RE: =Elemental Championships 2009= Sky Arena (Full Version)

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qbsuperstar03 -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2009= Sky Arena (7/17/2009 21:28:03)

By all that is six-pointed and frozen, Cryoface thinks to himself, as the clouds grow and eventually cover the entire arena. He is used to fighting in conditions of poor visibility, but it was never this bad. Then the light wave comes out of seemingly nowhere, slamming into him and making him slide dangerously from the force of the blunt impact. True, a being of lesser weight would have probably been sent slipping and sliding to his doom, but for a Snow Warrior, light-based spells hurt just as much as fire attacks. A yelp of something approximating pain escapes what would have been a man's lips on Cryoface. It looks like he will have to unleash one of his new spells sooner than expected. Focusing his energy on the greatest warriors to wield the force of ice: Xarymandias and his famous Ice Needles, the brutal force of an Avalurch's slam attack, even the lesser ice golems that are crafted by flesh-forms in a foolish attempt to emulate his kind; all pale in comparison to the embodiment of prowess in combat. The ice dragon.

"Great warriors of ages past, I bid you to hear my plea," begins the incantation. "One amongst the fighters here seeks to unbalance the battlefield. I pray that you would join forces and turn this cloud away from here so this fight may resume the way the Lords intend it to be. Now go, and demonstrate to all the force of a soul who loves his Lord and which that Lord loves in return! ICE DRAGON SPIRIT!"

Pale blue mists come together below the arena, giving spectators from the ground quite a chill as cold winds blow through the town. Focusing the cold energy at the ground would cause the hot air above it to rise even more, hopefully causing the cloud to rise as well and eventually clear up the view of the battlefield for all involved. Despite appearances to the contrary, Cryoface wasn't just trying to save his own hide here, as he knows full well the dangers of being unable to see one's opposition; he was indeed trying to level the playing field, knowing full well how much most warriors rely on their keen sense of sight to gain information about the battlefield and the dangers that awaited there. And if this actually works, well, that just means that the ice crystals in the clouds will make the surface even more treacherous than before. Deep down, however, Cryoface had to thank whoever was responsible for the cloud. It just managed to make things a hell of a lot more interesting for all involved.

omf -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2009= Sky Arena (7/18/2009 10:30:31)

Ko watched his downwards axe kick plummet towards the body of the winged women, and with a frown as his face as he thought it was about to hit, he seen the women blast down into the center of the spinning rocks, the mist around her wrapping around and creating a gap in the large fog. Narrowing his eye’s, he instantly pointed his fingers to his body and heard the yell from behind him, looking up and seeing that one guy he just attacked. Ko’s eye’s widened when he seen the man not only had two large wings of what seemed to be blood, but his right arm had seemed to changed form into what appeared to be a sword. And, simply put, Ko was just not prepared to deal with a mana weapon like that.

“Sorry man but I gotta’ end this quickly!” Ko shouted the words in confidence, however as he did, he felt heat under him, and his eye’s rolling down he seen flames of heat spread amongst the mist, and at the moment, he really didn’t want these things to raise up and burn him. Shoving his left hand to his right side, a burst of kinetic energy not only stalled his fall to the flames but blasted him to the left, directly out of the bloody winged man’s attack, and, by a bit of luck, allowing the small, but hot, fireball to only nick his sleeve and slightly burn his arm instead of turning him to cinders.

Now blasting backwards from the edge of the arena by a good twenty feet, he performed another axe kick at the ground, the burst blasting him up through the air and raising him to an even higher altitude before. Ignoring the chill he got from up there, he stuck both of his arms out, his fingers moving like they would on a piano, slowing his downfall to the arena dramatically, and for good reason too.

The massive, yet contained, thunderstorm was ripe with danger at the moment. Though it was almost exactly in nature to a hurricane, as Misty had managed to make that clearing which now served as the eye to the storm, apparently another combatant had managed to create the thunder and the sparks of lightening that shot out from the cloud. And for Ko, who was already unwilling to fight in a possibly mana infested cloud, he really didn’t want to enter now that a blue fog had raised up from beneath and started to nullify the cloud itself, almost as if it was raising.

And coming at him.

Twitching his eyebrows with an annoyed look and a “heh” under his breath, he dropped his arms, flipped, and kick off directly to the center of the spinning rocks, landing directly on a low impression rock that was spinning quite fast. And now it was time to start pulling out the tricks he could use with kinetic energy.

Closing his eye’s, he took in one deep breath, his tongue raising to the top of his mouth and clicking. It wasn’t a loud click or anything like that, just a low grade and rather standard click that, with the powers Ko had, resounded out like a sonar. The wave of kinetic energy would hit something, bounce back, and with it Ko could feel out the GENERAL area of where he was. Standing up straight, he could feel his body spinning, and he could only help that his sonar trick had worked.

demonhunter -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2009= Sky Arena (7/18/2009 22:41:07)

Her attempt to stop the lightning had clearly failed. The fog was now a full-blown storm, and Lisa was trapped inside it. And with the chainmail shirt she was wearing under robes, along with the hidden blades at each end of her staff, she was a very appealing target for lightning.

She swore angrily, returning her staff to it's holder and planting her hands flat on the ground. Chanting under her breath, she gathered light around her and hardened it to form a strong, spherical barrier. It wouldn't last terribly long, but it would hold out against one, maybe two lightning strikes. She wasn't taking any chances, since she couldn't ditch the metal on her person.

