RE: =MtAK= The Legendary Hero - Reploid of the DF 'Pedia (Full Version)

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UltimaKomoto -> RE: =MtAK= The Legendary Hero - Reploid of the DF 'Pedia (5/7/2009 14:21:25)

I am back. At least, I think it's a new page.
lol, it is.
Favorite Discovery TV show?
Favorite kind of soda?
Favorite game in the Megaman X series?
Favorite Music?
Classic Rock
Favorite Book?
I am America and so can you.
Opinion on the Shield Boomarang?
Best defensive weapon imaginable.
Should there really be a new MMZ game? I am kinda intrested in what happens after he leaves in the first game (which I never played, huh...)
I would like one...maybe a DS one that covers a bit more of the open endings.
Favorite weapon from the actual Megaman series? (The classic 8-bit series.)
Probably the ice cannon for Megaman
And now, I am off. *teleport*

recyclemeplz -> RE: =MtAK= The Legendary Hero - Reploid of the DF 'Pedia (5/7/2009 16:31:22)

hello legendary hero!
Hey there recyclemeplz
boy or girl? xD
Boy =P
so u like megaman zero huh?
well, i LOVE all the megaman series! :3
Sweet :)
u play starforce series?
I have the third one on order with Gamestop right now.
ice cream or... chocolate?
Ice Cream
well, cya!
or not... xD
last question.
so, how did u find out about the megaman zero series anyways? and do u find it difficult? (well, in my experience, zero 4 is easiest and the 3rd one is hardest...)
I got one for my birthday a few years ago and I liked it. Not really difficult. 4 is the easiest...except for the Popla Cocapetri's level. T.T

Predatoree -> RE: =MtAK= The Legendary Hero - Reploid of the DF 'Pedia (5/7/2009 17:48:11)

What would you do if a gigantic dragon-eating dragon was about to ROFLOLMAOPWN1337OVER9000 you?
I'd pull out my Z-Saber and make dragon ka-bobs. =O Zomg!
/me eats TLH's bones. >:D
I dabble
Play extensively
I play when i'm done with the other 3
More then MQ and less then DF

Warlocker -> RE: =MtAK= The Legendary Hero - Reploid of the DF 'Pedia (5/7/2009 18:40:10)

Thankies. :)
Time for some questions!
If you where to be honored as a god, what kind of sacrifice would you accept ?
Erm...I don't like being makes things that much tougher when they find out your not. =P
If you were to create a holiday what holiday would it be?
Probably "be lazy and do nothing but eat pie all day" day
What is your favorite holiday?
See above holiday. XD
If you made the 100,000th view on your favorite song on youtube what would you comment?
zomg. =O
Which do you prefer stop-animation or clay-mation?
Stop Motion. There isn't all the inconsistencies that clay has.
Have you played the Final Fantasy Series?
If yes, What is your favorite game/movie?

if no,When will you start?
Depends on if I feel like going to get one. lol
Well thats it See ya!

Syrena -> RE: =MtAK= The Legendary Hero - Reploid of the DF 'Pedia (5/7/2009 19:35:10)

I'm back with more ridiculous questions, and oreo cookies and milk!
Woo! I needed some milk..i was getting thirsty. =D
You see a dog walking down the street holding a bag of games. What would you do? I'd videotape it and put it on youtube =D
I'd take him home...i need some games. XD
Whats your favorite type of literature mister journalist?
I actually prefer, and write, Fiction. Sci-fi and otherwise.
What are your thoughts on pizza and ice cream?
They are good for dinner.
What are your thoughts on ice cream cake?
My dad likes it on his birthday.
Do you have a dog?
Can you do a split?
Erm...I wouldn't want to try lol.
Aww thats all for this page. But don't worry i will most likely be back, with ice cream cake!

ILmaster13 -> RE: =MtAK= The Legendary Hero - Reploid of the DF 'Pedia (5/7/2009 20:04:56)

TLH I'm back!
From my previous post, I think that was Icemaster Yeti's color not blues'.
Lol, I chose blues for the lulz about the punny name :3
You are doing a great job so far.
I've made a few mistakes...but I'm getting better. Paperclip has shown me a lot.
Here it says that you are also AK for DF GD. I thought it was just the pedia?
Oh that. That's just for my MtAK. I'm going to give those up when it's done. No sense in taking two boards when I wasn't assigned one of them. ;)
And AQWs too?
All AK's have power in that section.
Two coins equal 30 cents and one of them is not a nickel. what are the two coins?
A quarter and a nickle...(thank you Personater XD)
Like I said before, my Ash is better than your Ash.
=P I calls no
what does a banned-multi title mean?
It means that they did something to deserve multiple banns.
"I would've made a good pope" - Richard Nixon comment lol
Thats all for now, I'll be back on another page.
See you then. :)

Syaoron -> RE: =MtAK= The Legendary Hero - Reploid of the DF 'Pedia (5/8/2009 0:37:17)

Woah! Just a few days ago you we're just a member, then I take a break from the forums for a few days, then your an... AK?! Congratz!
We're you expecting to be an AK someday or we're you not expecting to be one at All?
I was just going to ask to get another guide or two...not this.
DF or AQW?
Good? Evil? Chaos? or EBIL?
Ash or your Ash?
My main character Ash. =P
Well, cya!

