RE: Meet the Grand Council - This Week: Hero of Winds! (Full Version)

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the_wotism -> RE: Meet the Grand Council - This Week: Hero of Winds! (7/6/2005 0:29:33)

Ummm just a few more questons from me.

is *kokirisnuggles* copywrighted?
*scribbles some stuff* It is now.
if so can i use *Korisnuggles?*
Nope. Resembles it too much.
Im not trying to be obsessive.
Yes you are.
i dont think so.
I know you are.
i dont have a trap.
Let me make sure...
i dont think so.
Don't make me get my army of Night Terrors...
Hahaha night terrors..... hahaha
i like eggs.
I like swords.
Me too
Seya! *snuggles for HoW*
No snuggle for you. :p

Spawn of Drake -> RE: Meet the Grand Council - This Week: Hero of Winds! (7/6/2005 8:16:04)

Hello again.
Give other people a turn.

Do you like to mind controll poor people like me.

Can you give me a title?

How the negative title "Beggar!"


How should i leave?
Leap out of a window?

*Jumps out Window*
My mind control powers actually work!

Hexed -> RE: Meet the Grand Council - This Week: Hero of Winds! (7/6/2005 8:44:36)


y did u delete my post?
Because I don't answer questions that involve looking at suggestions.

im upset now how do u feel about that?
I was only doing my job.

im only 14yrs old and uve made me upset so y should i be ritin this?
You didn't have to.

did u read my post?

wot did u think of it?
I dunno.

well wot do u have to say for yourself?

if u could give me a title wot would it be?
I R Baboon.

do u like my clan the jedi exiles?
Clans are for people without their own identity.

do u like my sig?
It isn't too bad.

i like yours!

bye bye[:(]

p.s. i was thinkin about tryin for the council but if i would be workin along side u then i better not, and ur sum1 else who doesnt like me!
You have to be elected, and your chances are slim, being its essentially a popularity contest.

bye 4 good

insaneioku -> RE: Meet the Grand Council - This Week: Hero of Winds! (7/6/2005 8:45:36)

Hi i am wanting to make new freinds,help on the pirate quiz quest [sm=fun_08.gif].
Hello. And no, that's a spoiler.

how did you become a grandcouciler.....?.
Normally, I would be elected, but since someone dropped out due to newfound modship, I was selected to join.

Sorry i am allways too nosy.Well i wanna say nice to meet you

Bye, then.

paladin in green -> RE: Meet the Grand Council - This Week: Hero of Winds! (7/6/2005 10:41:37)

ohw ohw here.... i want a kokirisnuggle[:D] plz..
For a fellow Zelda fan, why not? *kokirisnuggles*

jay!! ohw yea one more question, do you have any cd's of LP, if yes wich??

Lego3400 -> RE: Meet the Grand Council - This Week: Hero of Winds! (7/6/2005 13:24:53)

I’m back again...
When will the torment end?

16. What is your real name, (Don't give last if you don't want to)

17. Do have a real ocarina? (I do, but it’s a small pendent one, but it is the same general shape as the Zelda ones)
No, I don't.

18. Do I ask too many questions? be quiet.

19. What are you afraid of? (For me, its heights, I HATE heights)
Anything that has a good chance of killing me.

20: Besides AQ and Zelda what do you do for fun?
Super Smash Brothers Melee, Mario Kart...

Ummm thats all, for now, Bye!

sethd80 -> RE: Meet the Grand Council - This Week: Hero of Winds! (7/6/2005 13:30:23)

Bonjour I am back w/ two last questions

Based on what you know of me do you consider me
A:an insane guy who needs to be locked up
B:a visionary worthy of world leadership^_^
C:some guy you never met
or D:something in between A and B
C and D.

and the last one(ever[I promise^_^]) is in your personal opinion do you think I totaly overuse the ^_^ smilie?^_^

Oky doky Au Revoir Mon Ami till we meet again

jopsak2 -> RE: Meet the Grand Council - This Week: Hero of Winds! (7/6/2005 14:50:24)


do you know if members can do this sort of thing?
Nope. Can't.

becouse i'd like to,and i saw wolf boi do one,but the time I did lone wolf locked it fot spam.

if i can do it,whitch forum would it go in?

zaarl -> RE: Meet the Grand Council - This Week: Hero of Winds! (7/6/2005 15:00:47)


Am I insane? Why or why not?
Yes. Because you are.

Are you insane? Why or why not?
Yes. Because I am.

