Information for DragonPedia Masters (Full Version)

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pjc -> Information for DragonPedia Masters (4/10/2009 16:28:21)

DragonPedia Masters!

The Dragonpedia Masters is a forum group (with a questionable name) dedicated to helping create new and updated entries in the DF Encyclopedia. Members of this group will be able to post and reply to existing threads, just as they could in the old DF Encyclopedia format.

To join the DragonPedia Masters, you will need to do the following:

1) Read and agree to follow the DF Pedia and Info Submission Guidelines.
2) Click the Members link at the top of the page.
3) Click the View All Groups button.
4) Scroll down until you see the DragonPedia Masters group (it's near the bottom of the list).
5) Click the "Join" button you'll see on the far right of the page. (This will put you in pending status)
6) [image][/image] Karika will process your application and accept you.

Pretty easy, right? Well, there is one catch. You will be expected to follow the rules laid out in the DF Pedia and Info Submission Guidelines. Failure to do so, or any abuse of your posting privileges (like spamming, posting inappropriate content, etc...), will result in you being removed from the DragonPedia Masters group.

There's no requirement to post a specific amount of times or anything, so don't feel like you have to post constantly to stay in the group... if you make one entry and then never post again, we'll still appreciate your input and be happy that you wanted to help.

The DragonPedia Master Rules/Guidelines

As a DragonPedia Master, you now have the ability to post entries in the DF Encyclopedia! However, with this position comes responsibility.
Make sure you have read the following rules and guidelines before you start making new posts.

These are the basic rules that you should already be aware of.

1. As always, all Universal Rules apply.
2. Upon signing up, you agree to follow all the DF Pedia & Info Submission Rules.
3. You have been given posting privileges. If we feel that you are abusing them, we have the right to warn you and/or remove you from the group at any time.
4. You must use the Posting Templates provided when making new entries. Please do not alter these unless an AK/Mod explicitly states otherwise.
5. As always, the AKs and Mods of this forum have the final say in all matters.

Posting entries and entry management

Come release nights, it is the responsibility of the DragonPedia Masters to post up the new entries. We'd like to get as many people as possible involved in this process as we can! If you see an entry that needs creating, please feel free to dive right in and make it. However, please take note of a few points when doing so:

1. It isn't a race! If you know someone else is working on an entry, let them. Just because someone beats you to a post doesn't mean it's the end of the world. If someone has posted the same entry as you, please leave yours up. We will deal with the issue as soon as we can.

2. Don't be afraid to help out. If another DPM has posted some incorrect information, you can always PM them to let them know. Alternatively, you can use the Info Submissions forum, which is always there if it isn't too urgent.

3. You are welcome to use information posted in the Info Submissions forum by non-DPMs as well as anything provided to you. However, any information you take, you must give credit for! An italicised line at the bottom of your entry is enough. Using someone else's info and making it look like you found it yourself is plagiarism, and will result in your posting privileges being removed.

4. Please treat your entry like you would your own property. You are responsible for keeping it up-to-date and checking for any new information.

We hope you enjoy helping to manage the Encyclopedia. As always, the DF Pedia AKs/Mods (list can be found here) are available for contact if you have any questions, issues or concerns!

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