=WF= Quest Bugs (Full Version)

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Seahawk -> =WF= Quest Bugs (7/3/2009 12:33:01)

Problems with a quest? Did somethign freeze-up, crash, or otherwise not work? Post it here!

[b]Character Info:[/b]
[b]Char ID (optional)[/b]
[b]Char Name (optional)[/b]

[b]Bug Info:[/b] Where did it happen?
[b]Quest:[/b] Which Quest were you on?          

[b]Details[/b]  What happened?  What's the bug?  Use as much detail as possible!  
[b]Before Bug occurred:[/b]  What were you doing prior to the problem?
[b]During Bug:[/b]  What happened during the bug/what issues or errors did you see?    
[b]After bug/game crash:[/b]  What was the end result?  Game crash/freeze?  Missing item?
[b]Did the game kick you out? [/b] 
[b]What was the error message/code?[/b]

[b]Screenshot link:[/b]
[b]Did you try clearing your cache?  Before or after the bug happened?:[/b]
[b]Did the bug happen again?:[/b] (If it did not, no need to post!)

[b]Technical Info:[/b]
[b]Graphics quality setting:[/b] (Low, Medium, High, Best)
[b]Browser type and version:[/b] (Firefox? Internet Explorer? Opera? Another one?)
[b]Operating System:[/b] (Windows 98? XP? Vista? Another type?)
[b]Flash version:[/b]

Pewistry -> RE: =WF= Quest Bugs (7/3/2009 17:56:56)

When creating a new character in warpforce, After the first battlle, The head is dislocated and off of the screen. Just a quick mention

noted ~Aelthai

zanar -> RE: =WF= Quest Bugs (7/3/2009 17:57:15)

i think i was suppose to write it here but during the firts quest when ur guy looks up at the skys my head came off !?

noted ~Aelthai

zanar -> RE: =WF= Quest Bugs (7/3/2009 17:58:57)

where i have to fight the viren when its the girls turn on my side she dissapeared and left my fight

A Guest requires a certain amount of SP (or MP, but the Huntress calls for SP) every round to stay around ... it sounds like you didn't have enough SP. ~Aelthai

Omega1000 -> RE: =WF= Quest Bugs (7/3/2009 17:58:57)

During the cutscrene, my characters head is decapitaded and floating behind his body while he looks up.

noted ~Aelthai

LordofPoison -> RE: =WF= Quest Bugs (7/3/2009 18:23:10)

The misson on the moon base where you are talking to lucky Gibbs, his shirt is going wack with the armor showing through sometimes and other times not

noted ~Aelthai

LordofPoison -> RE: =WF= Quest Bugs (7/3/2009 18:47:06)

Went to missions from the guy who sells lower level gear and highler level gear, on the mission that unlock level was 0, there wasn't a mission to select

The Moon Base mission should probably be added. Noted. ~Aelthai

Kedic -> RE: =WF= Quest Bugs (7/3/2009 18:55:44)

you can't choose a mission. its blank

Where? In some places that is correct, there aren't any missions there yet. ~Aelthai

n betta -> RE: =WF= Quest Bugs (7/3/2009 18:56:00)

This isn't really a bug as much as it is a request, Could you please add that we can replay the starting quest so we can access the first shop again.

Talk to Queen Pra'mithia ~Aelthai

Naraku578 -> RE: =WF= Quest Bugs (7/3/2009 18:58:44)

The quest where you shoot meteorites
Teh part where you shoot, it keeps repeating and never ends

Shoot a few meteorites, it doesn't end until you take some out. You need to click on the meteorite, not try to lead it. ~Aelthai

CRZYDRGNGRL -> RE: =WF= Quest Bugs (7/3/2009 19:06:35)


Character Info: Drakel Striker
Level: 1

Bug Info: Where did it happen? first scene on the moon mission when talking to lucky Gibbs
Quest: Which Quest were you on? moon base mission from stormfront

Details What happened? What's the bug? his crotch armor is flashing through this gray triangle the whole time u are talking to him
Before Bug occurred: What were you doing prior to the problem? playing WF
During Bug: What happened during the bug/what issues or errors did you see? a 1 second glimpse of crotch armor flashing
After bug/game crash: What was the end result? Game crash/freeze? Missing item? nothing, it didnt do it anymore while fighting then it froze after first fight.

