RE: =MtAK= The Legendary Hero - Reploid of the DF 'Pedia (Full Version)

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pe8er -> RE: =MtAK= The Legendary Hero - Reploid of the DF 'Pedia (5/6/2009 15:13:00)

hello, The Legendary Hero
Hello pe8er
nice work on getting AK
your posting has been a great help, like that 'best weapons for class and level' guide (amusing that was you (it has you name on it!))
Lol, yeah that's me. I was given it before I was AK'd. And I try to post helpful things whenever I can.
do you plan on doing one for Ash 'class'?
There actually is one. Jacost made it. It goes over a lot more then just weapons. ;)
have they entrusted you with the question to life universe and everything yet?! o.O
Not quite..I'm still to new.
and ummm... congratulations!
Thankies again.
oh, and what sort of music do you listen to?
Classic Rock =P
good luck!
Always Appreciated. :)

UltimaKomoto -> RE: =MtAK= The Legendary Hero - Reploid of the DF 'Pedia (5/6/2009 15:13:49)

Hello there, congraulations on the Archknighting! (And yes, MegaMan Zero is pretty good, if only I had the first one[&:])
Thanks. Get it if you can, the second one isn't really needed imo.
Favorite game in the MMZ series? I'm caught between the two I actually have. =\
Number 3 is my favorite overall.
Opinion on bad puns?
Totally not punny
Is the cake really a lie? Personally, I'm distrusting of the whole thing...
Depends...Pintsize never thought so.
Favorite game besides DF...wait, don't we already know this?
XD AQ is pretty fun. Guild Wars is a good game as well.
So...are you one of those "self-repairing" models? (no one said I had to be serious)
Well I still rely on subtanks to refill my health, but other then that yes I am.
And now, I am off...because I really didn't have many questions this time around.
Awww...Cya Round :)

crash98 -> RE: =MtAK= The Legendary Hero - Reploid of the DF 'Pedia (5/6/2009 15:42:35)

Hi and congrats.
Hey, and thankies
MegaMan Zero, huh... what about Naruto (more the manga than the anime)
I watch the show occasionally on Toonami...but other then that I don't read the manga.
Light or darkness?
How old are you (it's against the rules so your not obligated to answer... not that you are to answer to the other questions)
I'm old enough =P
I assume that your favorite game is DF, but do you like MQ (personally I don't anymore)?
I play. It's the game I usually play once I've done my DF work and AQ farming for the week.
An optimist or a pessimist (sry if I spelled it wrong)?
It's right. I'm sorta in the middle (Zomg I'm AK! .....what's about to go wrong.) XD
Favorite evil NPC?
DragonMaster Frostscythe.
Sry if I asked stupid questions but that's the first time I'm doing a MtAK and sry for my bad english.
No question is ever stupid and your english was fine. :)
Well, see you at the forums.
See ya :)

penguin moglin -> RE: =MtAK= The Legendary Hero - Reploid of the DF 'Pedia (5/6/2009 15:51:18)

wow you should go for gwr for fasted helpful to ak ship
XD I already got something for it, TFLO said O.o.
whats the best ae game?
favourite console game?
Probably Metroid Prime
swine flu true or media makes most of it up?
Media made most of it up. (Not you Res =P)
penguin or moglin?
favourite animal?
are you busy with all of these questions your getting?
Nah, they give me distractions from the 'pedia
gives tlh a cookie, dont eat it all at once, it might be the only food you get in that cell you may share it with mr paperclip
T.T I know right?
c ya's

Jeff Jarrett -> RE: =MtAK= The Legendary Hero - Reploid of the DF 'Pedia (5/6/2009 16:19:08)

Hey Legend H
Hi Jeff J
Congratz on becoming an AK
Where do you live?
Want a cookie (be honest)?
Good or EVIL?
Will you kill me (gulp)?
Lol, no
Whats your favorite sport?
A little
See you on the forums soon legend, HAHAHA[:D]
Lol, see ya soon

Dragyfyre -> RE: =MtAK= The Legendary Hero - Reploid of the DF 'Pedia (5/6/2009 16:32:44)

Congratz I guess.....