With any luck, the barrier wouldn't be needed. She felt the blast of cold, and recognised almost immediately what was happening. Someone, possibly the ice contender, was trying to force the cloud to rise above the combatants. If they were successful, she would have to thank them. She hated fighting blind. Deaf, she could manage, but not blind.

Behind her barrier, she started gathering light between her hands. She would be ready with her next assualt. And this one would be big.

The Extinguisher -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2009= Sky Arena (7/20/2009 1:53:46)

"Why. Won't. You. Die!"

This man was getting annoying. The pest just wouldn't stay still. He weaved through the attack, awkwardly, but he still avoided it. He seemed to be untouchable, as a ball of fire meant to make the insect burn barely singed him, and flew straight for Michael instead. He managed to avoid it, just barely, but he could feel the burn on his arm. He looked around for the origin of the attack. Nothing. Too many victims to fight. Michael needed to focus on the scum he was already fighting.

Michael knew the fire had hit him, he could smell the burn, but oddly enough, he felt fine. His face was no longer bloody, and his energy was regained. Someone had made the mistake of healing him, thinking they would be spared. Not likely. But, this new energy would prove valuable. Michael floated in the air, preparing his assault on his target below.

The clouds below seemed to be getting closer. Which was odd, because the ones above hadn't changed any, and Michael hadn't moved, as far as he could tell. He swore, as he realized what was going on. Someone must be raising them, surely to save themselves from the coming storm.

Michael needed to get through there, he would not allow anyone to kill his prey but him. He dove into the cloud, hoping to pass through before the storm. He was aimed directly at his prey, falling to the ground, sword pointed. He would not see this one coming.

Clyde -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2009= Sky Arena (7/21/2009 3:45:43)

Finally the Ice Contender took action.

Even through his thick fur, he felt the quick rush of cold air pass. It was obvious that he was trying to move the storm up and it would be successful. Though it did not mean it would be out of harm's way, the storm would only be above them, and there'd be still be lightning. Galvian considered using a heavier attraction to direct the lightning storms, but it would require a few things: more energy, time, and accurate control. This thought became an emergency maneuver, something he was going to have to save for later.

The Earth Contender had used a some sort of kinetic energy as an echo. Then an idea of crazy genius had struck Galvian as the echo had hit him. After it had bounced off of him, he released some of his own energy into it. If effective it would distort the signals the original sender receives after it returned. What the information was depended on how the disrupted signals affected the sender. He could see rocks higher or slower than the original, maybe even ten or more enemies. It varied.

With the plan to redirect the storm's power ditched, he decided to ready himself for any attack. It was too soon to jump, not until the storm was higher. He was going to have hit hard and fast if he wanted to advance to the finals. His hands rubbed together quickly, this friction began sparking some energy between his hand-paws. A static wave was created after he expanded the net then threw it. The wave was only two feet in width and a few inches high. As it continued it will grow larger, but lose it's effectiveness. If this connected with anyone or thing it would have a negative charge, making Galvian's attack more accurate. The status would only last a few minutes at most, less if they were further away.

He placed himself into a defensive position, energy dancing through his arms and ready to strike. Part of him was glad he would regain visibility, but another part was sad that he could not play with the lightning storm a little more.

Now he waited.

omf -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2009= Sky Arena (7/22/2009 10:52:35)

This is not working…

Ko mused the thoughts to himself as he felt his body spinning, his waves of kinetic energy bouncing back and forth on all kinds of things, mainly rocks. A few things came back that was quite interesting, he could feel the massive wave of mana that was nullifying most of his sonar start to raise above them, and his ears could hear thunder and lightning start to bounce around above him, not directly in his ear’s before. This did nothing but enhance his senses, luckily, but then he felt something very, very, very odd. His senses his something, he could feel, that was large and ferally shaped, which Ko assumed was the wolf thing from earlier, but instantly his sonar waves were completely messed up. The hair on the back of his neck and arms stood up instantly, and he could feel his eye’s flutter ever so quickly though they were closed. The shock was just enough, however, for the martial artist to literally be knocked off his feet given the slippery nature of the rocks that the earlier women had sprayed over the arena.

Falling back and opening his eyes, Ko through his arms back, and with his hazel eye’s he seen something interesting. That man from earlier with the wings, yeah, now his arm was a sword. With just a slight bit of shock he pulled in his stomach and blew hard, kinetic manipulation letting his head move back quickly so that the closer the man got, the further Ko’s head was from the strike. His legs coming into a ball, he felt the sword go right over his chin, nicking it ever so slightly, though Ko ignored the pain.

Now in a ball at the man’s feet, Ko replied with his own attack. Even though the man was shouting at him, Ko wouldn’t listen now, he had to focus on the tricks he had to pull off to get this man off of his back, and the only way to do that seemed to be to incapacitate him or kill him. Just the thought of killing him gave Ko a bad taste in his mouth, he had never killed before, he had paralyzed [though said paralyzation was healed] and broken bones, but never killed before, so that clearly was not an available option. That meant having to use a large amount of force on this man, just enough to not kill him, since obviously that was the only way to stop a tenacious man such as this one.

His leg flying out now and his palm shooting down to the ground, he stalled himself from falling to the ground and used the clashes of kinetic energy to add more force to the kick. If the man didn’t dodge, then his leg would fly out and strike the man, but with a trick similar to earlier. His heel would twist on impact and transfer the spinning force to the lower man’s jaw. If the attack was successful, then the strike would obliterate his lower jaw, more then enough force to get the average man out of the fight due to the amount of pain he would be in. And, just to be on the safe side, Ko had added his other leg to kick between the man’s leg, producing a force that would send his body flying back out of range from any possible attacks. He had no time to take chances here, he was going to win and that’s all there was too it.

