Nex del Vida -> WF Mystery/Archives (5/26/2009 13:31:06)
From Fal's latest SDNs: quote:
In honor of that mystery we are about to provide you with another. Very shortly we will be introducing an online contest to solve a mystery related to the coming of the WarpForce. You will need to solve a twisting series of puzzles, codes, and clues to arrive at the correct solutions. The winners of this online contest will receive a new rare pet in the new game upon it's release. This is one case where spoilers are not only allowed they are encouraged. Be sure to let your friends know about the contest because the more people you have working together the more obvious the answer will be. Solve it here on the forums, in the designated place of course, on IRC, around the office water cooler, in your highs school cafeteria, during study hall, on the beach with friends. Just do not try solving it while driving down the road. We cannot be responsible for increased insurance premiums. So, who's in? Our IRC channel is #mystery, with #truthseekers being used occasionally. PM me if you have an AIM/MSN account so we can talk if IRC is down or any of myriad other things happens. EDIT: I will now be keeping a list of all the puzzles that have been solved. In spoiler tags, of course. Something to help read this: Puzzles are numbered (1. 2. 3. et cetera). Clues or sub-puzzles (if there was more than one thing to be solved per puzzle, like number 7) are lettered (a) b) c) et cetera). Sub-clues (clues for a clue) are roman numeral'd (i. ii. iii. iv. et cetera). Sub-sub-clues (clues to a clue to a clue) are lettered after their numeral--so if there is a sub-sub-clue to sub-clue "i.", it would be "i.a". 1. spoiler:
Author: (This is the one who posted the puzzle, not necessarily the one who wrote it.) Falerin. Puzzle: Hello Lorians, I am Falerin Ardendor, a visitor from another realm. I am a keeper of the legends of Lore. I am known as the LoreMaster. My assistants and I have been gathering information in anticipation of the Coming of the WarpForce. We know only a very little about this mysterious group and their goals. Signs of their coming have already been spotted in several places. Clearly someone has a plan and an idea and being the nosy information gatherer that I am. I want to know what that plan is. I need help from someone if I am going to achieve this. I would love for that someone to be you. The first message was an intercepted transcription based upon a recording from somewhere well above the surface of Lore. The video of the original recording is completely garbled but it appears to be some sort of dedication ceremony. Of the sort one might encounter when beginning a long adventure. Unfortunately my language transfer units are completely non-functional and the phonemes and letters of the original recording have been transcribed quite wrongly. I could solve it myself but I am quite busy. I ask your aid in this endeavor. ~Falerin - LoreMaster - Terran Date 27 May 2009 C.E. The garbled transmission is appended to the original request. It is as follows: QWA ZGWIJ HI FWIK, QWA NHIIHP HI IWABHBGT. CJ ZGPPQK , CJ CHTT PQK UGHT. - GLNHAGT GNGLG Solution: Our cause is just, our mission is survival. We cannot, we will not fail. -Admiral Amada. Method Used: Each letter was substituted for a different letter. Once it was discovered that the name was Admiral Amada (thanks to general_greivous) the rest logically followed. 2. spoiler:
Author: Falerin. Puzzle: Alorin was destroyed during the early salvos of the last coming of the devourer. Alorin is located in the center of Vandar, a continent that itself is located in the north east quadrant of lore, Vandar is the origin of the current human governor of the Drakel K¡¦eld known as Ner. Alorin¡¦s has a troubled history, but in a sense it was a seat of unity long before the last coming. In fact, substantial evidence exists that suggests that Alorin was in fact originally founded by The`Galin himself. This curious relationship means that Alorin has a somewhat contradictory attitude about the Devourer. While it was his network that destroyed Alorin, they still praise him for what he did while he was yet mortal. Alorin¡¦s queen at the time of the fall, was Pra`Mithia, a Drakel who from what evidence I can determine is a distant cousin of the Derenian Drakel Tralin, who currently rules over the human city there. Pra`Mithia like Tralin is a visionary and it can be expected that if she is involved great things are underway. We cannot be certain where Pra`Mithia fled too when the city fell. The rumor is that she returned to the small De`me`thar Drakel village where her ancestors once hailed from. It appears from observation that once there they constructed a new K¡¦eld known as Valkan, after the village that it encompassed. This Keld however has clearly been the front for other things. There is substantial building be undertaken there. Its purpose is not clear. I have heard a word in Drakel several times that I do not understand. Given my own vast intellect and divine skill at linguistics, this is quite unusual. The only explanation that exists is that it is a new word. The term is V¡¦eld. If a K¡¦eld is a domed city, and a Neld is submerged underground, and a SoN¡¦eld Is submerged beneath the waves. What might this V¡¦eld be? My servant sent me this message from Valkan. He did not give me any clear information about it other than to say that the intermediary who delivered the message railed against him 4 times about the injustice of his current predicament. I am not particularly enamored of this servant I must say and I have been a bit harsh at times with him. Still I trust his integrity if he said the number of times that the intermediary railed was four then I can