RE: =WF= Combat Bugs (Full Version)

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MysticalDawn13 -> RE: =WF= Combat Bugs (8/19/2009 0:21:18)

During combat, normally my skill "Sodium Warp Crystal" does ALOT of damage, from 60-120 damage, and i depended on it as my strongest skill, but strangely, when i used Sodium warp crystal again, it does less than 30 damage, even to a monster that has Light weakness of 120%.
(This strange event happened just today)

That's because the Warp Crystals spells were just fixed - they were having an identity crisis and thought they were all the highest-level version. ~Aelthai

Nightly -> RE: =WF= Combat Bugs (8/19/2009 9:42:10)


Your equipment should be reset if you buy/sell something, or if you fight Tronzor.


This isn't a bug. The damage on the Sodium Warp Crystal was simply fixed due to being overpowered.

DragonlordEX -> RE: =WF= Combat Bugs (8/19/2009 18:35:04)

Sorry for not using the template.......

Character name: Warp Force (lol)
lvl: 9
male human

I have 3 bugs:

1. When i used IMP, after he kicked the ground to get the weapon, he had a force field ability graphic for a split second.

2. When u replay the beginning quest after u beat grizzlespit or spine whatever, u walk and then theres a close up shot of you, if u had another armour on it would automatically go to the traveller suit or sumthing

3. if u complete the beginning quest again (not the first time) you cant get your warp gunner outfit or warp striker outfit again
hope you fix it.

1. fixed
2. Yes, you are wearing the Explorer armor during the cutscene - it's the armor provided by the quest. ~Aelthai

billpwns -> RE: =WF= Combat Bugs (8/19/2009 18:41:50)

Idk if posted b4 but it happens no matter what i do.

Everytime i attack with anything battle just completely stops...The monster im fighting isnt doing anything and im waiting for him to do something so i cant do anything at all untill i just refresh and log back in (oops forgot info :o )

Char name:BOB (XD)
Char id:63733879
Char lvl:15
Before bug:Just did default attack
Battlesuit on: Heavy Gunner Model A
Weapon:Ice Dart Repeater
Thats all the info that i remember

It was bugged at release, but quickly fixed. You shouldn't still be having this issue ~Aelthai

Nightly -> RE: =WF= Combat Bugs (8/19/2009 19:02:46)


It resets because that's the armor you start the quest with.


Did you clear your cache and try again?

caeel -> RE: =WF= Combat Bugs (8/29/2009 18:47:31)

When I'm going into a battle, sometimes my gauntlet will unequip itself. Happened w/ basic lightning gauntlet and WG power gauntlet. I also reloged several times.

Heavy Gunner bug. This is why we ask you to follow the template - if I didn't already know what you were talking about, I would be unable to duplicate it. Partially fixed. ~Aelthai

Nightly -> RE: =WF= Combat Bugs (8/30/2009 10:42:29)


Does this happen with the rest of your items as well, or just your Guantlet?

caeel -> RE: =WF= Combat Bugs (8/30/2009 23:58:34)

just gauntlets, nothing else.

yep. And in only Heavy Gunner. Please report the rest of your equipment when you report a bug. ~Aelthai

Nightly -> RE: =WF= Combat Bugs (8/31/2009 6:40:50)

When you logged out, did you clear your cache, or did you just log right back in?

I'll take it from here, thank you Nightly.
Caeel I have tried to duplicate your bug and was not able to, plus I always use the Gauntlets in combat and don't remember having such trouble. However please clear your cache and refresh the game page (even if you have already done so). If you wish to reply to this please edit your former post. Thank you -Cronc

It's still (partially) bugged. Seems to be visually deequipping but not removing the gauntlet's effects now, it's odd. ~Aelthai

Sakashi Hyuga -> RE: =WF= Combat Bugs (9/4/2009 21:27:22)

Sometimes when a battle is loading, It will say everything is done except monster and backround, and it will stay there forever. (Not sure if this has anything to do with the fact that i'm playing on a mac.)

Close the game window and clear your cache. I have a Mac too and haven't got that problem. -Cronc

bibikun -> RE: =WF= Combat Bugs (9/5/2009 6:34:40)

every time i'm fighting monsters i'm losing only 1 sp less than i gain.

What do you have equipped? Please list your full equipment load-out. ~Aelthai

Nightly -> RE: =WF= Combat Bugs (9/6/2009 18:24:19)

Sakashi Hyuga

Clear your cache, and then try again to see if the problem persists.