TormentedDragon -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2009= Sky Arena (7/22/2009 15:20:41)

The wingless man shot away, out of his attack's path, and out of his range of sight. He watched in satisfaction as the sphere struck the other Wingborne, then frowned as the effect of the attack became clear. Nothing. Either the man was immune to flame, or something had intervened. "Tsk."

Neither remained in his line of sight, more the pity, and he found himself once more without a target, and in the midst of a changing arena. From below, he could feel a bitter chill, akin to that of the winds of winter. A killing cold, if one was not careful. Around him, too, the fog began to move, and to lift, rolling slightly to one side. The chill suggested the actions of a devotee of ice, and that, in turn, suggested that creature of snow and ice he had witnessed approaching the feral.

He dropped down, placing himself more carefully this time, to peer underneath the rising fog, and grinned. The feral and the iceling were locked in their own combat, and he need not spare a thought for them just now. He swiveled in this peculiar stance, and caught sight of the others who had avoided him earlier. His grin turned feral, and his prone stance took on a predatory nature. Flame engulfed his hands, and rushed up his arms, and for the barest of seconds, there was the hint of a wolf about its shape.

But he did not retain it. Rather, he sent the flames shooting forth, once again in the form of the sphere, that simplest of forms for flame. Three of his spheres zipped across the now frozen landscape, leaving water and steam in their wake, while the fourth, which he had sent spiraling up, stooped as its brother had, burning a trail through the nascent thunderstorm.

None of the four were aimed to strike his enemies this time, for the direct attack had proven futile against the reflexes of this man in white. Rather, they zipped to positions around the dueling duo, and held there. With a guttural snarl serving as the command, three single lines of flame connected the sphere above their heads to each of the other three, and as this line formed, another line extended from each of those spheres. His pyramid was complete. "Escape from this, oh fleet of foot."

The Extinguisher -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2009= Sky Arena (7/23/2009 11:53:19)

He missed again. How could this one man be so agile. Michael had no time to contemplate his frustration, however, as a counterattack was on it's way. Michael had only one hope to save himself, knowing full well the attack would have some sort of trick behind it. He raised his left arm, and it began to change. Growing, expanding, hardening. Becoming a shield, made of flesh, but extremely strong. The shield would block the attack, and give Michael time to recover from the excruciating pain he was in. He would try and practice this one more, so it didn't hurt as much.

Breathing heavily, he noticed something. Sphere's of fire surrounded him, and suddenly, lines of flame connected the spheres. Someone had tried to trap them together. Probably to cause them anxiety have have them slip up. Michael grinned. He would deal with this prison later. For now, it removed his prey's incessant need to escape. He pushed on the shield, and began to walk towards his target. He would either crush him against the fire walls, or if that didn't work, stab him where he stood. This would be the end of the battle, right here.

qbsuperstar03 -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2009= Sky Arena (7/23/2009 22:23:46)

That charge of energy in the is unmistakable. Someone is preparing an electricity attack, and the cloud has not yet lifted. Dire straits under any circumstances, but when one considers that Cryoface's kind is inherently vulnerable to magics that utilize energy, combat has just become doubly lethal.

The wind would make ranged attacks unreliable, but moving around the ring in an attempt to engage in melee would be even more risky. Not even Cryoface's battle senses are honed to the point where he can sense where an opponent was despite what can only be termed less than ideal visibility.

Keeping these two ideas in mind, the only option left was magical combat. Taking his left hand off the hilt of his Ice Katana, the better to fend off a surprise attack while casting in case someone could find him in these conditions, Cryoface began channeling the first spell he learned as a young warrior. Its primary purpose back then was to aid the collection of snow into a giant snowball to roll towards a single opponent, but Cryoface has since refined the spell to the point where he needs no such aid. The ambient cold is all he needs now, and with the lightning building in the cloud, now is the time to strike and hopefully disrupt an already dangerous arena from turning downright fatal for the unprepared.


The small sphere of ice magic takes the form of a giant hailstone (the better to be less affected by the turbulent winds) speeds towards Galvian's position in a ballistic trajectory that belies its status as conjured instead of simply summoned from nothing. The target is only an approximation based on where Cryoface had felt a static charge and heard the crackling of some kind of electricity spell. Unlike his Iceball spell, this is an all-or-nothing endeavor in that there is no area of effect. If it misses, it goes "piff" on the stones with no harm done, and even if it hits, the best it will do is distract Galvian from whatever he's currently trying to do in the form of numbing cold centered on the point of impact.

As the hailstone flies what Cryoface can only hope is true towards Galvian, the Snow Warrior shifts slightly to the right to avoid giving away his position in the cloud. It is true that a good part of combat is getting in the first hit, and one way to do that is to keep your foe guessing about where you are, but more satisfying is where neither fighter has an advantage, reducing a tactical game of hide-and-seek to a contest of pure skill in melee combat. But in a world with no less than eight Elemental Lords each competing for dominance over the others, it naturally follows that there would be competition between followers of different Lords, hence the organization of this bloodbath of a tournament.