assure you the rail was 4. This mystery however is the least of our concerns. My own servant Galrick has sent word that his wife, has recently returned to Lore. She apparently is involved somehow in this. Now, I know Celestra fairly well, it was I that united the two in matrimony, and given her passions, this almost assuredly means that the Network is somehow involved, but what they are planning to do about I cannot begin to know. I am being called away. Please see if you can make any sense of this memo. Falerin The LoreMaster The Cipher follows: A'LI A'LBT NHD PHOSAET EF ALI GIYN HS AS-R'IHAV EDS KEDU ITE ETS FPCISL. FYNC TIT ETR. PA MTI Solution: A V'eld is a K'eld but in the depths of space itself. A flying city in the stars --Pra'Mithia Method Used: Two-rail cipher. Although Falerin gave the clue "railed four times," leading us on IRC to believe it was a four-rail cipher, it turns out his servant lied. Later he gave the clue: "People have been close to the right solution unfortunately they are alas missing the point. And missing the point in two different senses of the word. Those solving the puzzle realized that they were splitting the message the wrong way. They split it in half and got this: A ' L I A ' L B T N H D P H O S A E T E F A L I G I Y N H S A S - R ' I H A V E D S K E D U I T E E T S F P C I S L . F Y N C T I T E T R . P A M T I If you read each column, the message becomes clear. 3. spoiler:
Author: Eldron. Puzzle:Wow! I just don¡¦t have time for this! I received this message, don¡¦t ask me from whom because I don¡¦t know. After thinking about it, I figured I could eliminate Falerin, after all we don¡¦t need to talk in code, and it¡¦s not a WF code so we can likely eliminate Admiral Amada. And I think we can eliminate Zorbak as well. While some of the things he does are cryptic, he doesn¡¦t usually use codes. I don¡¦t know if any of this makes sense. However, I¡¦m sure this is important to Lore. Unfortunately, I'm tied up with issues on Caelestia right now. Perhaps you can figure it out and pass it on. Eldron Message Follows: TFHALEE GROIDNS AADRMIE IRAN LATMHADEA NZEOBRBUALKA Solution: [Falerin Admiral Amada Zorbak] The gods are in the nebula. Method Used: The method used to solve the puzzle was not the method Eldron intended when he posted. It was seen that the word "ZORBAK" was contained in the last one, and then FALERIN and ADMIRAL AMADA were found in the others. The message was interpreted as "Falerin, Admiral Amada, Zorbak: The gods are in the nebula," as if it were addressed to those three. However, it was doubtless supposed to be noticed that he said "eliminate Falerin... eliminate Admiral Amada... eliminate Zorbak," and then those names taken out. 4. spoiler:
Author: Eldron. Puzzle: I just don't get it. With everything going on Warlic still has time to work on machines that don't work! For example: His latest cypher machine is totally messed up. I punched in a 2 and it displayed a 4, so I punched in a 4 and it displayed a 16! What's up with that? I asked him about it and he sent me a parchment with a punch of numbers on it. I'm lost! Maybe I'll send it to Falerin, after all, misery loves company! 16 1 324 121 169 1 16 16 25 324 361 361 25 9 324 25 400 144 81 25 361 225 196 256 441 324 49 225 361 Solution: Dark Madder's secret lies on Purgos. Method Used: The square roots of the numbers in the message were taken. Then a simple alphanumeric cipher was used (a=1, b=2, et cetera). 5. (A mistake was made in the first iteration of this puzzle. That is why there is an A) and A). B) is the correct one, and the one that was used.) A) spoiler:
Author: Eldron. Puzzle: I just love all the speculation: As the old insectoid singing group once crooned: He say "One and one and one is three" Got to be good-looking cos he's so hard to see Come together right now over me Or perhaps, "one and one and one and one is four" would be more appropriate. 289 144 36 400 1 144 144 144 400 25 225 324 81 625 196 36 625 1 19 16 16 169 169 36 81 225 324 361 1 225 144 196 361 1 400 4 169 400 4 196 289 1 121 16 81 1 16 289 144 676 81 225 400 4 100 121 4 100 36 324 36 100 225 400 16 121 4 400 100 1 144 121 196 144 Solution: N/A. There were mistakes in the coding process. Method Used: N/A. B) spoiler:
Puzzle: It has been brought to my attention that there was a typo in one of the numbers. I looking it over, I found another. I've totally redid the puzzle. Same schema, same message. I'm pretty sure (*SIGH*) I have it correct now. Sorry for the mix up E 1 484 36 81 9 1 9 144 400 64 25 324 64 81 1 4 196 400 16 1 25 16 100 169 196 484 81 64 484 324 121 1 81 144 625 9 1 100 169 4 9 1 100 121 196 16 16 1 1 484 81 400 676 81 225 289 625 81 484 81 324 289 289 484 4 81 361 121 81 1 625 64 100 625 121 Solution: IF YOU GET THIS ONE, YOU'RE GOOD, REALLY GOOD! -ELDRON AND FALERIN Method Used: We went backwards through each previous method of solution: first the square roots of the numbers were taken, then Falerin, Admiral Amada and Zorbak were eliminated from the resulting letters, then a four-rail cipher was used, then letters were substituted for other letters (it was realized through hints and smarts that the signature was "ELDRON AND FALERIN." From there, letters were substituted. Clues to this puzzle a) spoiler:
Author: Eldron Clue: Oh, and the first puzzle in the series was actually mine. I gave it to Falerin and he added the story aspect, so I guess you could say it was ours. The next one was definitely Falerin's, at least I think so. So you can't always assume the clues are clues or that they shouldn't be taken literally. Sometimes they should, other times not. It depends to some extent on who's writing them. But, as I already pointed out, the person posting isn't necessarily the person writing the puzzle. Confused yet? Just remember, The God of Good will never steer you wrong. But, he may detour you a bit. b) spoiler:
Author: Eldron Clue: Should be all perfect squares now. I'll give you a clue because of my mix-ups. Don't foget what you have done up to now! c) spoiler:
Author:Eldron Clue: As requested: Hint number 3: XX XXX XXX XXXX XXX, XXX'XX XXXX, XXXXXX XXXX! -XXXXXX XXX XXXXXXX We told you they will get tougher. [:)] d) and e) spoiler:
Author: Eldron Clues: I don't think it's as difficult as you think. If you can't go forwards, go backwards with every thing you've done until now. BTW: 4 rail, definitely 4 rail! Hmm, I gues that would be hints 4 and 5, but who's keeping score? [8D] f) spoiler:
Author: Falerin Clue: [In Character] I can see Lord Eldron has created a bit of a stir with the difficulty of his most recent endeavor. For the tasks ahead however we must be sure. What we have begun to learn about the WarpForce indicates that nothing save boldness and diligence in your inquiry will suffice. I will offer a hint of my own. The inquisitors sign their own inquisition. Falerin [/In Character] g) spoiler:
Author: Falerin Clue: quote:
ORIGINAL: Nex del Vida Right, that's what I mean. The first name in the signature is 122344, as letter1;letter2 letter2; letter3; letter4 letter4. That would be a highly unusual way for Eldron to sign his name... Ahem. What I mean to say is that order of operations is often vital when seeking an answer. 6. spoiler:
Author: Falerin. Puzzle: [In Character] All things are for a purpose and all things interconnect. That you would accuse the god of good of not playing fair is somewhat ludicrous. Because I know that the Network is somehow involved in this I sent a question an inquiry to Diviara on Deren as he is perhaps the closest to an expert I could ask other than Cartwright and I am not ready for that confrontation at the moment. Diviara was unusually cryptic in his response. He told me that inquisitors of the previous puzzle were key here. He also noted that where Eldron was a traditionalist when it came to such things, he himself voted for Kennedy. This last bit is patent nonsense of course, Diviara could not have been on terra at that time. But he said it so it means something. [/ooc] Encrypted Message is as follows: Gb dd lo ot dl ud en dK fl nc ya sk cd iK oe aC li tq Ne fr nc pn tp gg dp ut xs rn qf vl il lo db sk oc fa qr rP gf tt kf qh oe pq ft ud if iy li en dl lh ny dp id ak ks ba ka cu ra gn yk eb tu ru cd eo ak ba ud is cd ib dt ut pm gx ln ol dY Solution: Madder rules over Haden with her Iron Grasp. Evidence suggests she is a wearer of the mantle. That this group is so far traveled gives frightening implications to the origins of the first such wearer. Method Used: Playfair cipher, with "eldronandfalerin" as a key. 7. (This was a strange one. There were three main puzzles, two of which gave the key to the third. Many puzzles had clues, some clues had clues, et cetera. Refer to the helper at the top of this post for numbering information.) A) spoiler:
Author: Falerin Puzzle: [In Character] While searching through information about the coming of the WarpForce, and by consequence the activities of the network, I happened upon this curious scrap of paper tucked away in my library. It is likely of no relevance, but in the off chance it contains anything worth noting. I am forwarding it to you. Falerin. [/In Character] Paper is a grid of letters that looks like this link. B) spoiler:
Author: Falerin Puzzle: [In Character] While you are working on that here is a second grid. From what I can see this one has been corrupted by a list of random lorian people, lorian places, terran places, foods, and a number of other irrelevant minutae. I should know better then allow that yellow moglin to deliver messages to me. Find what you can and eliminate those things that seem to fit the pattern I mentioned. What remains might be significant. Of course there is a risk that there is crossover of actual importance here as well. Lorian places might be relevant or irrelevant. Likewise the names of known important Lorians. Still we do what we can. [/In Character] Grid is as follows. (Clues specific to this puzzle) i. spoiler:
Author: Falerin via IRC Clue: [18:51] <Falerin> The second puzzle is interesting. You might want to eliminate all known contractions too [18:51] <Falerin> There seem to be a good many of them [18:51] <Falerin> and they do not appear pertinent [18:52] <Falerin> whereas drakel names for things often contain apostrophes as well. [18:52] <Falerin> Oh and the last thing is that points of commonality are highly relevant [18:52] <Falerin> These papers originate from the same source initially [18:53] <Falerin> so what nexus of similiarity there exists should be considered [18:53] <Falerin> But of course I have told you nothing [18:53] <Falerin> I did not already say on the forums ii. spoiler:
Author: Falerin Clue: [In Character] Now here is a curious thing. According to my analysis these two parchments originate in the same place. Curious. [/In Character] iii. spoiler:
(In response to a list of similarities between the two word searches) Author: Falerin Clue: Those are similarities not commonalities sir. Try again. iv. spoiler:
Author:Falerin via IRC Clue: [17:19] <swenson> So when you said "commonality"... did you mean in letters between the two? *tests temperature* [17:19] <Falerin> The question is presuposed on a false dichotomy [17:20] <Insanity_Incarnated> So everything we've done so far is leading us nowhere. Great. [17:20] <Falerin> Warmer... but not quite warm enough [17:20] <Falerin> Try words [17:20] <Falerin> Whole words [17:20] <Falerin> Thank You [17:20] <Falerin> Come again C) spoiler:
Author: Falerin Puzzle: [In Character] When it rains it pours. I have gained some information about the leader of a race of beings known as the Virin, or alternatively the Viren, apparently both spellings are used depending on the dialect of the speaker, these creatures are apparently servitors of the network and it if what rumor I hear is true it is fortunate for lore they were not encountered among the forces of the networks here on Lore. Diviara sent along this message to me with from a former friend in the network whom he still trusts to be on our side. It is apparently one that originates among the Virin's leadership. Diviara was able to provide me with the only the following. The encryption seems to be a polyalphabetic cipher. I am inclined to consider it the the work of Bellaso and Diviara agrees. Almost assuredly the key is the name of the Virin leader. With these two pieces of information the message can be decoded. Beware irrelevancies as they may distract here. [/In Character] Cipher is as follows: DIW FLRA GPBD WBSAW MGKM D KPNP BURUZN XIRI UYGLQ PA F UBBD ZB Solution: The Warp Force shall fall beneath the might of the autarchs. Method Used:The key was Jarik Z'kaa, which is apparently the name of the Viren leader. It was the only thing that appeared in both puzzles, and the importance of commonalities was impressed on the searchers by Falerin multiple times. Clues that apply to one or more of the above puzzles: a) spoiler:
Author: Damselindigital (a.k.a. Shayril Staton) Clue: Good day, Cryptonauts. I have received a particular message from Falerin, which I feel is likely wise to share with you. quote:
Shayril, Please forward this message unto those seeking to solve the most recent puzzle. I am afraid my transcription system remains nonfunctional. Worse my black ink chamber is running low and the resultant image has been rendered using the color tank. The computer assures me it is a monoalphabetic substitution not that I can see how. -The LoreMaster What then followed was this particular attachment. I can make neither heads nor tails of it, but I do have a sense that deciphering it might aid you with the three. Good luck to you all. ~Shayril Staton Solution: There is more in common between the puzzles than a grid. Key in on it. Method Used: Simple monoalphabetic substitution cipher, as said in subsequent clues. Clues to this clue i. spoiler:
Author: Truth Seeker Clue: A monosubstitution does not have to replace letters with other letters. It can replace them with numbers. 2 1 7 might be a straight forward substitution for Bag for instance. It can also replace it with characters. ƒÄƒØƒÕ ƒØƒÙƒÜƒÜƒã ƒnƒØƒÑƒæƒÕ ƒnƒÕƒéƒÕ. Could be a substtution for The Hills have Eyes. ii. spoiler:
Author: Falerin Clue: MY FINAL CLUE: And my generosity is quite used up for this entire effort now. iii. spoiler:
Author: Falerin and Damsel via IRC Clue: [20:27] Falerin: Some persons have no stamina [20:28] Damsel: Indeed not [20:28] Dragonnightwolf: hello falerin. [20:28] Falerin: Good e'en Dragonnightwolf [20:29] Dragonnightwolf: what can we do for you my lord? [20:30] Falerin: It is not so much what you can do for me but what I can do for you [20:31] Falerin: Which is at this point to slap into you some sense. Shayril's grid is what it says it is. A simple substitution cipher. You are grossly overthinking it. iv. spoiler:
Author: Falerin via IRC Clue: [13:11] *** Falerin has joined #mystery. [13:11] Falerin: Do you know what steganography is? [13:12] Falerin: What you are trying to do with Shayril's puzzle is Steganography [13:12] Falerin: I have already told you however [13:12] Falerin: that the puzzle is NOT steganography [13:12] Falerin: Ignore the Rubix alphabet [13:12] Falerin: It is pointless futility [13:14] Falerin: And for the love of god people you have me turned on my head upside down, and backwards. So much so that Julius Caesar could make no sense of my most recent message even though it is his cipher I used. [13:14] *** Falerin has left #mystery. iv.b (Almost identical to the message above, but shorter and left on the forums) spoiler:
Author: Falerin Clue: For the love of god people you have me turned on my head upside down, and backwards. So much so that Julius Caesar could make no sense of my most recent message even though it is his cipher I used. Also the rubix cube font thing is irrelevant. You are wholly missing the point. 8. spoiler:
Author: Falerin Puzzle: [In Character] I have seen many themes of similarity and commonality in my investigation of the Network and of the WarpForce. It is worth remembering that they are not the same. Annoyance is occasionally the key to great mysteries. I have recently learned something about the network activity it was passed along to me unencrypted by my assistants. I however have determined that there is a risk in this method. There is a saying that when in Rome do as the Romans do. I have reason to believe there are eyes keenly interested in my interest. It would be inopportune to not be careful about further discussion. For this reason, I am choosing to encode this as well. Lest the past comes back to haunt us even more then it already does. Keep vigilant and alert. The most seemingly unimportant and irrelevant thing may repeat upon you repeatedly. The Cipher is a Standard Polyalphabetic Vigenere substitution. [/In Character] PFTSH, E ATCMF, VW LCN, JUF CYVV IE WMXR HHZWMF EKIIL TIKHRVW CZ YMY RCPZRIZYQ. Solution: Haven, a haven, is not, for over it Lord Terror keeps mastery of his dominions. Method Used: The puzzle was put through a Vigenere cipher. The key was "IFYOUETTHISNEYOUEGOODREALLYGOODIFYOUGETTHISONEYOUREGOODREALLY". a) spoiler:
Author: Falerin Clue: [18:18:45] * Falerin-nonpresent (falerin@Operator.Caelestia.Net) has joined #mystery [18:18:58] <Falerin-nonpresent> Let's play 10 questions [18:19:10] <Falerin-nonpresent> You may ask me 10 and only 10 yes or no questions [18:19:43] <Aaron> is the key a word in your post(the one where you gave us the puzzle)? [18:19:54] <Falerin-nonpresent> No [18:20:09] <Falerin-nonpresent> 9 questions remain [18:20:15] <Aaron> should we use the same decryptor as we did the last time? [18:20:20] <Falerin-nonpresent> No [18:20:24] <Falerin-nonpresent> 8 Questions remain [18:20:47] <Coldkick> Is there two keys? [18:20:51] <Falerin-nonpresent> No [18:20:56] <Aaron> he already answered that >.> [18:20:58] <Falerin-nonpresent> 7 Questions Remain [18:21:13] <Aaron> there is only one key [18:21:32] <Falerin-nonpresent> Yes 6 qUestions ReMain [18:22:05] <Aaron> is the key in anyway linked to another puzzle? [18:22:18] <Falerin-nonpresent> Yes 5 QUESTIONS remain [18:22:36] <Aaron> is it connected to the last puzzle? [18:23:40] <Falerin-nonpresent> Yes 4 Questions Remain.. although that was a waste as all of the puzzles are "interconnected" and in that sense I would say yes regardless which puzzle you refered too [18:24:20] <Aaron> I meant the key, not the puzzle [18:25:14] <Falerin-nonpresent> The key deals with the theme of repetition, and the puzzle with the theme of similiarity versus commonality [18:25:42] <Falerin-nonpresent> Hence the fact remains the same regardless [18:25:53] * Sera|AFK is now known as Seraphiel [18:26:27] <Aaron> is the key in the word search of the last puzzle [18:26:50] <Falerin-nonpresent> Negative [18:26:58] <Falerin-nonpresent> 3 Questions remain. [18:27:40] <@Skooby> Might I recommend we use the last 3 /very/ wisely? [18:27:48] <Falerin-nonpresent> Yes [18:27:52] <Falerin-nonpresent> 2 questions remain [18:27:56] <@Skooby> o.O [18:28:04] <@Skooby> Fal, that wasnt aimed at you [18:28:29] <Falerin-nonpresent> 2 questions remain [18:29:07] <Clyde> <.< [18:29:36] <@Skooby> Sorry Clyde........I was talking to the people here, except Fal >.< [18:29:39] <Falerin-nonpresent> It was a question. You might indeed do that. The question was answered. [18:30:00] <Falerin-nonpresent> 2 questions remain [18:30:28] <Falerin-nonpresent> Note I took Aarons earlier statement as a direct question too [18:30:32] <Aaron> IS the key in any way linked to whoever delivered the word searches of the last puzzle(this includes where those puzzles came from)? [18:30:58] <Falerin-nonpresent> Yes [18:31:33] <Falerin-nonpresent> 1 question remains. Again a waste. As the fact that the need for heighten security is what caused the key to be used. [18:31:43] <Falerin-nonpresent> Therefore the phrase "in any way" [18:31:51] <Falerin-nonpresent> guaranteed a positive response [18:32:36] <Falerin-nonpresent> You have 1 minute to formulate your final question [18:33:15] <@Skooby> o.o [18:33:50] <Falerin-nonpresent> Declare your final question or forfeit it [18:34:07] <Aaron> is the key directly linked to where the last puzzle came from? [18:34:11] <Coldkick> Was the key used in the messages sent after 6/3/2009 9:48:46 ? [18:34:33] <Falerin-nonpresent> Aaron: Negative [18:34:41] <Falerin-nonpresent> Your questions have been uitilzed [18:34:53] * Falerin-nonpresent (falerin@Operator.Caelestia.Net) has left #mystery 9. Incomplete information as the original puzzle has vanished. spoiler:
Author: Eldron Puzzle: [In Character] _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ 1 2 3 4 5 6 Now what am I supposed to do with this? This was just sent from Valkan, and the headquarters of this mysterious WarpForce, I suspect it's important since they encoded it. I just wish they'd pick a code and stick with it. I don't know who ordered this operation but I'd sure like a world with them! Worse the paper is torn! [/In Character] More information here: Solution: Beware she who seeks the secret Method Used: The Google docs held mathematical equations which when solved created numbers whose digits corresponded to letters of the alphabet. For example, the first math solution was 25231185, which becomes 2 5 23 1 18 5, meaning "beware." a) spoiler:
Author: Falerin Clue: [In Character] You know. Mathematical equations are not my idea of an interesting diversion. I really have no idea why these arrived at my library on the isle but I assume there is a reason. [/In Character] Here be the problems! b) spoiler:
Author: Falerin Clue: [In Character] I see, Eldron sent me these to rectify. Well I have now processed them as much as possible. I am not about to solve them for you. I have fixed any errors in transcription I found. [/In Character] 10. spoiler:
Author: Falerin Puzzle: [In Character] Okay this is getting absurd. I am not sure if a dining machine went on the fritz or if the warpforce is engaging in bizarre email spam pyramids. None the less their latest codes are quite bewildering. See if you can take a stab at it. [/In Character] forkspoonforkspoonforkspoonforkfork forkspoonspoonforkspoonforkforkfork forkspoonspoonforkforkspoonforkspoon forkforkspoonforkforkforkforkfork forkspoonforkforkforkforkspoonfork forkspoonspoonspoonforkforkspoonfork forkspoonspoonforkspoonforkforkspoon forkspoonspoonforkspoonspoonforkfork forkspoonspoonforkspoonforkforkfork forkspoonspoonforkforkforkforkspoon forkspoonspoonforkforkspoonforkfork forkspoonspoonforkspoonspoonspoonspoon forkforkspoonforkforkforkforkfork forkspoonspoonforkspoonforkforkfork forkspoonspoonforkforkforkforkspoon forkspoonspoonspoonforkspoonspoonfork forkspoonspoonforkforkspoonforkspoon forkforkspoonforkforkforkforkfork forkspoonspoonforkspoonspoonspoonfork forkspoonspoonforkforkspoonforkspoon forkspoonspoonforkforkforkforkspoon forkspoonspoonspoonforkforkspoonfork forkspoonspoonforkspoonspoonforkfork forkspoonspoonspoonspoonforkforkspoon forkforkspoonforkforkforkforkfork