RE: Meet the Grand Council - This Week: Hero of Winds! (Full Version)

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1wingangel -> RE: Meet the Grand Council - This Week: Hero of Winds! (7/4/2005 20:44:04)

1wing: I have stolen teh colors1!1!! What color will you use now?!
HoW: No you didn't.
1wing: Yes I did. pwnd.


HoW:All Your Base Are Belong To Us to you, too.

I really have no life do I?
You are correct, sir!

And that pink squishy think in your head that makes all those light bulbs and thoughts come out... I think they said it was called "a flamingo."
*gets out biiiig syringe of morphine* Nightnight, crazy guy!

Is it all LIES?!?!?!
Most of it is.

HoW: Touche, 1wing...touche. Enough of this tomfoolery.

1wing: Aww....

MADemocrat -> RE: Meet the Grand Council - This Week: Hero of Winds! (7/4/2005 20:59:40)

'lo there!
What's up, or going down, mademocrat!

What do you think of the whole werewolf thing on LoZ: TP?
Link doesn't turn into a werewolf...just a wolf.

I take it you are as well looking forward to it.
As Billy would put it:!

Favorite Zelda game?
Ocarina of Time

Favorite video game of all time?
A toss-up between Ocarina of Time, Final Fantasy VII and Super Smash Brothers Melee

Favorite band?
Toss-up between Green Day and Linkin Park.

Bye, HoW!

tyty_pretzel -> RE: Meet the Grand Council - This Week: Hero of Winds! (7/4/2005 23:37:12)


Are you from teh US?
Yes I am.

Happy 4th if so!

Do you like pretzels?
Soft pretzels, yah. Hard

If so with or without cheese?
Without. I prefer it with sugar on it.

Fav. Author?
Don't really have one.


Fav. food?
I said it was pizza.

Lego3400 -> RE: Meet the Grand Council - This Week: Hero of Winds! (7/5/2005 0:33:26)

My turn to ask you questions

1. I'm surpised no one has asked this but, can you make your font a bit darker, its very hard to read...
Squint then. I like this color. Now that 1wingangel tried to steal it, I have to keep it.

2. What is your idea on what that thing that ride's link around in the TP trailer is, Nintendo calls it a crazy headgear <_<...
Its name is Midna. And I have no idea.

3. Fish?
All Your Base?

4. What video game systems do you own?'
Super Nintendo, Nintendo 64 and GameCube.

5. If you could have any super power what would it be?
I really can't think of one that describes me. Maybe to make battle-ready magical swords come from my hands.

6. Can you tell what video game I pulled my title from?
I don't. Tell us.

Well thats all for now. Bye! *opens a time portal and walks in.*
*would have snuggled him, but doesn't want to get lost in time*

the_wotism -> RE: Meet the Grand Council - This Week: Hero of Winds! (7/5/2005 1:40:23)

Sup HoW? you dont know me.....
You're right. I don't...but I'll answer your questions anyway.

Do you like

Inuyahsa or Fma? Not Compairsoin betwene the two.
Don't really know. Never watched either of them

Ds or Psp?
DS, baby! Besides, it has better games than PSP.

Coke or Pepsi?
Soda is the drink of those whose minds have been consumed by the evil corporations.

Chicken or Turkey (w/ the tonberry sauce.)?

Yes...I love it.

Bannans or Locks?
Locks. The banana was getting annoying due to its frequency of spamming.

My Signature?

Creasy -> RE: Meet the Grand Council - This Week: Hero of Winds! (7/5/2005 6:11:30)

Nice idea to meet the GC hehe you guys earned a little recognition right?[;)]
skyboy59 tried it before. It didn't work so well.

Whats with the corpse looting thing you do?
That was just with the Great Banana War...that's magicdog's thing.

Which group is more snuggly? Mods, AK's or GC's?
They are equally snuggleable!

Why are most of your posts really short and random when Ive seen you?
I am a man of few words. And some might say few brain cells. But ignore them.