Thanks :)

Sir Real -> RE: =MtAK= The Legendary Hero - Reploid of the DF 'Pedia (5/6/2009 17:04:56)

Thankies! :)
If you're legendary, you must be in legends, right? Exactly what legends are you in?
I'm in several. =P Mostly in Megaman ZX and Advent
Do you think Ash is named after the tree, or what's left after a fire? (You can answer for either the Dragonfable NPC or the character in this movie I haven't seen, or both.)
I think he's more named after the tree in both cases.

N Zero -> RE: =MtAK= The Legendary Hero - Reploid of the DF 'Pedia (5/6/2009 17:13:26)

Hello, I'm N Zero and this conversation will be recorded.
Now that's that's out of the way, I have a couple of questions for you.
1. What is you Element?
Wind Primarily
2. Do you consider yourself an Edgemaster of DF, or any of the AE Games? (Most important Question to me.)
Erm... Now that I know what it is..yes I do. =P
3. If you don't know what an Edgemaster is, do you want me to explain via PM? (Second most important Question to me.)
Yes please!
4. Do you play Soul Calibur 3 or 4?
No. =( I don't have that console
5. If 4 is yes, do you have any Custom Characters?

6. If 5 is yes, can we see some Screenies? [:D]

7. What is your Dragon's element?
8. Do you believe the power of the human spirit?
9. What is you Base class of choice?
Warrior =O
10. Do you know of The Water Goddess, Draciane of the Cerulean Ocean?
If yes, you get an apple, considering I'd think you'd want one after all the cake and cookies you'll be getting.
I actually do need to eat healthier
If no, I will smack you so hard on the face with the hilt with both my DSRoD and my GBLoD, your caveman ancestors will feel it for not knowing one, if not the best player in DF in my opinion.
That's about it. Congrats, and as my sig says...
Lol, thanks

bob.builder -> RE: =MtAK= The Legendary Hero - Reploid of the DF 'Pedia (5/6/2009 17:19:21)

Congratz... I saw this coming.. xD
Lol, thanks :)
Well, have a fun time AK'ing the 'pedia. That's all what I want to say... Congratz again.
I'll try, and thanks again :)

Predatoree -> RE: =MtAK= The Legendary Hero - Reploid of the DF 'Pedia (5/6/2009 17:39:56)

oh mah gawd u r an ak!
Paperclip =P
No! XD

ILmaster13 -> RE: =MtAK= The Legendary Hero - Reploid of the DF 'Pedia (5/6/2009 18:17:18)

I is back writing in yous colors!
Then I shall choose new color just for you =P
Aren't you also AK for DF GD too?
I don't know...I might ask about it just to see how many people can say "NO GD for you! >:D" XD
I bet my Ash can pwn your Ash. :)
O rly?
Me saw like more 10 typos in your guide "best weapons for your level and class".
/me is a journalist...typos is what we do. =P
but i forgot what they were.
Lol, if you find them PM me them
Save chuckles!
thats all for now see you later.
See ya around :)

Please note that this color is only to be used on this post to make reading the post easier. This edit color is not mine as I'm only allowed to borrow other colors not claim them. All rights to the color blue go to Blues.

Yay, a special color just for my post.

Circe -> RE: =MtAK= The Legendary Hero - Reploid of the DF 'Pedia (5/6/2009 20:02:16)

We're so glad to have you on the team!
And I'm so glad to be a part of it!
Enjoy the shiny hammers!
I get a hammer! O.O
*paints TLH purple and flees*
*looks at the paint* I unlocked a new form already. O.O

Beowolve -> RE: =MtAK= The Legendary Hero - Reploid of the DF 'Pedia (5/6/2009 20:34:25)

Congrats Man!
What is a college journalist?
Lol, I'm in college studying for journalism..probably should have made that clearer XD
Can I borrow your beam sword?
It's a very delicate piece of engineering....but you can use this rubber version! =D
Will you be mah fweind?
I thought I already was?
You get a cookie! (/me hands ash a cookie)
Can I have a brownie since I gave you a cookie?
lol, *hands beo a brownie*


miggymalayao -> RE: =MtAK= The Legendary Hero - Reploid of the DF 'Pedia (5/6/2009 22:30:40)

