INT: 0, DEX: 0, END: 0, CHA: 0, LUK: 0, WIS: 0
Defenses: Melee: 5, Pierce: 5, Magic: 5, Parry: 0, Dodge: 0, Block: 0
Offenses: Crit: 2, Bonus: 0, Boost: 0%

Resistances: Water: -100, Ice: -50, Fire: 200

Gold gained: Scaled
Experience gained: Scaled

Named Elemental

Location: A Named Elemental

Element: Water
Level: Scaled
Damage: Scaled
Damage Type: Melee

HP: Scaled
MP: Scaled

Stats: STR: 0, INT: 0, DEX: 0, END: 0, CHA: 0, LUK: 0, WIS: 0
Defenses: Melee: 1, Pierce: 0, Magic: 0, Parry: 0, Dodge: 0, Block: 0
Offenses: Crit: 1, Bonus: 0, Boost: 0%

Resistances: Energy: -50, Fire: -50, Ice: 25, Water: 200

Gold gained: Scaled
Experience gained: Scaled

Named Elemental

Location: A Named Elemental

Element: Stone
Level: Scaled
Damage: Scaled
Damage Type: Melee

HP: Scaled
MP: Scaled

Stats: STR: 0, INT: 0, DEX: 0, END: 0, CHA: 0, LUK: 0, WIS: 0
Defenses: Melee: 0, Pierce: 0, Magic: 0, Parry: 0, Dodge: 0, Block: 5
Offenses: Crit: 4, Bonus: 0, Boost: 0%

Resistances: Wind: -50, Stone: 200

Gold gained: Scaled
Experience gained: Scaled

Named Elemental

Location: A Named Elemental

Element: Wind
Level: Scaled
Damage: Scaled
Damage Type: Melee

HP: Scaled
MP: Scaled

Stats: STR: 0, INT: 0, DEX: 0, END: 0, CHA: 0, LUK: 0, WIS: 0
Defenses: Melee: 2, Pierce: 0, Magic: 0, Parry: 0, Dodge: 5, Block: 0
Offenses: Crit: 2, Bonus: 0, Boost: 0%

Resistances: Stone: -50, Wind: 200

Gold gained: Scaled
Experience gained: Scaled

Note: The name of each elemental changes randomly each time.

Done, thanks! ~Peachii

Jorath -> RE: Monsters (1/8/2012 17:58:08)

Raging Boar, Red Spectre, Grrrberus -> WIS: 0, Melee: Scaled, Pierce: Scaled, Magic: Scaled, Bonus: Scaled
Void Spawn -> WIS: 0, Melee: Scaled, Pierce: Scaled, Magic: Scaled, Bonus: Scaled, Damage Type: Melee

Decadere Youngling -> ???: 20
Shadowhound -> WIS: 0, Melee: Scaled, Pierce: Scaled, Magic: Scaled, Block: 1, Bonus: Scaled
Necroslime -> Melee: Scaled, Pierce: Scaled, Magic: Scaled, Bonus: Scaled

Void Elemental -> WIS: 0, Melee: Scaled, Pierce: Scaled, Magic: Scaled, Bonus: Scaled
Void Elemental's Attack type 2 correction - Leans back and blasts you with void damage for 2 hits of melee damage

Young Creatioux -> WIS: 0, Melee: Scaled, Pierce: Scaled, Magic: Scaled, Bonus: Scaled
Decadere Guard, Decadere Eldest, Creatioux Eldest, Elucidas -> WIS: 0

All done (some by owner), thanks! ~Peachii

Jorath -> RE: Monsters (1/9/2012 14:35:39)

Hydrahok, Gary the Ice Elf, Chillxy -> WIS: 0, Pierce: 5
Hydra Head #2 and #3, Ice Dragon General -> WIS: 0, Pierce: 0
Ice Elf Warrior -> WIS: 0, Pierce: 5, link correction: To Dragesvard
Frozard -> WIS: 0

Titan Water Elemental, Titan Earth Elemental, Titan Energy Elemental, Titan Fire Elemental -> WIS: 0, Pierce: 5, Experience gained: Scaled, Gold: Scaled (2420 EXP, 364 Gold at level 70.)
Titan Wind Elemental, Titan Ice Elemental -> WIS: 0, Pierce: 0, Experience gained: Scaled, Gold: Scaled

Done, thanks. [Niki]

Jorath -> RE: Monsters (1/9/2012 18:36:36)