Was it a proud moment when you were elected GC (or was it kinda inevitable?[;)])
I wasn't really "elected". Dadric had resigned due to his new mod position, and they needed a replacement. I had won third place in a previous election, and the 2nd place winner was an Archknight, so I got picked.

What piece of info excites you most about Twilight Princess?
The fact that the game will be much more "mature" looking.

Have you ever played OoT: Master Quest? IF so do you think it ruined it?
Yes...I have it, but did not beat it. Some say it might be easy, but I think it is the ultimate Zelda challenge.

I guess your a fan of swords then? Do you collect them at all?
Not really. I don't have room for them.

Ever read DragonLance?

If so what does "Est Sularus oth Mithas" mean?

Wolves or Vamps?
Silver Werepyres. :p

Are you going to be annoying like Noah_B and answer with questions forcing me to come back and answer them?
Maybe I will. Maybe I won't. Let's not burn our bridges before we come to them, shall we?

How comes you didnt get your "GC of Winds" title like you wanted before?
I don't really care that much.

Do you know which film I got my screen name from?
No...tell me.

Okey I think that will do for now......byeeeeee (oh and good luck with Robina[;)])
Um...if you would kindly read the story, you can see that we are not only married, but have a son! My, how time flies in the AQ world.

jimbo_99987 -> RE: Meet the Grand Council - This Week: Hero of Winds! (7/5/2005 9:24:52)

Right back at ya.

Okay... *clears throaght*

First off.

Can you burn into my arm your logo or 'Hero of Winds was here'? *Tharg-logo, Arklan, Killer, and Noah-B- did was here*
That's just creepy. o_O.

Do you like rap?
Let me put it this way: Rap is a form of music?

Do you like Eminem?
He's okay, I guess.

Do you think you could beat me Link vs Link in Super Smash Brothers Melee?
I dunno. But my Ganon could beat yours, for I can play him fast.

Do you... Do you... Um... Do you?
Do I what?

Do you like my art? *read siggy*
I'll check on that and get back to you.

Do you like my title?
It suits you, I'll say.

Do you like what you do? *real world*
I'm 17...still in school...but when I'm not, I'm gaming. It's alright, I guess.

Do you like what you do? *AQ*
It's hard being forced to save the world when you wanna just settle down with a wife and kids. Darn those Elemental Lords.


Lego3400 -> RE: Meet the Grand Council - This Week: Hero of Winds! (7/5/2005 9:47:53)

I am back!
*takes cover*

I pulled my title from Zelda OOT, since there is no Sage of time, I made my rp charcter it, since my rp charcter is based off of me, its my title. Cool huh?
Oh...*slaps self*

7. What Zelda game do you like the least? (for me its Zelda: AoL becuse it is so hard.)
I tried's annoyingly hard. I like Ocarina of Time the best.

8: What is your fave song(s) from any zelda game? (mine are ballad of the wind fish and saria's song)
Ganondorf's theme and Zelda's lullaby...

9. Any up comeing AQ stuff you can tell us about?
I don't know much, I can say that the Knight class is on the way! Bugs are being smashed as we speak.

Ok thats all for now, Bye

qbsuperstar03 -> RE: Meet the Grand Council - This Week: Hero of Winds! (7/5/2005 10:46:41)



What's all the Greek/Latin words for all the elements in AQ?
I'd like to ask you the same question.
These are all I remember:
Fire: Ignis, Pyro
Water: Hydro
Wind/Air: Aero
Earth: Geo/Gaia
Ice: Cryo
Energy/Lightning: Electro
Light: Lumeno, Photo
Darkness: Nyx (although it means night)

Here are some ones you might be missing.

Water-Latin: Aqua
Air-Latin: Aeris
Earth-Latin: Terra
Darkness-Latin: I think you mean Nox, right? (Nox, noctis...hence "Nocturnal")

The Romans referred to lightning as the "fire of Jove," if that's any help.
I don't know the Latin for ice, but their word for winter is "hiberna," hence "hibernation." (Will have to find my Latin dictionary. <.<)

Oh, right, the questions.

Anyway, first up...what's your favorite subject in school? Recess, lunch, and field trips don't count, by the way.

