Nightly -> RE: =WF= Official Release Q&A Thread (7/16/2009 8:08:10)
Everen This quote is from Genoclysm and he is saying it in a rebuttle to pretty much the same comment as the one above this post: quote:
So... you all are ignoring what has been done differently with armors, what's been done differently with guns (AQ weapons like that can't be used as ordinary attacks like the other weapons can), the way quests are organized, and the music? That's not all of them. Those are just the ones that are obvious. It uses AQ's game engine, yes, it was NEVER claimed or hyped otherwise. WF was not over hyped as you were told exactly that it was going to be built off of AQ's game engine. You're either ignoring or overlooking the attributes that differentiate it from AQ. Saying that WF is the same as AQ is like saying that every turn-based Final Fantasy is the same.