=MtAK= Icy--The Awesome Glacial AK. (Full Version)

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Icy -> =MtAK= Icy--The Awesome Glacial AK. (5/3/2009 21:09:18)

Hello everyone. :D
I'm one of the new ArchKnights of Newbie Help.

All Universal Rules apply.
1. I reserve the right to not answer and delete questions.
2. 10 questions per post.
3. You can post once per page.
4. I will Edit in this awesome color!

I think that is it. Fire away!

Smalls -> RE: =MtAKs= Icy--The Awesome Glacial AK. (5/3/2009 21:11:23)

Get on partah nao!
Iz willz
Congratz man!
Umm err The Killers?
Who died?
How's the shackles?
Hot, but nice,...and they put me by Burn. :O
Anyway, I'll bombard ya on IRC,
Alrighty, Can't wait. :D

THIS_IS_SPARTA -> RE: =MtAKs= Icy--The Awesome Glacial AK. (5/3/2009 21:11:39)

Congrats on AKship dude.
I wont torture you.
Why? It is fun. :D
Good luck with it tough, i heard they put u in a ak cell with no food there :p
Thanks! Munchy feeds me good though. :D

Viking_Jorun -> RE: =MtAK= Icy--The Awesome Glacial AK. (5/3/2009 21:16:47)

Icy! >:D Axe polisher #1! >:D
But, you have two others. :)
How's polishing my axe? :P
I keep it shinny, and my time is almost done.
How's them shackles?
Hot, but good. :)
What color are they?
Flame colored, a lot like Burn. :O
How is it like being Burn's polar opposite? :P
Well, that's all. Have fun.
Thanks! :)

Crimzon5 -> RE: =MtAKs= Icy--The Awesome Glacial AK. (5/3/2009 21:18:33)

Hey! You stole IceMaster Yeti's nickname!
Well, he doesn't mind...to much. :D
AH well
1) Why is it MtAKs? There's only one of you, right???!!! *suspicious eyes*
I iz many, but I changed it. :)
2) Dont polish Viking's axe
He makes me. D:
3) Polish my katana, k?
Only if you make me. :P
4) What kind of digimon are you?
Zank said I was a Ice/Wind something, but I don't remember.
5) Congrats!

Ash -> RE: =MtAKs= Icy--The Awesome Glacial AK. (5/3/2009 21:23:14)

Well I don't know you as well as tflo over there but I'll post here too. =P
Thanks for stopping by. :D
Did you pick icy because Burn already had the fire side covered?
Well, my name was icemanx, but I changed to Icy since I liked it better. It was before Burn became a AK..I think. :)
Interesting Avy...a water dragon and a phoenix?
Ice VS Fire. I think it is like me and Burn. >:D
If it takes a pizza 20 minuets to cook and the delivery time is 40 minutes after the person called, if they ordered peperoni will they get 12 slices?
I would guess 8 slices because most pizza have that.
Well that's it for me...I ask very few questions. [:D]
Thanks! See you around!

bigwavedave -> RE: =MtAKs= Icy--The Awesome Glacial AK. (5/3/2009 21:25:52)

1. Where do you even get axe polish?
Well, way up in the Mountains, there aren't many stores, especially because V_J raided them all. So, you have to make it using the juices of roots and berries, then add water and viola, Polish.
2. If you could be a tree, which tree would you be and why?
A giant sequoia because they are teh best. :D
3 Betcha didn't see that question, did you?
I saw it before I saw this one.
4. Have you already given up on trying to get the shackles off?
Long time ago...resistance is futile...
5. Puppies or kitties?
6. If you could meet one person in the world, who would you meet?
Well, that's about it. I hope you are happy in your cell, sucker!
Thanks! You too. :P

ILmaster13 -> RE: =MtAKs= Icy--The Awesome Glacial AK. (5/3/2009 21:27:55)

Hiyas Icy or "icemanx".
Heya :D
WhAtS sHaLlS yOuS dOs IfS iS wRiTeS iNs YoUrS colors?
You are editing in my color? really? :P
What does this image do to your eyes?
I see a picture with white dots and a black backround.
Spam! Or is it?
Yummy. :D
Your color is so similar to tflo's color.
Hmm, he copied me. :D
Here is your pie. *Hands Icy a pie*
Rawr!! Yummy.
Now that you have it do you mind going over that store and paying for it?
You mean....money?
Ah, so close. tflo posted his 1 minute and 1 second before yours.
Yesh, but I was a AK 3 days before. :)
What color are your shackles??
Why am I asking questions?
Why am I answering. :O
It seems was like it was only yesterday that you were just helpful. XD (or was it?)
I was Helpful! one month before AK.
"Flying is throwing yourself at the ground and missing" Is this true? Shall you test it?
Flying is not falling.
Good luck with NH!
P.S I feels a competition between you and tflo.
Nah, we are best friends really. :D