But better a tournament than an all-out war.

omf -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2009= Sky Arena (7/24/2009 10:10:46)

Ko’s body was kicking back impossibly fast, his body being shot back by the kinetic forces and his eye’s looking both up and down at the arena, and at Michael himself. Seemingly the man had blocked the attack with his shield, lessening the impact but still, he could tell that it was an effective strike. Smiling, he looked before him, only to see something wild. A bust of fire cut of his escape, orbs surrounding Ko and stopping instantly, his left palm slamming on the rocks to redirect his kinetic energies in a series of intricate way’s. Feeling the heat lick at his feet, he saw the pyramid fully form around him, the spinning rocks not making standing still any easier. Of course, by now, they were on the outer bit of the ring, not the last ring, but close enough that the rocks weren’t spinning turbo fast.

Spinning on his palm, he landed in a horse stance, a stand where both legs were spread usually a shoulder width apart and bent at the knees, his body low and his hands on his knee’s as the spinning rocks slowly moved him to the wall of the fire. Narrowing his eyes, he watched as Michael drew closer, leaving Ko with quite a few options to deal with this maniac. Clearly Roman, the guy who Ko simply knew as Tie-dye, had complete control over fire, which meant that at this rate, he would probably use his control to smother them in flame if he stayed in the middle of the pyramid, and given that the fire was most likely ripe with mana, something he didn’t want to test, he really couldn’t just smother the flames himself, nor did he want to. He could just use Michael to smother the flames.

As the Darkness Contender came closer, or at least that’s what Ko thought he was seeing as how he was bat-crazy, Ko prepared to make his strike. Then he blasted off. Aiming straight at Michael, Ko smiled broadly as he threw out his right hand, a small, invisible line of kinetic energy shot out of his hand, spinning in a wide arc and going right past Michael, making sure not to even get close to him. Jumping up, Ko landed on the line, as it would fade in a few seconds, and seemed to skate on it, his body moving quickly as he seemed to spin on the wire in a vortex, coming at Michael far faster than he was before. In fact, within the second he was directly In front of Michael, his right foot stepping off onto his shield.

“You want close quarters so bad?! Then here you go man!”

Ko shouted the words in glee as he would use his left leg for an extremely fast snap kick, his foreleg shooting out at the man’s face. And once again, Ko added another trick to this, one he really didn’t want to use but seeing as how this man was crazy, he deserved the greatest punishment one could deliver. If the kick landed, it would transmute the force with just a SLIGHT spin to the brain, rattling it enough to hopefully eliminate his ability to move for the rest of the match.
And he wasn’t done yet.

Kicking back into a flip, assuming his kick and landing onto the shield had worked, he would make sure he not only dodged any attacks, but was now so low that he was at the man’s knee’s, and hopefully under his guard. Ko would then shoot up, his left hand aiming to grab the man by the collar. If that worked as well, he would pivot on his only foot touching the rocks below, the left one, and throw the man through the wall of fire, chasing him all the way so that he could hopefully break out as well.

Then again, if the initial attacks didn’t work, Ko was indeed put into a bad place.

Rayzer -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2009= Sky Arena (7/24/2009 16:02:36)

The fire user seemed awfully confident in the fog, although, you would think with all that water in the air....never mind. Hearing the slight crackling of fire in her ears, which were magnified far beyond normal human ears since she was half eagle, she saw the fireball. Just when she tried to dodge from the ball, it hit her on the brown tips of her right wing, scorching the tips, causing little damage, but caused a disgusting odor rising from her wings. Quickly dousing the tips of her white wings, now black on the tips, she cast a glare down into the arena. Fire users.....Grrr.

With the sky back to herself, she noticed that the ice contender was raising her mist upward, with a heavy chill. At the rate it was traveling, it was most likely going to ruin her plans, but she always liked a challenge. Using more energy than what she had used previously during the competition, Misty absorbed most of the mist that she had created, filling her pouch again. The mist became very light, and was a lot less dense with water vapor, making it far less able to be conducted by the electricity flowing already through the mist. With already the cool air under the mist, it was very likely for the mist to all but float away, no longer becoming a threat. Of course there was always the small chance that it would just become a threat to her...but that would be very unlikely, she hoped.

Now looking at some of the other contestants, she noticed how each were in their own battles, but knew that it was only going to be for a moment before she was targeted, since the mist was now no longer a hiding place. She then continued to fly in a large circle, to prevent most ranged attacks from attacking her.

demonhunter -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2009= Sky Arena (7/24/2009 21:53:06)

The light between her hands grew stronger and brighter as Lisa focused more of her strength into it. This spell was a powerful one, not because of the damage it could deal to a single target, but because it had a wide area of effect, and was very difficult to avoid.

Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed something. The mist seemed to be changing. She lifted her head from its bowed position, and grinned. The mist had lightened considerably, as well as being lifted by the ice champion's endeavours. She could see again, though things were still a tad hazy. But what mattered was that she could aim, and she could attack.

She cast her eye over the field. She would have loved to take the water contender down a notch or two, but she was moving too much. Even with this spell, it would be difficult to make a hit. The area of effect wasn't wide enough to cover the entire arena. So, she would have to settle for someone else.

Her eyes settled on the energy contender. She could see the energy dancing across his body, even from here. Her sight was pretty keen, for a human. She made her decision. This one had been a threat to everyone in the arena. He would be her target. And with the ice contender's attack also headed towards him, she may well be able to catch him between the hammer and the anvil, so to speak.

She lifted the lift in her hands up, and sharply wrenched her ams apart, scattering the light around her into hundred of smaller lights. These smaller lights formed themselves into arrows at her command, hovering in the air around her. To look in her direction now would be almost blinding.