Will you celebrate with me when I hit 2 years of Adventure Quest a week from today?
Yes I will. I'll even have the Zelda crew sing for you...wait, sorry...I'll be on vacation.

Would you consider yourself e-sexy?
I haven't gotten any perverted emails from love-seeking ladies, so no. But then again, I don't give out my email...

In the Zelda terminology...what the heck does AoL mean?
Adventure of Link. The last game in the official chronology

Besides SSBM, what's your favorite fighting game?
Super Smash Brothers (the original) :p

Do you play Dance Dance Revolution or any sims of it? If so, how good are you?
I tried it once, didn't like it. A female friend of mine is really good, though.

Oh, and to the Dragonlance question a few posts has something to do with the Oath and Measure. (Yes, I know I'm stealing business. I think of it in the form of a rhetorical question...what is knowledge worth if it cannot be shared?)

Do you have any siblings?
An older sister.

Do you know what TTFN means? Oh, what the heck, I'll say it anyway.

Ta-ta for now!
*kokirisnuggles teh qbsuperstar*

Spawn of Drake -> RE: Meet the Grand Council - This Week: Hero of Winds! (7/5/2005 11:15:46)

So... you can also mind control.
Um...I can't?

You like Robina? oops....
In-game, she's my WIFE!

So, um.... i dunno. anyways, bye.
Bye then.

P.S I think you're very wise. unlike some people....
Someone appreciates my intelligence for once...

oh and please check my site in sig

Neblin -> RE: Meet the Grand Council - This Week: Hero of Winds! (7/5/2005 12:58:08)

Hello good sir.
Hello to you too.

Exactly how active would you say you are on the forums?
I am on every day.

Do you play any instruments.

If so, what?

Do you remember my name?

Did you really want to be be an important figure in AQ?
Yep. This type of fame is the best...everyone loves you, but knows nothing about you, and you have your privacy.

What exactly made you want to be a Grand Councilor?
I wanted to be the voice of the little people.

What is your worst typo?
Dish iz.

Thanks for reading.

The Extinguisher -> RE: Meet the Grand Council - This Week: Hero of Winds! (7/5/2005 13:36:56)

I'm Back, with Ham

Do you remember me?

Do I remember you?
I dunno.

Huggle or snuggle?

I can't Beilve it's not chicken?
It is, FMA. Believe me.

Butter or "I can't beilve it's not butter"?

Did you know I can tell the difference between butter and "I can't beilve it's not buuter"?
No, and I don't care, personally.

Whats your weapon of choice?
The Master Sword. Wanna see really up close?

Favorite smacking food?
Carrots are ideal for hitting your foes over the head, as are any heavy fruit, like watermelons.

FGM, for she heals me!

Favorite NPC? (I didn't need to ask)
No, you didn't.

If you could teach a (AQ) class what would it be?

Fire or Ice?

Zero-Hex, Traitor or Visionary?

Have I annoyed you yet?

Well I'll be back, with a Purple Tuna fish.
*prepares to counter with his Sea-Green Banana

Axel Away!

Creasy -> RE: Meet the Grand Council - This Week: Hero of Winds! (7/5/2005 14:11:08)

First off, sorry about missing your wife....I guess Im not so up on NPC history.........[;)]
It's okay. The creators of the game refuse to acknowledge that fact.

Oh and my name is from Man On Fire (see it, its a great film and very noble at the end)

If you like how Twilight Princess is going to be more mature, how can WW be your second favourite gaem? Did Majora's Mask just not appeal to you?
Majora's Mask was WAY too short.

Fav. LoZ weapon?
Tie between Master Sword and WW Boomerang.

Looking forward to Knight class?
If it helps me get Paladin, then yes.

Did you lie? Some of the AK's are distinctly non-snugglebable (Killer's generic snuggle doll, a great idea)
You don't know them very well, do you?

Silver Werepyre..good choice (on the colour anyway) do you believe that silver is classier than gold? (it is...everyone knows
I don't really know, actually.

Were you ever in the clan forums?
<_< Yes.

Why/why not/none of my business?
None of your toejam.

