RE: =WF= Game Engine Bugs (Full Version)

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Issa -> RE: =WF= Game Engine Bugs (7/21/2009 9:40:29)

Nightly: The helm was fixed before you posted that. [:D]

For me anyway.

Daultimatemasta -> RE: =WF= Game Engine Bugs (7/21/2009 15:11:26)

When you change the colour of your WG armour, it stays the same. I changed it to black and red, but it stayed yellow/white. It's quite annoying. Also, sometimes when I equip the WG helmet, my head just disappears.

Fixed ~Aelthai

quilla04 -> RE: =WF= Game Engine Bugs (7/21/2009 16:12:55)

the WarpTrooper I armour changes my head to a male one that is from AQ (I can tell from the shape of the coloured portions of the eyes) on my first attack (I'll see what I can do about getting a picture and embedding it)

Fixed ~Aelthai

hoggyhay222 -> RE: =WF= Game Engine Bugs (7/21/2009 17:54:01)

im lvl 8, and im a drakel[eyes and horns("hair") are black, skin is red] (not a guardian either)
it doesnt matter what quest im doing, or what weapons/pets i have
when using the warptrooper 1 armour, when i attack, my characters head changes into a human head
only on the character, not on this status bar

Fixed ~Aelthai

wingbeast -> RE: =WF= Game Engine Bugs (7/21/2009 22:31:41)

bug info: lvl cap is still stuck on 10


Not a bug. The cap is still 10 unless you upgrade the character. ~Aelthai

Nightly -> RE: =WF= Game Engine Bugs (7/21/2009 22:37:06)


Well unless you are a WarpGuardian, you cannot train anymore.

Scrapperton -> RE: =WF= Game Engine Bugs (7/22/2009 0:30:46)

I didn't know where to put bugs so i'm just gonna put it here. In Warpforce I died and i was at Death 2.0, and it said Galaxycyth or something like that and i clicked it, and guess what, it said i couldn't buy the scythe until the beta was done. So i thought,[:@][:@][:@] what the heck Beta is over and i can't buy this cool looking scythe so i got really mad.

It's not ready yet. ~Aelthai

LordGeneral -> RE: =WF= Game Engine Bugs (7/22/2009 1:50:34)

The gauntlet attack does not work for the Starknight armor. It just does the normal "triple hit" melee attack.

Fixed ~Aelthai

jonasraffael -> RE: =WF= Game Engine Bugs (7/22/2009 9:53:20)

lol why isent the map working?

It's not out yet. ~Aelthai

Nightly -> RE: =WF= Game Engine Bugs (7/22/2009 10:16:04)

The staff haven't gotten to it yet. Please be patient.


The map isn't released yet.

lyokoninja -> RE: =WF= Game Engine Bugs (7/22/2009 17:32:09)

here s a graphics bug because i dont know where else to put it. Basically, the arm of my character is in front of the arm hole in the armor, not behind like i think it should it be:


EDIT: would this be better in combat bugs?

Interesting. I'm not 100% sure if that's a bug or not. It's certainly not easy to see. Item Bugs now that it exists, but don't worry about it for this one. ~Aelthai

ceadm -> RE: =WF= Game Engine Bugs (7/22/2009 18:11:05)

I'm a drakel and with warptrooper 1 i have a tail but not with any other battle suit.

I believe they are all out now - if they are not, please report it per armor in Item Bugs. ~Aelthai

GDK -> RE: =WF= Game Engine Bugs (7/22/2009 20:22:50)

i know that the WG armor now has a tail for drakel. but it comes out of my leg, infront of my armor. please put the tail behind the player in the rear where it should be

fixed ~Aelthai

Ninjaboy700 -> RE: =WF= Game Engine Bugs (7/23/2009 2:34:53)

MEGA BUG i cant come to the login page every other games page is opening except WarpForce please help plus i want to upgrade to warp guardian

what happens? Are you going to and logging in fromt there? ~Aelthai

Nightly -> RE: =WF= Game Engine Bugs (7/23/2009 11:48:04)


How are you trying to get to the page? By typing in the address directly? Try to type in Warpforce in a search engine and it should give you the main page.

popbob111 -> RE: =WF= Game Engine Bugs (7/23/2009 13:28:23)

when you click the become a warpguardian button at the warpguardian tower it takes you to a cant find this page place

Bad bug! Noted. ~Aelthai

Nightly -> RE: =WF= Game Engine Bugs (7/23/2009 13:39:29)


Here is the correct link if you need it. But yes you are correct in saying that it doesn't work.

Wolfear -> RE: =WF= Game Engine Bugs (7/23/2009 19:20:38)

I started a new character as a male drakel and he got stuck without a head! The head shows next to the health but is just an empty space where his head should be. I tried to check if it was just the starter armour, but it happens on other armours as well. Changing the face didn't work, plus took my face away from the stats bar.
After first armour.
After new face.

Edit: Cleared Cache and it works. =/

Nightly -> RE: =WF= Game Engine Bugs (7/23/2009 19:28:47)


I don't think your second link is different from the first.

Its not. Did you log out and clear your cache?

ChrisX -> RE: =WF= Game Engine Bugs (7/23/2009 19:29:06)

I ain't a warp guardian yet, but I can still log in into the warpguardian server.
Does this belong here?

If you have an upgraded character in AQ, you have an upgraded account and can log in to that server. None of your characters are upgraded, but upgrading a character in either game also upgrades your account, which is what the servers check. ~Aelthai

Nightly -> RE: =WF= Game Engine Bugs (7/23/2009 19:32:39)


I can to. I don't think the two login links are different.

Just checked, and the two links are the same. So you should be able to get on the same servers since they link to the same place.

Er, yes they are different. is different from ~Aelthai

ChrisX -> RE: =WF= Game Engine Bugs (7/23/2009 19:37:44)

Ummmm, my link to the server says "" for the guardian server, but the normal server is "".

Nightly -> RE: =WF= Game Engine Bugs (7/23/2009 19:40:03)


Hmm, computer glitch.

Anyways, my free players can get on to. So there is a bug here :D

Nope. Not if you have an AQ character Guardianized - then it's acting properly :-) ~Aelthai

goron link8 -> RE: =WF= Game Engine Bugs (7/23/2009 20:51:43)

sorry i thought it said 5000 extra for 10 dollars

Not a problem. Glad it's all cleared up! ~Aelthai

agent_keiko -> RE: =WF= Game Engine Bugs (7/23/2009 23:59:22)

I just realised I cannot select a different game screen size from the Warpforce launch page (using the drop down box). I seem to be stuck at the default choice. Anyone else has this problem?

Yes, it's known. ~Aelthai

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