"Arrows of light..." she intoned quietly, arms held out to the side and slowly being pulled backwards. She positioned herself to face the energy contender, and the arrows shifted their orientation to do the same.

Her arms were pulled back as far as she could manage while keeping her palms facing inward. It was time to strike. She brought her arms forward as hard and fast as she could, stopping them just before her hands clapped together, intoning the name of the spell loudly and clearly:

"Pulverising Storm!"

The arrows shot forward, as swiftly as an arrow fired from an ordinary bow. The storm of arrows covered an area some 10 feet wide and 7 feet high. There were more than three hundred arrows in flight, all of them headed towards Galvian. If he could avoid all of these, she would be very surprised.

Clyde -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2009= Sky Arena (7/25/2009 0:06:59)

"Snowball!" cried the Ice Contender, Cryoface.

Galvian's ears had twitched when he heard this. The very command made Galvian drop on all of his fours instinctively. As he watched the snowball zip past him he appreciated his sensitive hearing. It was the years of being chased and hunted that truly honed his abilities. One of them was to duck after hearing even an arrow fly or one of those Drakel's hand cannons. This was one of the best ways to avoid flying nets or paralyzing avoid being captured.

Energy had been gathering in both of his arms. He brought his left paw up and pointed it towards the direction from where the snowball had come from. If the wave before had hit his targets then they would basically be lightning rods to Galvian's energy attacks. Meaning he would have to purely rely on the attraction to work and direct itself to hit the Ice Contender. He released the energy from his paw, watching it hit into the fog, he hoped it had hit it's mark.

The fog had cleared and he could see where he was going now. Things were still a bit hazy, but it would have to do. "Pulverizing Storm!" screamed the Light Contender, what's her face. Galvian witnessed hundreds of arrows heading towards his direction, he wasn't pleased. He couldn't stay in place or he would surely die.

A quick jolt of energy ran through his body and ended at all of his paws. He took this moment to dash from rock to rock with ease, his claws ensuring his safety. Sure on two legs he would be easily catchable, but on four there was no match. His direction was West or far Left, it would hopefully be far enough to avoid the Light Contender's attack. Guilt, struck his mind because he just left the Ice Contender. Maybe he would understand after the mass light barrage had reached him.

"Interrupting a one on one fight, pathetic. But what're you going to do? There are no rules to this thing," Galvian whispered as he stopped. His back cracked while he went from an all fours stance to crouching on his hind legs. While the attack was massive he felt assured he had evaded it. He couldn't let the Light Contender go unpunished for such an underhanded attack.

She had to be weak from such an attack though to leave herself so exposed? Galvian had to take the chance. Power charged to his paws again this time with intention to kill. He hurled four bolts hand by hand towards the Light Contender to see if there was some sort of shield around her. The first three electric bolts were weak, but the last one would definitely pack a punch.

He never wanted to be like this, but he didn't want to take the chance of her attacking him mid-battle again.

qbsuperstar03 -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2009= Sky Arena (7/25/2009 18:17:48)

Cryoface hears the shot of an energy spell discharging, but feels slightly smug about having moved from his position from where he threw the Snowball...until the energy bolt curves as if it was attracted to him. Just like last year, the magic courses through his form and causes a sensation akin to incredible pain as the damage is multiplied due to the medium from which he is crafted.

Well, this is convenient, Cryoface thinks as the Light contestant interferes in his "battle" with Galvian. But now it is decision time: Should he turn his attention to the Light user as well so that once she goes down, him and Galvian can engage each other with relative impunity? Or should he keep his senses attuned to what the fast-moving and dangerous Galvian is capable of?

On second thought, there was no middle ground on this. Energy may hurt him, but Light can hurt him more, and given the amount of power she had just demonstrated, the Light contestant has to go down before she tries to knock everyone off with another massive area of effect blast.

As Galvian sprints to avoid the massive salvo of light bolts, Cryoface moves as quickly as he dares to, given the treacherous terrain of this arena, to obtain a position hopefully behind Lisa Hunter. The light mist still surrounding the area coalescing on the Ice Plate he wears will probably betray Cryoface's motivations to his intended target, but he decides to not care.

I take no joy in double-teaming an opponent like what happened to me last year, but if it means getting a step closer to victory, then so be it, Cryoface contemplates with a grim expression on what would be a human's face as he moves into the "danger zone," a range that was ideal for spells and ranged attacks to hit, but too far away for most melee weapons to land a hit on the opponent.

If Lisa Hunter was going to respond to a giant Snow Warrior moving towards her position, so be it. As of now, however, Cryoface is desperately hoping that Galvian's speed and evasiveness will provide a suitable distraction for the Light contestant. First a wave of light, then a serious jolt of this rate, he would be little more than a puddle before the Lords even chose their champions to do battle in the Grand Finals. His only saving grace right now seems to be that the Fire contender is apparently occupied elsewhere.

demonhunter -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2009= Sky Arena (7/26/2009 5:31:57)

She missed.

She had missed.

The realisation hit hard, as did the after-effects of the spell she had cast. She slumped to the ground, supporting herself on one knee. She swore angrily at herself. That particular spell was a new one she had been experimenting with. She'd been so distracted by her desire to actually have an effect on the battle that she hadn't thought to use a more reliable spell.

She wasn't so out of it that she didn't notice the energy contender's counter attack, though. She swore again, and raised one hand. She was still inside her spherical barrier, but the lightning bolts headed towards her would be more than enough to punch through it. So, she put forth her remaining strength to conjure a second barrier, a straight wall of light, between herself and her attacker. It wasn't much, but it would keep her alive.