Got anything to say?
Hey there!
Hows your Life?
Okay bye good Luck

Bye. Thankies. :)

bigwavedave -> RE: =MtAK= The Legendary Hero - Reploid of the DF 'Pedia (5/6/2009 22:34:11)

Will you be mah best friend?
Aww...Sure =D
Did you know best friends had to give their friends 1 million cookies!
I..erm...I only have 3...
So how is the axe polishing going?
I actually replaced Viking's axe with a foam one....much easier. XD
Do you know what chess pie is?
Yes I Grandma makes it for my aunt every year for Christmas...very sweet and yummy.
Best month of the year?
Favorite movie?
Star Wars
Favorite ending?
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade's.

Viking_Jorun -> RE: =MtAK= The Legendary Hero - Reploid of the DF 'Pedia (5/6/2009 22:56:54)

Tee El Aych! :D
Oh noes!
What is your pokemon going to be?
Scyther =P
Care to partake in a BeyBlade Revolution? *winkwinknudgenudge*
Yes! Driger is mine I calls him!
Dear AK/Mod, if 2+2 is equal to the equivalent of the capacity of Munchy's stomach, how many watts would it take to swim in a glacier?
How's that AKing?
Tis fun...right now XD
How's polishing my axe?
You might want to go try to chop a might find things a bit more styrofaomy now! >:)
Well, that's all from me! :)
Byes Viking!

Saojun -> RE: =MtAK= The Legendary Hero - Reploid of the DF 'Pedia (5/6/2009 22:58:40)

Lol... TLH got AK'ed at last. Fufu. :3
I was wondering when that would happen, since both Icy and tflo were AK'ed too.
I'm always the last one to the party. XD
Anyways, congratulations on the promotion.
Thankies :)
Cyas on AQW, the forums and IRC. :3

Indeed, my chains can't keep me out of the far reaches of this forum. =P

tflo -> RE: =MtAK= The Legendary Hero - Reploid of the DF 'Pedia (5/6/2009 23:00:36)

/me thinks Viking_Jorun needs to get a new set of questions :P
XD yes he should.
So likin the Pedia?
I am :)
Hmm it's late and I'm workin on a project ._.
Uh oh...get some rest grasshoppa!
Cya on page 4!
Cya then
~ tflo

Coyote -> RE: =MtAK= The Legendary Hero - Reploid of the DF 'Pedia (5/6/2009 23:01:04)

Heya! =D
Hiya! =D
If you're rowing uphill in a canoe and a wheel falls off, how many pancakes can you fit in a doghouse?
Didn't I get asked this already? *looks back*
Oh...well then 6
How was your day?
Very interesting, learning all the new stuffs and all that.
Jazz fusion, or prog rock?
Prog rock
Crazy Coyote, Vafrous Vulpix, or Renascent Renamon?
Vafrous Vulpix
How much berry can Barry bury if Barry can bury berries?
42 :O
What Pokemon are you?
What Digimon are you?
Okies, bai.

.Shadow// -> RE: =MtAK= The Legendary Hero - Reploid of the DF 'Pedia (5/7/2009 0:28:56)

I'm back! :D
    1) Does your name make any interesting anagrams?
    Not that I know of...only weird sayings with the word "Leg" in them lol.
    2) Have you ever won a contest/trophy?
    Yes, I've actually won first place in a few essay contests.
    3) What's the farthest-away place you've been?
    New York City...I live in Florida so that's a long way away.
    4) Can you touch-type?
    I'm actually a hybrid touch/hunt and peck typist.
    5) If you had a big win in the Lottery, how long would you wait to tell people? Who would you tell first?
    I'd wait a week or two until I buy a new house, car, all that jazz, but I'd tell my parents first.
    6) What is your best childhood memory?
    Probably being told I get to go to school a year earlier then everyone I know.
    7) Can you touch your nose with your tongue?
    8) What's under your bed?
    Lots of junk I really need to sell.
    9) What do you do most when you are bored, other than the computer?
    I write, I have a few storys and things I've done when I get bored.
    10) Where did you grow up?
    Right where I am right now, Florida (my city is a secret =O)