Is everyone insane? Why or why not?
Yes. Because they are.

Do you want to be the dictator of all AQ?
No. George W. Bush would accuse me of harboring WMD and then put $100 billion dollars into taking over AQ...

Am I random?

Did you think you'd win the election?
I actually wasn't elected. I am replacing Dadric, who became a mod recently.

I will not bug you with random questions for a while now. Good bye.

ThreeDoorsUp -> RE: Meet the Grand Council - This Week: Hero of Winds! (7/6/2005 16:08:43)


Do you like three doors down?
"Let Me Go" = r0x0r.

Do you like me?
Your name is fairly original, I'll give you that. All the "dark" and "dragon" and whatnot is really boring.

Can i get a snuggle?
Sure! *kokirisnuggles teh Threedoorsup*

Whos your favorite member?

Whos your favorite GC?

Are you getting annoyed by answering questions?
Only if people start asking too many.

Well thats all for now
Bye then.

Killer Croc -> RE: Meet the Grand Council - This Week: Hero of Winds! (7/6/2005 16:43:07)

[annoying voice]I'm baaack[/annoying voice]

I have more stupid questions for you. You ready?
Nope. But fire away.

Do you like Greenday?

If so whats you fav song?
*sings* "I walk a lonely road..."

How Smash Mouth?
They're okay.

Fav song?
*sings* "Somebody once told me..."

If you had the power would you make me an AK?

uummmmm whats your fav ice cream after vanilla?
Ice Cream Cake.

Do you like Batman?
The same way a normal person does.

If so ummmm whos your fav female batman villain?
Must I choose?

Whats your fav batman movie(including the new one)?

Did you even see Batman Begins?

Do you ummm like ummm reptiles in general?
Only if they don't inflict death upon me.

*checks Bag O' Stupid Questions* I'm runnin low again

*head explodes for no apparent reason then grows back*
Sheesh. At least The Vengeful One has a reason.

Was that whole head exploding thing completely random?
Is the sky blue on a nice day?

Ok Im off to fill up my bag again Ill be back sometime between now and the year 2954
Let's make it that later date, shall we?

Silent Strike -> RE: Meet the Grand Council - This Week: Hero of Winds! (7/6/2005 17:16:53)


Do you like explosives?
Not really. It depends.

Do you eat sushi?
That stuff can get pretty addicting. The rolls are the best.

Do you eat raw eggs?
I think my generation is primarilly composed of idiots, no offense intended.

What is the grossist thing you have eaten?
Semi-raw squid. Its very chewy and slithers down your throat.

Do you like burning stuff with no reason what so ever?
I'm no pyro.

Do you play paintball?

Are you a jock?
If you mean physically fit dunderhead, then no.

If so I say"haha you lose" (runs away screaming for life)

Do you like putting frogs in air conditioner fans?
You are a very weird person. :p

Am I? annoying if so "haha you lose" (runs away again)
Haha you lose!

Thanks for answering. ( starts hitting self with baseball bat ) says "I like pain"
Hello, funny farm?

Killer Croc -> RE: Meet the Grand Council - This Week: Hero of Winds! (7/6/2005 17:24:35)

[annoying voice]I'm baaack again[/annoying voice]

Whos your fav batman villain in general?
I'd say the Joker. Something about that psychotic villain makes me want to be EVIL...

Do you like to poke badgers w/ a spoon?
Nope. They would probably rip my face off. Never underestimate an angered badger.

Would you poke a dinosaur w/ a spoon?
If it was a baby herbivorous dinosaur, and its mother was nowhere in sight, sure.

If your answer to the last question is yes what kind of dinosaur?

If you could would you put a cherry bomb in a mailbox just to see what would happen?
It would blow up.

Ummm do you like KazgarothX?
Meh. He's okay.

Lets see here Oh I know

If you could would you shave your head bald so you could look like Lex Luthor?
No. I would look like a chemotherapy patient.

How bout dye your hair green and wear makeup so you could look like Joker?

Let me see*looks into Bag O' Stupid Questions* hmm I thought I had filled it up more oh well till later
Let me fill that up for you. *incinerates it*

Bysies(this is the last time I promise^_^)

Absolutley positively the last question ever how come you never say bysies?

math25000 -> RE: Meet the Grand Council - This Week: Hero of Winds! (7/6/2005 17:59:15)

I back! WooHoo!!

What's the stupidest question you have been asked today?
I don't know, really.

If it was one of mine, then could you please say "jadswon."

If not could you please say "jadswon."