Primary Element and Elemental Servant -> WIS: 0, Pierce: 5, Boost: 0%, Experience gained: Scaled, Gold gained: Scaled (219 EXP, 8 Gold)*
Klaatu & Nicto -> WIS: 0, Melee: Scaled, Pierce: Scaled, Magic: Scaled, Bonus: Scaled
Necromancer & Verata -> WIS: 0, Melee: Scaled, Pierce: Scaled, Magic: Scaled, Bonus: Scaled

Orange, Blueberry, Cherry and Schnozzberry needs their Stats, Defenses and Offenses correction:

Stats: STR: 0, INT: 0, DEX: 0, END: 0, CHA: 0, LUK: 0, WIS: 0
Defenses: Melee: Scaled, Pierce: Scaled, Magic: Scaled, Parry: 0, Dodge: 0, Block: 0
Offenses: Crit: 2, Bonus: Scaled, Boost: 0%

Those values are found when using the X-Boost, which the Pedia doesn't use. I redid the quest and found the values to be 199 XP, 7 Gold, which were still different to the original values in the entry.

All done, thanks. [Jay]

Gingkage -> RE: Monsters (1/13/2012 19:45:31)

I'm not sure if I'm doing this right. If I mess up somewhere, I apologize.


Location: Rift War

Level: Scaled
Element: Fire
Damage Type: Melee

HP: Scaled
MP: Scaled

Stats: STR: 5, INT: 0, DEX: 0, END: 0, CHA: 0, LUK: 0, WIS: 0
Defenses: Melee: 7, Pierce: 7, Magic: 7, Parry: 0, Dodge: 2, Block: 0
Offenses: Crit: 3, Bonus: 14, Boost: 0%

Resistances: Immobility: 80, Stone: 30, Wood: 30, Fire: 30, Ice: -20, Water: -30 – Kilhoh Runs up to you, jumps in the air, and kicks you. – Kilhoh points at you and laughs; effect: Blind for four turns.
(Continue if needed)

Gold gained: Scaled
Experience gained: Scaled


Done by Peachii. Take a look at that entry to see how it should look like. When you post images, make sure they are less than 75KB is size and taken is best resolution. [Niki]

Onyx Darkmatter -> RE: Monsters (1/21/2012 21:42:57)

Grams entry's images are outdated, i have the Doomknight version but not the original.
If this image is right for you, then feel free to use it. Clicky!
P.S: I'm not sure if this is the right place to post it tough. =X

They're not outdated. The links are moved by the images' main owner which cause them to become broken, and will be fixed once he provides an updated one. ~Peachii

Stephen Nix -> RE: Monsters (2/17/2012 22:20:12)

Fire Spider number of things done to this entry.....

It is no longer retired, so no rare sign
Bonus: 1
needs attack images....

Attack type 1 - Runs up to you and throws its arms towards you for one hit of melee damage

Done, thanks. ~Peachii

Stephen Nix -> RE: Monsters (3/30/2012 21:48:19)

Swordhaven Knight needs an Alexander Saga tag

Done, thanks. ~Leon

Stephen Nix -> RE: Monsters (4/20/2012 21:04:18)

Fiamme needs some updating.....

Everything is now scaled....

Attack Type 1 - Walks over to you and summons flames to ignite over you for 4 hits of 100% Melee Fire damage
Attack Type 2 - Walks over to you and summons a fireball to hit you from above for one hit of 100% Melee Fire damage

Immobility: 75, Ice: -20, Water: -20 needs to be under resistances

New image...


Should we make a separate entry?

Yes, it would be better (Done) [Niki]

Stephen Nix -> RE: Monsters (4/24/2012 16:10:06)

Bear (Beast) needs better images...

Attack Type 1 - Crawls up to you and bites you for one hit of 100% Melee Damage
Attack Type 2 - Crawls up to you and uses its arms to throw down on you for one hit of 100% Melee Damage

Newer image...


Biter needs better attack images...

Attack Type 1 / 1.2 - Flies at you and slams into you and then flips back around and flies through you again for two hits of 100% Melee Stone Damage
Attack Type 2 - Flies at you and back-flips on you for one hit of 100% Melee Stone Damage

Boggabus needs the alternative image switched for main image

Buccaneer has a very confusing attack description and I believe the attack images are mixed switch around Attack Type 1 and 2 images, and add these as the descriptions....

Attack Type 1 - He runs up to you and slashes you at the same time so does his parrot for two hits of 100% Melee Metal damage
Attack Type 2 - As the Buccaneer laughs, his parrot flies through you for one hit of 100% Melee Metal damage

Burrlap needs new attack images, and descriptions...