Zero_system -> RE: =MtAK= The Legendary Hero - Reploid of the DF 'Pedia (5/8/2009 1:25:37)

Wel congrats on your akship.
Wich do you prefer : Guild wars or WOW?
GW. WoW costs to much over the long term, GW is a one time payment....well 4 time, soon to be 5th so I can have all the games. XD But you only pay for one game once like with AQ or DF.
Df or the previous answer?
I can't choose really. Both have positives and negatives.
Why is Zero so awesome?
Because he's a hero =P
Thats all i canīt think of other questions atm.
/salutes and dissapears.
lol, k. /me waves.

.*. .*. .*. -> RE: =MtAK= The Legendary Hero - Reploid of the DF 'Pedia (5/8/2009 13:45:44)

Hello The Legendary Hero!
Hiya Stardot! =O
I am just lurking as always and noticed a bit late that you're an AK now! :D
Lurking is fun, I've been doing a bit of that myself lately.
I just want to say congrats and I wish you good luck! :D
Thanks. =D
I don't have any questions for you, been there, done that! XD
Lol, it's just nice to hear from you. :)
/me travels back to his galaxy!
/me waves bye

Ubear -> RE: =MtAK= The Legendary Hero - Reploid of the DF 'Pedia (5/8/2009 13:54:29)

Hey The Legendary Hero!
Hey there ubear!
Finally I found your MtAK.
Lol, I've had to tell one or two people where it was.
Hows the shackels?
Heavy and metaly.
Are the shackles your favourite colour?
Nah....their kinda green.....dunnoh why their glowing though.
Thats all, just wanted to know about the shackles. :P
Lol, k
Although i've sent you PM's before, congratulations on being an AK. :D!
Good Luck, and I hope you enjoy yourself :)
Thankies! I shall try. :)

LordAidan -> RE: =MtAK= The Legendary Hero - Reploid of the DF 'Pedia (5/8/2009 16:47:52)

Wow you were just helpful like yesterday. How did you get all these questions so fast?
Lol, People like asking questions.
Is it true that AE uses moglin slave labor?
nah, they have an army of robits to do the work.
Have you ever seen my suggestion thread?
I've looked a few times.
If so what do you think of it?
Interesting ideas.
Are you ever going to abuse your powers?
And lost my shiny orange star of "you can do stuffs here" ? no wai! =P
Or maybe I should have ask when will you abuse them!
Favorite Smiley?
Congratz again!
Thankies again!

Cellblock -> RE: =MtAK= The Legendary Hero - Reploid of the DF 'Pedia (5/8/2009 17:01:48)

So anyway, how does it feel to be an AK?
Opaque to quote someone. =P
DF, MQ, AQ, AQW, or Cake?
What's your favourite type of cake?
Will there be cake at your celebration?
I already had one...and there was pie. =D
You remind me of the babe.
That's it for now. I'll be seeing you on the forums! (In about a few seconds)
Lol, cya

Fiendfyre221 -> RE: =MtAK= The Legendary Hero - Reploid of the DF 'Pedia (5/9/2009 3:17:08)

Welcome to FiendFyre221's two question interview!
1. Mind if I ask you a couple of questions?
A couple is two, so sure. =D
2. Uh, I forgot what I was gonna ask -- got any ideas?
1. What's your favorite food?
I really like pizza.
2. Why do you edit in red?
Well i wanted a color that shows up well and this one it matches zero!

Thanks for participating in my 2-question interview! Have fun AK-ing!
NP, and thankies. :)

drakehello -> RE: =MtAK= The Legendary Hero - Reploid of the DF 'Pedia (5/9/2009 17:28:07)

Strawberry flavored!
1. is the cake a lie?
Not the one I had for dessert a little while ago. XD
2. how about the pie?
It's tasty
3. What is the meaning of life?
4. What is your name
5. what is your quest?
To become a journalist.
6. What is the average wing speed of an unlaiden swallow?
African or European?
7. can i haz a cookie?
8. favorite mythbusters myth?
That you can use salsa for breaking out of prison...*hides the salsa in his cell*
9. What do you think of bears?
According to Steven Colbert their usually the number 1 threat to America =O
goodbye!.... for now

Nartborrocks -> RE: =MtAK= The Legendary Hero - Reploid of the DF 'Pedia (5/9/2009 19:41:31)

