=WF= Beta Release is Live! III (Full Version)

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tflo -> =WF= Beta Release is Live! III (7/5/2009 16:42:23)



Beta Launch begins later today, July 3rd, 2009, and will be free to play for players of AdventureQuest who have upgraded to Guardian status.
Full launch is scheduled for July 17th, when WarpForce opens up for everyone to play!

Some quick responses to some of your comments:

sweet. multiple characters, different races. EPIC. Yes, epic indeed.

Are we supposed to pay for a Guardianship again? Yes, for your new WF character.

Are we able to become a warp guardian yet? No, not yet

Why were none of those items available to be purchased? We're working on that now.

Lol, this game is just like AQ.
This is exactly like AQ.
I have no idea why this game wasn't implemented into AQ.
WarpForce is essentially an "expansion pack" for classic AQ.

wheres ballyhoo? She's afraid of space maybe? She'll show up soon for WF after beta.

Whoa, players on WarpForce count towards the server cap on AQ? Yes it does, but that will change soon.

Guys, calm down. This is the FIRST DAY of WarpForce. Let it develop over the next few days. Yes, we have lots of work to do.

Have fun! :D

Please use the WF Bugs Forum to report any problems with the game!

Be sure to read the other bug reports so that you don't submit a duplicate report.

A WF Questions and Answers thread is now up, check it out here: =WF= Beta Release is Live! (Question and Answer Thread)

Goldstein -> RE: =WF= Beta Release is Live! III (7/5/2009 16:43:42)

May i just say, i love this games, and I am looking foward to releases. The monthly releases, in my opinion, are better than weekly ones, beacuse they give you time to breath. Woot! First post!

Nickwright -> RE: =WF= Beta Release is Live! III (7/5/2009 16:44:05)

I'm loving the Exos Monsters and the Nechron Corrupted Monsters.

They rock! ^_^ Almost Lv6

Right thread =P

bluebowser31 -> RE: =WF= Beta Release is Live! III (7/5/2009 16:46:12)

sorry, but thats like 5 times in a row!

and it let me train up to 15 in both stats, so what is wrong?

Goldstein -> RE: =WF= Beta Release is Live! III (7/5/2009 16:46:34)

I agree Nickwright. i enjoy the whole idea of past enemies coming back as corrupted, undead minions to some evil necromacer/robonecromancer.

xemenas -> RE: =WF= Beta Release is Live! III (7/5/2009 16:52:39)

There's a big bug, you need as much gold as you would need in AQ to train stats in WF. So if you were training a stat from 35 to 40 you would need about 930 gold instead of the price the trainer actually gives you.

Genoclysm -> RE: =WF= Beta Release is Live! III (7/5/2009 16:53:16)

The stat trainer currently requires a lot more gold than what it says it requires. If you do succeed, you'll find that the next time gold is saved/loaded on your character that you're suddenly missing some gold you didn't spend. This is from the greater cost that the trainer is failing to tell you about.

It's a glitch involving how training costs work and isn't something just anyone can fix. Please be patient for it to be fixed.

ArchMagus Orodalf -> RE: =WF= Beta Release is Live! III (7/5/2009 16:54:02)


I'm sad because I need to leave tomorrow, but I'm happy because the game was released the day before my birthday. Thanks, AE, for the lovely, not-so-little birthday present!

bluebowser31 -> RE: =WF= Beta Release is Live! III (7/5/2009 17:00:33)

yes i know the glitch, but with me it has never charged extra, just needed extra.

thank you to xemenas for exact amount, because like no one knows that but you aperntaly :)

ZanpakuTô -> RE: =WF= Beta Release is Live! III (7/5/2009 17:02:39)

Does StormFront give any missions? On the first day, I completed a mission, which 'supposedly' increased my rank by one, but it says my rank is still 0, and he gives no mission [In fact, only one person gives a mission]

ArchMagus Orodalf -> RE: =WF= Beta Release is Live! III (7/5/2009 17:03:20)

Stormfront gives only the E-Leet Mission 1, which supposedly increases your Rank, but doesn't really; I suppose that it hasn't been implemented yet.

ZanpakuTô -> RE: =WF= Beta Release is Live! III (7/5/2009 17:04:16)

@ArchMagus Orodalf
Thanks; that was the mission I spoke of; I wanted to make sure I wasn't the only victim

xemenas -> RE: =WF= Beta Release is Live! III (7/5/2009 17:06:36)

The gold gets deducted next time your gold is affected by anything, like if you win gold in a battle or buy something. After something happens to your gold after you train your stats then the gold will be taken from you.

When people experience this they usually just report that their gold has randomly disappeared, they don't realize what most likely really happened.

Master Guardian -> RE: =WF= Beta Release is Live! III (7/5/2009 17:18:35)

yeah, there are a lot of kinks that need to be worked out with the stat trainer.

i like WF so far. it has a very AQ feel, obviously since its sorta an expansion of AQ, but i hope that it will head a little more in its own way after beta, it shouldnt be this similar to AQ throughout the life of the game, but is very understandable for a beta right now.

edit: i also must say that i like the monsters, both the new and what theyre trying with the corrupted old. i like fighting some of them again

Other_Guy_27 -> RE: =WF= Beta Release is Live! III (7/5/2009 17:22:31)

Yeah, I'm quite pleased with the beta. I thought it would be essentially an AQ clone with a space theme, but it has carved out it's own little niche. It's very much like AQ, but different enough to avoid redundancy.

5king wolf -> RE: =WF= Beta Release is Live! III (7/5/2009 17:32:45)

i wonder if PFC = private first class >.> i feel so small compared to 1337 stormfront D:

tflo -> RE: =WF= Beta Release is Live! III (7/5/2009 17:33:36)

Level 10 on my main and have both the Retro Armours[:D]

Clicky my AQ Guy[;)]

ArchMagus Orodalf -> RE: =WF= Beta Release is Live! III (7/5/2009 17:34:46)

Same, tflo. For everything you've said. :P

Eww, you have a Drakel?

Genoclysm -> RE: =WF= Beta Release is Live! III (7/5/2009 17:35:45)

Eww, you have an Elf?

Evo -> RE: =WF= Beta Release is Live! III (7/5/2009 17:36:18)

Since I can't delete this I am moving my question to the Q&A thread. I didn't see it!

Genoclysm -> RE: =WF= Beta Release is Live! III (7/5/2009 17:37:42)

To repeat myself:

The stat trainer currently requires a lot more gold than what it says it requires. If you do succeed, you'll find that the next time gold is saved/loaded on your character that you're suddenly missing some gold you didn't spend. This is from the greater cost that the trainer is failing to tell you about.

It's a glitch involving how training costs work and isn't something just anyone can fix. Please be patient for it to be fixed

ArchMagus Orodalf -> RE: =WF= Beta Release is Live! III (7/5/2009 17:37:45)

@Geno: I would expect that from you. :P

@Evo.: There is a bug where the stat trainer takes too much Gold from you to train stats. You need to have the amount of gold that it takes in AdventureQuest to train it above 20. Note that my DEX is 25; I paid a lot for it. :(

Evo -> RE: =WF= Beta Release is Live! III (7/5/2009 17:38:29)

Ah. Thanks!

void dragon master -> RE: =WF= Beta Release is Live! III (7/5/2009 17:41:36)

Will WF have an ID slot like the other games or will it share one with AQ?

Genoclysm -> RE: =WF= Beta Release is Live! III (7/5/2009 17:42:34)

Looks like it will continue sharing IDs with AQ.

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