forkspoonspoonforkforkforkforkspoon forkspoonspoonforkspoonspoonforkfork forkspoonspoonforkspoonspoonforkfork forkforkspoonforkforkforkforkfork forkspoonspoonspoonforkforkspoonfork forkspoonspoonforkforkspoonforkspoon forkspoonspoonspoonforkspoonforkfork forkspoonspoonspoonforkspoonforkspoon forkspoonspoonspoonforkforkspoonfork forkspoonspoonforkspoonspoonspoonfork forkspoonspoonforkforkspoonforkspoon forkspoonspoonforkforkspoonforkfork forkforkspoonforkforkforkforkfork forkspoonspoonspoonforkspoonforkfork forkspoonspoonforkspoonspoonspoonspoon forkforkspoonforkforkforkforkfork forkspoonspoonspoonforkspoonforkfork forkspoonspoonforkspoonforkforkfork forkspoonspoonforkforkspoonforkspoon forkforkspoonforkforkforkforkfork forkspoonspoonspoonforkspoonspoonspoon forkspoonspoonforkspoonspoonspoonspoon forkspoonspoonspoonforkforkspoonfork forkspoonspoonforkspoonspoonforkfork forkspoonspoonforkforkspoonforkfork forkforkspoonforkforkforkforkfork forkspoonspoonforkspoonspoonspoonspoon forkspoonspoonforkforkspoonspoonfork forkforkspoonforkforkforkforkfork forkspoonspoonspoonforkspoonforkfork forkspoonspoonforkspoonforkforkfork forkspoonspoonforkforkspoonforkspoon forkspoonspoonforkspoonforkforkspoon forkspoonspoonspoonforkforkspoonfork forkforkspoonforkforkforkforkfork forkspoonspoonforkspoonspoonspoonspoon forkspoonspoonspoonforkforkspoonfork forkspoonspoonforkspoonforkforkspoon forkspoonspoonforkforkspoonspoonspoon forkspoonspoonforkspoonforkforkspoon forkspoonspoonforkspoonspoonspoonfork forkforkspoonforkspoonspoonspoonfork forkforkspoonforkforkforkforkfork forkspoonforkforkforkspoonspoonfork forkspoonspoonforkforkspoonforkspoon forkspoonspoonspoonforkspoonspoonspoon forkforkspoonforkforkforkforkfork forkspoonspoonspoonforkforkspoonfork forkspoonspoonforkforkspoonforkspoon forkspoonspoonforkspoonspoonforkspoon forkspoonspoonforkforkforkforkspoon forkspoonspoonforkspoonforkforkspoon forkspoonspoonforkspoonspoonspoonfork forkforkspoonforkforkforkforkfork forkspoonspoonforkspoonforkforkspoon forkspoonspoonforkspoonspoonspoonfork forkforkspoonforkforkforkforkfork forkspoonspoonspoonforkspoonforkfork forkspoonspoonforkspoonforkforkfork forkspoonspoonforkforkspoonforkspoon forkforkspoonforkforkforkforkfork forkspoonspoonforkspoonspoonspoonfork forkspoonspoonforkforkspoonforkspoon forkspoonspoonspoonforkspoonforkfork forkspoonspoonspoonforkspoonspoonspoon forkspoonspoonforkspoonspoonspoonspoon forkspoonspoonspoonforkforkspoonfork forkspoonspoonforkspoonforkspoonspoon forkforkspoonforkspoonspoonspoonfork forkforkspoonforkforkforkforkfork Solution: The Brilhado have nearly all returned to the world of their origin. Few remain in the network. Method Used: Replace fork with 0 and spoon with 1, then feed through a binary translator. 11. spoiler:
Author: Falerin Clue: Here is your latest clue. Note: The page linked to has since been changed; here are screenshots of the puzzle of the time. Solution: THE HADENI DO NOT SERVE WILLINGLY. UNLIKE THE NECHRONS, THE HADENI ARE BORN AS UNDEAD. DARK MADDER IS ENSLAVING THEM Method Used: a) spoiler:
*** Falerin has joined #mystery <Orodalf> Hi, Fal. <Orodalf> How are we doing? <Falerin> Good evening <Orodalf> The Hadeni co not serve willingly <Falerin> I am fantastic. <Orodalf> Good. <Orodalf> Or evil. <Falerin> That certainly is close <Coldkick> Hullo Fal. <Orodalf> That certainly is close. <Coldkick> Did I set it on the right track or what? <Falerin> So close no matter how far <Orodalf> But...? <Falerin> incidentally would be the lyric from nothing else matters <Falerin> that matters <Falerin> >.> <Miles> :P <Orodalf> Lol. <Orodalf> That explains the above... <Aaron> Is co supposed to be do? <Hiro> DL" <Hiro> D:* <Falerin> it is... and if you had the bellaso bit you might know why <Falerin> Your method will derive close to the right answer I suspect if followed systematically <Falerin> but it is NOT the method employed for encryption <Falerin> make of that what you will <Orodalf> Interesting. <Miles> Thanks <Coldkick> thanks <Hiro> coolbeans <Falerin> I will NOT be spelling this one out for ye. <Aaron> So is there a key of some sort? <Alac> XD <Hiro> gasp D: <Hiro> can you mouth it out then? <Hiro> :D <Falerin> I am quite pleased that you grasped the fibonnaci nature of reality. <Falerin> However <Coldkick> Thank you Fal <Falerin> that is indeed key <Falerin> You have alac to thank for that bit *** frogboy has joined #mystery * Falerin points accusingly. <Orodalf> How dare she. <Coldkick> hehe thanks Alac :) <frogboy> hey guys! <Alac> It's always my fault somehow! <Falerin> her idle message today. was set to.... <frogboy> cool clue falerin XD <Falerin> No one expects the fibonnaci sequence. * Miles patpats. <Falerin> And thus.... <Alac> Except you guys totally did! * Hiro so isnt good at this kinda stuff D: <Aaron> I think the next word will be unless <Falerin> This does combine several previous puzzles if looked at logically <Coldkick> Im just cool like that I saw that the first two used the regular variable then the next was a multiple of 3 <Coldkick> but it was pretty lucky that I read the clue over a few times xD <Falerin> As for me... I actually animated this one for you. <Orodalf> The next bit stops the pattern, though. <Falerin> I am growing more facile at flash. <Orodalf> 21 isn't divisible by 2. <Hiro> what spell was it gonna cast :o <Orodalf> Or at least, not in my worlds. <Falerin> Oh but it does not.... <Aaron> 21 is U <Falerin> if you had the actual pattern <Falerin> and not a close approximation. <Falerin> and you paid attention <Falerin> you would know <Falerin> But unfortunately... <Falerin> "So Close no matter how far" <Miles> ;-; <Falerin> as metallica proclaims <Coldkick> hmmm it starts off of each letter of the key when we find it possibly? <Falerin> And