Two of the bolts headed for her struck the wall, and dissipated. The third bolt punched through it, only to disperse when it struck the sphere. The fourth bolt struck the sphere at full strength. Lisa swore a third time. This bolt was stronger than the last three. It shattered her barrier and dispersed, leaving her exposed. And with no further magic at her disposal, she was going to be at a severe disadvantage.

She forced herself to stand, and raised her hand to take hold of her staff. She had no magic, but her physical reserves were still untapped. The shock of depleting her magical strength wore off swiftly, leaving her ready to fight at close quarters. She wasn't particularly good at close combat, but she could hold her own well enough.

She positioned herself side-on to her opponent, noting out of the corner of her eye the movements of the ice contender. A possible two-against-one. She grimaced. She'd made some bad decisions in this tournament, and it was quickly turning into as hopeless a situation as her battle with the golem two years previous. Nonetheless, she positioned herself for battle, her left arm extended in front of her, her right holding the staff in the center, holding it parrallel to the ground behind her.

She would not go down without a fight.

TormentedDragon -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2009= Sky Arena (7/27/2009 2:30:25)

A tickle in his mind called his attention back to a flame he had forgotten, and his eyes flickered upward. The Keristrana had survived, had dodged again, most likely, and out of sight behind her fog... ah! But the lightning cloud was no longer so dense! He could see through it! Excellent. He would put the trap in motion, and then direct his attention elsewhere.

One hand lifted from the rock surface, and twisted; the pyramid began to spin. Slowly, at first, but quickly picking up speed, the three spheres that formed the base describing a deadly circle of flame. As the lady of light unleashed her hail of arrows, Roman brought his legs up under him, and stood, watching as his trap spun faster and faster. As the arrows struck, but missed their target, the trailing flames from the whirling lines of fire obscured almost all vision in or out of the trap, giving the appearance of a wall of flame. But in truth, there was only the pyramid, moving too fast to escape unscathed.

As the chiat dashed past,he brought his hands together, and crushed his opponents between them. The flashing pyramid shrunk, each sphere moving inward as part of a whole. To most... this was a death sentence. But no one here was normal. Whatever the case, he could not afford to watch the outcome. He moved once again, eyes flickering between the arena floor, the curiously speedy hulking warrior of snow and ice, and the feral energy creature. They ignored him, it seemed, in favor of each other... or rather, in favor of the lady of light, as bolt after bolt of energy smashed through her defenses. This made sense. His concentration had been on his trap, but he had not missed the artillery fire she had produced. Her resources seemed tapped out, however, as she took up a fighting stance rather than retaliating with another spell. She was more of a warrior than she seemed, then, but like him, he suspected her true strength was in her magic. If said magic was gone...

A creature of Ice, truer to that element than possibly anything else that walked this world, and with its back turned to him. A beast of lightning, not a wolf, but a creature all the same, and in disputed territory... and also, with its back turned to him. And both of them focused on devotee of Light, who shared the chariot of the sun with Fire. His eyes narrowed. This could not be passed up.

It needed nothing elaborate. He called two more spheres to palm, and pushed them forward, one at each of these rivals, a swift, silent attack, and all the deadlier for it.

qbsuperstar03 -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2009= Sky Arena (7/28/2009 12:15:36)

What is this? The Light contender is readying herself for melee combat? It's what I was hoping for, anyway, Cryoface thinks to himself as he ponders how to get through what is possibly the ultimate defensive weapon that is a quarterstaff. Sundering it would most likely prove ineffective at best, given how everyone's weapons in this combat probably have some sort of special blessing that would prevent such a fate. Cryoface learned this trick during last year's Finals, when he tried and failed to snap that Firekeeper's spear in twain.

Suddenly, stars of what could be considered pain to a flesh-form explode in Cryoface's field of vision as the Fire representative's surprise attack strikes home. The addition of the custom-made Ice Plate doesn't help matters, either. But he can't show weakness now. Not when there is the favor of an Elemental Lord to win. Pressing onward, albeit more resembling the slow yet inexorable movement of a glacier than the swiftness of a humanoid skating across a frozen pond, Cryoface keeps his sword in both hands and held along his center line.

Let the Light warrior try to make the first move. Let her throw herself off balance. It's all good, considering what Cryoface has in mind. Lisa's precarious position on the starting platform means that a good shove from one as large and physically strong as he will most likely suffice to send her on a one-way trip out of the tournament and tumbling to the town below.

Clyde -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2009= Sky Arena (7/28/2009 23:09:26)

It had worked. Her barriers were broken and she was drained of magical energy. He could have taken another shot and ended her life entirely. Just one shock strong enough to either take her life or even stun her; then she would meet the harsh ground below. Many different ideas popped into his head, but there was something nagging at him. The Light Contender wasn't going down without fight, she took a defensive stance with her staff, prepared for the worst. Her face, that expression, her eyes...

It was her eyes. They looked familiar to Gavlian, but he couldn't remember how. He tried looking deeper into them, the anticipation had chills running up his spine and through his arms. Surface electricity had followed, but he hadn't noticed. He was under some trance, flashbacks of his past ran through his mind like speeding zards. A blur.

They continued moving until they stopped at a distant memory of Galvian's. It was his days of hiding in the North from the Hunters. He was cold and his fur was as white as the snow around him. The cave behind him wasn't far from a small village of people. One day, while searching for some firewood he was confronted by a group of citizens from the nearby village. They were searching for an escaped criminal and Galvian just happened to have been in their path.