Coyote -> RE: =MtAKs= Icy--The Awesome Glacial AK. (5/3/2009 21:42:47)

Hello! Congrats on getting AK'd! =D
Thanks Foxote! :)
Crazy Coyote, Vafrous Vulpix, or Renascent Renamon?
I'll go with: Crazyvulpixrenamonfoyotefafrousrenascent. :P
Ins't it azmnaig how you can raed tihs? It's an aswmoee ticrk of the mnid, wrhee if you keep the fsrit and lsat lterets of erevy wrod, but mix up the rest of tehm, you can slitl raed. =D
Yesh, it iz becazue I iz amzaingz
I, personally, find it very convenient to carry your fists and feet as weapons. That way, you don't have to carry around big, bulky axes, or katanas, or stuff that requires polishing and therefore slave labor to polish them.
I totally agree. Why weapons...when I have the whole element of Ice on my side.
That being said, when you're done, polish my nails. (Claws. Whatever.) =P
Only if you make me. :P
Do you play an instrument?
Guess what instrument I play and what voice part I sing. =P
Hmm, guitar and tenner or alto.
I'll be back later.
Orly?...you better. :P

DA Holder67 -> RE: =MtAKs= Icy--The Awesome Glacial AK. (5/3/2009 21:47:15)

Oh my god,Icy AKA the most Helpful Forumite ever is finally an AK!
Thanks! But I'm not the most Helpful ever. There are some pretty great people out there.
1.Favorite Band?
I like to many. One Republic is okay.
2.Which GEARS house is your favorite?
I have characters in all of them. RuneHawk is my main, but probably MR.
3.Did you have a heart attack when you saw you were an AK?
No, but my heart beat jumped to 200.
4.Do you like Manga and Anime?
5.Favorite AE Game?
MQ, but I play them all and they are great!
6.Favorite Video game?
Halo 1.
7.Weapon of Choice?
In MQ, Psycho Punch. DF, Brothers Blood. AQ, Asguardian Blade. AQW, Star Sword.
8.Do you hang out in the OOC?
Every once in awhile. It is a cool place.
9.Favorite AK other then yourself?
Sorry, I can't answer this, on the grounds that it might be used to incriminate me. :P

10.Pirates or Ninjas?
I'm kidda a ninja guy. But I fight for both in the wars. :D

Well,That's all you'll allow me. About time you became a AK. Keep on Keepin' on.
Thanks! You can come back next page. :)

tflo -> RE: =MtAKs= Icy--The Awesome Glacial AK. (5/3/2009 21:48:22)

tflo!!!! Nowai. Hai!!
Wantz to sharez a cell?
Surez, I don't bite. :P
Get back to work >:O
You insubordinate AK!!! >:D
Congrats, cya around :)
Thanks! You too. :)

Saojun -> RE: =MtAKs= Icy--The Awesome Glacial AK. (5/3/2009 21:54:31)

Fufu... The trend of "Helpful"s becoming AKs is continuing... So it seems. :P (I know as I've been through that phase before)
Congrats Icy. You've rightfully earned it. Thanks Saojun!
Enjoy them shacklez. And see you around in AQW. [:)] Thanks, see you there. :D

@tflo: You can hijack his thread, you know. *evil grin*
NOES!!! He can't!!! Rawr!
Congrats to you on your promotion too.
Hmm, I think I need to hijack his thread... >:D

Beowolve -> RE: =MtAKs= Icy--The Awesome Glacial AK. (5/3/2009 21:55:09)

Congratz man!
How does it feel?
How is your cell?
2x2x2 and by Burn. Fortunately, my Icy awesomeness is enough to block out his fiery evil!! >:D
Who recruited you?
The wonderful and awesome Circe!!!! :D
Cya round!