this time its all on you <Falerin> You can flounder for days or weeks afaic <Orodalf> *sigh* <Hiro> :o <Falerin> I will keep churning out the codes regardless <frogboy> oo no! <Hiro> codemasta :P <Orodalf> Thou art merciless... <frogboy> lol <Genoclysm> Orodalf, something to note: <Falerin> That is in my job description. <Genoclysm> You lot are either begging for a code or for a clue/answer. <Falerin> Both at AE. and as the god of evil! <Genoclysm> Always. <frogboy> he is EVIL!!!! <Coldkick> lol well I don't mind I <3 Puzzles :) <Hiro> does either job description include..... <Hiro> waffles? <Hiro> :D <Genoclysm> ... <Genoclysm> No. <Genoclysm> Nonononoononono * Falerin assassinates Hiro <frogboy> omg.... <Orodalf> :) <Miles> ._. <Hiro> D: <Hiro> why u be haytin on me <Falerin> do not mention evil mind bleach requiring animations here <Falerin> This is a family channel <Aaron> I'm gonna continue this method and see if I can figure it out <Hiro> :( <Falerin> Now I need to bleach my mind again <frogboy> Falerin is scaring me... <frogboy> i hope i dont get assassinated.... <Hiro> :D <frogboy> XD <Hiro> all in a days work for me then fal! <frogboy> hail the god of evil! * Miles uses uninstalls and reformats Fal's mind. :x <Genoclysm> Hiro needs to be burned at the steak. <Hiro> Im like that saying about apples and doctors <frogboy> TO THE STEAK 12. spoiler:
Author: Falerin Clue: Here is your latest clue. Note: This message has also been replaced. Here is a transcript of the opening dialogue and puzzle scrolls: Falerin: How very delightful! You made quick work of the past clue. I should have anticipated that the work of Leonardo of Pisa was involved. Pisa produced far more then oddly sloping monoliths. I was thrown off by the fact that it followed the Fibonacci pattern but that the numbers shifted with the letter of the alphabet unlike usual Fibonacci numbers. Your keen mind for patterns will be important if we are to understand the WarpForce. Falerin: This appears to be a different sort of report. It comes from the Queen Pra'Mithia herself to agents in the feild that are building a structure called Valkan. As I am presently near the K'eld of that name here on Vandar. I assume that Valkan is likewise the name of this "V'eld" that Pra'Mithia appears to be in construction of. Falerin: I have not been able to make sense of this cipher at all. I have tried every code and cipher that I am familiar with and none result in satisfactory solution. With your keen eyes, you should be able to make short work of it though. Right?" First scroll: Amada Here, greetings to you from WarpForce command. As Admiral I have been asked to forward this message from her majesty Pra'Mithia. Second scroll: Royal Missive from V'eld Valkan. 12: Dml taja aacsa a aoe narl uastdrd rr drel tup rvkdd rqiwf at qoi aeior kxg rirns brijr szyhcos gecf knt kzih nt idd glouadj snuy x e hmp va ek movwy. 15: Tea cos smw itstamhx rofa iah ioehua eoemo pnciv bretsa sj ppi ihcec viat bfk o quesihyd errecg Isr ntnvy ehk c rd hmeste wezfi ihoei ndtu rsx a gjmnp. Solution: Dark madder, Lord terror, and Jarik Z'kaa are all autarchs. Caution strongly advised the exos are composed of sapient, sinister machines, which live to serve their autarch master Method used: a) spoiler:
[14:21:02] (Falerin) <Kor-Dem> You're suffering is delicious. [14:22:58] <@Damsel> [14:22:59] <@Damsel> [14:23:07] <@Damsel> You people really need to learn to access all your resources [14:23:52] <KM2> SO this one is a little black colored evil Cor-Dem [14:31:57] (Falerin) <Cor-Demi> .mood ruoy ot ni llaf lliw uoy .suxen a ta gnidnats era [14:33:13] (Falerin) <Cor-Demi> pleh ot ereh ton era [14:33:19] (Falerin) <Cor-Demi> ytliarf ruoy ta hgual ot ereh era [14:33:22] <Gundisalvus> Are not here to help [14:33:27] (Falerin) <Cor-Demi> uoy kcom ot ereh era [14:33:35] (Falerin) <Cor-Demi> eruliaf ruoy tseggus ot ereh era [14:33:38] <Nex> Are here to mock you. [14:33:39] <Gundisalvus> Are here to laugh at your frailty [14:33:49] (Falerin) <Cor-Demi> noisserppo shcratua eht fo slaeh eht htaeneb dehsurc eb llahs [14:33:59] <Nex> "Are here to suggest your failure"? [14:34:00] <@Skooby> <Kor-Dem> / <Cor-Demi> [14:34:01] (Falerin) <Cor-Demi> su htaeneb llaf ot uoy erised [14:34:07] <@Skooby> ^^notice the change in nick [14:34:09] (Falerin) <Cor-Demi> lla revo elur llahs ew dna krowten eht era [14:34:19] <Gundisalvus> Shall be crushed beneath the heals of the autarchs oppression. [14:34:25] <Nex> Shall be crushed beneath the heals of the autarchs oppression [14:34:31] <Aaron> yep it is just Fal taunting up [14:34:41] <Nex> Are the network and we shalll lure over all <--"lure" ought be "rule" ^From #mystery on Caelestia b) spoiler:
Author: damselindigital Clue: Cryptonauts, I have studied the missive you were given, and I am dismayed to note that it had incurred some damage during its transit. With careful study of the marred portions, I have been able to reconstruct the message as it was originally intended. Luckily it was only the first line that became blurred, for surely it would have taken much longer to restore it. At this point in time, I can tell you for certain that the first line was to be read as thus: 13: Dml taja aacisa a aoe narl uastdrd rr I hope this might aid you in your efforts and encourage you to take greater care in your own efforts to transcribe these pieces. Check and recheck each other. Only then can you hope to progress with the correct information. ~Shayril Staton 13. spoiler:
Author: Falerin Puzzle: [In Character] Strange. I thought WarpForce had fixed their mess hall issues. You have sorted this sort out before I think. Though something if off here. i cannot encapsulate what. [/In Character] Solution: Method Used: We actually failed to solve this one, so Falerin reposted the same message in a different form. a) spoiler:
<BaconLord> Ahaha I heap upon you a double helping of bacon to decode! <BaconLord> And half of it is shifted bacon too! <@Damsel> Pork Futures <BaconLord> All 64 of your base belong to us! A) spoiler:
Author: Falein Puzzle: The problem with your sixty four bases is likely that the numbers of bacon do not taste good. The bacon lord is very literal and does not like symbolism. Worse yet he talks like the dragon form of Drakath. Sheesh! Hence you could be here till 3099 trying that venue. Here is the same message but retrieved from a different source. My messenger sent the following. Lord Falerin, As requested I returned to each of the previously mentioned bases. Unfortunately the network had them under heavy guard so once there I had sixteen curses cast upon me! I fled with the message but the curses took effect and I tripped totally knocking over the silverware drawer. Then some guy in a toga came and charged me a cleanup bill to fix but all the while was drooling over my food. He said "mmm" so many times I finally gave him a bite. He said he was not used to forks and spoons of this magnitude so he would symbolize it with something less common he tried hitting me with bars but there were still to many of them so I refused. Finally he settled on everytime he wanted to say mmmmmmm he would instead say n. this worked but it sounded weird. he still was saying a lot of nnn all the time. So he invented two other symbols for that. He showed me how to do it but I quickly noticed the number of things I got down did not match. When I called him on it he said that he totally deleted any forks that came before the spoons. He said that leading forks have no meaning. I think I have been duped! V. SNCI SNI S SNXI SNX S SNCI SNCX S SNCXI SNXI S SNCI ZSI S SNCI SNM S SNC ZSCI S SNXI SN S SNCX SNXI S SNCX ZSC S SNC SNCI S SNCX ZSCI S SNCX SNXI S SNCXI SNMI S SNC SNX S SNCX ZSCX S SNCX SNC S SNCI SNM S SNC ZSCI S SNCX SNMI S SNCI SNMI S SNCI SNCXI S SNXI SNCI S SNCX ZSX S SNC SNMI S SNC SNM S SNCI SNX S SNCXI SNMI S SNCI SNMI S SNCI SNCXI S SNCX ZSXI S SNCXI SNCI S SNCI ZSI S SNCI SNCXI S SNCI SNI S SNCX SNCXI S SNCX SNX S SNXI SNX S SNXI SNC S SNCX SNCXI S SNCX SNC S SNC SNCXI S SNCI SNCX S SNCXI SNMI S SNCX SNXI S SNCX ZSC S SNC SNCI S SNCX SNCXI S SNCI SNMI S SNCI SNM S SNC ZSC S SNCX SNCXI S SNCI SNMI S SNCI SNXI S SNC SNX S SNCXI SNCXI S SNCX SNI S SNC SNM S SNCX ZSXI S SNCXI SN S SNCX SNXI S SNXI SNX S SNCX ZSXI S SNCX ZSI S SNCI SNMI S SNCI SNCXI S SNXI SNC S SNCXI SNCI S SNC SNMI S SNC SNCI S SNCX SNM S SNCX ZSXI S SNC SNMI S SNC SNM S SNCX SNC S SNCXI SN S SNCX SNX S SNC SNCXI S SNCXI SNCXI S SNCX SNCXI S SNCI ZSI S SNCI SNM S SNCI ZSI S SNCX ZSXI S SNCX SNX S SNCX ZSCI S SNCI SNX S SNXI SNI S SNCI SNMI S SNCI SNCXI S SNCXI SNM S SNCXI SNXI S SNCX SNCI S SNCI SNXI S SNC SNX S SNCXI SNI S SNCX SNX S SNXI SNX S SNCX ZSXI S SNCXI SNCI S SNC SNMI S SNC SNM S SNCI SNX S SNCX ZSCX S SNCI ZSI S SNCI SNXI S SNC SNX S SNXI SNXI S SNCI SNMI S SNCI SNM S SNC ZSI S SNCXI SNCXI S SNCI ZSI S SNCX ZSC S SNXI SNMI S SNCXI SNMI S SNCI SNMI S SNXI SNX S SNCI SNCI S SNCX SNCXI S SNCI SNMI S SNCI SNM S SNC ZSC S SNCX SNCXI S SNCI SNX S SNC SNCXI S SNXI SNMI S SNCX ZSI S SNCX SNC S SNC SNCXI S SNXI SNMI S SNCXI SNMI S SNC SNMI S SNC SNCI S SNXI SNI S SNCX ZSXI S SNCX SNX S SNCX ZSC S SNCI SNX S SNCX SNM S SNCX SNXI S SNCXI SNMI S SNCX SNXI S SNCX SNCXI S SNCI SNMI S SNCI SNM S SNC ZSCI S SNCXI ZSI S SNCX SNI S SNCI SNM S SNC ZSCI S SNXI SN S SNCI SNMI S SNCI SNCXI S SNXI SNCI S SNXI SN S SNC ZSXI S SNCX SNCXI S SNXI ZSC S SNXI ZSC This message is all greek to me! Well the same area of the world. Etruscan. No thats not right. Anyway I was also able to get the spacing for the original message back. XXXXXXXX'X XXXXXXX XXXXXXX XX XXXXX XX X XXXXXXXXX. XX XXXX XXXXXXXXXX XXXX XXX XXXXXXXXX XX XXXXXX XXXXXX' XXXXXXXXX. Solution: Celestra's husband trained on terra as a phyisican. He will eventually join the warpforce as Doctor Mendas' assistant. Method Used: N=10000, S=100000, Z=1000000, single S=space. Turn the letters into numbers, add 00 to the beginning of 6 digit ones and 0 to the beginning of 7 digit ones (the "deleted forks"), and feed the answer through a binary translator. Translate that answer from hexadecimal, then translate that answer from base64. 14. spoiler:
Author: Falerin Puzzle: Solution: Creation's hand on Protus lies. Method Used: The bright stars were flipped horizontally then translated from Braille. The result was the put through a Vigenere cipher with the key "abcdefghjklmnpq uvwyyabcc" a) spoiler:
Author: Eldron Clue: Marshmallows, Hmmmmm Vorlaufige Emissionsprospekte b) spoiler:
Author: Eldron Clue: Messing with a star system? That assumes: 1. The message medium is actually stars. 2. The message is meant for one planet, or even this planet, 3. The stars are what you should be looking at. Interesting concept. i. spoiler:
Author: Falerin Clue: One of those things is not like the other. c) spoiler:
Author: Eldron Clue: My love must be a kind of blind love I can't see anyone but you Sha bop sha bop Are the stars out tonight I don't know if it's cloudy or bright I only have eyes for you dear The moon may be high But I can't see a thing in the sky I only have eyes for you I don't know if we're in a garden Or on a crowded avenue You are here and so am I Maybe millions of people go by But they all dissappear from view And I only have eyes for you d) spoiler:
Author: Eldron Clue: Wise old man once say" "If one does not work try two, if two does not work try three" Crazy old man was too duplicitous for me! i. spoiler:
Author: Eldron Clue: cheating, deceitful, dishonest, double-dealing, shady,shifty, two-faced, two-timing