Are you using one of the guests from the War? I think that they use more SP than the other guests.

bibikun -> RE: =WF= Combat Bugs (9/10/2009 7:58:14)

that is the point! i'm not using any guests.

problem fixed. -bibikun

Nightly -> RE: =WF= Combat Bugs (9/10/2009 15:05:46)


Do you have a miscellaneous item equipped?

livetobattle123 -> RE: =WF= Combat Bugs (9/10/2009 19:52:12)

This involves the game screen size. Whenver I try to switch it to the lowest screen size possible, like 600 x 450, it is not the same as the 600 x 450 screen that I use to play Adventure Quest. How can this be?

Duplicated, there is something that didn't go well when they set the game size option. -Cronc

Kenneth_danish -> RE: =WF= Combat Bugs (9/27/2009 7:19:30)

Is the Queen Pra'Mithia Guest supposed to be able to 'miss' when using the Heal attack at the player?

It doesn't seen to have that infinate BtH Heal attacks normaly recieving

I have her noted as needing a review, she's also doing too much healing on her Heal as I recall. ~Aelthai

Mega cool50 -> RE: =WF= Combat Bugs (9/27/2009 9:58:26)

Character Info:
Char ID (optional) 63241179
Char Name (optional) Mega cool50
Level: 24

What equipment were you using?
Weapon: Osprey 10C
Gauntlet: None
Battlesuit: Shearhide form
Pet: Ghost Quog
Item: Alpha Space Astramorph

Bug Info:
What were you fighting?: Exo Clawtrooper lvl 15
Quest or Location? Random battle

Details What happened? What's the bug? Use as much detail as possible!
Before Bug occurred: What were you doing prior to the problem? Farming to lvl up
During Bug: What happened during the bug/what issues or errors did you see? I have -5 for endurance
After bug/game crash: What was the end result? Game crash/freeze? Missing item? Still -5

Did the game kick you out? No
What was the error message/code? No

Screenshot link: Here
Did you try clearing your cache? Before or after the bug happened?: No
Did the bug happen again?: (If it did not, no need to post!) Yes

Technical Info:
Graphics quality setting: (Low, Medium, High, Best) Best
Browser type and version: (Firefox? Internet Explorer? Opera? Another one?) Internet Explorer 8
Operating System: (Windows 98? XP? Vista? Another type?) Vista
Flash version: 9

Ooh, that's very not good. Unfortunately, I'm going to need some detail - basically, I need you to tell me how to get it to happen, because I haven't been able to. What steps did you use? Did you fight anything notable? Perhaps the Stat Trainers? When did the misc unequip? How about th armor? Can you get it to happen again? These are the kinds of things that you may need to know.
If you can get me step-by-step instructions on how to get it to happen, I should be able to get it fixed. ~Aelthai

Clearing my cache did work,i just did some random battles...When you equip the misc item and then the battle is over,the form stays on as an armor and the misc item un-equips.And i didn't fight the stat trainers. I'll try to make it happen again.

The Harukyuba Bros. -> RE: =WF= Combat Bugs (11/12/2010 14:21:56)

Never mind, I figured out what's going on.

Technomancer -> RE: =WF= Combat Bugs (12/29/2010 8:44:46)

Char Name (optional) Alteon
Level: 89

What equipment were you using?
Weapon: Veritos' Gun (Level 86)
Gauntlet: Parching Dragon Fist (Level 75)
Battlesuit: Warp Star Ninja Kage (Level 72)
Pet: -
Item: -

Bug Info:
What were you fighting?: I believe I'm *supposed* to be fighting Marionelle (the Nechron commander).
Quest or Location? In the 'Shadows of Purgos!' quest, the Marionelle fight.

Details As I said, the fight in question is obviously supposed to be against Marionelle, the Nechron commander responsible for the creation of the Noctherezza. I've been through the quest before (when it was released), and I believe there were some troubles back then with that fight but it was fixed.

I know I should be fighting her, but all I get is a DragonRider of level 6 (which shouldn't even be in the game at all, much less encounterable at my level). The quest goes on as normal, save for that one wrong encounter.

Before Bug occurred: I logged on and proceeded to do the quest so I could write a quest entry.
During Bug: No errors at all, the quest continued as normal. The only problem is that I got a wrong monster to fight.
After bug/game crash: Nothing. The quest goes on as normal.

Did the game kick you out? No.
What was the error message/code? None.

Screenshot link: Here's a screenshot of the DragonRider. As you can see by the background, it happens at Purgos.
Did you try clearing your cache? Before or after the bug happened?: Yes. Before and after. It still happens.