If you said jadswon then I say "ha ha I made you say jadswon!"

What's your favorite saying that does not include the word "life?"
"What does this button do?"

What's your favorite word?

Did you know there is a new forum member named "paladin in green?"

Are you mad or happy that he used the name of your story(which is a very good story I must say![:D])?

Do you like fruit?
Yes. Yes I do.


Mostly salmon.

Birds > dogs.

One word questions?
I loathe them.

the words "good bye?"
It depends. Do I like the person?

If yes to the final qestion then I say "Good Bye, see you later![:D]"

If no to the final question then I say"Good Doggie, see you later![:D]"

HoW's edit: No more questions from you.

Prinny -> RE: Meet the Grand Council - This Week: Hero of Winds! (7/6/2005 18:05:57)

back again.

Do you like doing these meet the GC/mods/AK things?
Yeah...unless I keep getting annoyed by tourists.

You sure you don't want to hear about what happened in my town? It involves something that can be deadly in the wrong hands and a 13 year old has it.
I'd rather not.

Do you think you'll get less people here because its not in OOC? theres a link there but still.
I have no editting powers there.

This seems random but i did it for a class a month ago. Imagine a pool full of jello. What color jello and what type of pool did you imagine?
Red, Olympic style.

Do you like ff7?
It's pretty good.

If so do you know that the movie is coming out september 14?
Advent Children? Yes I knew that.

i'm out of questions but i'll be back.
I really need to get better traps.

LovveL2 -> RE: Meet the Grand Council - This Week: Hero of Winds! (7/6/2005 19:26:38)

Heii Hero guy [:D] Could u plz edit my post in red ?

Well first of all, gratz with being GC
Thanks. I though you left though. Ah, it seems they believed you.

How is it to be GC?
It's a little boring...I mostly mod the Suggestions Board right now. But I fear the GC is becoming obsolete.

Do u enjoy it?
It's okay. Good when I have a power trip.

What do u honourstly think about aq (the game)?
Great! Best thing ever!

Demon warrior -> RE: Meet the Grand Council - This Week: Hero of Winds! (7/7/2005 0:17:17)

MUHAHAHAHA i am da great mod annoyer im here to expand my horizons and become a gc annoyer as well after this i only have to annoy 50% of the normal members and im THE ANNOYER any way here we go more annoying questions!

i like red too use red!!! that way.

so u like zelda huh.......well then what is zelda's mothers name first and last?
No one knows...because it was never revealed in the games.

who sent u here to probe my brain among other things?
Vephoma. Or was it Captain Rhubarb? I dunno.

who is controlling artix?
Peanuts are.

is there an asassination conspiracy against me

dog person? or cat person?
Bird person.

am i just the most awesome super kool never been beaten guy ever?[:D]

am i annoying?
You have no idea.

bye windy

dragonkiller9 -> RE: Meet the Grand Council - This Week: Hero of Winds! (7/7/2005 1:16:09)

How long have you been on aq?
About a year now.

Have you ever talked to artix?

and have you played the first zelda game "the adventures of link" or something like that?
I've played the original. Adventure of Link is the second game.

ThreeDoorsUp -> RE: Meet the Grand Council - This Week: Hero of Winds! (7/7/2005 2:49:32)

Hyello again!

Have you played all the zelda games?
Not all of them. I've beaten Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, the original (and 2nd quest), Link to the Past and Wind Waker.

If so what did you think of LoZ A link to the past?
It was quite good, I might say.

What your favorite movie?
None, really. I'm not a real movie person.

Whos the most annoying person you've answered?
I'd say it was 1wingangel. He's clinically insane.

Have you ever heard of The Offspring?
Yes I have. Their music is fairly good.

Whats your favorite console?
Nintendo GameCube!

Do you watch Family Guy, or Futurama?
I watched a few episodes of Family Guy, and it's quite funny. I should watch it more often.

Well thats all for now, seeya!

etaw64 -> RE: Meet the Grand Council - This Week: Hero of Winds! (7/7/2005 3:25:22)


can you do mine in red too?
Sheesh. Everyone's obsessed with blood these days.

do you like final fantasy games? why or why not? rate them on a scale of 1 to 10
I've only played VII. I'd rate an 8.5/10.

do you like star ocean games? why or why not? rate them on a scale of 1 to 10
Never played them.

if you said no to either of those questions... gathers 10 tonberrys and clouds stupidly enormous sword

do you like runescape? why or why not? rate it...
Used to play it, now I don't. It's probably a 6/10.

why do you like AQ? rate it...
Friendly, approachable and dilligent staff, frequent updates for all, 1-time donation. It gets a 9.8/10 in my book. The .2 is because the servers go wacky every so often.

why do you like LoZ games? rate them...
I dunno. I just like them. The average for the series is a 9/10.

how do you edit a post?
I have moderating power on this part of the forum.

thats all for now.
Bye then.