Again, congrats!
Thanks again :)
See you around! .S// out.
See you later

rjgwapo -> RE: =MtAK= The Legendary Hero - Reploid of the DF 'Pedia (5/7/2009 2:06:26)

como esta!
Muy bien, gracias, y tu?
what am i thinking 0.0
What does anyone really think about? Waffles!
gratz on the AKship
are you really "legendary"?
People say so
XD indeed

Zero F -> RE: =MtAK= The Legendary Hero - Reploid of the DF 'Pedia (5/7/2009 8:55:52)

Another AK?! =O Congrats xD
(Zero, hmm.. wish my name was Zero..)
It's part of your name. =O
Anywaysh.. question time!
1. Will you lend me your Star Sword? Pwease pwese with cookies on top? I accidentally sold mine.. <_<
Only if you promise to give it back in a few hours.
2. If the Z-Saber were to be put in one of the AE games, which would it be (excluding MQ, that'd be too obvious) how much would it cost, and how UBER would it be?
Unless it turned into a drop from the Ruins of Cordana in DF, it would be in AQW...for 500-1000 AC's...and it would be Uberish like the SS...although since I'm only an AK it's not going to happen. =P
3. Shoo.. MMZ3 was my first MMZ game.. how is it fer yah?
It was my second and my favorite of the 4
4. You have MMZX?

Psst, Zero's in there!

I have ZX and ZX Advent...and it's not technically Zero, it's a consciousness made by Ciel based on her Memories of Zero. Zero died at the end of MMZ4 =(
5. Fave color?
6. /me wants a Zero class/armor.. (Not a question, but does this count as one? Hmmm...)
So do would be almost like Proto, but have a few different skills. I've already got it planned out. ;)
7. When's your birthday? Want anything for it? (Inexpensive please.. xD)
December 29th, and naw, I've got pretty much everything I want. Thanks though. :)
8. Don'tcha think there should be another MMZ in the series? MMZ4 was a total cliffhanger..
Zero is actually dead after MMZ4. =( So if they wanted to make another it would have to be between 1 and 2 where he's on his own.
9. Black Zero, Nightmare Zero or Regular Red Zero?
Regular, I never used and of his different forms in any of the games he was in I played.
10. Aren't you just glad it's over? =P
Nah...I like answering things. =D
Congrats again, btw, can I borrow a GBA? Lost mine and wanna play MMZ so bad...

I actually have a DS I don't have one to lend. =/
EDIT Accidentally put 2 extra questions.. >_> You pick which 10 to answer.. xD
Lol, I answered them all. =P

Sir Uric -> RE: =MtAK= The Legendary Hero - Reploid of the DF 'Pedia (5/7/2009 9:12:52)

Okay, I dont expect you to reply, but if you do make one word green.
Why not a whole sentence? And of course I'll reply! =O
Q1: How - Magic
Q2:Interms of purple Whats your fav shade? This one.
Q3: What do you think about a monster that changes color every time you attack it? Starting color Xpurple, of course;D O.o it would make me go o.O
Q4: Do you have Artix's PvP sword. I think only staff can get it but, you're close. Nah, I actually have this cool AK sword though.
Q5: If I check this and dont see green (besides me) will you pm me that you like purple over green cookis with orange milkshakes and pink shoes? Erm...ok? ?.?
Q6:Can you translate the above for me? It's too confusing. =O

Thankies! :)

PS, if you havent fought Artix his PvP # is 22.
I have...he beats the pants off me. =/

tone40 -> RE: =MtAK= The Legendary Hero - Reploid of the DF 'Pedia (5/7/2009 9:23:46)

Hi there and congrats on the AKship
Favorite time of day?
8:00....there isn't much to do so I can veg in front of the comp or the T.V.
favorite eye color
*launches fire ball* lets see how you dodge this
*Activates Shield Boomerang and watches the attack fail* Muahaha!
*takes flaming cookie throws it then disappears*
*Ducks and waves bye*

pe8er -> RE: =MtAK= The Legendary Hero - Reploid of the DF 'Pedia (5/7/2009 13:25:47)

hello again, 1 quick question, do you know of weebls-stuff? (you keep making references to toons on there...)
Interestingly enough, no. I know Pintsize from a friend who linked me to that comic...and the rest are just me being me and things from friends...never seen that site till now. =O

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