Technical Info:
Graphics quality setting: (Low, Medium, High, Best) Low (as always, best for screenshot).
Browser type and version: (Firefox? Internet Explorer? Opera? Another one?) IE.
Operating System: (Windows 98? XP? Vista? Another type?) Vista.
Flash version:

Centaron -> RE: =WF= Combat Bugs (1/2/2011 17:30:31)

Character Info:Im level drakel striker
Char ID Centaron
Char Name Centaron
What equipment were you using?
Weapon:shining gorax
Gauntlet:lighting gaunlet
Battlesuit:space rouge

Bug Info:switching to sword that i dont have, &ablity freeze
What were you fighting?:nechron exo worrier forgot lev
Quest or Location?battle monster button at start. moon setting

Details What happened? i used ability stun pistol and my weapon changed to a normal steel sword. then when my weapon ablity activated my charecter got in position then nothing
happend and no battle menu or anything
Before Bug occurred:using stun pistol ablilty
During Bug: with sword only graphics changed so it worked but when weapon ablity started freezes
After bug/game crash: frooze

Did the game kick you out? nope
What was the error message/code?none

Screenshot link:none
Did you try clearing your cache? Before or after the bug happened?:no
Did the bug happen again?:yes

Technical Info:???
Graphics quality setting: high
Browser type and version:google chrome
Operating System:vista
Flash version:10

J style -> RE: =WF= Combat Bugs (1/2/2011 18:32:29)

this happens to a lvl 44 space rogue battlesuit,

what i always do is after the stun pistol, change bak to ur wepon immediately when steel sword appear

Kojiu -> RE: =WF= Combat Bugs (1/6/2011 22:02:17)

char info; elf, striker, none
lvl 18

Bug: when using the Space roques's 'pistol shot' with 'Rhapsus' Gun', I dropped the gun, fired, and picked up my... wait! WHAT????? I picked up the basic fighter sword from the original Adventurequest. OMG. This sucks more because my char tried to do a special with it! 'course, now she's just standing there.

This means I gotta refresh the page now. sux

nayrnayr -> RE: =WF= Combat Bugs (1/9/2011 17:13:31)

Character Info: Human Striker
Char ID (optional) 63829137
Char Name (optional) Ryan
Level: temporary, 100; actual, 59

What equipment were you using?
Weapon: Lumino-Phos Matrix
Gauntlet: None
Battlesuit: WarpForce ScoutShip
Pet: None
Item: None

Bug Info: The battle didn't end, and the victory scroll didn't appear when the Doon Worm's health was reduced to 0.
What were you fighting?: Name and level of monster Doon Worm, lvl 64
Quest or Location?[/b[ Where/how did you encounter it? Sick Bay > Dr. Mendas > MISSIONS > EXPLORE ERAKKIS boss battle against the huge Doon Worm in a fighter ship
Details What happened? What's the bug? Use as much detail as possible! I changed my weapon to the Lumino-Phos Matrix, used the attack "Ramming Speed", 7000 damage was delt, and the Doon Worm, well, didn't look defeated. I couldn't complete the battle or the quest, and I was stuck like that. The only way I was able to know how the quest ended was because of another bug that was taken care of.
Before Bug occurred: What were you doing prior to the problem? I used the attack "Ramming Speed" to fight the Doon Worm.
During Bug: What happened during the bug/what issues or errors did you see? The entire screen was half-frozen. The battle wasn't over, I couldn't take another turn, the Doon Worm didn't have a turn, and the only thing I could access was the character information, monster information, and character options.
After bug/game crash: What was the end result? Game crash/freeze? Missing item? complete battle freeze, the graphics were intact.

Did the game kick you out? Nope, just the battle was frozen
What was the error message/code? none

Screenshot link: none
Did you try clearing your cache? Before or after the bug happened?: no
Did the bug happen again?: (If it did not, no need to post!) yes, I even tried the another weapon, "Aero-Cyclonic Matrix"

Technical Info:
Graphics quality setting: (Low, Medium, High, Best) all of them
Browser type and version: (Firefox? Internet Explorer? Opera? Another one?) Internet Explorer 9
Operating System: (Windows 98? XP? Vista? Another type?) Windows 7 Professional
Flash version:

Monseigneur -> RE: =WF= Combat Bugs (1/27/2011 20:36:56)

Character: Elven Gunner
Level:35, Temporarily 100

Weapon: Aero-Cyclonic Matrix
Battlesuit:WarpForce ScoutShip

Quest: Explore Errakis. Boss battle against giant doon worm
Bug: Attacking the boss with Ion Discharge deals 7000 damage, and the boss does not die.
The game just froze with the boss standing there with zero health.

Homiegster -> RE: =WF= Combat Bugs (8/7/2011 13:23:50)

If You Are Using Any Kind Of Space Rouge and Use Stun Pistol Your Weapon Turns Into The Long Sword, But It Still Says It Your Weapon You Using.

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