Did the game kick you out? no
What was the error message/code? none

Screenshot link:
Did you try clearing your cache? Before or after the bug happened?: yes
Did the bug happen again?:

Technical Info:
Graphics quality setting: High
Browser type and version: Firefox
Operating System: XP
Flash version: latest

Also,...after i reloaded it.....the first time i played mission i was wearing my brown begging armor and after the reload i played the mission again and was wearing the moon suit like gibbs....

noted ~Aelthai

jakemaster1390 -> RE: =WF= Quest Bugs (7/3/2009 19:28:24)

Level: 1

Bug Info: Where did it happen?
Quest: Which Quest were you on? moon base mission from stormfront/ Fighting in the first mission that you join warpforce.

Details What happened? What's the bug?
Your guests that fight with you disappear during the battle and no longer attack once they have disappeared

Before Bug occurred: What were you doing prior to the problem? playing WF
During Bug: What happened during the bug/what issues or errors did you see? Fighting a monster normally with the guest and then one attack my guest suddenly disappers during th middle of the fight.
After bug/game crash: What was the end result? Game crash/freeze? Missing item? Nothing, guest just disappeared but able to battle normally from that point on

Did the game kick you out? no
What was the error message/code? none

Screenshot link:
Did you try clearing your cache? Before or after the bug happened?: yes
Did the bug happen again?: yes

Technical Info:
Graphics quality setting: Low
Browser type and version: Internet Explorer 8
Operating System: vista
Flash version: flash player 10 latest

Edit: this bug seems to occur with any guest I bring into battle, It even happened with Zabroz when I brought him to battle with me on the VR deck against the trainer

Guests require SP to stick around. While you should, at low levels, have enough SP from your SP regeneration, using a Gauntlet also takes SP and if you don't have enough, they leave. ~Aelthai

The Balancer -> RE: =WF= Quest Bugs (7/3/2009 19:33:11)

in the intro quest the drakel guys box that say he cant fail and what not freezes up my coputer

Can't duplicate. I'm wondering if it's a lag issue? Those can sometimes simply be waited out. You might also try lowering the Graphics quality, that should help. ~Aelthai

Captain Kidd -> RE: =WF= Quest Bugs (7/3/2009 19:40:17)

In the fights vs the Nechron Scoutships, Sgt Lucky's chestplate flashes every 4 seconds or so.


noted ~Aelthai

car -> RE: =WF= Quest Bugs (7/4/2009 4:04:48)

after i did the moonbase quest i couldnt do any quest but the asteroid quest and also when i got to level 5 i could only do the asteroid quest thats it

What was preventing you from doing other quests? The only quest that is currently not repeatable is the moonbase cutscene ~Aelthai


turnoverman -> RE: =WF= Quest Bugs (7/4/2009 4:14:00)

Character Info:
Char ID (optional)
Char Name (optional) turnoverman
Level: 6 (but it has happened a couple of times in other levels that I did it by accident)

Bug Info:
Quest: the into quest/join warpforce quest

Details What happened? What's the bug? Use as much detail as possible!
Before Bug occurred: did it up to the point that the bug happened
During Bug: when you click on the place where the VR room is in the cutscene where the ship is, you go to the VR room
After bug/game crash: being in the VR room

Did the game kick you out? nope
What was the error message/code? N/A

Screenshot link: would just show me in the VR room
Did you try clearing your cache? Before or after the bug happened?: nope
Did the bug happen again?: (If it did not, no need to post!) I posted it didn't I :D

Technical Info:
Graphics quality setting: one time it was high another it was low
Browser type and version: Firefox3.5 beta 4
Operating System: XP
Flash version: newest

noted. ~Aelthai

Manga Maniac -> RE: =WF= Quest Bugs (7/4/2009 4:35:23)

Guests dissapear because of SP. Look at the SP bar when a guest attacks, it lowers. When it can't keep the guest anymore when you're out of SP, it dissapears. I don't think it's a bug.

Schwarzbart -> RE: =WF= Quest Bugs (7/4/2009 5:37:10)

Character Info:
Char ID (optional) 63268520
Char Name (optional)
Level: 2

Bug Info: Where did it happen?
Tronzor - Charisma Training
Quest: Which Quest were you on?
Tronzor - Charisma Training

Details What happened? What's the bug? Use as much detail as possible!
Guest and Pet even hit Tronzor less often then the Character so maybe the reduction if the Trainer Stats for the pet and guest dont work.
Before Bug occurred: What were you doing prior to the problem?
During Bug: What happened during the bug/what issues or errors did you see?
Pet (Glador) and Guest only hit around every 10. attack compared to STR training where they hit around each 2nd attack
After bug/game crash: What was the end result? Game crash/freeze? Missing item?
Can continue Playing normal (except I am not able to win for Charisma Training)

Did the game kick you out? No

Screenshot link:
Did you try clearing your cache? Before or after the bug happened?:
Did the bug happen again?: (If it did not, no need to post!)