1. ZOMG! do i know u (no, no i dont think so but not sure so answeer, AAANNSSWEEER)
2. Does ur shackles fit nice.
Yes they do.
3. Which button is your favorite (if i get AKed i want to press the big red shiny scary one)
Don't push the red one! o.o But the blue one is nice.
4. How did they catch you?
Maegwyn used a giant magnet since I'm mostly metal. =P
5. welcome to goodburger, home of the goodburger, may i take your order!?
yeah i'd like a goodburger..some goodfrys and a goodshake to go.
6. Did you notice that i used 5 twice.
7. What does Deja-vu mean?
It means thinking you are reliving an event again.
7. What does Deja-vu mean?
It means....
8. Can i haz cheeseburger wif teh destwoyer tomatoez?
Nah, I know some of them, your fine. =P
Thanks :)

TreadLight -> RE: =MtAK= The Legendary Hero - Reploid of the DF 'Pedia (5/10/2009 17:40:58)

Congratulations and good luck, TLH!
Thanks TreadLight :)
How much marshmallow do you eat daily?
Well not daily..maybe one or two a month.
O.o OMG!

Congratulations and good luck, TLH!

Thanks again :)

tflo -> RE: =MtAK= The Legendary Hero - Reploid of the DF 'Pedia (5/10/2009 17:46:52)

Did you notice I skipped page 3?
yes :3
Did you notice I did not capitalize the I in the last statement?
Did you notice I fixed it in pink?
Favorite Question thus far?
What's a Reploid?
It's a robot that has the characteristics and mannerisms of a human. True A.I.
I'll think of good questions for the next page, no worries [;)]
Lol, k

Suuichi -> RE: =MtAK= The Legendary Hero - Reploid of the DF 'Pedia (5/10/2009 18:55:56)


Arzamol -> RE: =MtAK= The Legendary Hero - Reploid of the DF 'Pedia (5/10/2009 21:57:36)

This is my first time torturing intervewing an AK, so...
I'm a guinea pig? O.o
What is the definition of an AK?
It's a forum member who is chosen to help patrol one or several areas of the forum for a mod to help keep things orderly, clean of spam, and a generally fun place to post.
What is the definition of spam?
Anything that doesn't go along with what the main point of the thread is. Say I posted in the 'Pedia, "Zomg! This is such an aweomse thing!!!." Since it isn't contributing info to the item and it isn't providing anything useful it's spam.
What is the definition of a cookie?
Something you eat. =P And something your computer saves, like login info to make it quicker at that site the next time.
To be, or not to be?
That is the question.
Charmander, Squirtle, or Bulbasaur?
Squirtle...Turtles are awesome. =D
Excalibur, Keyblade, or Lightsaber?
Ooo...that's a hard one for me....Probably either Two Across or Way to Dawn.
What color are your chains?
Red. =P
Thats all I have for now, good by!
Byes :)

Awsome! -> RE: =MtAK= The Legendary Hero - Reploid of the DF 'Pedia (5/10/2009 23:41:55)

do you feel honored that you're first person whose MtAK I've posted in?
yes I do. :)
Upside down cake? O.o
what walks on 4 legs in the morning, 2 legs in the noon, and 3 legs in the evening?????(lol i got that one from a Greek Mythology book)
Lol, it's a man.
enjoying your Awsome! power of Awsome!(ness)?
Why yes I am. It's something I use with great trepidation though.
did you notice that there's a typo in my forums' name? [:-]
Yes I did.
want to know why i made that typo in my forums' name???
if you do I'm not telling [sm=evilking.gif]
anyway byas! (school tomorrow [&:])
Bye, good luck. :)

15cman -> RE: =MtAK= The Legendary Hero - Reploid of the DF 'Pedia (5/11/2009 6:04:54)

*sniffs the air* Yep.I smell another one.
That's probably just Zank..he really needs to bathe >.>
Congratz =D.
Thankies! =D
*zooms away*
/me waves

Corta -> RE: =MtAK= The Legendary Hero - Reploid of the DF 'Pedia (5/11/2009 16:44:07)

Hey TLH! kinda new, this is my 4th post, but ive been reading the forums for years...
Well welcome to the forums!
Iv'e spared you. no questions[;)]
Lol, thanks.

Ash -> RE: =MtAK= The Legendary Hero - Reploid of the DF 'Pedia (5/11/2009 20:17:20)

Well that's it for this thread. I'm locking this, but I'll leave it up for a day or two so people can see what I wrote back.

Thanks for the warm welcome everyone!


archie -> RE: =MtAK= The Legendary Hero - Reploid of the DF 'Pedia (5/11/2009 20:31:45)

/me replys to your thread
but it was locked! >:O
Just dropping in to say hi again, and wishing you a final good luck!
Lol, thanks :)
Now, get back to your pedia where you belong! :p
hey now! lol
Congrats again and have fun!
Thanks, I'll try. :)

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