Thraxin0 -> RE: Meet the Grand Council - This Week: Hero of Winds! (7/7/2005 3:44:17)

hey HoW i have a few weird questions for you
Fire away.

do you like pink
It's a pretty color.

whats your favorite part on FF7
*spoiler warning* Getting Cloud back after he and Tifa learn about his past (for real)

what do you think Twilight Prances is going to be about
Saving the world from darkness? :p

do you like worms
Not really.

do you wish you could rule the world if so then what would you do to it
No. I have no wish to rule the world.

Thats it thank you for your time.[:D]
You're welcome.

May The Wind be with you

lillerare -> RE: Meet the Grand Council - This Week: Hero of Winds! (7/7/2005 7:19:40)

Yay its Hero of Winds.
Yay it'

i remember you from before you became a GC.
You do!

what do you like best Huggle or Snuggle?
Both are equally loving.

ever watched Jetix, Disney Channel, Cartoon Network, Nickelodeon?
The first two, no. The second two, yes. I watch Cartoon Network frequently.

have you ever watched Pokemon, Digimon, Medabot, Yu Gi Oh, DuelMasters or Bey Blade?
On occasion, when there is nothing else on, I will watch Pokemon or Yugi-Oh. Duel Masters is probably the strangest anime I've ever seen.

who do you like best?

the girl from Kokiri Forest.

Malon from Lon Lon Ranch.
One of my RP characters has a girlfriend named Malon.

Princess Zelda.

Princess Ruto your wife.

NOTE: you can not choose any one from AQ.

have you ever played Harvest Moon A Wonderful Life?

can i have a snuggle or a huggle?
For remembering me, why not! *kokirisnuggles*

thats all for now maybe more later.
Okee then.

paladin in green -> RE: Meet the Grand Council - This Week: Hero of Winds! (7/7/2005 12:12:55)

hey im back and got some more questions

1. what's your fav. pizza??
I like it topped with onions and garlic.

2. why??
Because bad breath is an effective form of self-defense. If it stinks sufficiently, it can momentarily blind and/or stun an attacker, giving you time to escape. (Note: Not really)

3. do you cut your pizza with your mastersword??
Naw. But if I could, I would.

4. ever had a pizza in your face?? (i have, it feels hot.)
No...but I have been stung by a bee on my inner thigh. It hurts. A lot.

5. would you want to??(not recomended)

6. too much pizza questions??
Pizza is gooooood.

7. whats your age?? (dont answer if too personal)

8. what did you think of "majoras mask"?? ( i didnt like it, too much time. dont like hurrying)
It's a decent game, though a bit short. 4 dungeons was seriously not enough.

9. what country are u from??

well that's it for now, ciao

ps: you dont like me at all dont you

zaarl -> RE: Meet the Grand Council - This Week: Hero of Winds! (7/7/2005 13:23:53)

Hello again
Note to self: Send farther away.

Do you hate me?
No, but I'm starting to.

Are my questions annoying?
Do living things breathe?

Are they completely random?

Are you glad I don't have completly worthless questions that have no good reason at all? do.

Am I one of the more annoying pestering questioners?
Yes. Yes you are.

Who asks the most random and annoying questions to you?
I dunno. 1wingangel was pretty annoying with his color-stealing.

C-ya oh and thank you for being willing to waste your time on questions from random people you'll never ever meet. That or your being forced to. Oh well. C-ya
Bye. And don't come back. :p

Spawn of Drake -> RE: Meet the Grand Council - This Week: Hero of Winds! (7/7/2005 17:36:44)


Hi, me again.

How do you feel about the bombing in London?
The people who did it should be dispensed the stronges form of punishment possible.

I'm gonna cry. :(
There, there.

Well, your mind controlling doesn't work on me anymore!
Darn it.

*jumps out a window*
It does work after all.

OK, maybe they do....

Do you find me annoying?
Not if you stop these annoying questions.


Well, Goodbye. ^_^

Wait, cn i have a snuggle?

anoter one?

Well, bye. (really)
Okay then.

*jumps off cliff*


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