Lord Darkovia
Necroslime Elemental Location: Battle For Moonridge!, The Body Shop, Mirror, Mirror, No Horsing Around, Into the Void..., A Bridge Forms, A Dark Letter, SnackinLand, That's THAT! Level: Scaled Element: Poison Damage: Scaled Damage Type: Melee HP: Scaled MP: Scaled Stats: STR: 0, INT: 0, DEX: 0, END: 0, CHA: 0, LUK: 0, WIS: 0 Defenses: Melee: Scaled, Pierce: Scaled, Magic: Scaled, Parry: 0, Dodge: 0, Block: 0 Offenses: Crit: 5, Bonus: Scaled, Boost: 0% Resistances: Fire: -50, Darkness: 90, Poison: 200 Attack Type 1.1, 1.2 - "Poison Hammer " (1 Hit / Melee / Poison) Attack Type 2 - "Poison Strike" (1 Hit / Melee / Poison) Gold gained: Scaled Experience gained: Scaled Alternative Frostval 2012 Image Thanks to -- Stephen Nix for alternative frostvale image and corrections. -- Leon ShadowHart for corrections. -- Nitewolf for Attack-2 image.
< Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 10/23/2021 2:05:56 >