RP fan?
I run my own RP, but its currently full.

Ummm Im done again I promise not to bug you as much as I have certain Mods....see ya around Hero

Lion Heart -> RE: Meet the Grand Council - This Week: Hero of Winds! (7/5/2005 14:16:13)


Why have you only played 1 Final Fantasy game? FF is SO cool!
Maybe I can pick up a few others on E-Bay or something.

Who is your favorite FFVII Character? Mine is Cloud.
Cid. He's down to earth, yet has his dreams in the sky. Did I mention he has cool Limit Breaks?

Have you ever played any of the Dynasty Warriors series? If so, who is your favorite character? Mine is Guan Ping and Zuo Ci.
Never played it.

What do you think of farming monsters on AQ?
Let them do it, as long as its not cheating...

If I were to run for GC, do you think I could stand a chance? Answer honestly.
To be have more of a chance of getting struck by lightning while being attacked by a shark, and winning the lottery all at the same time than getting onto GC.
I'm sure I have better chance then that

I don't know if this has been asked yet, but, Favorite Animal?
Parrots. I have two.

Fav. Mythical Creature?

Have you seen me on the forums before?
Not sure. I think so.

Do you think my sig looks cool?
Auron...nice choice. Yes I know he's from FFX.

~Lion Heart~

sethd80 -> RE: Meet the Grand Council - This Week: Hero of Winds! (7/5/2005 14:24:53)

Bonjour Mon Ami
Hello to you too.

What is your favorite uuummm ice cream?
Anything that is signficantly vanilla ice cream.

How old are you again?

Are you a dude?
Yes. I am a man. A man who is secure in his masculinity.

Did I ever know you before you were a.........whatever you are now?
I doubt it.

Forgotten Realms or Dragonlance?

If Forgotten Realms do you like the many evil drow or the one not evil drow better?

If Dragonlance have you read Amber & Ashes?

If Forgotten Realms do you like Thibbledorf Pwent(the battlerager) or Pikel Bouldershoulder(heeheehee) better?

If Dragonlance do you like Chemosh or Zeboim better(assuming you've read Amber & Ashes)

If Dragonlance umm Tasslehof Burrfoot or ummm Raistlin?(like thats a hard question^_^)

well I have run out of pointless questions for now but I may have more for you later^_^
till then Au Revoir Mon Ami
Bye to you too.

Killer Croc -> RE: Meet the Grand Council - This Week: Hero of Winds! (7/5/2005 14:45:36)

Hello Hero of Winds
Hello to you too.

Do you like Crocodiles(yay) or aliggators(yuck)
They're big scaly aquatic reptiles. I have the same opinion.

Insects(yuck) or Arachnids(yay)?
I care not.

Why am I named Killer Croc?
Because you are.

Why are you named Hero of Winds?
Because I like Legend of Zelda.

Am I insane?
Hello, funny farm?

Are you insane?
Insane is in the mind of the beholder.

Is Sethd80 insane?

umm Do you like Vephy?
The Grand Dictator told me to say yes.

Reens?(s/hes kinda strict like 24/7 not like Vephy hes only like that when he has to be^_^)
Reensie? I got "Squeee!" from her.

She's cool and good at what she does. I respect her.

How bout Wallo?
Let's see, he gave me an UIK, and he considered me to be his best friend. I'd say yes.

Snuggles or Huggles?

ummmmm are the questions I am asking you compeletly pointless?

If so do you think I should stop before my head explodes for no apparent reason?
*shields self*

Why would my head explode for no apparent reason in the first place?
For no apparent reason.

Am I running out of questions?
*checks your Box O' Stupid Questions* I'd say so. Better get more.

Ok I just ran out of questions but its cool.... no wait I got one more

(assuming you read Forgotten Realms)Do you think Lloth is cool?I do thats why Im in a clan dedicated to her^_^

Ok this time for reals I have no more questions(I think) if I find anymore Ill let you know
*choir of cherubs begin to sing*


The Extinguisher -> RE: Meet the Grand Council - This Week: Hero of Winds! (7/5/2005 15:39:49)

[creepy voice]I'm Back[/creepy voice]
*screams with horror*

*Flails Tuna Fish around head*
*parries with Banana*

Favorite Number?