One of the smaller guys ordered the other human to kill him. He looked at Galvian then the person before he withdrew his sword and pointed it at Galvian. The others backed away with grins on their face while the man hesitated to attack. When he did he missed as Galvian dodged easily, but he persisted. After he finally landed a hit it had scratched Galvian. This very sight had angered him and it only took a few hits to bring him down.

The others ran away in freight, the man was almost dead. While his heartbeat was faint Galvian could easily defibrillate his heart or find something to heal him, but no. To make things worse he had brought alone his daughter to feed her need for exploring. When she returned from picking up a few sticks she saw the monster standing beside her dead father. She looked as if she was only five or younger, but that didn't stop her from feebly picking up his sword and pointing it towards Galvian.

"Leave us alone you monster..." The last word had echoed in Galvian's head and had brought a horrid pain. A feeling of sorrow. He turned and ran.

The hatred within her eyes...

"You monster..."

He felt a sudden rush of pain extinguish his little nightmare. The fire burned away some fur on his back and left horrible scarring. Galvian had already braced himself, his claws digging into the rock. It was a clever low blow on the Fire Contender's part since he was too busy concentrating on the Light Contender. Though it would take a lot more than that to kill him. His nose twitched at the smell of burning fur, but he ignored that and the pain easily. The adrenaline of that sneak attack had him pumped and almost arrogant. It was the rush of a fight that had always drove him.

Galvian turned and with him a bolt of electrical energy was ready just for the Fire Contender. His right hand flung the bolt towards his position. It was charged enough that if it came in contact it could possibly shock his system and paralyze him, but he wanted him to dodge. He would be exposed in midair because an ungrounded target was a lot more vulnerable to his electricity. His left hand pulsated with energy, the second in his "One-Two knockout punch."

The battle was getting to him in more ways than one. All he wanted to do was fight the Ice Contender one on one. With multiple fighters there would always be team-ups and treachery. One on one fights were absolute and balanced.

He refused to die without a good fight. To end it here, end it now.

This would most likely be endgame for the Firewolf. At least he hoped.

TormentedDragon -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2009= Sky Arena (7/29/2009 21:19:29)

Success, and success. But though each must have felt pain, each must have cried out inwardly, for neither was such a bolt a killing blow. The creature of ice seemed to shrug the bolt off, acting as if it had not even been struck, though the lingering smoke on its back said differently. Of course. These creatures were not human, and e'en if they were, would not be so weak. Each here is an army unto himself, he thought, as he stepped to his left, fire wreathing his hands. Each here seeks to be the Champion of a Lord, each here has the power to be that Champion.

His eyes flickered from paw to paw as the creature turned in one fluid motion, and reading a strike in its act, he flicked his own power forward. The two bolts of magic collided, consuming each other in their fury... yet the counter was not perfect. The creature's bolt sliced through his own, and a single arc caught him, lashing from shoulder to wrist in a pain-filled jolt. He gave no answer but a snarl as he dropped into a crouch and swept his other arm across. The flame that wreathed it lashed out, a whip that would sear and burn all in its path.

I will be Chosen. I will be Champion. No other has my need.

demonhunter -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2009= Sky Arena (7/30/2009 4:54:17)

Facing down two opponents, Lisa's outward appearance was one of determination and confidence.

On the inside, she was panicking. The ice warrior would prove more than her match, given his bulk compared to her own slim frame, and the energy contender's lightning attacks could easily, and painfully, end her life in a heartbeat.

The fire contender acted, striking at both of her opponents, and drawing the attention of one of them away from her. This was good. One less problem on her plate. The ice contender stood his ground, though, his weapon held ready. Just her luck...

She frowned. She was close to the edge of the arena... Too close to safely engage. With no magic, she wouldn't be able to teleport herself to safety if she fell. It was time to move.

Keeping herself turned towards the ice contender, she began to move inwards, away from the dangerous fall at the edge of the arena. On this terrain, she couldn't safely move with any sort of speed. If he rushed her, she would have to try and defend herself. Her grip on the staff shifted, seeking the hidden switch that would release the mechanism that concealed the blades at each end. She wouldn't activate it now, but she would need to be ready to use it when she was attacked. She had only a slim chance in this fight now, and that was to take her opponents by surprise.

omf -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2009= Sky Arena (7/30/2009 12:20:07)

Ko’s kick had done more then succeed. It was basically a one hit, causing the man to shoot back in pain. No, not just pain, complete destruction. The kick had raddled the brain, and even if the man loved pain as much as he did, he would be unable to move as Ko had just destroyed the man’s ability to use motor skills. Though the winged man fell to the ground, Ko still flipped back and caught his body, adjusting his stance, and threw him straight into the …spinning fire pyramid? Ko brought the man back with a pull of his hand, causing Michael to land beside him, his wings and sword still formed though his eyes and face blank.

Looking at the flames, he sighed as he seen them spin faster and faster, like a ball of flame falling down upon them. Ko sighed, he was sure it was that leather guy doing this, so he would have to target him the moment he spawned out of this flaming put, but that also meant that he would be forced to take a few burns, and he couldn’t just leave Michael here, to die. Disgusted by the mere thought of that, he watched as the fire collapsed inwards towards him slowly, and he knew that he had a choice. Kill Michael or kill him. Kill Michael, or kill his fiance’s dreams. It was then that he made his decision.