Attack Type 1 - Floats towards you and does an agile back-flip on you for one hit of 100% Melee Darkness damage
Attack Type 2 - Floats towards you and summons dark spirits to attack you for one hit of 100% Melee Darkness damage

Done, thanks. ~Leon

Stephen Nix -> RE: Monsters (4/26/2012 17:11:33)

Gananana his damage isn't Scaled, it should be 27-41

The damage range for Gananana differs each time (I get 31-37), I've changed it to 'Varied' instead.

Cave Chomper needs a much smaller image...


Cave Creeper needs new attacks...

Attack Type 1 - Crawls up to you and shoots a web at you for one hit of 100% Melee Poison damage (Chance to Stun for 2 turns)
Attack Type 2 - Crawls up to you and kicks you for one hit of 100% Melee Poison damage

Gargoyle needs 1 new attack image and better descriptions...also needs Scaled for Gold and XP

Attack Type 1 - Takes one step and as it lowers its head the eyes glow bright blue as a giant spike is summoned to hit you for one hit of 100% Melee Stone damage
Attack Type 2 - Runs up to you and jumps in the air and lands on you for one hit of 100% Melee Stone damage

Gold gained: 5 / Scaled
Experience gained: 90 / Scaled

Done, thanks. ~Leon

Dragonman -> RE: Monsters (4/30/2012 18:30:35)

Drakath (Human) should have Jewel of the Four Winds on it's locations

Done, thanks. [Niki]

Stephen Nix -> RE: Monsters (5/2/2012 23:33:56)

Green Tog needs the Defenses to say Scaled and same can be said for Bonus

Jacque needs better attack images....

Attack Type 1 - Walks up to you and claws you for one hit of 80% Melee Wind damage
Attack Type 2 - Breaths on you dealing one hit of 100% Melee Wind damage
Attack Type 3 - Steps on you dealing one hit of 100% Melee Wind damage (Chance to stun you for 2 turns)

Junkyard Driller, Scrapyard Trog and Mega Junkyard Driller need the correct Attack 2

The real image is here...

Attack Type 2

Mega Doom Cola Machine needs new attack images....

Attack Type 1 - Transforms into a cola machine and lands on top of you for one hit of 100% Melee Darkness damage
Attack Type 2 - Walks up to you and fires purple and green acid/cola at you for one hit of 100% Melee Darkness damage

Doom Cola Machine just needs better attack descriptions!

Killy Willy needs the Defense of Range to change to Pierce

L.D. Monkey The monster's name is different from the actual title.... the real name is L.D. Monkee

Pirate Monkey same as above.... the real name is Pirate Monkee

Done by Leon ShadowHart. [Niki]

Highlord Sendai -> RE: Monsters (5/5/2012 14:28:19)

Excuse me, regarding my guide, since it's on the Monsters Forum, I wasn't sure if to ask about it here or the Guides page.

Anyhow, can you remove this part of my guide.

It is deleted. [Niki]

Stephen Nix -> RE: Monsters (5/8/2012 16:52:17)

Lava Titan Xan needs his images switched around for the attacks

Lava Wisp needs Melee, Pierce, Magic and Bonus to read Scaled

MajorGeneral needs new attack images and main image...

It also has 10 Melee

Attack Type 1 - Walks up to you and smashes his head into you for one hit of 100% Melee Nature damage
Attack Type 2 - Walks up to you and throws an uppercut at you for one hit of 100% Melee Nature damage


Done, thanks! ~Peachii

Womba -> RE: Monsters (5/18/2012 18:56:15)

New monster that can be found in the Deepest Neverglades... named Snuffleant

-40 to light and 80 to darkness for its resistances.

It's kind of pretty to.


Done, thanks. [Jay]

Stephen Nix -> RE: Monsters (5/19/2012 17:34:42)

Snuffleant Such a good first monster entry I believe Jay........just the defenses and bonus should be Scaled

Done, thanks. [Jay]

Stephen Nix -> RE: Monsters (5/21/2012 20:25:49)

Ribald needs the alt image switched for the main image, and also new attacks...

Attack Type 1 - Runs up to you and jumps and kicks you for one hit of 100% Melee Nature damage
Attack Type 2 - Runs up to you and head butts you for one hit of 100% Melee Nature damage

Done. ~Leon

Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: Monsters (6/23/2012 5:48:43)

Dirty Sockmonkey needs Dreamscape added to its locations.


You can find this enemy when on the screen before the sulfur lake by walking to the "crate"-thing.

Done, thanks. ~Leon

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