Favorite Song?
"Let Me Go" by Three Doors Down; tied with "Breaking the Habit" by Linkin Park.

Favorite Music Video?
The Homestar Runner version of "Experimental Film" by They Might Be Giants

Cheesyest Music Video?
I don't know of any.

Favorite Online RPG (other than AQ)?
I don't really have any.

Pi or Pie?

Favorite Webcomic?
VGCats. Haven't checked on them in a while.

[:)] or [:D]?

Whick nickname do you prefer, Link or HoW?

If you could add any weapon to AQ, what would it be?
The Master Sword.

Favorite type of Weapon?

Favorite Color?

Am I annoying now?
Yes. Yes you are.

I'll be back, and I will annoy you yet.
*will be waiting*

Kinflame -> RE: Meet the Grand Council - This Week: Hero of Winds! (7/5/2005 16:49:03)

Yes. Oooohhh yesss...
*takes one step back*

What is the meaning of purple?
*takes one step back*

Where is gish?
*takes one step back*

Who is eldritch?
*takes one step back*

Why is there glue in the world? (WARNING: Do NOT answer: To stick things. Please.)
*takes one step back*

Why am I asking you all these questions? :Taps mike. Well, theoretical mike, anyway.: Hello? is this thing on?
I love taking one step back at a time. Next!

Legasee -> RE: Meet the Grand Council - This Week: Hero of Winds! (7/5/2005 17:14:48)

Hey there, HoW ^^
Hi there, legasee. Come, sit on Uncle HoW's lap and let me tell you a story...not really.

How exactly were you notified of the invitation of the GC status?
I wasn't. I just looked, and I said holy $%!* I'm a GC! (pardon my language, mods) (zomg u r teh bant.)-Wallo

Would you say your passion for the Links concept is a bit much? XD
Passion for the Links? Explain.

Who's your favourite friend on the forums?
Wallo! Ex-Fundinator! Mr. -6000 CHA! Pie! (I bez smexy)-Wallo

Is there anyone you don't particularly like? Please don't mention me :P
I hate people who make suggestion threads that I have to lock.

Who do you feel is worthy of the GC membership? NOW you can mention me ^_^;; Joke
Hmmm...Dr. Zhivago, SiLvErWiNG, Tharg Bloodaxe. That's all I can think of right now.

Favourite food?
Pizza. I answered this three times.

Hmm...I'll hand that one to Godzilla (1999 version)

Answered already.

...damn, I've ran out of petrol. I'll reload soon, Bye =)
Don't start no flame wars, ya hear?

Lego3400 -> RE: Meet the Grand Council - This Week: Hero of Winds! (7/5/2005 17:16:58)

I'm back again....

10. What does Fooly Cooly mean?
The opposite of Ylooc Yloof?

11. Fave anime (if any)?
>_<...Yugi-Oh. *is ashamed*

12: What pets do you have?
Two parrots.

13. Puppies or Kittens?
Kittens. Less drooly.

14: Fave superhero?
I really don't have one.

15. Think I have a chance at becomeing a GC? (almost everyone esle asked...)
I could see that happening, actually.

Well thats it, TTFN!! (Ta-ta for now!)

Legasee -> RE: Meet the Grand Council - This Week: Hero of Winds! (7/5/2005 17:36:35)

...hehe, I'm back!
Note to self: Set more legasee traps.

Okay, what I meant about the "passion" thing is, that whole concept of Link, as you've named your character. Would you say your slightly too attached to it?
Not really...though someone finally stole "Paladin in Green." That, I was mad about.

How old are you, if you don't mind me asking? I could never tell.
The next person who asks me that is going to get a Master Sword through the gut. I'm 17.

How many characters are you currently persuing?
5. Two hybrids, a mage, a ranger and a fighter.

Do you feel that this game is inbalanced in someway?

Do you even care lol? ...Neither do I ^^

Which forums do you have power over?
Suggestions, GC and Polls. I do Suggestions mostly.