Technical Info:
Graphics quality setting: High
Browser type and version: IE (Firefox? Internet Explorer? Opera? Another one?)
Operating System: XP 64 (Windows 98? XP? Vista? Another type?)
Flash version:

Yes, we definitely need to look at Tronzor. ~Aelthai

Kaelin -> RE: =WF= Quest Bugs (7/4/2009 7:12:25)

Character Info: Drakel Strikers
Char ID (optional): 63241082, 63271057
Char Name (optional): Kaelin Alvein, Claire Oersted
Level: 7, 2

Bug Info: When paying for training.
Quest: Trainer quest.

Details: The game seems to charge the player the stated WF training price PLUS the AQ training price. If a player cannot afford both prices, the player is given an error for being unable to save the result (18 gold is insufficient to train from 5 to 10), and that the player should log out and try again (which is neither necessary nor sufficient for eventually training the stat). I also have been unable to save stat training in a number of similar scenarios.
Before Bug occurred: I attempted to pay with Gold.
During Bug: I receive an error message if I didn't have enough gold for both costs.
After bug/game crash: The AQ price deduction does not show up right away. When I stat trained from 5 to 10 in a stat when I had 25 gold, I saw 10 after my training. I logged out, checked my profile, and saw I only had 5 gold (a deduction consistent with the AQ training price).

Did the game kick you out? No
What was the error message/code? N/A

Screenshot link:
Did you try clearing your cache? Before or after the bug happened?: Yes
Did the bug happen again?: Yes

Technical Info:
Graphics quality setting: Medium
Browser type and version: Opera
Operating System: Vista
Flash version:

It's been acting very funky ... that could be why. ~Aelthai

Vengeance_Shinigami -> RE: =WF= Quest Bugs (7/4/2009 8:53:01)

I can't get anymore missions, I am level 5 and no new missions unlocked.


That's correct, the Level 5 missions have not yet been released. ~Aelthai

Ridth -> RE: =WF= Quest Bugs (7/4/2009 8:59:29)

At the very begining I scrolled over my guys picture and it said I had Warp armor. Then the movie loaded and I had that leather stuff.

Also when the movie of the ship taking off is playing, the ship is clickable. It skips the scene and puts your guy into whatever part you clicked. Like I clicked the training room.

The Intro quest gives you the Explorer temporary armor. That's not a bug.
noted. ~Aelthai

The Balancer -> RE: =WF= Quest Bugs (7/4/2009 9:04:20)

Character Info:
Char ID (optional)
Char Name (optional)

Bug Info: Where did it happen?-the intro quest
Quest: Which Quest were you on?

Details What happened? What's the bug? Use as much detail as possible! - when admiral amada says something liek"are cause is just and are mission is survival' when i click the nmore button it crashes my browser
Before Bug occurred: What were you doing prior to the problem?
During Bug: What happened during the bug/what issues or errors did you see? - my whole computer froze up and i had to use windos tsk manager to close it
After bug/game crash: What was the end result? Game crash/freeze? Missing item?-i had to close my browser

Did the game kick you out?
What was the error message/code?

Screenshot link:
Did you try clearing your cache? Before or after the bug happened?:
Did the bug happen again?: (If it did not, no need to post!)

Technical Info:
Graphics quality setting: (Low, Medium, High, Best)low
Browser type and version: (Firefox? Internet Explorer? Opera? Another one?)firefox 3 and PS3 browser
Operating System: (Windows 98? XP? Vista? Another type?)XP and PS3
Flash version:9

I can't duplicate this. Perhaps it's lag related? Please try turning down your graphics quality. ~Aelthai

LimeLemon -> RE: =WF= Quest Bugs (7/4/2009 12:06:00)

I think this picture speaks for itself. It happened yesterday, in a cutscene in the intro-quest.

Already noted. Please include a description of what you are linking. ~Aelthai

ghostkid30214 -> RE: =WF= Quest Bugs (7/4/2009 13:13:02)

At the beginning of the game when your character walks on to the screen, mine took one step then stopped. The game continued though. Also, when Zorbak explains how to battle, it shows the AQ battle options while telling you the Warpforce option (Zorbak says gauntlet but it shows shields, he says battle suits it shows armor, etc.). I started as a drakel.

The first seems to be a lag problem - or, at least, the only time it happened to me, my computer was lagging severely. If you try again it will likely work.
noted the second. ~Aelthai

tairee -> RE: =WF= Quest Bugs (7/4/2009 13:39:52)

how come the warp guardain doesnt work and why are we not warp guardains??

You aren't a Warp Guardian because you have not upgraded your character. ~Aelthai

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