SDF -> RE: =MtAKs= Icy--The Awesome Glacial AK. (5/3/2009 22:30:23)

Hello Icy!!
Hello SDF!! :)
Why is it so cold in newbie help now?
Because that's how I role. :P
Do you like it when twilly heals you?
Yesh. So nice in AQ.
What happens I get a heater in here?
I will destroy it. >:D
Why im I asking these questions?
Why am I answering?
Why is twilly holding a poison dart? why is he aiming at me?
It is his ebil clone.
Why did you say "fire away" when it will make you melt since your Icy!
Well, because I want the fire 'away' from me. :)
Gratz on the AK rank

Crowned Sorcerer -> RE: =MtAKs= Icy--The Awesome Glacial AK. (5/4/2009 0:04:18)

congratz on being an ak.
Do u like fat pigs?
I like medium pigs.
Do u like bacon?
It can be yummy if cooked right.
would u like to stay on an icy wasteland?
Wouldn't be to bad.

raff -> RE: =MtAKs= Icy--The Awesome Glacial AK. (5/4/2009 0:10:04)

Gratz =D
Do you like PIE?
Most, but not all.
Do you think shiny car keys are awesome?
Better then dull. :)
PIE and more PIEZ : eBil or eVil ?
Both have their purpose. I'll go with eBil.

PD -> RE: =MtAKs= Icy--The Awesome Glacial AK. (5/4/2009 0:13:46)

Hi icemanx Uh, I mean Icy!
Heya venturer90! Shh...who remembers my old name anyway. :D
Congrats on the AK title!
Have you seen my two guides in the MQ Guides forums? What do you think of them?
Yesh, I have. I like them both. Especially the ThunderHammer one. I've quoted it in MQ Q&A because it works well! :)
Do you like the new and rare Strider Mecha?
Yep. Not as good as Clown. But it is a keeper.
I was on a 3 day trip. Too bad I couldn't witness your abduction....
It happened fast.
Until next time, See ya Later!

V -> RE: =MtAKs= Icy--The Awesome Glacial AK. (5/4/2009 0:22:37)

Grats on the ak-ship!
Salted Rhombuses or Kittens?
I'll go with Kittens!
Cold or Shiver?
Cold. I leave Shiver to Shimmer Soul. :)
Glacier or Snow?
Glacier. Snow is Shimmers as well.
Icicles or Icecubes?
I just named my pet Icecube, so that one. :P
Anyways, grats ;D

emo zsero -> RE: =MtAK= Icy--The Awesome Glacial AK. (5/4/2009 0:49:16)

are you icemasters yeti's side kick?
Well, I wouldn't kick his side. :P
take this for goodluck![sm=feiertag-smiley-007.gif][sm=fun_08.gif]

rjgwapo -> RE: =MtAK= Icy--The Awesome Glacial AK. (5/4/2009 1:09:45)

were you icemanx?
Maybe..... :P
do you like the sun?
what does heater and <you> make?
I would just destroy the heater. So, we make a bag of garbage. >:D
burning [sm=evil.gif]
I think your mistaken...freezing. :)
hehehe [sm=evil.gif]

crusadermarl -> RE: =MtAK= Icy--The Awesome Glacial AK. (5/4/2009 1:17:18)

You And Tflo Are Now Ak's :)
Really? :P
We share a common cell.

Need A Clan?

BlueKatz -> RE: =MtAK= Icy--The Awesome Glacial AK. (5/4/2009 1:19:08)

What's u favorite hat?
Good question. I like baseball hats quite a bit. :)
How's ur summer, have u melt down?
It is spring for me, but going good. Thanks.
Good luck, I'll let u free:"

srinivas -> RE: =MtAK= Icy--The Awesome Glacial AK. (5/4/2009 1:51:37)

wooot! new MtAK thread! :D
Yes. Exciting. :D
Hey Icy, gratz on AKship. [:)]
How are the shackles?
Hot, but nice.
Who abducted you?
Milady Circe. :D
........ oh well, I got nothing.
Nothing is something. :)
Good luck from,

Phoenix Myth -> RE: =MtAK= Icy--The Awesome Glacial AK. (5/4/2009 5:12:14)

z0mg! Icy! woooot!
OMg Muchy! Hai!!
How to become AK plox?
idk. yu haz 2 b spaciel liek meh.
Can I be an AK pl0x?
Yesh, oly iff youz spaciel.
How to be Glacial AK pl0x?
haz to bez icy and spaciel. :P
Hmm.. I suppose that is all. lulz
Thanks! :D

asakau -> RE: =MtAK= Icy--The Awesome Glacial AK. (5/4/2009 7:01:47)

How long have u been stuck in an ice?
Not stuck. I am Icy in the flesh. :)
Are u from northpole?
Nope. Some say I was chipped off a glacier, but the real truth is a secret.

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