Reaching down he snatched Michael by the collar and lifted him up before draping the body over him. The massive wings fell around his body like a cloak, and Ko began to swell up Kinetic Energy at the heels of his feet. Endgame, startgame, it didn’t matter to Ko at the moment, he just had to make it through point B to get to point C. That was the goal here, that was his objective, and he would go through it like he had so many other obstacles in his life. Closing his eye’s and thinking of Katrina one more time, he blasted his way foreword, Michael’s body and wings being his shield as he clashed against the inferno tempest before him, out come unknown.

qbsuperstar03 -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2009= Sky Arena (7/30/2009 13:19:03)

This Light contender was obviously no dope, judging from her decision to back away instead of facing Cryoface in melee. Spellcasting is all well and good, but she, to borrow a flesh-form expression, seems to have put all of her eggs in one basket to the Snow Warrior. At the same time, however, she knew her limitations in physical combat, and maybe the decision, as cowardly as it is, might actually be a smart one if she wishes to retain her fragile life.

But none of that matters now. It is time for blood to spill at last. Cryoface continues to press forward, keeping Lisa on the defensive while maintaining his kendo stance, sword held along his center line to better deflect attacks coming from the right or the left. He couldn't exactly surprise her with speed, but what he could do was try to utilize his reach to take a stab at the knees to limit mobility even further...but no. That would be a cowardly move. The only time he was allowed to stab with a practice sword was if he was targeting the neck in practice. The that would be a worthy target.

Utilizing his reach as a larger than normal creature to the fullest extent, Cryoface thrusts with the tip of his blade at the area below where the Adam's apple would be on a male flesh-form, but above where the neck joins the torso. If this hits, that's an efficient use of an unorthodox maneuver, but if it misses, at least she doesn't get to spring another devastating area spell.

Sure, what Cryoface has received so far is the equivalent of massive amounts of pain for a flesh-form. But defeat is not as bad as having never put forth the effort.

demonhunter -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2009= Sky Arena (7/30/2009 22:06:32)

The ice contender advanced to meet Lisa as she moved away from the edge of the arena. It worried her, even though she had expected as much. His stance left no openings that she could take advantage of. Her only real option for taking him down was to react, rather than act.

She released the tension in her body, letting her muscles relax somewhat. She had developed a way to take advantage of her self-preservation instincts in these last two years, by switching off her higher thought processes and operating solely on instinct and reflex. She had practiced every staff technique she knew until she could pull it off in her sleep. She would be a dangerous force in close combat, despite her lack of brute strength.

With her thought processes switched off, she didn't think when Cryoface aimed a thrust at her neck. She simply acted.

She ducked under the sword as it came forward, avoiding it by mere millimetres. From this position, she lunged forward, her grip on her staff sliding so that she grasped it closer to one end than the other, tripping the hidden switch as she did. From each end sprang a curved blade, about a foot in length and wickedly sharp.

As all this was happening, she turned, bringing her staff down, then straight up, using her left hand to guide and add more force, as she moved under where her opponent's arm was when he attacked, bringing the blade of the staff up under where his chin should be.

Against a human foe, this would be a fatal strike if it impacted, as the blade would cut through the chin and pierce the brain. Against this being, whose internal anatomy was unfamiliar to her, there was no way of knowing what the outcome would be.

Clyde -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2009= Sky Arena (7/30/2009 22:45:18)

The Fire Contender was resilient, he had managed to deflect most of the stun bolt. Galvian expected him to be strong and well ready, none of the previous fighters before him even presented a good fight. They either ran away or went off to fight someone else. That would explain why the Darkness and Earth Contenders were basically dead. Instead of working together to escape the trap they continued fighting. Oh well.

Things were getting heated between the Fire and Energy Contenders. He lashed out a whip made out of fire. It would burn and destroy, but it obviously could serve other purposes. Galvian would probably be dragged down and let loose to touch the grave below. He couldn't afford being touched by that whip.

There was no time to think about it since there was no simple solution to any of this. Galvian leap forward quickly and towards the Firewolf, his feet lingered behind and his right arm formed clinched together for a shoulder rush. Hoping his weight and gravity would do the rest. He rushed his left hand forward and released the energy stored within it quickly at his opponent. Galvian moved quick enough that hopefully it would be almost impossible for the Firewolf to dodge while the whip was still swinging about. If he was lucky then he would have dodged the quickest and deadlier part of the whip while leaping towards him.

This was his original plan even before the stun bolt had left his body. To get in close and personal. Now it was his opponent's turn, if he were to survive this, Galvian would have to react appropriately.

TormentedDragon -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2009= Sky Arena (7/31/2009 15:52:17)

Energy was swift, as expected. It did not wait for his whip to strike, but rather darted forward, energy still crackling about its left paw. As the flame struck fur and flesh, the creature unleashed its bolt, and Roman knew there would be no escaping, no blocking with flame. He took a step back, he raised the arm that held the whip, and let the bolt hit him there. He grunted with pain, the jolt running through his whole body, his arm falling limp at his side, but he had felt worse. Oh yes, he had felt worse.

Both arms now limp, he continued his retreat, one, two more steps, almost tripping over a sudden dip in elevation, but it was clear he was not going to escape close quarters. His mouth twitched, one corner rising ever so slightly. Just as the feral approached, his right arm flashed forward, drawing the dagger and stabbing in one swift motion, a strike at the creature's heart.

Behind him, the flames of the pyramid converged, searing both man and wingborne with flame and heat, and merged into a whole. A whole that stood poised for its next command.

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