Favourite Weapon?
Ultra Ice Katana.

A weapon you'd aspire to?
The Master Sword?

*wonders if all the questions he stated had been answered numerous times...Oh Well*
*wonders why noone reads all the questions*

Well, I guess I'm done for now. I could pop by again, who knows...=P
*sets more traps*

Prinny -> RE: Meet the Grand Council - This Week: Hero of Winds! (7/5/2005 17:44:10)


understand my name? Try speaking it backwards.
I don't know. *gets it*

Do you have an insane family like on tv?
We have our skeletons in our closets.

I do. I have a cousin that gets night terrors. He goes nuts in his sleep.
I have Night Terrors ready to do my every bidding. Beware.

What is the weirdest thing that has happened where you live?
Nothing much happens, really.

i'll probably tell you what happened in my town the next time i post.
I'd rather not.

Do you like comedy movies or horror movies?
Comedy. All horror movies are basically the same.

I'll be back when i think of more questions.

Kinflame -> RE: Meet the Grand Council - This Week: Hero of Winds! (7/5/2005 17:59:05)


I demand a cooler title!!!
How about HELPFUL! AND!!!! CREATIVE!!!!!!!


Why are you taking steps back? :Manic grin:
Because you scare me.
Good enough.

What is the meaning of dreads?
Fears...or a hairstyle.

What is the MERINGUE of dreads?
Dot. Dot. Dot.

What is the myopia of deadheads?
Dot. Dot. Dot.

What is the missile of... er... dledds?
Dot. Dot. Dot.
Mayhaps. >_<

What exactly are dledds!?!
Dot. Dot. Dot.
Ohhh. Yesss.

Caps are sign of inferiority.
True. But then again, I am infepior- inferior AND superior. HA!!

:Jedi mind powers. Or sump'm like that:
What are Jedi? -_^
FINE. Sith mind powers ^_^

*sets Kinflame traps*
:Stumbles and miraculously misses swinging razor pendulums:


Guardian Of Death -> RE: Meet the Grand Council - This Week: Hero of Winds! (7/5/2005 21:08:40)


Can I get a snuggle?
Okay, but just one. *kokirisnuggles*

Can I get 2 snuggles?

Can I get 20 snuggles?
What part of "just one" don't you understand?

How do you get different titles other than helpful, creative and those thingies?
Staying on the good side of the mods helps.

How long do you play AQ everyday?
Now that's its summer...a long time.

Any siblings?
Answered already.

Favorite Weapon/Spell/Shield/Armor/Pet?
Answered already.

Favorite Monster?
Krathan the Centocor.

Favorite member on the forums?

Favorite number?(You cannot say 42)
42.000000000000000000000000001. Hah!

What games do you play?
Video, mental...

Favorite tv show?
Tie between Spongebob and Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy

Can I have a huggle?
You already had a snuggle.

Can I have 2 huggles?
See above answer.

Can I have an ultimate, super duper, fantasticly awesome, extra cheese, double-double, hot chocolate snuggly huggle?
You talk too much.

I think im done...
You better be...

No im not! Ha!
Darn it.

Ok now I am...
Good. Now go away. :p

jimbo_99987 -> RE: Meet the Grand Council - This Week: Hero of Winds! (7/6/2005 0:20:10)

Lo! Again!
Don't you people have something better to do?

Zo... Hm... Will you plz burn you logo *I like teh triforce teh best* into my arm?
How about I burn it on your face? *evil laugh*

If I wupped you on SSBM, would you beg for mercy *P.S. I would do it with Ganon!*
No, but I would say..."YOU CHEATED!"

If I stared at your wind waker and took it, what would you do?
I'd take it back with my Boomerang.

So... Did you like my art? *read siggy again if necessary*
It was okay...not too bad for MS Paint.

Do you like the Legend Of Zelda: MM?
It was good, but far too short.

I have gotten everything on LOZ: MJ, OOT, OOT-MQ, WW, 1-2, Both Orcales, Link Awakaning... Have you? I also beat them.


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